Local Government TV

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Updated: Convicted West Easton Constable Rejects Probation, Wants Jail Sentence Instead

Judge Stephen Baratta yesterday imposed a 12-month probationary sentence on West Easton Constable Tricia Mezzacappa for lying to Pennsylvania State Police in an attempt to frame a black neighbor with pointing a gun at her head. A jury found her guilty in March of false reports, a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of 12 months. Although I was at the sentencing, I'd have to say the account written by Ed Sieger for WFMZ is an excellent and neutral report. Unfortunately, Mezzacappa has decided she'd rather be in jail.

She just proved she's cuckoo for cocoa puffs.  

The Preliminaries

I was accosted by Mezzacappa yesterday as I made by way down the hallway and to the courtroom. The second she spotted me, she began shouting that I'm a "mother-fucking scumbag" and worse. I told her to watch her language and walked into Barattadom. 

Judge Baratta was going through a few continuances, which he reluctantly granted. He also approved a settlement agreement between the parties in  a divorce action. I was surprised that neither the Husband's lawyer, Husband nor Wife stood while addressing the Court. 

"Show some respect, people!" I wanted to shout. But that would be disrespectful. 

Then there was a brief pause in the action, with Judge Baratta saying, "I'll be back."  That was a perfect opportunity for me to take a bathroom break myself, something I've been doing increasingly as I wither from virile specimen of manhood into old fart. Unfortunately, Mezzacappa spotted me again and began yelling as I returned to the courtroom. 

"Careful, she might gouge your eyes out!" one lawyer warned me. "I think she's absolutely right. You really are a scumbag," added another.

I had no desire to be there. It was unpleasant. But Mezzacappa is a constable who was convicted of false reports in an attempt to frame a black man. It's part of a disturbing pattern of racism from her that I've chronicled over the past decade. I think there's a bit of implicit bias in all of us.  Her behavior, however, is that of an overt racist. These people should be exposed, especially when they hold law enforcement positions.. 

Judge Baratta Reviews Probation and Psychological Evaluations

After Judge Baratta returned to the bench, he summarized some of the information supplied to him, both from the Probation Office as well as a psychological evaluation performed by Dynamic Counseling's Dr. Elizabeth Johnson. 

Baratta noted that Mezzacappa is highly educated, with finance degrees from Fordham and Rider, as well as a nursing degree from Northampton Community College. But he noted her job history has demonstrated instability. She has held 25-30 jobs since 1992, and was fired or quit from most of them. She told probation officials that her employers were guilty of mismanagement, corruption and antagonistic behavior. 

The Judge went on to observe that Mezzacappa lost both of her parents to cancer. She had a good relationship with them. She is at odds with her sister, whom she said is "dead to her." She is currently involved in litigation with her sister in New Jersey over her mother's estate. 

The prognosis from Probation? "Highly guarded," reported the Judge.  

He then went on to discuss the psychological evaluation prepared by Dr. Johnson. That report details a long history of sexual abuse allegations, reports of harassment, a feeling of insecurity and claims of persecution. Dr. Johnson reports that Mezzacappa has very elevated post traumatic stress levels, even higher than those found in VA hospitals. She found these stress levels were "indicative of a person preparing for homicidal and suicidal behavior."

Dr. Johnson recommends therapy, possible medication and a mental health caseworker. 

How about commitment? 

DA Makes the Case for Jail

Assistant DA Abigail Bellafatto, assisted by summer intern Richard Huntington Pepper, made an impressive presentation for some jail time. She first called on Nicole Bealer, the mother of the black man whom Mezzacappa attempted to frame. "Her allegations could have cause a false arrest and the loss of his job," mom observed. 

Judge Baratta said her son was a persuasive witness who has spent years working for Union Pacific. 

Bellafatto agreed with Judge Baratta's assessment that guidelines call for only a probationary sentence. She nevertheless insisted the underlying facts justify jail time. Mezzacappa told troopers they "needed to get that black drug dealer out of the neighborhood." Mezzacappa uses what Bellafato calls "racial rhetoric," including the term "tar baby" during her psychological. Bellafato notes that Mezzacappa now believes she was mistaken about the victim, but "continues to search for a black man to blame for her own behavior." Bellafatto said jail would punish Mezzacappa's "racial motivation" and protect the community. 

Her argument moved Judge Baratta, who agreed "[Mezzacappa's] words suggest there may be a racial component to this." He called Mezzacappa a "defective person." He said he could send her to jail. "How is that going to solve the problem?" he asked. He noted there is no treatment at a county jail, and she would spend her time there "stewing about this." He suggested jail time "feeds into the illness." 

