Local Government TV

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Biden's Blue Collar Blue Print

"Biden Hood" is how Drudge describes the first hundred days of Joe Biden's presidency. Taxing the rich to give to the poor. And that's fine with me. 

His "blue collar blue print to build America," makes clear that, whatever planet some Democrats are on, he's still very much on Planet Earth. 

I appreciate that, unlike his predecessor, Biden exercised Covid precautions. The audience was less plentiful. People wore masks. 

A fact sheet outlining The American Families Plan has been published by the White House.  His plan makes it easier for ordinary Americans to get an education, get a job and raise children. It will be paid for by those who earn more than $400,000 a year. 

Republican opposition is an indication that, notwithstanding the inroads they have made with blue collars, they are unwilling to do anything to help them.  


  1. Seems Republicans have no policy ideas except opposition to whatever the other side wants. Biden is creating truly populist policies. The working poor and middle class will get more opportunities and the wealthy can help pay for it. THAT'S good old-fashioned William Jennings Bryan populism "There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it.”

    – William Jennings Bryan, “Cross of Gold” speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention

  2. Core economic blue collar issues have been replace with a debate on bathrooms and gender pronouns. Biden will try but the new Dem progressive posse will shop it.

  3. The free community college benefit may be misleading. Currently seventeen states offer free community college. New Jersey just signed into law a free tuition bill. And, you have communities such as Philadelphia which offer free tuition to any graduating Philadelphia high school senior. Currently Pennsylvania offers 1000 grants on top of Federal Pell grants of 6495. Northampton tuition is approximately 3200.00 per year for full time. 4600 actual including fees. It sounds great, but really not as spectacular as you would believe. On the issue of jobs. Obama considered fast food industry jobs paying minimum wage to be a real plus for American workers. Trump, onthe other hand, wanted jobs that paid meaningful wages. Hence, his popularity among blue collar workers. Biden insists that his investments will yield high paying jobs. But, note pipeline workers complained after being laid off that solar energy technician jobs only paid half of the wages that they use to receive. Democrats have been better in attempting to deliver health care and day care benefits which permit people to work, but Democrats have to deliver.real results.

  4. The Rs will scream "socialism" because they don't know what that word means. Biden plan will raise some marginal tax rates to levels still LOWER than they were in the 50s and 60s. Was Ike a socialist?

  5. And, Bernie, you should know that you being over the age of 65 are entitled to free tuition at Northampton Community College. You can rest easy knowing that if you earn more than 400,000 that you will still receive free tuition.

  6. I totally get Trump fatigue and that Biden is the anti-Trump, but I can’t jump on the bandwagon just yet. In his first 100 days, trillions of dollars in spending has been proposed. Saying that those with deep pockets will be hit hardest is disingenuous because they employ people to make sure they are NOT made to pay millions in taxes. Who will be hardest hit? The middle class, which is the backbone of the nation. It is fine to be a Biden supporter, but l fear the debt being handed to a generation that hasn’t even been born.

  7. Finally, a President who will help the 95% of us who read this blog. Believe it or not we are the poor people in this country trying to save our monies for retirement then slowly lose it for health care when we grow older. I hope there is some help for us who are close to retirement age. There will be a number of people who will not be able to retire do to lack of union jobs, greedy business owners and lack of defined pension plans and skyrocket health care prices.

    Both parties are to blame but REGAN did the most damage to us working Americans. Biden brings us hope for now and we need to keep the pedal on the gas.

  8. If you think only the "rich" will pay higher taxes, then I have a bridge to sell you.

    Bernie you're right, there are some good things Biden is proposing. But there is also a ton of crap that is nothing but political payoffs and vote-buying.

    The way the higher taxes will get paid is through higher prices for goods that all of us pay. We're headed for significant inflation anyway, so passing through the higher taxes to low/middle income people will happen.

    The rich and large corporations will continue to have their tax loopholes, tax accountants, tax lawyers, and politicians that have been bought/paid for (both sides of the aisle) to make sure they don't feel the tax hit too badly.

    So more crap, just a different spoon.

    Charlie Dent forms a 3rd party, I'm all in. What we have to deal with now is killing us.

  9. Every working american will pay for this spending. It's so very naive to think we won't. We will at the least pay more to buy products of all kinds. The american dream is about working hard to have opportunity. Give it away free and no more incentive. No more american dream.

  10. "Bernie you're right, there are some good things Biden is proposing. But there is also a ton of crap that is nothing but political payoffs and vote-buying."

    My suggestion is that you work to remove what's crap and keep what's good. Biden is willing to work with the GOP. He made that clear last night and even complimented Rs for coming up with their own infrastructure proposal. As he said, "Let's get to work."

  11. "you should know that you being over the age of 65 are entitled to free tuition at Northampton Community College. You can rest easy knowing that if you earn more than 400,000 that you will still receive free tuition."

