Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Would You Vote to Impeach Trump?

Below is the text of the Congressional resolution to impeach Donald Trump, which will be introduced Wednesday. It's unlikely the Senate will be able to act on it before Joe Biden is sworn in as President. Although Trump's conduct leading up to the attempted Congressional coup last week clearly demonstrates he is unfit for office, won't this matter be moot by the time it reaches the Senate? Doesn't it make more sense for the House to do all it can now to ensure that what happened last week never happens again? Shouldn't we first ensure the capitol is safe when Joe Biden is inaugurated? If Trump broke the law, as I believe he did, shouldn't Congress allow federal prosecutors to conduct a thorough investigation and file the correct charges? Sure, he can pardon himself, but I doubt that will hold because he is unable to be a judge in his own case. What do you think and why?

Impeachment Resolution by BernieOHare


  1. Just impeach him again - he deserves it. Brand him as the only president to be impeached twice, which he also deserves. His priority from day 1 was to be re-elected, and he tried every trick in the book to take the election illegally, instead of concentrating on doing a good job and earning re-election. His closest aids say he really isn't interested in most aspects of the job. Like we really can't see that. I have no clue what his supporters see in him, other than he is one of the biggest racists you would ever meet.

  2. We can walk and chew gum. They're already talking about splitting the days in the Senate to get it all done. 1/2 days on impeachment trial and half days on new Covid relief and confirming cabinet members. Let's get to work!

  3. Yes. In most cases no but this was extraordinary. He incited a riot in which people died. It was inciting a mob to take over the capitol and harm elected officials. He may have thought it was all one of his usual ego games but he was wrong. He is the President of the United States and this time he must be prosecuted. Even Christie stated if this isn't an impeachable crime what is.

    As to dividing people. We are at the point where angering people who make excuses for a President and actors who wish to tear down the Republic is no longer a concern. He is a traitor knowingly or not. Whether you anger those who cast their lot with this authoritarian is no longer a concern.

  4. No, Just more political dramatics, will not make any difference except to show the dems as impeachment crazed from even before the inauguration. Will just create more division and animosity. It appears that there are some who want more division, more violence, and more chaos. I expect they believe they can reap some political benefit, but at what cost to the nation?

  5. Yes, if I were in Congress it would be my duty to vote To impeached
    The Republican group are saying he didn’t do anything now and trying to give him another pass

  6. Of course I would. It's not like congress has anything more important to do regards protecting the country during this pandemic, guiding the economy along, or reducing our China supply chain entanglements. Why assist Americans when we can make orange man look really, really bad and ignore the radical, destructive policies of the upcoming administration?. "First we ruin Georgia; then we doom America" !!

  7. I hate both parties and think our choice was tragic. So let's keep fighting. 65% of the vaccine is sitting around. Businesses that haven't been wiped out are circling the drain. The delayed early detection cancer bomb is exploding, and that heartbreak will go on for years. But let's keep fighting. That's what our betters like us to do when they're botching the things that really matter. Let's keep fighting. Let's just keep fighting.

  8. Resign, 25th, or Impeach, now! This man and his family have caused too much damage. As a Republican I’m angry and ashamed of his blatant illegal actions. It’s time for the GOP to scrape Trump and his family of grifters off or be held accountable and financially responsible for their actions for years to come. A generation of Republican leadership has been lost and overshadowed by the Trump family. Senators who tried to interrupt the transfer of power by spreading proven untruths must also be held accountable. Five people are dead, a cop was brutally attacked and murdered by a mob egged on by Trump. He’s shamed the office of the President and he must be held accountable.

  9. “There will be no shortage of incredible opportunities in real estate and beyond,” Eric Trump said. NYT, 1/12/2021

  10. My kids are big Avengers fans. In one of the movies Tony Stark becomes a huge proponent of accountability. We had many discussions in our house about what accountability and personal responsibility means. We have become big supporters of it at a very young age, at as such they chose "Team Iron Man".

