Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Amy Zanelli's Nonjudicial Behavior in Custody Trial

Amy Zanelli is running for Magisterial District Judge in West Bethlehem and Fountain Hill. She's a New Jersey transplant who rode the blue wave to a Lehigh County Commissioner's seat. She was part of a historic influx of Democrats elected to municipal office after Donald Trump became President. She has said she could remain a Commissioner for 30 years if she wanted. I suspect not. That blue wave has receded. Moreover, a person who holds herself out as some sort of child abuse super investigator was actually fired from two social worker jobs in Jersey and Northampton County. She also defended looting as an appropriate response to slavery.  I've told you she's embroiled in lengthy custody dispute. While I have no intention of going into the details, this is how President Judge Michael Koury, Jr., assessed her demeanor during the trial.  

"Mother testified at length during the parties' custody trial. ... Mother's demeanor varied from happy to openly hostile. ... Mother repeatedly referred to the custody trial as a 'circus.' ... Mother accused opposing counsel of  'play[ing] semantics and stated that her questioning was 'crap.'"


  1. Can Amy Zanelli just stop with the Jewish lesbian propaganda.
    No one gives a shit - checking two boxes doesn’t make you qualified to be MDJ - having common sense and a solid track record of showing up for you job does!!! And being a capable mother not about to lose custody of her children!

  2. Has anyone seen this Zach Cole Borghi character that’s seeking to replace Zanelli as commissioner???
    Check out that slob’s headshots on his Facebook page - he wants to represent District 3 but doesn’t even know how to button down a button-down collar for a professional photo shoot! Going from bad to worse here - idiots like these two have no place in politics and this will surely lead to a red wave!!!

  3. What was the outcome of the custody trial? Was Zanelli's conduct validated by the judge's decision?

  4. Nobody "wins" in a custody trial. Those are tragedies. The judge ordered shared custody.

  5. 6:49, I would not judge someone based on the way he looks in a photo. Thank God you are not running for judge.

  6. Judge Koury's assessment of Zanelli's demeanor is not at all surprising. Just listen to her appearance on the Saucon Source podcast. She was all over the place and couldn't stop giggling like a teen. And, as pointed out in an earlier comment, she was sure to share her religion and gender identity. I am all for not hiding those things. But, it can't be something used to very clearly pander for votes at every opportunity. Service to community is apparent in education, and work and life experience.

    The citizens of West Bethlehem and Fountain Hill deserve a judge who will behave like a judge in all the best ways...be fair, show integrity, display decorum reflective of the position, show impartiality, and treat all with respect and dignity. She is not that person.

    And, a final thought...it is telling that a sitting, respected judge would have formulated that opinion of the demeanor of someone who is now a "want to be" judge. Just think about it...that was someone who was before a judge in a custody battle. I would have been on my best behavior. Rest assured...it won't get better if she is on the other side of the bench.

  7. Zannelli-Zirinski, must be something in the woke water or a ZZZZ thing.. They have the same MO.. Screwed up divorce that's all about them, Kids be Dammed. Me, me , me campaigns. Single mother, care too much, no rea; jobs, so busy. so beautiful, blah, blah blah. Two phoneys that are more self-absorbed than a Kardashian and both looking for a cake job where you can talk all day run around an accomplish nothing.

    Both hoping to cash in on the big money easy government gravy train. The people that vote for them are the real fools

  8. A couple of things here. Zanelli is very quick to throw out sexual orientation. My son is gay. He doesn't hide it or his marriage to his husband; but, he doesn't feel the need to toss that into conversation whenever it is advantageous. And, unless I am mistaken, there is a separation of church and state. So, continuing to spread the word of religion is a bit strange and concerning.

    I am very sorry she has gone through a divorce and contentious child custody proceedings. As stated by the moderator, there are no winners, in either. But, the communities served deserve a judge who will completely focus on the task at hand...bringing no prejudice or baggage to the position.

  9. A trial is a "circus" and she wants be "ringmaster" apparently, based on her own comments to the court. Community needs a magisterial district justice, not circus ringmaster.

  10. This woman is most likely a bi-polar nut job .. her manic behavior and disrespect of the court is something we don't need. Can you imagine parts of your life can be affected because this nut job has her own personal agenda and is having one of her episodes ... No Thank you !!!!

    https://www.facebook.com/Electzachcoleborghi/ - Also check out this guy . .This clown will be a disaster for the lehigh valley _ aren't there any normal people that want to run for an elected position, why are these people all left wing ding bats ????????

  11. Well, it gets worse...Zanelli sent out a very disrespectful mailer questioning how her opponent, a "veteran" police officer can be impartial from the bench. If she only had the same integrity as Van Scott, she would know how that can be.

    A police officer brings his evidence to the court and that's the end. I would say it's win some...lose some. But, that would be wrong. A good law enforcement professional takes no joy in writing tickets, making arrests, etc. In fact, little of their day is confined to that. Rather, a good law enforcement professional is the face of government to the community. They are cheerleaders, psychologists, social workers, resources for the elderly, role models for youth, etc. And, Van Scott was a good law enforcement professional and will make an excellent, impartial judge.

    Trashing the rule of law by supporting "looting" and favoring defunding of the police, as Zanelli has done, says how she would run the court. And, now, she is as disrespectful so as to use law enforcement for a photo op https://www.facebook.com/AmyZanelli4Judge/photos/pcb.4704400676253554/4704399556253666/

    Interesting timing on that funding. Don't be fooled. She is a politician. And, Polish historian Adam Michnik summed it up..."Politics and ethics belong to different worlds."

  12. Just now as I was leaving the Lehigh Shopping Center lot, at the exit, was a Zanelli sign plastered against/in front of a Van Scott sign. Obviously done intensionally.
    Ms Zanelli are we all adults here? I have also seen Van Scott signs on the West side with TRUMP GOP stickers displayed on them. Is this how you plan to win? Ms Zanelli your true colors are coming through. What a shame. This has opened my eyes! Thank you.


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