Local Government TV

Thursday, March 04, 2021

NorCo GOP Exec Candidate Steve Lynch is Vewy, Vewy Angwy, Too!

Although I'm a highly-conditioned well-trained athlete and grandmaster Hearts player, I have very few natural abilities. I do excel at one thing. I have an uncanny ability to really piss people off. Right now, South Whitehall Comm'r and attempted union buster Matt Mobilio is rolling around the floor, frothing at the mouth, over my criticism of him. This phony liberal suggested that Trump supporters be hung for treason, but hates seeing his own actions called into question. But to be clear, let me warn you that I'm an equal opportunity offender. NorCo GOP Exec candidate Steve Lynch (and suspected domestic terrorist) is blowin' oil about me, too. 

Lynch calls his followers his "#lyncharmy" or "#teamlynch." I have a better term - lynch mob. I'm sure he has a noose or two somewhere. After all, he was part of the lynch mob that invaded the U.S. Capitol on January 6 in a unsuccessful coup against the Congress. They even had a gallows set up for VP Mike Pence. Lynch, who by his own admission was visited by the FBI over his own role in that failed fracas, is now the Republican party's lead candidate in the upcoming NorCo races.  

I reached out to Lynch before his formal announcement and he agreed to sit down with me, even though I warned him we have little in common. Lynch not only reneged on his promise, but blocked me from his Facebook page. Lynch called me a "deplorable," a term I thought was reserved for Trump supporters. Here's how he explains his decision to block me. "Why should I give a liar and a partisan political hack access to my Facebook page or my candidate page?" Well, Steve, if you believe in transparency, you should. 

Lynch failed to enumerate what lies I told about him. Everything I wrote about him came from his own mouth or public records. I have preserved the videos of him admitting he was visited by the FBI and that he failed the physical for the Reading police department. I have his voting record showing that he simply fails to vote in municipal races, and cast no vote in either of the last two Exec races. The judgments against this so -called businessman are a matter of public record. What I wrote might be unflattering, but happens to be true. 

As to his claim that I am a partisan political hack, I am a Democrat but have often voted for Republicans. In most years, I usually vote for more Republicans than Democrats. But just as Mad Matty Mobilio is vewy vewy angwy, so is Lynch. Here's what he recently wrote:

"The left are the most vile, racist and hypocritical group of human beings I have ever come across in my entire life! You can take your narrative you try to spin about Patriots and shove it. The Dems even blew up their 'moment' when the coordinated attack on Washington (not by Patriots but by the ones who are always projecting their sins and crimes onto us) was overshadowed by their relentless pursuit to abolish free speech! You people are a cancer to society and would be ashamed of yourselves if you had a conscience. We win in the end because we are the light that has come to abolish the darkness."   

Steve needs a nap. He talks about censorship when it is he who has blocked several people. He is attempting to blame Democrats for the failed coup in which he was either a legal or illegal participant even though the evidence (and arrests) make clear that those responsible were right wing nuts. He is gushing hate on a political party and ideology simply because it differs from his. This is anti-American. 


  1. You still have the magic touch of pissing virtually everyone off, Bernie. Kudos to you, old fart! Mr. Lynch makes a very pathetic attempt to create his own definition of "patriot". Clearly the vast majority of those who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6 believe they are patriots, and my guess is there is no daylight at all between their ideology and that of Lynch.

  2. Watch the child Miserable Maddy Matty act like a internet tough guy. Guy really neglects his political duties to represent all citizens regardless of political party.

  3. Sadly on the local level of politics, the people who have reasonable/rational minds that can see multiple sides to complex issues are far outnumbered by the whacked out societal misfits among us.

    I guess the sane among us are too busy dealing with life and work, rolling with the punches, paying our taxes and hoping the lights stay on, the roads are plowed and the pot holes are filled so we can get home and have a drink at the end of the day.

  4. As Simone who follows local government very closely, most are reasonable and rational. I am disturbed, however, at the growing number of extremists like Lynch and Mad Matt Mobilio on both sides of the ideological spectrum.

  5. "This phony liberal"

    I have top agree with you on this point, if Mobilio was a true liberal he would not be living in a wealthy, mostly white suburb, within a segregated public school system, driving his single occupancy vehicle around for every trip he makes. To me, a credible liberal public official would set an example by living in a diverse urban community with integrated schools and opportunities for sustainable living through walking and riding mass transit etc.. I do not mean to judge suburbanites, just those who act like liberals but do not make corresponding choices in their own lives. At least I can respect Darth Voter for being a real liberal.

  6. We had the left rolling around on the floor frothing for four years. Now it is the rights time to do the same for four years while rolling on the floor frothing. Truth be told those vewy angry ones are the political hacks that halt the American way of working for the people.
    At this point we all just want our $1400.00 because like Bernie and me we have lost a lot of weight from not eating well and are famished by those in charge.

  7. I find it oh so interesting that people who desire good government are black labeled on this blog as "extremists"...if you were not such a LaMont McClure lapdog and puppet, people may actually believe that you actually care about good government. You don't. You are owned and controlled and do as you are told. The circular firing squad that is northampton county government is never called out or exposed, because its your job to make sure all the "people" who make the rules are fawned over and praised.That gets you the access you crave because no other person in their right mind will step within 100 feet of you.

