Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

West Easton Constable Guilty in Attempt to Frame Black Man

After a two day jury trial, West Easton Borough Constable Tricia Mezzacappa has been found guilty of an attempt in 2019 to frame a black man with a false report to the Pennsylvania State Police. The case was prosecuted by Assistant DA Abigail Bellafatto before Judge Stephen Baratta. Mezzacappa represented herself, although Judge Baratta did appoint a stand-by counsel to assist her. After the verdict was returned late Tuesday afternoon, Judge Baratta scheduled sentencing for April 21. He also ordered a psychological evaluation. 

The charges stem from an incident in February 2019. She called state police to report that a black neighbor had pointed his own gun at her head as she parked her car, and she responded by firing at him with her own pistol. What really happened is that her neighbor was going to the store to get formula for a newborn infant, and his car's exhaust bothered her. She began pounding on her neighbor's door. The neighbor's girlfriend was so terrified she called police. Then Tricia concocted the lie about her neighbor, assuming state police would believe her because she is, after all, white. 

Unfortunately for her, they didn't. In fact, one of the responding troopers was himself a minority. They looked at her weapon (a Smith and Wesson MP-9 with a 17-round magazine) and knew from the dirt and debris in the barrel that it was highly unlikely it had recently been fired. They interviewed neighbors, who heard no shots that evening. There were no 911 calls and they were unable to find any spent rounds or shells. Her weapon was seized and sent for ballistic analysis, and an expert determined it had not been fired. 

In the course of interviewing her, troopers noticed she had also been drinking. Instead of seeing her neighbor charged, she was, with false reports. 

Since those charges were filed, there were numerous delays brought about by Covid-19 as well as her own refusal to appear at a scheduled trial date. A bench warrant was issued, and when both I and West Easton blogger Matt Dees reported it, she responded in CAPS LOCK: "GO BURY YOUR UGLY FACES IN A BLANKET AND CRY. YOU WERE PAID BY MY FAMILY TO HIT THE ROAD AND GET A LIFE, BUT YOU HAVE NONE! EVERYWHERE YOU GO THERE YOU ARE. !! PRIVATE CRIMINALS FILED TODAY AGAINST BOTH YOU ASSHOLES!!!!! LET THE FUN BEGIN!! ... WE'LL SEE WHO WINDS UP IN JAIL, AND ITS NOT GOING TO BE ME, SO STUFF IT BITCHES!"

She ended up in jail after being picked up by the Whitehall police. She was released. after posting a nominal sum. 

Although this offense is a low grade misdemeanor, the charge betrayed her own belief that police would take her lie over the word of an innocent black man. She was clearly wrong. 

Amazingly, she admitted to Lehigh Valley Live that she lied about what she did to the gun after shooting it, but not about shooting the gun itself.In other words, her defense to a charge of lying is that she lied. Some defense. 

It will be up to Judge Baratta to decide how she should be sanctioned. He had the opportunity to see her in court. This was impossible for myself and other spectators because of Covid restrictions. Her lies took at least five troopers off the highways. She attempted to play on implicit bias to coax law enforcement into arresting an innocent black man. She is an elected constable. She clearly has no remorse. Though she likes to plead poverty, she had the means recently to purchase both a Glock and a shotgun. All of this points to jail time. On the other hand, she is clearly mentally ill. I do not envy Judge Baratta.  

Updated 10:08 am: Mezzacappa's Remorse:

On the night of February 11, 2019 I cooperated with police when they arrived at my home after I called 911, and stated on a recorded line (now in evidence) "someone pointed a gun in my face"...despite the lies and slander that followed about this call. The troopers were enraged because I filed a misconduct complaint against one of their fellow troopers in Troop M in a 2018 unrelated incident. So enraged , that they were caught on the phone (recorded now in evidence) stating "let's 302 her, she's a nut bag...etc, etc" They called crisis/ hostage (recorded, now in evidence) to have my home surrounded with military style response vehicles and gear, even though all 4 were in my living room, and I surrendered my gun on command. Crisis properly refused to placate this act of police misconduct. Mysteriously, within 3 weeks of this incident, I was notified by the State Board of Nursing that they received a report that I am a nutbag and a drug addict. I was required to be examined by a state expert psychiatrist in Philadelphia, who conducted testing and a thorough investigation. He filed his expert report with the attorney's office in Harrisburg, and this is the letter that followed. The Commonwealth spent thousands of dollars , time , supplies, and resources for an attorney, a Psychiatrist and 2 state investigators over this false report they received, so I will be spending my time and resources on finding justice for the false report filed against me, rather than a costly and time consuming appeal to Superior Court of PA. So, to the two sick, deranged , obsessed nutbags who have zero information about the events of 2/11/2019, you are warned to stop defaming and slandering my name. I was rushed to the front of the trial list with no time to subpeona witnesses or documents, 3 days to prepare and no attorney. What I found most strange was the expert witness called by the State Police who testifies at murder cases and other violent Felony crime trials. I must be a danger to secretive governments. Even though the verdict was not in my favor, I had the chance to finally dispel the lies, hate and vitriol that two obsessed lunatics have spread wildly and visciously across broadband. I testified , and was able to have Trooper Hoffman admit under oath that it was him who violated PA CHRIA statutes when he handed my confidential witness statement to a disgraced psychotic nut case who has been obsessed with my every move for the past 10 years. Its been plastered on the internet for all to see. More to come as the days progress. Stay tuned. https://drive.google.com/.../1E2qc3AWunMHPHQ.../view...

Blogger's Note: The two sick and deranged nutbags to whom Mezzacappa refers are West Easton Borough Council President Matt Dees and yours truly. She indicates troopers violated violated law by handing me, a disgraced psychotic, with a "confidentail witness statement." That statement, which was from her, was part of the public record in the preliminary hearing. The state declined to take action against her nursing license, but I suspect that could change now that she's been convicted.


  1. Dees wrote that the judge ordered her to have a psych evaluation. Too little too late. Her comments on LVL are almost incredible - but consider the source. She said she won't appeal, but then says that with the conviction she probably won't be able to find a job as a nurse. Hello - she said that same thing the last two times she was convicted. She won't appeal, because she is guilty - period. Same bat channel. Google her name and see what comes up. Kelly Gross, assault, defamation of Bernie O'Hare, and her 50,000 open record appeals in West Easton that have cost them an immense amount of taxpayer dollars.

    On Monday morning, Mezzazappa complained to the prosecutor outside the courtroom that they hadn't shared all the evidence with her. The prosecutor said absolutely they had. MezzaLooNY said they have her a "blank" CD, to which the prosecutor said "it must be your computer - the CD is fine." Mezzacrappa then whined that her case hinged on the CD, to which the prosecutor said "you had time to ask us for help if you had a problem." She waited until the day of the trial to complain she didn't have something that was critical to her case. They got tech support dudes to assist her but opening arguments were about 10 minutes later. LVL reports that she regrets representing herself. No shit. Everyone knows that if you represent yourself you have a fool for a lawyer. The docket for her case shows that she refused 5 or 6 certified letters from the court, just like she did in previous cases. Nothing ever changes with this woman.

  2. I’ve gotten a 18 month sentence for a m3 in Lehigh

  3. She should have pled guilty and done her bid in the winter. She’s gonna regret her stay in that sweat box this summer amongst other pissed off prisoners😁🔥

  4. she won't get any time at all, NORCO likes to have crazy people with guns running around, THe courts will let her go, again

  5. She needs her license to carry withdrawn. Any unstable human being should not be allowed to run around toting a gun (nor a knife). Thank you for reporting the story correctly.

  6. The sentence that is imposed is entirely up to the court. She has taunted the courts as well as numerous others, but judges have been extremely fair to her, as they try to be with everyone. That has always set the NorCo bench apart from what is found in some other counties. The judges still treat the persons before them with the respect that every human being deserves.

    As someone who has suffered from her lies and taunts, I'd love to see her taken away. But is that what is best for the community and for her? A judge has to look at the bigger picture and set petty emotions aside. It's no easy task. He will have the benefit of a psychological evaluation (assuming the person who does it is not crazy himself). He will be looking at sentencing guidelines that likely call for probation for what is really a first offense. He can evaluate whether she has shown any remorse. He can note that she has refused to pay previous fines imposed against her for summary offenses. She has often spoken in violent terms, which I find disturbing, but is she really a menace to the community?

  7. Did anyone see the jury forewoman sleeping in the courtroom during closing arguments.?

  8. "She needs her license to carry withdrawn. Any unstable human being should not be allowed to run around toting a gun (nor a knife). Thank you for reporting the story correctly."

    You're welcome. I know she recently purchased a glock and a shotgun. I am uncertain whether she has a permit to carry concealed. A friend of mine spotted her open-carrying at Wegmans of all places.