Mezzacappa Keeps it Short

Before imposing sentence, Judge Baratta allowed Mezzacappa to call her sole witness, a black man, who said he never saw her exhibit any racism in the 10 years he's known her. He also allowed Mezzacappa to speak for herself. 

She decided to keep it short because of the "gaslighting nature of this proceeding" and presence of "fake news" (yours truly) in the courtroom. 

She had no remorse.

She did claim "West Easton is a defective borough" in response to the Judge's observation about her.  

The Sentence

As he hinted all along, Judge Baratta imposed a sentence of 12 months supervised probation. This will include individual therapy, a case manager, psychological evaluation, drug and alcohol evaluation, a drug-free requirement, prohibition on firearms and throwing knives and a continued ban on contact with the victims. 

"I don't want to see you again," the Judge concluded. 

He's gonna' see her again. 

Mezzacappa reaction  (posted on this blog yesterday by Tricia Mezzacappa)

To all of the misinformed low life scum buckets who bother to read this blog (maybe 5)

I forfeited probation officially in writing

I am waiting to be re-sentanced

I will not tolerate false narratives, lies, gaslighting, abuse, violence, death threats, vandalism on my property and car, and continued political persecution dealt by a corrupt system of terrified mentally unstable nutbags , who foam at the mouth and misuse public resources every time I ask for public info.

17 page docket for an M3

Deprived of an attorney
Deadlocked the jury
Cooperated 100% WITH PSI


I will sit there in jail and record every single act of abuse, date, time, name, etc, call the news outlets, and re-train inmates how to beat their criminal governments so they don't wind up deprived of rights, like me!

Mezzacappa Violates No Contact Provision of Probation

Part of Judge Baratta's probationary sentence yesterday requires Mezaacappa to make no attempt at contact with the victims. She asked for permission to speak with them, but Judge Baratta refused. Well that meant nothing to her. In direct violation of what the Judge told her and made a part of his sentence, Mezzacappa left this note on the windshield of victim's car.


  1. The judge spoke the obvious when he said she is a defective person. We all have defects, but hers are worthy of a mandatory manufacturer recall. Can't blame him for not wanting to see her again, but that is wishful thinking. She is still spreading the false statement that the jury was "deadlocked", like Trump still claims he won the election. Can she really turn down probation, and be "resentanced" to prison?

  2. If she refuses to cooperate with probation, she will be violated and will eventually end up in jail.

  3. Chauvin and his lawyer didn't stand when the judge read the verdict.Is this a new phenomenon. As to the main story. WFMZ wrote no weapons in public,is that a misprint or is she allowed them in her home?

  4. No guns at all during probation. No offensive weapons in public. She can carry mace.

  5. Your continued persecution of this women is offensive. She needs help, she has abilities, she needs to be focused somehow in the right direction. Get over the hate and offer a little compassion.

  6. Does she have a right to go to jail vs probation?

  7. Given that she just violated the no-contact provision, she'll undoubtedly be sent to jail.

  8. MOLON LABE Cucks!

    1. If Tricia posted this comment @7:02 am, she is clearly spiraling. The nom de plume is a reference to a slave owner and the post, itself, suggests, "No Surrender".

      If someone else posted this as a joke, seek help. You're not funny.

  9. Which won't help but she deserves the punishment. And then commit her to an inpatient stay!

  10. The DA should now file to have her removed as a Constable!!

  11. Are you getting any nonsense from the Blog Mentor character who was as relentless in ranting at you as this woman? I heard from a woman he was threatening he and his lawyer got caught lying to a judge and were ordered to shut up and I wondered whether that applied to his harassing you or just her.

  12. Yes, I still get nonsense from him. I have no knowledge of the situation you discuss.

  13. Although she likes to chant MOLON LABE, my guess is she did NOT post that comment, which is not funny. That comment comes from a known instigator who likes to pour gasoline on raging internet fires.

  14. She's now forced Judge Baratta to act more harshly. He can't ignore she has blatantly ignored his instructions and violated probation. Given her attitude and statements she is intent on forcing his hand. He has to realize he can't fix stupid, and she is unwilling to accept the help he offered in the conditions he set for her parole.

  15. I've been a casual observer of this case. This person needs to be in a mental institution somewhere.

  16. The irony of her calling others "nutbags" can't be overstated. "I will not tolerate..." sounds like a sovereign citizen - informing law enforcement of what it can and can't do. Also like a sovcit, she relishes wasting taxpayer dollars making it all about her as she plagues public employees with self-serving demands, purportedly to unveil a nonexistent wrong.