    So yes, I support impeachment because the president needs to be held accountable for the riot and insurrection he incited. He needs to be held accountable for 4-6 years of radicalization of the Republican Party and inflammatory rhetoric that led us down a path as a nation to potential autocracy and fascist tendencies.

    Beyond that, due to what the last half decade has shown us, it is indeed time to hold our entire government accountable and enter into a new era of REFORM. Police reform, campaign finance reform, rank choice voting, addressing systematic racism, coalition governance and not winner-take-all democracy. Auditing the parties and holding big tech accountable for the power they wield and ensuring that free speech is protected, but holding those who use it (that's right) ACCOUNTABLE. Term limits for elected reps AND for the SCOTUS because a generation dead and gone should not govern the living ones.

    Now is the time, no matter what side of the political spectrum one sits on, to demand accountability and reform. It starts now with rejecting this failed president and with putting "Trumpism" down. It starts now with holding our local GOP party leaders accountable and dismissing them, same for our state leaders. Arnold's speech on YouTube was likely the best reply to the tragedy that befell out country last week. He grew up in the shadow of Nazi Germany and the Anschluss of Austria- he knows the aftermath it wrought.

    But... "our democracy is like a steel swords and it gets stronger as it is tempered. Stronger as it is put in the fire and beaten and then plunged in the water".. Strong words....

    So now is the time for REFORM on many levels. And respectfully, aging obstructionists will need to be gently put to pasture politically if they cannot understand the importance of the task at hand.

  11. At this point, impeachment as a congressional tool, is just a hollow joke and simply viewed as a partisan political tool.

    Republicans are now calling for unity, healing and all around less divisiveness. Which is certainly understandable and good, but does seem to be a bit misleading from the crowd that typically embraced the motto and flew flags emblazoned with "Fuck Your Feelings". I think the change of heart has more to do with the loss of majority status than any epiphany, but maybe I'm being cynical.

    That the President pushed lies and conspiracies about the election was bad enough, but lets be honest, was sort of "On Brand" for his style of constant victimhood. That he then sought to pressure Raffensberger to overturn the election in Georgia on a phone call, and doubtlessly made similar attempts in AZ, MI, PA and WI - that alone is grounds for impeachment.

    The cherry on top is the constant, calculated and continual agitation on his part to lather up his supporters that ultimately led to Jan 6th. HE, through his words and actions is responsible for a day that led to the needless deaths of 5 Americans and has stained our flag and democracy for a generation.

    Should he be impeached? Absolutely. Will he? No chance in hell. Too many Republican Senators are afraid of being primaried.

  12. The work that I’ve done in 2020 took me deep into northeastern Northampton County and well out of my West Bethlehem zone of liberal thought and action. I saw and heard the passion expressed by lawn signs, flags, and in people’s words. My job did not include engaging people in discussions. In fact, I was prohibited from discussing politics. And why would I?

    My question today is to wonder how the same people are feeling today after the events of January 6. I’m sure some supported the invasion. I hope not many.

    I wanted the first impeachment vote to have sat as it stood. I believed the election changes were legal and the best possible response to ensure people could cast their ballots legally in the middle of the pandemic. I promised to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution not once, but twice in my life. What I heard what President Trump said to the crowd and saw the video with him and his family in their briefing room, I knew that behavior of that type could not go on without a formal response. I trust our elected representatives in Congress to do the right thing, which I hope can be negotiated amicably and voted in with the deepest respect for our Republic.

  13. Nonsense. It is time to move on. Too many issues need to be addressed in this country. People are dying and vaccine efforts floundering from lack of coordination by the leaders in each state. If we had spent all the hours we spent on getting pot approved we would be in better shape. As usual follow the money and guess not that much money available for those in politics to "dip their wick". We knew the vaccine was coming! Look how quickly the very well run testing sites were set up in Northampton County. More factors to get in place but this is doable with a commitment from governments. There are many retired people with skills to get this done. Use the untapped kills of retired experienced health care workers, business folks that have skills in data entry and organizations skills. The currently employed health care workers should be kept doing what they always do.