  9. "Did anyone see the jury forewoman sleeping in the courtroom during closing arguments.?"

    Tricia, as you know, spectators were unable to attend bc of Covid. Since I doubt the DA would disparage the jury, it is obvious to me this comment comes from you. You are a nonstop liar so it is no longer possible to believe a word you say. Stop already. Or continue demonstrating why you belong in jail. Up to you.

    1. Don't bother Bernie. Tricia just posted this on her Constable facebook page:

      Dear Citizens,

      On the night of February 11, 2019 I cooperated with police when they arrived at my home after I called 911, and stated on a recorded line (now in evidence) "someone pointed a gun in my face"...despite the lies and slander that followed about this call. The troopers were enraged because I filed a misconduct complaint against one of their fellow troopers in Troop M in a 2018 unrelated incident. So enraged , that they were caught on the phone (recorded now in evidence) stating "let's 302 her, she's a nut bag...etc, etc" They called crisis/ hostage (recorded, now in evidence) to have my home surrounded with military style response vehicles and gear, even though all 4 were in my living room, and I surrendered my gun on command. Crisis properly refused to placate this act of police misconduct. Mysteriously, within 3 weeks of this incident, I was notified by the State Board of Nursing that they received a report that I am a nutbag and a drug addict. I was required to be examined by a state expert psychiatrist in Philadelphia, who conducted testing and a thorough investigation. He filed his expert report with the attorney's office in Harrisburg, and this is the letter that followed. The Commonwealth spent thousands of dollars , time , supplies, and resources for an attorney, a Psychiatrist and 2 state investigators over this false report they received, so I will be spending my time and resources on finding justice for the false report filed against me, rather than a costly and time consuming appeal to Superior Court of PA. So, to the two sick, deranged , obsessed nutbags who have zero information about the events of 2/11/2019, you are warned to stop defaming and slandering my name. I was rushed to the front of the trial list with no time to subpeona witnesses or documents, 3 days to prepare and no attorney. What I found most strange was the expert witness called by the State Police who testifies at murder cases and other violent Felony crime trials. I must be a danger to secretive governments. Even though the verdict was not in my favor, I had the chance to finally dispel the lies, hate and vitriol that two obsessed lunatics have spread wildly and visciously across broadband. I testified , and was able to have Trooper Hoffman admit under oath that it was him who violated PA CHRIA statutes when he handed my confidential witness statement to a disgraced psychotic nut case who has been obsessed with my every move for the past 10 years. Its been plastered on the internet for all to see. More to come as the days progress. Stay tuned.


  10. Maybe she'll finally get the medication she needs to fix her mental disorder. She needs intense therapy.

  11. Mezzalunatic hasn't learned a thing. Her latest FB post:
    Dear Citizens,
    On the night of February 11, 2019 I cooperated with police when they arrived at my home after I called 911, and stated on a recorded line (now in evidence) "someone pointed a gun in my face"...despite the lies and slander that followed about this call. The troopers were enraged because I filed a misconduct complaint against one of their fellow troopers in Troop M in a 2018 unrelated incident. So enraged , that they were caught on the phone (recorded now in evidence) stating "let's 302 her, she's a nut bag...etc, etc" They called crisis/ hostage (recorded, now in evidence) to have my home surrounded with military style response vehicles and gear, even though all 4 were in my living room, and I surrendered my gun on command. Crisis properly refused to placate this act of police misconduct. Mysteriously, within 3 weeks of this incident, I was notified by the State Board of Nursing that they received a report that I am a nutbag and a drug addict. I was required to be examined by a state expert psychiatrist in Philadelphia, who conducted testing and a thorough investigation. He filed his expert report with the attorney's office in Harrisburg, and this is the letter that followed. The Commonwealth spent thousands of dollars , time , supplies, and resources for an attorney, a Psychiatrist and 2 state investigators over this false report they received, so I will be spending my time and resources on finding justice for the false report filed against me, rather than a costly and time consuming appeal to Superior Court of PA. So, to the two sick, deranged , obsessed nutbags who have zero information about the events of 2/11/2019, you are warned to stop defaming and slandering my name. I was rushed to the front of the trial list with no time to subpeona witnesses or documents, 3 days to prepare and no attorney. What I found most strange was the expert witness called by the State Police who testifies at murder cases and other violent Felony crime trials. I must be a danger to secretive governments. Even though the verdict was not in my favor, I had the chance to finally dispel the lies, hate and vitriol that two obsessed lunatics have spread wildly and visciously across broadband. I testified , and was able to have Trooper Hoffman admit under oath that it was him who violated PA CHRIA statutes when he handed my confidential witness statement to a disgraced psychotic nut case who has been obsessed with my every move for the past 10 years. Its been plastered on the internet for all to see. More to come as the days progress. Stay tuned.

