Local Government TV

Monday, April 12, 2021

Bethlehem: Bob Donchez Donates $2,500 to Willie Reynolds' Mayoral Campaign

Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez appears to have made his choice regarding his successor. There's been no official endorsement, at least. But in Hizzoner's latest campaign finance disclosure, filed last week,  Donchez  reports a $2,500 contribution to Willie on January 14. 

Donchez started off the year with a $107,000 warchest, but donated $6,650 to candidates in this year's races. His other contributions are as follows:

$2,500 to Lamont McClure on January 14. (NorCo Exec race)

$1,000 to Phil Armstrong on January 23 (LC Exec race).

$500 to Bill McGee on January 31 (NorCo Council)

$150 to Amy Zanelli on January 31 (MDJ race in West Bethlehem)


  1. Unfortunately, all this money even at the local level is the new corrupting influence of government. The deal between Bob and Wilie was forged four years ago and is no surprise. Maybe Bethlehem voters have had enough. I hope voters at all levels have had enough of government for sale. Thanks for writing about the money. Please continue to do it for big city and county races.

  2. Continuing with the Bethlehem City mantra of, don't run against me and you're next.
    And Dana backed Bob for Mayor in the beginning. Politics over friendship. (As long as the candidate is legit. Which Dana very well is.)

  3. Bob officially endorsed Willie last week.

    As for politics over friendship, go look at the negative things Dana has said about Bob and his administration since Bob became mayor. Dana burned that bridge well before this election. Dana told people to call the FBI on Bob and his administration and he compared the administration to Nazi's (yeah, the Nazis that killed 6 million Jews). Great way to earn support.

    And remember it was Bob who went negative against Willie when they ran, not Willie going negative against Bob. Willie took the high road and ran a positive campaign, as I suspect he will do in this election. While Dana is low-hanging fruit in the negativity tree, Willie does not have to go after him to win.

  4. I'd agree Dana's FBI suggestion was completely out of line and told him so at the time. Most of his criticism has been very constructive. I'd add that morale among city workers is very low, which explains why so many of them support Dana. As for Willie's campaign style, he's already falsely called Dana a liar. Sounds like he's taking the negative approach you claim to decry while simultaneously bashing Dana. Just who do you think you're kidding?

    Willie is running on a record of constant tax hikes, the elimination of four firefighters and the imposition of a stormwater fee in the middle of a pandemic. He thinks things like a climate action plan are what will sway the voters. This might help him with one-issue voters, he forgets that the vast majority of Bethlehemites are fairly moderate and are unable to afford the constant tax hikes he has routinely rammed down their throats. Not everyone is a schoolteacher. If he beats Dana in a primary, and I would not day that is a given, he will have to answer for his record in a general election in which his record will continue to come up. Bethlehem is not San Francisco. As one of my readers once said, it is Bangor with lace curtains. A large segment of Bethlehem has been denied a voice over the past 24 years. This time they are going to be heard. Ignore them in the primary at your peril.

  5. If Willie commits to bringing in his own finance and parks director, he gets my vote. If not, then Dana gets my vote. The house needs to be cleaned out!

    1. More like a high school theatrical society

  6. Being a "super voter", Both candidates have reached out to me. Willie seemed very defensive & seems entitled, almost cocky (or immature?). Dana seemed like a straight shooter, even admitting his past faults. Dana seems to have his ear to the ground. Also impressed that Dana is not taking any developers money. That will hurt him, but it gives him my vote.

    I might be able to accept Willies vote on tax hikes, but not fighting for the firefighters gives me concern.

    I thought Willie was a shoe in, but if Dana continues to meet people, I think it will be a close race.

  7. Bernie:

    I've heard the infamous exchange and it is much ado about nothing. Whether Dana asked Paige and Olga for support or an endorsement is something only they know and everyone else is speculating about. You presume Dana is not lying, and I presume Willie was told by Paige or Olga that Dana asked for their support.

    I would not say that is a negative campaign tactic by Reynolds but rather something that came up in a debate. If Willie plastered the Morning Call headlines of his city hall fight on a mailer, then that would be negative.

    I think Bethlehem has changed since your commenter compared it to Bangor. Just look at City Council, it is much more liberal now than 10 years ago. Guys like Digi and Schweder would have a hard time being elected now.

  8. Reynolds has voted to raise taxes every year that he has been on Council. Even in the middle of a world pandemic he voted to raise taxes while Easton did not, then he called it his "favorite time of the year". Then he voted to charge us a fee for the rain water which is equal to the tax increase he gave me. I have lived in Bethlehem my entire life and can't keep paying for all these tax increases.Then he wants to talk about affordable housing. Stop taxing me and I will be able to afford to live in my my own home. Reynolds has to go!

  9. If Donchez’ paltry donation to Zanelli is to be taken as a tacit endorsement, then I’m sure glad that we’ll be getting a new mayor.

    No one in their right mind could think Zanelli is qualified for MDJ - what a schmuck!

  10. Why is no be allowed to comment on the latest blogs....brad osborne is being cut off from his faithful followers!!!!!

  11. 8 more years of the same old, same old. Reynolds is Donchez 1.9

  12. Reynolds is part of the “Good O’l Boy” gang. Raise taxes, get your buddies into City Hall, do away with private trash haulers. Look how recycling was backed up this past winter. Not our private garbage collector. They were there right on time. You’ll never have that personal service with city run collection! Also look how many people would lose their jobs. My vote is Grubb for Mayor!!!

  13. I too am a “Super Voter”. Respectfully, shame on you Mayor Donchez on your endorsements. Amy Zanelli...really? Have you done your research on her?
    Willie Reynolds...? Mayor, did Dana Grubb call you on the carpet too many times?? He wouldn’t have allowed the sneaky underhanded treatment of employees like you did. Reynolds will too. Please not 8 more years of the same childish practices.
    Thank you.

  14. Those surprised by Bob support for Zanelli should harken back just a little over a year ago to his support for Nuria DiLuzzio. He seemed genuinely shocked when he learned about her duplicity. The idea that any of these local Pols get beyond do they support me both politically and financially is giving all of them too much credit...

  15. I too am a Democratic "Super Voter" I would never vote for Grubb. He is not a true Democrat. Donchez, Reynolds, Zanelli are true Democrats. Grubb got into a fight in city hall and was forced to retire or be fired. Is that what we want leading our city?

  16. Joe Biden is a Democrat and he opposes looting. I am a Democrat and I oppose looting.


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