  14. I'd vote to throw the entire career federal govt out of office and start fresh. This is the problem.

  15. Impeach him, convict him, strip away his post-office benefits and eligibility for federal office, and then prosecute him. I think he should spend some time in a cell where he can talk tough to whoever will listen. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

  16. "I hate both parties and think our choice was tragic. So let's keep fighting."

    You've given no answer.

  17. Impeach, find guilty, and kick his sorry ass out. He needs to be held accountable and the family of that slain Capitol police officer needs to file a lawsuit that holds him personally liable.

  18. @5:04AM - so just blow off everything that has happened in the last 2 months? Do you really think we should ignore the actions and efforts of Trump and his inner circle since the election to cast doubt and blame on the results, and more importantly the consequences that ultimately resulted last Wednesday?

    Be honest with yourself. Is there any comparison in US History to what we've just lived through? Has any sitting President ever done anything like this? Do you want to see it happen again, perhaps with a future Democrat in office?

    This isn't about dividing and already divided country. Its about uniting a country in terms of setting a level of expectation and standard to all future office holders that what has been done is completely and totally unacceptable.

  19. What is the sense of impeachment except to satisfy Pelosi's endless quest for vengeance

  20. As far as I'm concerned, nothing should be off the table with this sociopath: Impeachment, 25th Amendment, Criminal Charges/Incarceration...

    Read Michael Cohen's book, Mea Culpa. Trump never wanted to become President (until he was elected). By all accounts, Hillary Clinton was poised to become the next President and Trump wanted to hurt her politically, because Putin wanted her hurt politically. Trump gets most of his money from Russia and was trying to get a development deal there, despite his repeated claims to the contrary.

    Putin was very upset with Clinton for all the sanctions she imposed on Russia as Secretary of State and didn't want her as President. Trump helped with this narrative, plain and simple. And, when he lost to Clinton, he was going to to claim election fraud to help save face. The "problem" however, is that he won, stunning the world over. This then led to a closer look at his business dealings and his connections to Russia and Vladamir Putin.

    Growing up During the Reagan 80's and attending a private Catholic school, I constantly heard the mantra against Communism, The Soviet Union and the Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev: Better Dead Than Red. Apparently the Republican party now says, "Better Red than American"; Just look at the capitol building...

  21. There needs to be unity. Let it be. Move on from the hatred. Don't further divide this nation.As noted too much work to do. Can we move forward please. What good comes from dividing us all more. Friendships and families are breaking. Why can't people see that holding on to this is going to only hurt us. Haven't we all had enough?

  22. Now the Trumpkins have feelings. Who knew?

  23. 11:42 Accountability, then unity. If there is no expectation that the constitution is honored by holding everyone including the President to it, you have nothing to unite around.

  24. Yes as a last resort, but I would prefer that a deal would be cut with him where he will resign even if Pence pardons him as Ford did Nixon. This nation is much closer to a violent uprising than many people believe is possible. I believe that avoiding such a thing is as important, if not more important than punishing Trump. The US has been a decadent and delusional society for many years now. As much as I personally detest Donald Trump, impeaching him will not come close to solving all the problems this country needs to address.

  25. I'm going to just say this. Remember folks and this goes for both sides but let this stick especially as the next 4 years roll. These congressional members for the past 9 months during the pandemic never lost a dime. Most actually even got richer. They have wasted the past 4 years and to include what will probably be another 4 years of wasted legislation. They have spun their wheels so hard that they legit printed this crap in order to attempt to remove a man 8 days away from leaving office. Why? Because of 2024. They don't care about us they only care about continuing to hold power. Maybe instead of wasting their staffs time drafting up articles of impeachment they could actually pass some meaningful legislation. Nope, campaigning never stops, raising money never stops, spitting in the face of your opponent never stops. These people aren't representing you they are representing themselves. The minute we stop putting these politicians on pedestals and actually hold them accountable to do their job which is to LEGISLATE first, maybe we might move forward. Instead we are left to elect Presidents who legislate themselves by Executive Order. Why care if congress passes anything if you can just sign your own laws. Let the members continue to be bags of hot air and EO anything I want. Good Job America, you played yourself

    1. Well said. They never lost a dime. Never lost vacation time. Never lost health insurance.......and that is the best they can do with a 'stimulus' package. Politicians are Politicians for a reason.