  12. I heard about her YEARS ago from other blogs as well as her political rants, raves, and actions... I am wondering how MANY lives she has hurt and affected over the years with her antics...

    - Alfonso Todd

  13. Her self serving statement, which I assume she posted on the West Easton Constable Facebook page that is being used to demonstrate that she is obsessed with Bernie O'Hare and Matt Dees, puts her hypocrisy on full display. She posts videos daily of Matt at work, and has implored his employer to take disciplinary action against him for "offenses" she has dreamed up herself. She has cost her borough of West Easton in excess of $50,000 as of a few years ago responding to open records appeals, the vast majority frivolous. At least Matt has a job, and he contributes to his community. She whines about not having time to prepare and not having an attorney. Exactly whose fault is it she had no attorney, when she admitted to E-T that she had two along the way? And how could she follow the court schedule when she refused to accept several certified letters from the court (shown in the docket)? Finally, she waited until the DAY of the trial to try to examine a CD of evidence the prosecutor had provided, and claimed it was "blank". Come on!

    This woman has a nerve posting any finding that purports to show she is mentally stable. The facts are in evidence for all to see.

  14. "I must be a danger to secretive governments."


    - Alfonso Todd

  15. She brags about what she claims she "exposed" during the trial in which she was found guilty, but since no observers were allowed in the court room, anything that was said is unlikely to become known and what intelligent person will believe her retelling in this screed? She accomplished something in the deep recesses of her mind and if that floats her boat, bally hoo for the loony bin express. Her post says to "stay tuned" - lol. We're on the edges of our seats to witness the next chapter.

  16. Fortunately, unlike you the judge is not an angry and bitter old boyfriend and will use reason and compassion in his fair deliberations. People are well aware of your emotional issues with this woman and your almost psychotic efforts to destroy her life.. As for Mr. deez nuts Deez, he wishes he could land a woman like Tricia but face it boys', she wants nothing to do with either of you.

    1. Tricia!!!! Go somewhere else with your bullshit. You're a liar. You tried to destroy someone and deceive the PSP. We're all sick of your shit and some of us more than others. Batshit crazy and you got what you deserved

  17. 9:56 am
    Bernie, not just jail, Norristown State Hospital for the criminally insane. With certain criteria to be fulfilled before her stay can be at a close with multiple phyciotrists evaluation team.

  18. @4:02 PM Lay off the hot chocolate laced with vodka, Tricia. Look at your mug shot, prominently displayed here (and readily accessible on the internet - good luck looking for a job, because you really hosed yourself good this time) - you are hallucinating if you believe "he wishes he could land a woman like Tricia".

    And as for psychotic efforts to destroy someone's life, we need look no further than your "West Easton Constable" FB page to see that leading up to the trial, you have been posting work videos of Mr. Dees on the job (you remember what that is, I assume) daily. Obviously trying to negatively impact his livelihood in any desperate way that you can. I saw those posts and asked myself "what the heck are these here for?" and moved on. Yeah, I watched one a few months ago and it was a sleeper. Guy driving around a bus. Big whoop dees doo. Are these posts related in any way at all to West Easton, or the "Constable"? He's making a difference in the lives of others, and of people in West Easton. You're making a mess of your life and those you touch. Think about it.

  19. Please ,post all posts sympathetic to Tricia.

  20. I wonder who 4:02PM could possibly be??? Which of her schizo personalities is speaking for her this time??? Is she boozed up again???
    Rumor is the victim of her false accusation is filing a lawsuit. Goodbye house and car!

  21. SO, BO, is there some full disclosure that you owe us here?

  22. "Fortunately, unlike you the judge is not an angry and bitter old boyfriend and will use reason and compassion in his fair deliberations."

    Nor am I. The judge will certainly use reason and compassion, two qualities you lack. You spent a considerable amount of time mocking several members of the bench, and Judge Baratta has previously taken you to task, in open court, for your ugly remarks about now Judge John Morganelli. But Judge Baratta will be fair to you. You are not helping yourself, likely bc you are mentally ill.

