Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Welcome to Brad Osborne, Who Will Cover S Whitehall Tp

Blogger's Note: Not long ago, I posted a blog asking for people who might be interested in covering different political contests or municipalities. A few of you have expressed interest, and I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome former Lehigh County and South Whitehall Township Commissioner Brad Osborne. He is a Republican, and this should make this blog a bit more balanced. His focus will be South Whitehall Township Unraveled. Here's his Intro:

Brad Osborne has lived in the Lehigh Valley most of his life and has resided in South Whitehall for the past 34 years. During this time, he has served on both the South Whitehall Board of Commissioners and the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners.

Brad will be sharing information on important topics in his township not widely reported by the local media. His motivation is to promote respectful discussion as the residents and businesses consider these topics and the platforms of the candidates who seek the two Board of Commissioner positions in play in the upcoming 2021 election. This is no doubt a defining time for the township. Who we select to represent us will determine our future.

Stay tuned!


  1. I appreciate this attempt at more balance. You used to be more balanced. But Trump changed you, as he did so many. Welcome Brad. In a world where many of your thoughts and philosophies are becoming criminal, I salute you for dodging the slings and arrows of the increasingly fetid public arena.

  2. Excellent news. Brad is the right person for this job. SWT needs some focused coverage. If half of what I hear about how things are currently run over there are true, it's easily one of the least transparent and dysfunctional municipal governments in the region right now. Sunshine is a great disinfectant. Coverage on this blog will go a long way.

    1. The need for transparency in government is one thing we can all agree on, the lack of which leads to either bad or less-than-perfect solutions. I hope my reporting will highlight the gaps that may exist in South Whitehall and ultimately improve the situation.

  3. Brad thank you for stepping up and sharing your info and views. It seems that certain members of the current board want to remain non transparent and share only info they want people to know versus the entire story.

    1. Thank you, Chris! I hope to capture stories of interest & importance in a straightforward way, and invite comment along the way.

  4. Don't lean too far right while leaning left or you too could become one of the erased by those in the cancel cuture.

  5. 6:57, i have never been balanced. My sole pledge is to try to be honest, but I say what I think. I consider Donald Trump one if the worst misfortunes to have ever visited the United States. It sickens me that so many of you are still victims of his con. Let’s hope you awaken. In reality there is not all that much difference between the two parties and we. Red to stop going after each other like mortal enemies.

  6. I never voted for Trump, can't stand him or his zealot supporters. Trump put you on a hair-trigger and you just made my point. You quickly "cancel" any commentary that disagrees with yours as coming from a Trump nut. That was fast - and predictable. Trump gave you a blind spot. The Brad experiment should be interesting and I look forward to it.

  7. Welcome Brad. He is a true professional who works for the people. He spent many hours working to support cedarbrook nursing home. A good man. As for the parties I agree we should not be enemies. However I do believe we are far apart in our plans and goals for this country as evidenced by the past month executive orders.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. Concerning Cedarbrook, it is truly a valuable community asset, one I always believed in and supported. The management and staff are top-notch and caring. And once you meet the residents, you’re hooked!

      It took a long time, a lot of study & debate, but we finally have much needed renovations on the horizon! In fact, I understand the county will be appearing before the SWT Zoning Hearing Board tonight to ask for 2 variances needed to move ahead.

    2. I am grateful my personal goal for renovations and new building came true. With your help! Stay well

  8. We hope you awaken too

  9. Met Mr. Osborne a few times and was always impressed. Welcome.

  10. Thank you - very nice of you to say that. I hope I can keep that image up even as I tackle difficult topics sometimes!

  11. https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/lehigh-county/2013/05/former_south_whitehall_townshi.html

  12. This was two years after Brad left S Whitehall Tp as a Commissioner, so I don't really know what point you're trying to make except that you're an asshole.

  13. What an excellent choice for a blogger to cover SWT! Brad is knowledgeable and will be able to sort out what is good and what is bad. Brad is a classy good guy! Hoping Bernie doesn't influence him too much!

  14. So I have a question that I would like to ask you regarding a matter at SWT but do not know how this blogging works. Can you please provide me with some direction/instructions?

  15. Absolutely. If you would like to email me at “bosborne@ptd.net”, I will keep our correspondence confidential if you’d like.

  16. Brad,
    I have lived in South Whitehall since 1983. Today, I received a letter announcing your candidacy for a vacancy in the South Whitehall Board of Commissioners. As an independent voter, I support your platform to counter overdevelopment, lack of financial audits (this may have been straightened out), tax increases, etc.
    However, I need to know where you stand on larger issues such as the lack of response by the national GOP to the January 6 insurrection, PA attempts at voter suppression and gerrymandering as will as support for investigation and possible prosecution of any and all criminal and treasonous acts of the former president.
    John Zabrenski
    Long time resident of South Whitrehall


  17. Brad,
    I received a letter today announcing you candidacy for the open position of South Whitehall Commissioner. While I support the curtailment of overdevelopment in SWT and increased transparency, I do need to know where you stand on larger issues that the Republican party faces.
    I am an independent voter and have no dog in the larger GOP fight. But I am seriously concerned with the obsequious response of PA state Repubs to the challenges to our democracy that were committed on January 6 by a mob at the request of the disgraced former president who could not accept the legitimate outcome of the national election. Anyone reading this, please save yourself the embarrassment of defending this lie as it has been proven false in over 60 lawsuits filed by the ex presidents legal goons who are now in the in the process of losing their legal licenses for bringing frivolous lawsuits to the courts.
    Again, I'm not trying to carry water for any party, but I would like to know where you stand on this issue as it is very important to me and a host of other independent voters.

    John Zabrenski

  18. Brad do you have anything to offer for the upcoming South Whitehall Commissioner's Race ?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.