  26. I'm not in the mood for unity. I want revenge and I want it to be brutal and incessant and unyielding. I want it to hurt. And then I want it to hurt some more. We're all thinking the same thing. I'm willing to admit it. Asian cultures know it takes three generations to cleanse bad lineage. Let's start here.

    1. That's sick. That's what's wrong with this country right now. Revenge over respect for others opinions

  27. @11:24 - What does moving on really accomplish? I get confronting the issue will be emotionally charged and drag up unpleasant realities, but we're not talking about some Uncles drinking problem here that we can all ignore, sweep under the rug and hope he doesn't do something embarrassing again or maybe something worse.

  28. After reading the various pros and cons, I would vote to impeach IF, and only if, there is some Republican support. The Congress needs to be more bipartisan. Nany Pelosi's partisanship has always been a major shortcoming. The US is not California.

    It's quite clear to me that Trump is unfit but I want some of my GOP friends to wake up and agree.

  29. Pelosi et al, are fools to try this. Remember, 75 million people, give or take, voted for Trump. Dems have had Trump in the crosshairs since 2016. The reason Trump was elected falls directly at the feet of those same Dems. Nothing has changed. Trading one old career politician for another. Biden loading up with all the old people from old regimes. No changes. I can't wait for the R's to take over the House and Senate in 2022. AND, a new R prez in 2024. Pelosi and her "squad" are practically guaranteeing it. I would say Biden, but those women will be chewing him up and spitting him out. He doesn't stand a chance!!

  30. On the merits of the action alone, which justice is blind, I believe he is guilty. I would not only vote to find him guilty of insurrection but vote to remove him from office and then vote to make sure he doesn't hold office again.

    Remember everyone, we are judging the action alone. Too much emotion is brought into this. Too much bickering back and forth that has no ultimate bearing on the actual moment of the crime. His words directly inspired people to march on the capitol. His request that people stay calm did not portray the same emphasis as his comments of having to fight. He may not have told people to attack but does his speech fulfill all requirements to meet "Incite an insurrection". I believe they did. There are videos of him standing by and watching videos as the riots started. He did not call the national guard sooner. They were not on standby to guard the capitol like they were during BLM. I believe there was intent to leave them unprotected.

    He did not denounce the riots sooner. He did not call on them to STOP in hasher terms. He told them that he loved them but they should go home now. I believe in that video he knew exactly what he did.

    This is not about republicans vs democrats. Don't get me started on our own state senators that actually participated with the event. Hopefully, they are also prosecuted and removed from office.

  31. So many naive dreamers. We've never had unity (except when the elites wanted a pep rally for the next war). Unity is un-American. Democracy is about a rolling boil. Let's have it out. I'd prefer words. Because silencing dissent leads to violence.

  32. Trump has and will always be an old fashioned RICO case. Follow the money. Trump is scared that on Jan. 20th at noon the creditors and lawsuits will begin. He is so in hock around the world and it is just about to come crashing down. Trump and his organization are no different than the mob. Follow the money and you will why he has acted the way he has.

  33. It really bothers me that so many Republicans see holding Trump accountable as politically undoable. The Republicans under Nixon were able to do it. It should not be a partisan issue to do the right thing. Bernie, I know that you, like me, served in the Army, and you remember the oath we took. I find it difficult to rationalize how these elected insurrectionists in Congress find it so easy to ignore their oath. I would vote to IMPEACH immediately. He should be tried for numerous crimes, and I hope that comes to pass. For what is the purpose of our legal system if not applied equally to all?