    Lol, no worry there.

  12. "Biden Hood" is a great way to describe it, but it's not the rich that will be paying for it. It's our kids and grandkids, who thanks to Biden and his ilk have missed over a year of school in some cases.

    I realize that Progressivism is attractive for those who can't do math, but let's remember when the democrats originally imposed the modern income tax it was supposed to only be on millionaires. More recently, ObamaCare was going to result in families paying less for the same health care that they had (if you like your health care you can keep it).

    The reality is that there isn't enough income to pay for what Biden's proposing, and he knows it.

    Nor is the spending he's proposing really about helping people. That may be how he's trying to sell it, but the vast majority of these trillion dollar spending proposals has and will go to bailing out cities and states that had implemented the same failed policies that Biden is proposing at the federal level.

    The strength of this country is because of the its freedom and free market economy. Biden is doing his best to divide the nation and destroy our freedom. I'll take a pass on that.


  13. Biden is governing like the senile old man that he is.

    He's not going to be around when the bill for all the spending comes due, so why would he care about the younger generations that he's trying to steal from?

  14. WARNING:the Socialist creep is now on the way. People that make $400,000 or more are than smart enough to restructure their compensation. Tax something more ,and you’ll less of it. The progressives are thinking ,raising capital gains tax will raise revenue. It will turn out to be another mistake in judgment. Check what the CBO says about increasing capital gains. People won’t sell assets, they’ll hold . = less revenue. I would propose that entertainment industry income be taxed at 45% , income above $47,000 of every ball player ,tennis player , music artist and GameStop purchase,,along with audits of all millionaires that have political hacks all their lives. Wait , if you to work ,fix your kids teeth,like vacations or trying to save for retirement. We’re in for it. We need to make people “earn it” by some means other than give it away. This kills insensitive based thinking.

  15. Why shouldn't everyone pay taxes? Then we all have some ownership in the programs funded by tax dollars. I grew up in a home with modest means, took and paid back loans for school and worked my ass off. I'm disappointed all my hard work will be rewarded with higher taxes.
    Being poor should be hard. If we as a society make it ease to be poor, count on what remains of pride and shame to vanish. I didn't want to be poor so I busted my ass to escape that life. What do we achieve by making that life comfortable?

    9:04 - Our govt is not the reason you struggle.

  16. So a guy who's been in government for 50 years is going to fix government. And if you think for one second that his billionaire hedge fund donors are going get a tax increase, you're stupid and naïve. BTW, name a single business that actually pays taxes vs considering them a cost of doing business and passing them on to customers in the form of price increases. Why is this so hard to understand?

  17. I get some of the cynicism here about how the rich are going to still escape paying taxes. However, a good first step to try to reign that in is Biden's beefing up the IRS to enforce rules on the books. Another great proposal by his Secretary of Treasury Yellen is for a global tax base on multinational corporations. That would also discourage moving manufacturing out of our country and keep more jobs here. As far as prices going up, companies will raise prices only as far as they can to keep selling products. Additionally, maybe we don't really need all the crap they've been hawking to us. Most people used to have a garage just for their car and yard tools. Now, I see more cars outside because the garage is full of stuff we suddenly can't do without.

  18. Rs are just a few seats from taking Congress at midterms. Opposing Obamacare earned them six years of rolling victories where Ds lost 1,100 state and federal legislative seats. They should stay the course and let Ds be Ds. The faculty loungers from either coast are likely masturbating with you to last night's Christmas list, Bernie. But the rest of the country doesn't want anything to do with Biden's keepers' radical agenda and dining and dashing on the grandkids.

  19. As a hardcore cyclist how do you feel about Pedro Boot-E-Judge masquerading as a cycle commuter while enlisting bodyguards to load and unload his children's toy from the back of a gas guzzling government vehichle?

  20. If you make 400K and get a W2, there is nowhere to hide, Peter.

  21. @11:28 how bout Kerry with the scooter LOL. Both he Mayor Pete are huge phonies........you would think these guys would know better there are cameras everywhere today.

  22. One of the odd anomalies of this country is how the GOP has convinced its poorest citizens that corporations need exuberant tax breaks because, you know, trickledown economics works. Jokes on you. It’s refreshing to see Biden looking out for all US citizens, not just the ones with guns, and targeting the ultra-rich that have gotten away with paying their fair share. Because when 1% of our citizens account for 40 percent of America’s money, that’s a wealth disparity that needs to be addressed fast.

  23. America's children's grandchildren will be paying for the debt created in the first 100 days of senile Joe being in office.

  24. Yes, R's are close in both houses and history does tend to favor the opposing party come mid-terms. That said, like them or not, polls right now are not being kind to what Republicans are doing, saying and associating themselves with. The reason the opposing party tends to do well is independents and swing voters shift sides, but if the option that Republicans are currently projecting is that the nation wants a return to MAGA, they're going to get crushed.

