Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Steve Lynch - Too Dangerous for Northampton County


  1. Was everyone at the capitol that day too dangerous? The dramatic music and text was a nice touch but I think you guys are going to have to try harder than that to change minds. He's definitely dangerous (sarcasm), he's running on love of God and country and also common sense. Scary! Anyway I look forward to the next video you guys post.

    1. Most think he's dangerous and not be sarcastic... I would love to know what God he is doing this for, not the one from the bible that's for sure...

  2. Ideally, McClure should just keep quiet right now and let Republicans put him on the ballot in November. That video will be very effective for McClure in September/October. Always helps to have your opponent make themselves look out of touch with society and generally associated with losers while intentionally recording themselves.

  3. Mr. Lynch, even if you just "walked through" the Capitol (which I do not assume), it was clear--then and now--that you had no business being there.

    You are unfit for office, period.

  4. What an asshole...

  5. Emperor McClure is using it to pump-up his already ludicrous campaign coffers. Must be for his senate run.

  6. well lynch can try
    "of, relating to, or originating within a country and especially one's own country
    the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives."

  7. Lynch is basically the New Republican Party.

  8. Paper patriot, whose never served his nation in any capacity other than aligning with fellow Paper Patriot Trump and the disgrace he's brought on our country. Lynch and his like are shameless, self serving losers, who stand no chance of or posses any desire for authentic public service. His name will be forgotten by summertime.

  9. That seals it, I'm voting for Lynch.

  10. Lynch is a total tool. I don't believe he stands a chance.

  11. As a registered Republican I am writing Lamont McClure's name in for County Executive! Honest and Hard working for PEOPLE not just whether you are a D,R or an I. I am disabled and he knew damn well I am a former elected official and I am a lifelong Republican and helped me and even followed up with a phone call to me. He cares about people not your affiliation!

  12. He make some good points.

    1. 5:22 Like what? He's not saying anything except downplaying what went on January 6th. Seems You're easily impressed.

  13. He didn't aid and abet the worst mass murder in county and state history at Gracedale, though. So he has that going for him vs McClure.

    This nut is still an improvement over the current guy. Incredible.

  14. From a leftist perspective, certainly an under-performer. No looting, burning, killing. Lynch looks like he has passion. Now how about something addressing the issues.

  15. "never served his nation in any capacity"


  16. Forget even being inside the Capitol or even on the grounds that day - If you were IN DC on Jan 6th throwing a spaz BECAUSE the President lied and whined about VALID election results you've proven yourself to be UNFIT to hold any office.

    Lynch like everyone else there that day is weak minded and easily duped. A leader has to be able to objectively look at any situation/problem and understand the causes, effects and costs without projecting their own biases and world views on what and why things happen. Trump and his supporters on January 6th ignored and denied reality. That makes them delusional idiots. That some of these losers literally wrapped themselves in American flags is a total embarrassment to our country. The ones who wrapped themselves in a flag with a guys name on it just embarrassed themselves.

    Lynch and folks like him can go fuck right off with their misplaced anger and limited understanding of what our country actually is.

  17. Five died on Jan 6. Four were Trump supporters and their manner and causes of death have been released. The fifth person who died, has not been assigned a manner or cause of death. Weird, huh?

    1. Officer Brian Sicknick, who was murdered by the mob, was a Trump supporter? The other Cap. & Metro officers who were beaten by the mob, who committed suicide (so far),tortured with tasers & left with eye & spine injuries were Trump supporters???

  18. @11:41 - You are either clueless or intentionally misleading. All 5 were tragic - none of them weird, unexplained or without reason.

    Capitol Police Officer Brian Sitnick died after sustaining traumatic brain injuries from the beating he took by the mob that afternoon. Sitnick according to multiple reports was a Trump supporter himself, so in fact, 5 Trump voters senselessly lost their lives.

    Ashli Bobbit was shot inside the building as she attempted to climb thru a broken window of locked doors. We're incredibly lucky that there wasn't more gunfire that day.

    Rosanne Boyland died from injuries after she fell and was trampled to death by the mob entering the Capitol's west side.

    Kevin Greeson had a heart attack on Capitol grounds.

    Benjamin Philips attended the rally and died of a stroke at a hospital the night of the 6th. Technically he's not an insurrectionist, but is unfortunately among the body count that day.

    Additionally 2 members of the Capitol Police died by suicide in the days after the 6th.

    So in total, Trump's Pity Party is responsible for 7 accountable yet senseless deaths. Those that were there that day, gullible as there were, summoned under false pretenses, indirectly caused those deaths. Only morons would be proud that they were there and part of such a stain on history.

  19. What BS. McClure constantly grandstands and runs the county like it is his private country. Lynch would be a breath of fresh air.

