Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Steve Lynch and 'Roid Rage

Steve Lynch, the unopposed GOP candidate for Northampton County Executive, also has a Twitter account. It's called "Fit For Rage. " It might more appropriately be called "Fit for Roids." He's a vewy,, vewy angwy bodybuilder. This is how he recently responded to a plea from President Joe Biden to get vaccinated. 

He's obviously an anti-vaxxer. While I agree the decision to get vaccinated should be a personal choice, Lynch's response to the President of the United States is just a tad unprofessional. He brags about it, too. 

Maybe he should call Keystone Alternative Medicine and Weight Loss to seek treatment for anger management. 


  1. FYI - there is a error in your grammar that changes the meaning of a key concept. It was a plea BY Biden, not a plea FOR him.

  2. Lamont has you working overtime. Are you listed as an in-kind?

  3. Lynch is an unhinged dimwit unfit for any office and referencing his own tweet is kinda ghey, but all in all saying "Get Bent" in reply to a POTUS tweet is really kinda tame. 70% of Twitter is just people screaming and yelling at clouds, usually with much more colorful and suggestive language than this loser did.

  4. ad hominem ad nauseum. Why not just address the issues.

  5. Ask Lynch why he engages in nonstop personal attacks, including accusations of mass murder, while failing to address county issues. He must think he's Donald Trump and is running for President. I have taken Council members to task for drifting away from county issues. He is a huckster trying to con people into his "alternative medicine" and sees a job as county exec as a nice step up for him.

  6. What's wrong with this guy? Doesn't he know how to burn a business down instead of using social media?

  7. All bark and no bite. Or maybe a wet fart, 90% fragrance and 10% substance.

  8. Isn't it great that anti-vaxxers, like Lynch, have that CHOICE to take the vaccine or not yet they fight against others who want to make their own choices over their bodies. Hypocrites!

  9. 9:02 -

    The difference is that your CHOICE ends when it causes the death of another.

  10. Get bent? I'd say that's incredibly mild.

    We've been lied to by morons like Biden for over a year who have hid behind "science" and had people masking up outside. They've also had some schools closed and children in other schools that stayed open masked up despite overwhelming evidence (aka science) showing that they have very little chance of getting or transmitting covid. I expect some of the mask "science" to be changing in the near future now that most people realize they've been had.

    As to the covid vaccine, Lynch and every other American has the right to not take any vaccine, particularly one that has only been approved for emergency use and has no liability for those who produce the vaccine. We also don't know how long the vaccine works for, or the long-term side effects. While I may have chosen to get the vaccine, I totally understand the position of those who don't want to and support their right completely.

    As to any politician who is urging Americans take such a vaccine, I say they can go F-themselves.

    So F-Biden!

  11. "... yet they fight against others who want to make their own choices over their bodies."

    But you choose for others to wear masks, right? Silly hypocrite.

  12. You'd think he would talk about that Lehigh County business that is doing the $3,000 in matching money. You would also think that the new business for matching money would have been announced since it's Tuesday of the next week and the matching money ended at Mid-Night Sunday for Lynch.

    We are also waiting on an event calendar that was supposed to be out yet as of less than 30 minutes ago he posted about the Newsom and a meme about Politicians.

    This guy is breaking promises in his campaign that he makes on Facebook live. How on earth is he going to run a County that has laws and deadlines for things to get done.

    He really is a mess. Has any business he has started ever thrived. I see a ton of ventures and nothing that has been long standing a fruitful. We the GOP are in trouble if we are backing this horse.

  13. While I may have chosen to get the vaccine, I totally understand the position of those who don't want to and support their right completely.

    As to any politician who is urging Americans take such a vaccine, I say they can go F-themselves.

    You support those who choose not to get vaccinated, but those who give an opinion by urging others to get vaccinated can go "F-themselves."

    Well, aren't you just the standard bearer for Trump Republicans. People can say what they want unless they disagree with you.

  14. 9:11 Oh, do tell? I'm not sure I'm picking up what your putting down.

    I'm going to guess most of you angry folks watched terrible Tucker last night? If you think a mask mandate is stripping your liberties, you're straining out a gnat to swallow a camel.

  15. Still better than McCure.

  16. Why does his business offer telehealth services if Covid is a hoax? Practice what you preach.

  17. As I have personally talked with Mr. LYNCH I see that he is a man with an agenda. He wants what's best for the people. His goals are set high but he knows he has to start at step one and for him that is the county level. LYNCH FOR NORTHAMPTON COUNTY

  18. It’s not bad enough that Steve Lynch idolizes the angry creamsicle we had as a former president, but his entire campaign is a microcosm of all things that failed with Trump. He has no real agenda, his talking points are carbon copied from the desk of no other than the princess of LowIQ-anon, Majorlie Taylor Greene, riddled with debunked conspiracy theories and promoting dangerous medical misinformation. Lamont has fallen short of delivering some promises, but I’d rather vote for a wet rag than to vote for Steve Lynch.

  19. He is right you know .. Biden can get BENT !!!!!!


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