  34. Q; Are there many pro tRumpsters out there who still believe he has no ties to Putin and who maintain that the Russian hacking is not a serious issue ?
    Also, Deutshaabanc just cut him off, no NYC banks will deal with him
    Where will he obtain credit ?
    As I see it, financial ruin is on the way.

  35. For better or for worse, Trump is finally accepting his defeat. And he's doing four years faster than Hillary did.

  36. Yes, we have to impeach again, if only to be on record that the attempt by Trump to nullify democracy is not in any way acceptable. We must avoid turning into the kind of country that your father literally fought against.

    Yes we must also safeguard Biden when he takes the oath of office. We must do both.

  37. “The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration – as the expression goes, be careful what you wish for.” ~ Donald J. Trump

    He's still an arrogant P.O.S., now claiming free speech is under assault. Nobody told him you can't falsely yell "Fire!" in a movie theater.

  38. 11.59, We always seen big talkers, revenge for what?

  39. 25th amendment or impeachment would only serve to create more division and stoke those who are aligned with the President. Whether he deserves either is another matter. I like BO’s idea of federal prosecutors conducting a thorough investigation and filing the appropriate charges. There are many who agree with many of the conservative principles and policies of the current administration and who do not agree with, like or appreciate the man who is Donald Trump. Those people would feel disenfranchised if their voices are not heard. There is a reason there is more than one party. Conservatives and republicans should distance themselves from Trump. Hopefully, in the best-case scenario, he would eventually fade away. Those who have disliked and attempted to bring this President down from the beginning must be very careful not to keep stoking the fires. It is now time for Pelosi et al to put the country’s interest before their party’s interest. Trump has made himself unelectable as he needs more than those who follow him blindly in order to be elected. I voted Trump over Clinton, I voted Trump over Biden; however, now I would rather not vote for President than vote for Trump. I am not alone.

    Trump, Clinton, Biden… these are the best candidates the greatest nation in the world can produce?

  40. “ Asian cultures know it takes three generations to cleanse bad lineage.” - this statement is both incorrect and bigoted. The concept of blood lineage applied primarily in China, and was very much on again and off again. It has zero application to most Asian cultures or applies no more than it did to most western cultures. The notion here is that Asian cultures are not enlightened like we are when actually the reverse is true. Chinese culture in particular has existed 5,000 years

  41. Since the Capitol attack, Trump’s company has lost:

    — 3 of its banks
    — Its e-commerce site
    — Its golf major
    — Its chance at another golf major

    Trump tries to sabotage an election, winds up sabotaging himself.

  42. If you want revenge , dig two graves.


  43. @8:26

    There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution! End of Story!

    He will be the first President to be impeached twice and we need to educate our people to understand FACTS.

  44. I recognize its a big ask but... Remove from the equation any personal emotions, political labels and 4 years or 4 decades of poor behavior. Simply look at the events of last Wednesday, the images, deeds and consequences. Ask yourself - Do you want to see anything like that again? Don't try to make excuses or rationalize what happened, it just happened. Don't worry about unity or unsettled emotions.

    Based on what he did last week Trump should be impeached.

  45. A relative lack of bipartisanship only shows that most Republicans in the House are, sadly, prepared to continue to stand by Trump even as his odious actions escalate. This is a vote to be remembered in the '22 election!

  46. Ali Alexander, the guy who organized the "Stop the Steal" rally last week has said GOP Reps Brooks, Gosar and Biggs helped him plan it. The FBI knows that GOP Reps were texting some of the rioters during the event, and a NJ Rep said last night she knows some GOP Reps were giving tours of the Capitol the day prior.

    The whole election fraud/cheating angle has been thoroughly and completely debunked in terms of any large scale, results altering, consequence.

    Following FBI investigation of phone records and video review, those members of congress that assisted in last weeks events, then doubled down and challenged the results on Wednesday night/Thursday morning will be tried for treason.

