Local Government TV

Friday, April 30, 2021

Willie Gets Ugly in Mayoral Race

Willie Reynolds is running against Dana Grub for the Democratic nomination in Bethlehem's Mayoral race. This should be an easy win for him. He's got Mayor Bob Donchez and the more woke members of City Council behind him, along with LV4Some and other progressive groups. But here's the thing. You can only rubber stamp tax hikes so many times before people get fed up. You do yourself no favors by supporting the elimination of four firefighters or by imposing a stormwater fee on top of a tax hike ... in the middle of a pandemic. He claims to be all about affordable housing but it is the City itself that is making Bethlehem unaffordable with the nonstop tax hikes. So Reynolds is slipping in the polls against someone who thinks little things like public safety matter and who has insisted the tax hike could have been avoided and the stormwater fee could have waited.  So naturally, he's sent out an ugly mailer about Dana. 

Willie compares Dana to Trump, which is kinda' silly. Ironically, it is Willie who insisted on launching his Mayoral campaign at the very moment that domestic terrorists were storming the capital.  I guess his campaign was more important than an assault on our democracy. 

That's something Trump would do. 


  1. Bedlam inbred politicians will give you thins. Time for Bethlehem to think outside the box and look at qualifications and not birth certificate sand high schools or you will end up like Allentown.

    The hit piece was pure dirtball. Reynolds once again shows' he is not ready for prime time.
    Why are Bethlehem insiders pretending he is???

  2. "LV4some". That is a good one Bernie. That group is so far left the only people they are for is the left wing crazies. We don't need more polarization of far left and far right. We need centrists, people in the middle to get things done!

  3. Dana Grubb has more integrity in his little finger than Willie Reynolds will ever have. Bethlehemites need to quit electing the good ole boy teachers who never saw a tax or user fee they didn't like.

  4. I was up in the air about who I was going to vote for. I don't know Grub personally but to compare him to Trump is crazy and fear mongering. Grub is getting my vote now!

  5. As Charlie Dent said, there are only 2 ways to run. Hard or Unopposed.

    Dana hit Willie on his record, Willie hit back on Dana's record as a poster child for workplace violence.

    We all know Dana is a Republican in Democrat clothing. Look at all the support he has from Republicans in the City.

    The comparison to Trump was fair with all the crazy stuff Dana has done and said over the years. He compared the Donchez administration to Hitler and Nazi Germany.

  6. It just goes to show that Willie "the snake" Reynolds has no class. He must be getting very desperate. Who actually comes up with these very bad mailers. Reynolds needs be be checked. He will be a disaster for Bethlehem. Getting rid of firefighters and raising taxes. Next he will attempt to somehow mess with the fine Bethlehem Police Officers. Reynolds has done nothing for Bethlehem and never will. Voters beware !!! If you like your quality of life in Bethlehem vote for Grubb...

  7. Willie is making a huge mistake by alienating the moderate and more traditional Democratic voters who support Dana. These voters will be needed by the City and Northampton County Democratic candidates in November. Unless Willie's internal polling numbers show his primary race to be a lot closer than is commonly thought, his ugly negative mail ad was not necessary now. It could instead create a path for a much tighter set of races in November. If Willie needs a reminder of possible consequences of Democratic infighting, he need not look further than his own race against Mayor Donchez eight years ago and the November upset loss of presumed sure winner John Callahan on the county level.

  8. I heard that Willie accepted money from the developer at Martin Tower and voted to rezone it? That is a vote he should have recused himself from or rejected the contribution. Also a lot of talk that it was "Willies turn". Politics as usual.

  9. Just in case you haven’t noticed, there is a Republican nominee for mayor who has more municipal administrative experience than Donchez and Grubb combined. And he’s a native born son of South Side Bethlehem. John Kachmar deserves a serious look by Bethlehem voters concerned about all the shenanigans going on in and around City Hall.

  10. John Kachmar deserves a serious look by Bethlehem voters concerned about all the shenanigans going on in and around City Hall.

    It's called a General election

  11. Willie "The Worm" Reynolds is a hate-monger. Not what Bethlehem citizens are looking for. He will cut police funding and send the mounted police horses to Alpo for processing.

    1. Think he would push for a tax on the processed meat?

  12. I tend to like DANA4ALL. He will certainly get this tax payers vote.

  13. Reynolds has voted to raise taxes almost every year that he has been on council, 12 times! He also just voted to tax the rain that falls on my house! If you really think that he isn't going to keep raising taxes if he gets elected, then I have some swamp land for you to look at in Jersey.

  14. This kid is an angry twit. He agues with residents and anyone who disagrees with him. The dude looks like an oversized lightbulb with handles.

    He is not qualified to be on city council much less Mayor of a big city. If nominated the republican will get lots of support.

  15. It is obvious that the new Mayor needs to look into the ongoing issues inside City Hall. There is much more to being a Mayor than just pushing for tax increases. Dana seems to have an inside source or sources as to what is really going on. When you have multiple Supervisors and Directors that do not reside in the city of Bethlehem do you truly think the resident, which is the tax payer,is getting what they pay for? I'd like for you, Bernie to look into, if possible the residencies of those in management positions. If there is anyone in that position that does not reside in Bethlehem maybe that attributes to low morale and poor services as Mr. Grubb has mentioned before. Dana is definitely on to something.

  16. Time for a change, Kachmar for Mayor. Stop Raising Taxes....This is looking oddly familiar to anyone with a knowledge of history. The 80s, 90s Bethlehem city council (republicans and Democrats) routinely raised property taxes. Low and behold 1997 and pro-change, anti-tax Cunningham defeats Establishment status quo tax hiking Otto Ehrsam who never lost an election in 20 years. Same as it ever was.....Good luck John this Democrat is rooting for you!


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