Local Government TV

Monday, April 26, 2021

For First Time in Four Years, I'm Proud to be American

India is currently reeling from a 500,000 new cases per day surge of Covid-19. People are dying as hospitals run out of oxygen. I am pleased to see that the United States is sending badly needed medical aid. This includes vaccine components. 

Joe Biden noted in a tweet that India helped us when our backs were up against the wall, and we owe them. 

For the first time in four years, I'm proud to be an American again. 


  1. Agree Bernie. We've got our vaccine rollout to be churnin' and burnin'. We can now afford to look outward and help where we can. Hope other issues go this way as well...get our infrastructure going again and back our innovators on climate change solutions that will make us leaders in the world again. That's what it takes to remind us of who we are supposed to be. That feels right, that's who we are supposed to be.

  2. That's right! Let's stop obsessing about who we're supposed to be afraid of and let's get shit done! We're better than that. Let's lead.

  3. That makes one of us

  4. Trump Derangement Syndrome aside, you weren't proud to be an American over the last four years as U.S. service men and women made great sacrifices all over the world? You weren't proud to be an American as U.S. aid was deployed in quantities dwarfing that currently going to India? You weren't proud to be an American as U.S. technology raised standards of living around the globe?

    Perhaps the problem isn't our great nation and is simply that you were having an irrational little fit.

  5. Me too! Maybe we can give them a hand with their elections also.

  6. This would be the second time in four years, the first was when we elected President Biden.

    Now let get gun control done. You can have as many guns as you would like. But you would need to have a title for each gun, registered in the state, pass a test to get a license and purchase insurance for each gun annually. Just like your automobiles.

  7. Thank you, Operation Warp Speed, for the opportunity that this has given the U.S. to help a nation in need!!!

  8. "Trump Derangement Syndrome aside, you weren't proud to be an American over the last four years as U.S. service men and women made great sacrifices all over the world? You weren't proud to be an American as U.S. aid was deployed in quantities dwarfing that currently going to India? You weren't proud to be an American as U.S. technology raised standards of living around the globe?"

    I was ashamed to be an American as Trump insulted our allies, embraced authoritarians, betrayed the Kurds. He made the sacrifices made by our servicemen worthless. He constantly threatened to stop foreign aid while allowing both China and Russia to make fools of us. Trump cultists need to stop drinking his poisoned kool-aid.

  9. "There's no chance of a vaccine by year-end."

    Yep. That's what we were told last year. We were also told the US, with 4% of the world's population, had 25% of CoViD deaths. Russia, China, sub-Saharan Africa, South America, and India were all better than we - per the numbers. This was nonsense, of course, and the pandemic has no interest in a tidy, linear spread. I'm thankful to Trump, our usually effed-up leadership on both sides, and the medical whiz kids who developed vaccines so quickly. God help India. They're woefully unprepared and it's going to be horrific. They've also seen some incredibly large outdoor religious gatherings while the case counts were raging. Dumb dumb dumb.

  10. 5:56 You almost had a valid point, almost. Unfortunately, your point was lost in all the venom. I'm sorry you messed your pants because BO exercised his very American 1st Amendment rights. BO is as American as you, like it or not.

    We're all in this together brother and we need to stop hating each other over a man.

  11. 8:48am "Trump cultists need to stop drinking his poisoned kool-aid."

    Oddly enough, Jim Jones didn't even use name-brand Kool-Aid, he cheapened out by having his flock drink a knock-off brand...which is exactly something that Dumpy would do, too. The cult leaders that poison together, stay together.

    BTW, did you see over the weekend that Dumpy is now encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. This fool initially ran in 2016, with an anti-vaccine platform, dismissed the Covid-19 pandemic as a hoax, held super-spreader events, contracted the disease (and almost died from it), refused to be televised receiving the vaccine, wouldn't appear in television commercials supporting vaccination, and now, after seeing Biden's approval poll numbers surge way past trump's highest ever ratings, he's now come out publicly encouraging his deranged sheep to get vaccinated. Kim Jong-un was correct. Donald Trump is a Dotard!

  12. Joe just wants to make sure 7- 11 and Dunkin Donuts keep that special little accent in their stores, He also knows those Indian people are just as smart as white kids. Joe makes me proud to be a Republican.