  47. For those that believe impeachment serves no purpose and want unity all of a sudden are those that want to vote for him again in 2024. However, you can't, over the term of several months, create a situation that would eventually escalate into a civil uprising, give a speech telling people to march on the Capitol and gleefully watch it unfold on the news without ANY response. He did not mobilize the national guard right away. While his words requested no violence the tone was not there. The aids around him said he enjoyed what was happening. He was enthralled with the fact people were destroying the Capitol in his name.

    While I don't believe he will be criminally charged under protected political speech I believe he should still be removed and barred from EVER holding office again. Make a clear example that this can never happen again.

    I am often reminded of something I was told as a child "Put a frog in hot water and it will jump out but put it in cold water and slowly heat it up and it will boil to death"

    Trump has been slowly simmering the pot of water that is the United States. He needs to be put down so we can return to cooperation between the parties. There is no true unity. However, there can be cooperation. If you look up how brainwashing works you'll see that if you repeat the same lies enough times that people start to believe them. Trump repeated his lies every day and at every rally and NO ONE stopped him. He committed enough crimes and will get away with most. This is at least something they can do to prevent him from getting back in office.

    What I really don't understand is the rioters planted 2 bombs, carried zip-cuffs to take hostages, chanted for key members of congress and even Pence, stole from multiple offices, 5 people died including an officer, multiple people assaulted, the building was vandalized and STILL these people support Trump. What... the... F!!!!!!

    What does it take?

  48. I hate to say this but look back at 1933. The German Reichstag (very similar to our senate) passed the Enabling Act of 1933 giving additional authority to the then current Chancellor. Through acts of subversion this chancellor overthrew the President. This chancellor HATED people of a certain type. Demonized them at every rally. Often chanted He eventually started killing them by the millions that led to a world war that killed 20 million military personnel.

    Consider this speech:
    "When one day we shall be no more, then the coming generations shall be able to look
    back with pride upon this day, the day on which a great Volk affirmed the German community.
    In the past, millions of German men shed their blood for this Reich. How merciful a fate to be allowed to create this Reich today without a suffering. Now, rise, German Volk, subscribe to it, hold it tightly in your hands! I wish to thank Him who allowed me to return to my homeland so that I could return it to my German Reich! May every German realize the importance of the hour tomorrow, assess it and then bow his head in reverence before the will of the Almighty who has wrought this miracle in all of us within these past few weeks."

    History has a way of repeating itself. Our Senate is giving WAY too much power to a dictator like president. The checks and balances are not sound at the moment. This impeachment is absolutely necessary. Otherwise we are no better than the Germans of 1930s.

  49. Anonymous: January 13, 2021 at 11:31 AM

    “For those that believe impeachment serves no purpose and want unity all of a sudden are those that want to vote for him again in 2024.”

    This statement is opinion, supposition, and untrue. It is not supported by facts. I believe impeachment is motivated more by partisanship and dislike of DJT. I too am flabbergasted as to why anyone would continue to align themselves with DJT. I would like unity. I would not vote for DJT in 2024 nor do I think he would be the nominee. Even Ivanka, Jared, and other members of the inner circle pleaded with DJT to do more to quell the dissent that certainly got out of control. DJT has made himself unelectable and his minions look bad. There is danger in lumping all who voted for DJT in 2016 with those who rioted at the capitol last Wednesday. IMHO

  50. I want unity. Specifically, I want us to unify around the idea that attempting a violent overthrow of the government will be punished.

  51. President Biden should pardon former President Trump in a show of mercy, but only for the crime of Inciting an Insurrection, the item for which Mr. Trump has been impeached. Then let the US Attorney investigate and let the chips fall where they may. I am a democrat and voted for Biden.

    1. You can't pardon an impeachment.

  52. Anonymous on January 13, 2021, at 9:08 PM posted...

    "I want unity. Specifically, I want us to unify around the idea that attempting a violent overthrow of the government will be punished."

    Arrests have been made and those involved in the rioting and "attempting a violent overthrow of the government will be punished."