  23. Don't bother Bernie. This is her latest diatribe. Did she seriously believe that Attorney Waldron was going to put on this testimony:

    You need to stop listening to two of the most dysfunctional people in society who have spun their own false narrative devoid of any facts at all. One obsessed nutbag in 2020 posted stolen photos of me from 20 years ago in a bikini, pasted onto a craigslist advertisement from 2009, to make me appear as a prostitute but was never charged with a crime. Google "Tricia Mezzacappa needed a handy man" ..he's a complete stranger and has written over 100 blogs about me since he moved here in 2012. He has taken time off from his job to follow me around in area courthouses. , and has filed false charges against me that were thrown out of court. He frightens me. ..The Borough Manager admitted in an affidavit that she stalked me on craigslist repeatedly for a year , and downloaded/ printed all of my business advertisements , many of which were never posted by me. There is a file in Borough Hall chock full of these stolen photos that were taken of me years ago...ask Joan Heebner what she told the former Spring Street resident when I posted a notice of concern on her door. Fill out a RTK request for all of this and you will see it. Actually, please fill out a RTK request for all of her emails to/ from me in the last 6 years, so you can decide for yourself who is nuts. I told the police it was a set up from West Easton Borough Hall. Dan DePaul was caught on these dashcam police videos stalking my house, on the night of the crime. He is an expunged stalker who terrorized his last girlfriend, to the point she had to leave town and go into hiding. He drove back and forth in front of our houses 3 times in 15 minutes, while the police were here. I hope to post it soon. The dashcam videos show me mentioning the names Bill Concolino, Dan DePaul and Malcom. I never mentioned your son. The people you are listening to are complete strangers who have been torturing me, my family, and my livlihood every day for the last 10 years. you are playing right into their hands. Stop being used as their pawn. They don't care about you, or your family. They care about destroying my name and my life, that they have been hell bent on doing for the last 10 years, almost daily. I suspect both of them are firearm prohibited , and the one whose blog has over 1000 false articles about me terrorized my mother to death in NJ, where I was living in 2016. She feared for her safety and my safety and paid him thousands of dollars in 2015 to go away and leave us alone. It didn't work did it? The sight of all three of them (Dees , DePaul and O'Hare) has made me physically ill. I moved back to NJ in 2018 , but because O'hare forced money from my mother that she could not afford to pay, my sister sued me after she died, and I lost my NJ property and my inheritance, and had to come back to West Easton. My career is destroyed and I cant afford to move. These nutbags went after my widowed mother who was a complete stranger , in her 70s, and hurt no one, sending her to an early grave. Ask yourself what kind of rabid animal does this? They have no boundaries and there is never any bottom deep enough for them to hit. My only hope is that you wake up before you find yourself on the receiving end of their deranged vitriol and hatred.

  24. I sued Mezzacappa bc she repreatedly defamed me. I won. She refused to pay, and fraudulently conveyed her real estate to her mother to avoid paying. I sued the mother over the fraudulent conveyance. They paid up.

    I have no knowledge why Mezzacappa's sister sued her, but suspect her inheritance was reduced bc of her tortious behavior as it should have been. Her claims concerning West Easton officials are obviously nutty. She also apparently thought she was going to live in her mother's house. But she would be doing us all a favor if she moved back to Jersey.

  25. This woman is out of her ever loving mind. She believes her own lies.

  26. @His mom

    Have your son file a lawsuit. With her conviction you won't have any problem finding a lawyer to take it on a contingency basis.

  27. These two posts aged well. I posted the second one back in 2019 when BOH reported about this. This first post was posted on the same thread. I think we can assume who posted it.

    First post:

    "When she beats the charges and sues the PSP, she has promised to donate the winnings:

    1.) One half to Norristown State Hospital for a new wing to be named ...the Dees-Ohare rehab center

    2.) One half to NRA to keep fighting to protect law abiding citizens 2A rights from assholes like this blog owner and his twisted cronies who can and will misuse "red flag" laws to disarm people who need protection from them."

    Second post:

    "Tricia: I'm sure Attorney Waldron has warned you to stay off of this blog. And, if he hasn't, he isn't representing you well. Almost every good lawyer tells their clients under indictment to stay off of social media and to delete one's social media accounts; neither of which you have done. I'd heed his advice. There's no way you will beat these charges and it's inconceivable that you will successfully win a lawsuit against the PSP. You are sinking your own ship and I wouldn't be surprised if John drops you as a client."


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.