  13. 9:10 When the hatred toward Trump start?

    Thought so.

  14. I've never been ashamed to be an American a single day in my life. The current president (whomever it is) has zero bearing on my view of this country, for which I and several generations of my family have served, and in four cases died while serving. I'm disgusted by those who pick and chose their pride based upon the politics of the day. This is why we're so fucked. Bernie's comments are a brilliant example of this. Trump scrambled his emotions and he's lost to the cult. Extraction is difficult, if not impossible. BTW, never liked and never voted for Trump. So save the usual party line insults. I just don't care about politics du jour.

  15. Um, 9:12. President Trump said no one should be forced. He didn't say everyone should....

    1. Um, 12:46; here's the full article and dumpy's full quote. Clearly, he's encouraging dopes like you to take it before adding that it shouldn't be forced.


  16. "For the first time in..."

    Well, well, the LV's very own Michelle Obama and countless others who consider themselves celebrities. You are pathetic. And kudos to the writer at 10:29AM.

  17. 9:30 AM,
    You truly represent Trump's Republican Party.

  18. Not that it matters to your main point, but where did you get the 500K new cases number? Looks more like 350K to me.


  19. The republican and democrats plan are almost directly in opposition with one another. I've always been proud to be an american. Who the president is shouldn't change that for any american. Our country is amazing and there is no other place on earth that I would rather live. Everyone needs to stop the bashing and recognize the drastic changes happening right now that are slowly eroding our great country. And it is being done by dividing us. So keep up the divide and soon you won't even recognize the country we will then live in. Those in power are happy to see this division. It's helps them so we don't focus on what is really happening

  20. Good for Biden. We need more of this sort of thing.

  21. Um, 5:08, still don't see in your article he entourages everyone to get the shot. Please cut and paste the quote from your article. Thank you.

    1. Um, 9:04

      Trump: "I'm all in favor of the vaccine. The vaccine is a great thing and people should take advantage of it... I strongly recommend it because it's a real life saver".

      Yeah, as I wrote above, he added that nobody should be forced to take it, but he also added that it's saving tens of millions of lives. I'm sorry that you don't have reading comprehension skills....well actually...

      You're just a butt hurt snowflake because your deity has lied to you once again and you're just being a Karen or Uncle Ted; who always thinks their rights are being violated. Seek therapy and reading comprehension tutoring.

  22. Perfectly stated, 10:29 am. I, too, am a proud American no matter who is president. There are presidents I have loved and presidents I haven’t cared for, but my affection for my country has never been in question. During the last decade, it has become cool to label people as haters, rather than agree to disagree.

  23. I feel sorry for you Bernie. I detest everything Biden stands for and what he has done so far and what he will do to this country. And yet thru the next four years I will stand for our country’s flag, and I will thank every soldier for their service I meet. I will work hard to make this world a better place. Your comment shows you are sick and demented bottom of the barrel .

  24. Trump made me ashamed and embarrassed to be an American.

    1. #metoo, Bernie. And, I still am. I had my dad's military American flag proudly displayed in a case in my living room. I packed it away. After, I die, my kids can decide who wants it when they go thru my belongings.

      And, I am ashamed and embarrassed of all the Republicans who I voted for over the years who then turned around and supported Trump. I was duped, scammed and exploited by that party.

  25. While I wasn't a big Trump person but I did like a lot of his policies. His rhetoric at times was just too much to take though. The office of the President should have decorum, Trump was just to over the top.

    So I got suckered into voting for Biden because I didn't like Trump. I was assured that open borders, war on the cops, high crime rates due to catering to criminals, all the money printing, those were just "hard right wing talking points." Well here we are 100 days later, and it's all coming to fruition. The border especially is disgraceful. He won't allow the press to access the migrant holding camps. He's had one lousy press conference. The biased media adores him even though I am not quite sure he is fully lucid. Is this really the best we can do as a nation for president?

  26. "They've also seen some incredibly large outdoor religious gatherings while the case counts were raging. Dumb dumb dumb."

    If memory serves the former guy here in the U.S. was likewise holding large outdoor religious gatherings, back in September/October/November 2020. Dumb dumb dumb indeed.

  27. LOL .. Thank Trump .. Biden does not even know when he shits his pants ....


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