    1. Lynch looks & talks like a Nazi. He's a typical pretend-patriot who never even served in the military. A phony & a bully.

  20. At least Lynch is sincere and not just playing to the crowd and press for this own ego..

    1. As of the first week of September he is definitely playing to the croud, calling for 20 strong men to storm school meetings to remove school board members by threat of force. In my opinion, this is what you get when you take too many steroids. I've decided to move to the Northampton area just to vote against him.

  21. Hmmm Mr. O'Hare you will post this however never allow the comments of the rampant racism in courthouse maintenance department which both Hr and the administration is aware. I wonder why that is.....

  22. 7:21, Your comment has nothing to do with the subject, which is why it should not be published. But your allegation of racism in the maintenance department is serious. Please be specific. I want names and descriptions of the racism you claim exists. I know several of those guys and am surprised to read your accusation. I also know several persons of color at the courthouse, and they tell me when things are amiss. Never heard any complaints about racism in maintenance.

  23. I wonder what Mr. Lynch would say about the employees of the county having a vaccination clinic at Easton Hospital? Would he have set one up for them like McClure and his administration did?

    Hope the County Employees remember what is was like under Brown. This guy would be 100% worse and he even wants to bring Amy Trapp back!

  24. What 11:08am said. Brown was horrible and remember the Bangor woman he brought on board to make executive decisions.

  25. Regarding, "April 8, 2021 at 2:38 PM"

    Bernie, are you aware of the FACTS from Jan6??
    I think a correction, rebuttal is necessary.
    Although I am not your biggest fan, I appreciate your website since you are knowledgeable. Report what others do not.
    Don't turn your site into FAKE NEWS. I just started reading again after a 4 month (or so) Hiatus.

  26. Randy Mertz said...
    I met and heard both of these candidates speak. Lynch spoke with passion, concern and fear for where our Country is heading and the best part he is not an “established” politician. On the other hand McClure spoke just like a typical long term politician. Blah, blah, blah, look how good I am, look what did for you little people! McClure has been “office” long enough, We The People do not want “Career”politicians. Our forefathers did not intend for political officials to be career politicians, they intended them to “Serve” their constituents and then get out and go back to their private lives into another livelihood. Look what “Career politicians” do to us; examples, Mcconnell, Pelosi, MCCain, Shummer, Romney and the best example of all Biden. Limits to political careers are essential to help keep them honest and not “Owned”. McClure has served his time, thank you and move on.

  27. Definite vote for Steve Lynch. Steve Lynch stands for American values. Why don't you Communists go live in China?

  28. Dude is 100% a domestic terrorist. Here he is talking about getting 20 goons to physically remove elected school boards who disagree with his conspiracy theories. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1432166542683279362?s=19

  29. It's amazing how many out there are trying to out do the 1 term LOOZAH aka Trump, you'd have to be dumb and blind not to see that this guy is a classic White Supremacist, the violent approach, the haircut, the arrogant attitude, the hate, that face, that look, the angry energy, he fits the bill 100%. I hope he has to face 20 strong Baba's in prison where he belongs, there is no doubt that there is much criminal activity behind this domestic terrorist animal.

  30. Willian Jones-Steve Lynch stands for fascist values, why don't you move to russia, isn't that you (and Trump's) favorite country. You have no idea what american values are

  31. Mr Lynch you are a pathetic excuse for being one of God's creatures. I see you have children. I think someone should investigate if you and your wife are suitable parents. It's possible the kids should be removed from your home for their safety.

  32. Lynch would be a total failure for Northampton County. He needs to be investigated for his actions on 1/6 and his threats to school board members during the so-called "Freedom" rally in Harrisburg. Threats to physically remove elected officials does not sound like freedom or democracy.

  33. I don't get comments like Lynch doesn't act like a politician or he'll be a breath of fresh air. I want a doctor that acts like a doctor, a lawyer that acts like a lawyer etc. Enough with these angry politicians that just spend their years riling people up and creating bogey men that don't exist. Please, let's vote in someone with a plan, whether it's to address climate change, or helping the downtrodden, pulling our community together, creating good jobs, bringing up the min. wage in Pa which hasn't been changed in 15 years. Real issues. Thank you for your time.

  34. Lynch seems to be mentally ill. It's a shame that wack-jobs like Lynch are the reason that I, like so many others on this thread, can't or won't ID themselves.

  35. My grandfather, who fought the Nazis in WWII, used to say: "If the Brown Shirt fits, then wear it!" It seems like he was talking about Steven Lynch. Sorry I got to be anonymous on this one, but unstable characters like Steven Lynch make it necessary. I don't want twenty, ten or even a single one of his "strong men" ( his BFFs, massage-mates, or what?) to come round my door to tune me up!


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