    Conservatives have a differing view than liberals. Republicans differ from democrats. There is a reason why we have two major parties. There are many political views, an entire spectrum of beliefs, principles, etc... The vast majority should be considered valid. Valid is not the same thing as approval. We cannot always view the world through our own myopic perspective. That can lead to feelings of disenfranchisement, discouragement, and acting out. We must condemn violence, looting, rioting, arson, and stealing. We should not excuse it, no matter the circumstances.

  53. Never before has a confederate flag been carried in our capitol like it was that day. He incited both a fight against our democracy but the phsyical representation of that democracy.

    His speech was worded in such a way that he may go free on criminal charges due to the fact he did not tell anyone specifically to commit any crimes. No pardons. He will be pardoning his family, im sure. No Mercy this time. Make an example. Insurrection is NOT acceptable. Insurrection will NOT be tolerated. Nail him with EVERYTHING you can. Whatever sticks stays with him forever. He will be disgraced for all time as the only president to be impeached twice. Once for a quid pro quo trying to get dirt to win the 2020 election and the other for being upset and starting a uprising for not actually winning the 2020 election.

    Its quite funny when you think about it.

    His whole family is corrupt. Look at the video posted of the after rally tent celebration. No, they took too much pleasure from tearing this country apart the last 4 years.

  54. Seems to me that impeachment is justifiable. I can't argue against it, at this point.
    What I think gets obscured here though is that the political class is getting away with 'high crimes and misdemeanors' and no one does anything about it.
    We have a Senate leader who appoints Swalwell to run the impeachment? He bedded down with a Chinese spy! We had a Russian collusion witch-hunt that was just as bad as this election fraud B--S--!
    On policy, Trump has moved this country forward. There are so many accomplishments his policy has improved. Middle East peace, Ending endless wars, ISIS, Holding NATO accountable to their deal, A Strong Economy, 401K retirements exploding, Standing up to China on many fronts, holding North Korea at bay for 4 years, the list goes on.
    However, the unbiased media carried the conversation for 4 years about a false story, truly "Fake News", which much of the population still believes, with no proof, no evidence and no basis.
    Yet, Trump is on this island as the conspiracy theorist.
    He's labeled as a racist, with no basis. He is the poster child for "systematic racism" even though he included minorities in all his policies. The "racist" police force argument was around long before Trump. The only reason it exploded like it did, was because the media had a person they hated to blame it on. That is the shame of it.

    Hate him or not, he moved our country forward, making it stronger for all, not just minorities, immigrants, one ethnic group or another. ALL OF US, Americans.
    For that, I say Thank You.

  55. I read that some of the rioters were making plans before DJT's speech on 1/6/21. It seems to me that should be investigated. I do not think that the immediate emotions related to the rioting at the capitol on 1/6/21 should prevail when it comes to "punishing" the parties involved. This is not to condone any of the rioting at the capitol on 1/6/21. The perpetrators should indeed be held accountable for their actions. It seems as though they are and the process is ongoing. DJT may indeed have riled up his base. The media has also riled up the public. This is not another post against the media. The news, national, regional, and local, all show edited video clips that have the greatest impact and you see what whoever edited it wants you to see. The clips are quite short in comparison and context. The articles/stories you read are also edited and slanted depending upon the platform. Conservatives usually read more conservative slanted news. (Fox News) Liberals usually read more progressive or liberally slanted news. (Politico) People should read both, all perspectives, and make up their own minds. Do not be a sheeple. If we do not wake up, the division will become greater.

  56. I was one of those people who didn't like Trump personally but liked most of his policies. The last few weeks of his presidency have really pissed me off. I blame him for R's losing the senate. HIs own lawyers telling people not to vote because it's "rigged". How do you win an election when your parties leaders are telling folks not to vote? It was a bad idea to have a rally in DC that day. Having said all this, I still think impeachment is a waste of time. He's going to be gone in couple of days, and it just divides the country more. Pelosi looks vindictive and as childish as Trump with this stuff. Let's just move on and move forward.


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