    You're a joke and a pathetic pile of toxic scum.

    1. Power Top log cabin RMarch 4, 2021 at 1:54 PM

      Hi little mad Matty!

  8. March 4, 2021 at 8:12 AM

    YOU are the only Joke posting here, besides the other one about being liberal and how we should live

  9. IF this is the future of the Republican Party count me out. :( The Republican Party is currently hemorrhaging registered voters. This is exhibit A as to why. 20,000 Republicans have left the party this year so far. Largest string of net registration losses since 2008. Most happening in suburban swing communities.

    The Republican Party is going to continue to lose swing counties. Continue to lose the Suburbs, radicalize and become a niche rural only party.

    The question? Where will conservatives uninterested in this new nationalist identity politics go? Independent? A new small government Conservative party? Personally, I'm still hoping Trump populists, these so called "Patriots" form their own party. Something they often threaten to do. Then the remaining Republican Party could begin picking off conservative and moderate Democrats who are equally disillusioned with that parties endless march hard left.

  10. @9:27 - I share your wishes, but sadly I don't think anything will materially change until multiple losses in 2022, 2024 maybe even into 2026 start piling up. Most Republicans are selfish cowards too afraid of risking their position of power to directly challenge Trump and alienating his base. Similarly Trump also knows he doesn't have to leave and that he has just enough of a hold on a solid majority of the party that others have to follow or be left out in the cold.

    Their demographic base of minimally educated rural voters who are eager to blame all of lifes problems on other people is continually shrinking. Urban and Suburban voters work and go to school with people from all types of backgrounds and have a better understanding of what America is and what Patriotism is all about.

    Those who are spouting "America First" today are no different that those who said it in the 1930's. None of them know/knew what America was about beyond their own narrow out of touch beliefs.

  11. My solution is open primaries. This will eliminate the extremists from within both parties.

  12. 8:12 is Tricia Mezacappa. She gives herself away with her terminology.

  13. Good to know that pragmatic centrists who happen to be registered Democrats are considered a cancer. Listen to the Tim Mcgraw song Undivided a couple of times. If it doesn't move you a bit then you have no soul.

  14. Good to know that pragmatic centrists who happen to be registered Democrats are considered a cancer. Listen to the Tim Mcgraw song Undivided a couple of times. If it doesn't move you a bit then you have no soul.

  15. I have received but refuse to publish lies about Gracedale.

  16. Being called scum by 812 is a compliment given her below sea level IQ which defies reason

  17. Most of my friends and family are Republicans, mostly due to their religious beliefs- but definitely not due with being a Christian, based on their behavior and rhetoric the past 5 years. Regardless, Trump emboldened them and they keep getting nastier, conspiracy driven and just plain cuckoo! We need to stop ignoring their lies. Some of them need a good intervention. I've written on here before about one of my good buddies from high school. He is well educated, owns his own small business, owns his own house, etc..., but he sends me text messages like the one these almost every other day:

    "The courts had many chances to rectify the fraud of the election and again yesterday they did not. So at this point every legal option has been exhausted there’s only one hope left for the United States of America. I do believe since January 20 we have had two presidents and one president is control of the dissolving corporation and the other is in control of our military. Please pray with me that I am correct because if I am not we are going into the abyss sooner than later. Hopefully on March 4 the light will shine through the darkness and some of the truth will be revealed for the world to see."

    As I was typing this, I just received another text that Air Force One has been spotted in Palm Beach Florida, implying that "President" Trump is on board, ready to reclaim his Presidency. If I hadn't known my friend for 30+ years, he'd be blocked by now, but I would have to do a lot of blocking, because there are many other people I know who still believe this.

    We can't allow this nonsense to continue. Sorry peeps, but Trump deceived you. You were Duped. He's a con artist and apparently a very good one at that.

    We cannot allow the extremists on either side be elected into important positions, whether it's at the Federal, State or Local level and therefore, let's show the Steve Lynch's to the door.


    1. You sound like you need a blanket and some hot chocolate.

  18. Wow 10:29 that's a mouthful of elitism there boy LOL.

  19. I am for open primaries also. No matter who wins the general election it's usually someone on the extreme side of whatever party they represent. It's not fair to all the independents who are not allowed to vote in primaries which is a third of the electorate. Let's open it up to all voters!

    As far as moderate Joe goes, opening the border and allowing boys to compete against my daughter in track is hardly moderate. I feel like I was tricked.

  20. Is this "Trump Gets Reinaugerated Today" thing a QAnon pop-up conspiracy or what? Sounds almost like a Chrisophany. Trump rising from the metaphorical dead and returning to the US Capital in Washington to once again rein over us all. Hollywood can't script this shit. Too funny. But I shouldn't laugh. Today's weather's been kind of ominous.

  21. I read the resurrection will be televised March 20th, also there was an April date. I kid you not, the 1st.

    1. Yup! Today's text from my conspiracy-driven friend:

      "Donald Trump is now in control of the military and he will be inaugurated on March 20th".



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.