    Her mind very likely can not handle the fact that she is ill, and the last thing in the world she could "tolerate" mental health treatment. So she will be a "victim's advocate" and educate inmates instead. With her track record, what could go wrong?

  17. Trish it is 10:46 AM, there is a big surprise waiting for you today.

  18. "She's now forced Judge Baratta to act more harshly. He can't ignore she has blatantly ignored his instructions and violated probation. Given her attitude and statements she is intent on forcing his hand. He has to realize he can't fix stupid, and she is unwilling to accept the help he offered in the conditions he set for her parole."

    Judge Baratta crafted a sentence that was designed to help Mezzacappa. I'll let you in on a secret. Though he talks tough, my observation is that he really hates to send people to jail if he thinks he can help them in some other way. She may not have liked being called a defective person, but as someone observed, we're all defective. I frankly do not think she can be helped unless she is deprived of her freedom. The real remedy here is an involuntary commitment or AOT. That is involuntary outpatient treatment and has been authorized since 2019. For some reason, Pennsylvania counties have been reluctant to use this tool.

  19. I'm a public defender and I get clients like this a lot. Sad. Mental health is something that we should all take seriously because these are the results if we don't. Take care of yourself and others everyone!

  20. I thought there was something special between Mezza and DePaul some years ago. Did that change at some point? Now he seems to be at the top of her hate list, with Dees and O'Hare tied in a competitive second place.

  21. It should give the judge extremely serious pause if she in fact requested to be sent to prison. He already stated that she won't get the help she needs there. It also costs us taxpayers money to house her in prison, though certainly she won't care a whit about that. What good would this be for society, other than delaying an inevitable continuation down (not "on") the current trajectory?

  22. 3:14,
    She has an extensive hate list and everyone makes it to the top, even if only for a brief time. It's her against the world and you will bow to her righteousness, damn you!

  23. The psychological evaluation indicates that she has a threat to herself and to others incarceration would remove that Threat

  24. 3:20,

    Which is why money should be spent on involuntary commitment where she will receive some psychological help. The crazy bitch needs a 302 order.

  25. I believe they need to reopen the state hospitals. This would be a humanitarian place for her treatment.

  26. Why do people keep harassing this poor woman?

  27. How many right to know requests and pro se lawsuits could she accomplish with a a year long incarceration, no mental health treatment and nothing else to do with her time?

  28. Has she been picked up for violating her probation?

  29. Her life appears book worthy so far with more to come. A treasure trove of misadventures and self created drama.It will be a best seller.

  30. A bench warrant was issued yesterday morning. I do not know whether she has or has not been picked up. I am not at the courthouse today. Since she claims she wants to go to jail, I expect her to turn herself in. On the other hand, she has made statements suggesting she would be picking off troopers, one by one. I hope sheriffs exercise caution. She is a danger to herself and to others and needs to be committed or subjected to involuntary outpatient treatment.

  31. "How many right to know requests and pro se lawsuits could she accomplish with a a year long incarceration, no mental health treatment and nothing else to do with her time?"

    No more than she is doing right now. Probably less.

  32. Suicide by cop is a horrible thing!

  33. It is sad what you and Deez have done to this lost soul. It will have a sad ending for this lady if you continue your feud. The Judge is compassionate and knows what she has been put through. Hopefully he has her sent to a mental health facility.

  34. Bernie
    please be careful with this nut job

  35. 7:55 Libtard, take your "lost soul" bullshit to your next prayer meeting.

  36. That probation shit is designed to screw you. She’s gonna end up with more time, more fines and more headaches. I understand her wanting to do the bid and be done. Plus she can file motions all day and waste the courts time and become a jail house lawyer. She probably better then you ohare and she can make some pruno...lmao

  37. You must feel pretty on top, Bernie, and you deserve to.

    This crazy bat is going to jail, and WAEB had to settle for $5 Million for letting the Blog Mentor lie on the air with accused child abuser Bobby Gunther Walsh, and it look like the Mentor is about to lose the suit the DA brought against him.

    Sometimes it takes a long time, but the men and women telling the truth and fighting back fair almost always come out on top. Good for you.

  38. I'd love to be at the inevitable Gagnon hearing where a LVR ramblings post and a letter full of literal ramblings are presented as evidence.

  39. Replies
    1. Is this true? Probation violation? Did she have a gagnon hearing? Is she incarcerated? Enquiring minds....

  40. Yes, she has been picked up. She will certainly have a prompt hearing. I understand she is currently incarcerated. I will update this story after Judge Baratta does whatever he's going to do. I will likely miss her hearing bc I am getting my second vaccine today.


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