Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Zanelli Embellished Her Social Work in Jersey

Amy Zanelli is running for Magisterial District Judge in West Bethlehem and Fountain Hill.  I told you yesterday that she was employed in Somerset County, NJ, as an intake workers on complaints of child abuse and neglect. But she was fired in 2012 for taking off too much and lost an appeal. She later got a job in Northampton County's Children and Youth Department, but failed to last through her probationary period. 

She never bothered mentioning these terminations when she spoke with a fawning Josh Popichak in February. What she did do is embellish her role as a social worker. 

"My ability to see things others didn't led me to go into investigative work on a state level for the State of New Jersey," she told him. "I specialized in sex crimes and homicides and abuse and neglect for children ... ." 

She made herself sound like she some sort of super detective. In reality, she was a caseworker

She also claimed she was forced to move here because she was a target in New Jersey. 

Alrighty then. 


  1. Amy Zanelli couldn’t get a cat out of a tree if you gave her a ladder and a can of tuna fish.

    NO ONE is putting her in charge of sex crimes or homicides!!!

    Anyone that would should be terminated... JUST LIKE ZANELLI

  2. Sadder than this silly woman is that she has supporters and will actually get some votes. Is it something in our water, a dilution in our gene pool of common sense, or is our world getting crazier? I think I will go put my head in the toilet and flush it a couple of times and maybe get a different perspective on this. Better yet I will go take a walk someplace and listen to the birds sing. On one hand I am glad Bernie reports these things and the other hand not sure it is good for my brain.

  3. Bernie,

    Keep up this important reporting.

  4. Amy Zanelli, liar liar pants on fire ! I listened to her podcast, wow what an eye opener. Star Trek inspired her into politics. She's beautiful, so people do not think she's gay. She was afraid to put her name on her mortgage/title because Fountain Hill is racist. She has the ability to see what others didn't. She specialized in child homicides and sexual abuse crimes. She was a social worker and appeared to suck at that. She lied about losing her job both in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Frankly, politics and real estate are the only jobs that she can ever obtain, because you probably do not need a background check. Who would actually hire her? Wake up voters, you will make the desicion to hire her for a postion that she clearly does not have the experience, knowledge, or even common sense to hold. Shame on you Zanelli ! Liar liar pants on fire !!! Kudos to Bernie for setting the record straight and giving us the truth.

  5. Some child welfare caseworker do specialize in abuse cases which would include sexual abuse and homicide cases. Her statement runs different types of cases together and assumes that all are legitimate. Many initial referrals are untrue for various reasons. Sexual abuse cases are common enough for caseworker to specialize, but child homicides are not. Seeing things that others do not may be because your mind is made up ahead of time or your just nuts.

  6. 8:27...Are you kidding me? Did you listen to her podcast? Zanelli is a huge liar and fabricates the truth to suit her needs. She got terminated from not one but two Children & Youth positions. Getting terminated, lying about it, and saying that she was an expert in the field for years, should paint a picture to everyone. On top of that, she claimed that she moved to PA because she was a target. She was a target because she was fired lost her appeal and landed the same position in Northampton County, too which she was terminated again. Does that appear to be an expert in the field to you? She clearly cannot perform in that particular field because she now is a politician. Politicians do not belong in a MDJ race. Zanelli has specialized in nothing. She gandered into politics because, what else can she do? Listen to her podcast and do some research before you call anyone nuts. Just maybe you are the nutting one for even thinking about voting for her !!!

  7. The East German JudgeApril 14, 2021 at 11:01 AM

    Somerset County 3
    West Bethlehem 4
    Fountain Hill 5

    Change my mind.

  8. As this is an important position, I took the time to listen to both podcasts. And, oh my! We have one candidate who understands the significance of the position for which he is running, clearly has the education and experience, has demonstrated a sincere desire to serve his country and community, and has made evident a lengthy career marked by promotions, which I am certain were earned.

    Given the disclosures of the last two days on this blog, I can understand why his opponent behaved on the podcast as she did - giggling, jumping all over the place, offering up bizarre comments, etc. "Star Trek" as a guiding light! Painting herself as an investigator, I am surprised she didn't throw in "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" for good measure.

    Pandering in politics is so inappropriate and undignified. But, it happens. This is one position where pandering and politics should be off the table. Maybe that is a reason having someone without political experience and the accompanying unseemly ties of a political machine is refreshing. A grassroots approach and campaign is uphill, but it says much for the candidate.

    In the podcast, she made sure to get in her digs. First of all gender, gender identity, religion, appearance, IQ, etc. is irrelevant. (Your education and experience is, though.) Second, do not assume when a police officer becomes a judge he cannot maintain objectivity when a police officer appears before him. It goes to the integrity of the individual. And, based on what has been disclosed, the candidate with integrity is Van Scott.

  9. Did she really claim her name would make her a target of racism? As a proud "person of vowels and double letters," where do ***I*** go to claim my victimhood?

    I wonder if there will be reparations.

  10. As a 100% Irish blooded American I'm deeply offended by nothing.

  11. We as the publics should be allowed to demand that individuals may no longer be involved in public service in any way. If you violate laws and rules applicable to governmental scenarios and no-profits you should be ban for life from being able to run for office, hold any government paid position or work for any organization that makes money from government contracts. Also they should be ban for life from non-profits for life being part of them being associated with them, profiting for them, or being associated with an organization that does business with them.

  12. The Fed Ed mentality is thick in the whole of the Lehigh valley. This being as there mentor is sitting in camp fed and most are of retirement age reepping there due.

  13. This goofball zanelli needs to be canceled for lying, incompetence, stupidity, ignorance, racism, lack of integrity, common sense ... Did I miss anything ???

    I'd vote for the ham sandwich before zanelli !!!!!!

  14. Flashing a badge at a Twp. meeting over chickens, imagine what kind of power trip this job would fuel.

  15. This is a VERY important election. Residents of Fountain Hill and West Bethlehem need to get out and VOTE FOR VAN!!!
    Send this idiot Zanelli packing - hopefully this’ll end her political “career” and she can make her 17th career move. Her “qualifications” for MDJ are that she lives in the district and has a pulse - that’s it! Voters need to understand how dangerous a cancel culture extreme leftist who supports looting and chaos would be in a position such as Magisterial District Judge.

  16. I just got an email that was going around about her as one of the main people that pushed to let grown men in the fountain hill pool dressing rooms .. and she was a sex crimes investigator ?? she is pathetic and perverted !!! gonna make sure that email gets to as many bethehem and fountian hill voters as possible

  17. As a resident of Bethlehem I will be organizing and asking people to pass out flyers in reference the dangers of zanelli becoming a District Magistrate ... We need to stop this disaster before it happens .. SAY NO TO ZANELLI !!!!


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