    Republican demographics are not changing for the better across the board by age, race or education level.

  25. Next up , will be gasoline,fuel oil. The Lefties Green New Deal is about to collapse industry they want taxes from. Pipeline shut off , lots of men out of work as result. Your possibly going to stand in line again during gas rationing on vacation. The President appoints a man that as Sheriff wound not co-operate with ICE to be Director of ICE ,WTF? Doesn’t anybody over there consider the ramifications of piss poor leadership. It appears to me at this time that these moves are intended to wreck America. Could this be , we’re spending money , people paid NOT To WORK, we’re printing money ,infatuation should effectively break lower middle class households shortly. What’s he doing? There will be disastrous. Ammo shortages , then distribution issues during fuel shortages. WARNING— we all got it coming! People voted for this horse shit.

  26. It was refreshing to listen to an intelligent man, instead of a moron. I might not agree with all his proposals, such as paid college education, but it was good to hear a speech without veiled white nationalism, and an attempt to work with the opposition to come up with alternatives to his proposal.
    Biden has higher approval ratings than Trump ever had. That must be a hard fact for his idiot followers to accept. The Republican Party is in disarray and fighting amongst themselves for control between the ultra-right and more moderates.
    The old message of hate used by Trump has become old and people are recognizing how it hurt our country at home and our standing abroad.

  27. 9:04am "Biden brings us hope for now and we need to keep the pedal on the gas". HAHAHAHAHA!!
    Did you say, GAS???!??!?!??? You and Biden are a match.

  28. This country is already broke. Most of the political clowns before Biden broke the bank with each passing term and Biden is adding to it. At some point the country will cave in on itself. You cannot keep giving business and people what they want because they will just gut the entire things . Their own selfish money grab hurts everyone else in the long run.

    The bull crap about raising taxes on who and how much is sheer bull not matter whose mouth it comes out of. You raise taxes to 60% on the over $400000 people but with all the tax breaks out there the tax rate is not the reality of taxes they pay. The same goes for business who know the rules and how to squeeze things. Even many lower income people know how to work the system in their favor.

    Make it simple set a flat tax with very limited deductions and then who cares how much you make or they make or the companies make. Everyone pays a share no matter.

    If you cheat you lose 25% the first time. If a politician doe not pay taxes they cannot hold an government position, If a business cheats but moving money off shore they lose 25%. You will never see it thought because so many take advantage of the system. And it will continue to happen until the system collapses and of course those who caused it will be blaming everyone else.

  29. Yes lets do more Reagan more please. He promised that money and jobs and prosperity would flow down, they didn't.. He destroyed the American middle class, pensions and almost social security and you guys still want more.

  30. "Republican demographics are not changing for the better across the board by age, race or education level."

    Read a paper Sparky, or this blog perhaps? Ds just lost several faculty lounge coastal Congressional seats to the red middle. 18 months is a long time to continue radicalizing and think you're winning new friends. The midterms will be delicious for Rs.

  31. @2:25 "America's children's grandchildren will be paying for the debt created in the first 100 days of senile Joe being in office."

    Why did you only start counting at Joe's first 100 days?

    National Debt by President...

    Reagan had a $998B debt at the start of his Presidency. He increased it 186% and left with $2.857T.

    GHW Bush took that $2.857T and added another 54% ($1.55T) and left with $4.4T

    Clinton took the $4.4 and added $1.4T (31.6%) to it, leaving with $5.8T

    GW Bush took the $5.8T and doubled it, leaving with $11.7T

    Obama took the $11.7T and added another $8.5T (73.6%) leaving with $20.2T

    Trump took $20.2T and quickly added another $6.7T to leave Biden with a tidy $26.9T

    So lets all stop pretending that either party gives a rat's ass about "The Debt" or that one party is better with finance and economy, because the evidence says they all spend the money no matter what.

    FWIW - Debt and GDP are commonly linked and if our economy expands as a result of the "borrowing" we're ultimately in a better place. And with low interest rates, you should be borrowing/investing/expanding to take advantage of it.

  32. 5:35 PM 'THIS IS CNN".

  33. 4:48 - yeah picked up a couple house seats, but correct me if I'm wrong, they ended up losing the Senate didn't they? Dems are going to tie every Republican candidate to Trump (assuming the Republican candidate hasn't already very publically pledged allegiance to him to get the party nod anyway) and guess what Sparky? Only the die hards will vote for the Republican and that just isn't enough. Trump is a loser and has destroyed the party, but yeah sure, it'll be delicious.

  34. Don't worry about the debt, it will al vanish in an instant along with most all paper assets. You can take it to the bank, if there any left.


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