Local Government TV

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Trump's Assault on Democracy


Photo Credit : Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Regular readers of this blog know I'm no fan of Lehigh Valley Congress member Susan Wild. But I'm outraged to see how my elected Representative was treated by a mob incited by Donald Trump to mount a coup against our elected representatives in Congress yesterday, This is nothing short of sedition, and those involved must be prosecuted. 

One of them could include NorCo GOP Chair Gloria Lee Snover. In a chilling telephone interview, she told WLVR's Brad Klein, "Don't listen to the fake news, the fake media. ... The violence was small. It was isolated. ... Was it two people, I heard?"

Klein: "No, I think it's clear from the pictures that there are hundreds of protesters inside the capital building."

Snover: "Okay. I own as much of the capital building as VP Mike Pence does.

Klein: "Although probably storming the doors and forcing ...."

Snover: "Yeah, storming, but I'm just saying we have a right to be in the building." 

No, Lee, you don't have the right to barge onto the Senate or House floor and interfere with the people's business. And the Vice President, who presides over the Senate, has a duty to be there when called. 

Snover went on to say, "We want a new Republican party. We're never going back to the old Republican party. Never. We want a new party, a patriot party, out with the old Republicans." 

She added she refuses to accept the election results. "Donald Trump did not concede and will never concede. And we didn't lose. We won. "

In contrast to Snover, NorCo Exec Lamont McClure condemned the sedition. 

"The United States of America is the greatest experiment in self-government in human history. Nothing the domestic enemies of the nation did today changes that. Please join me in imploring all of our fellow citizens who are not domestic enemies of America to use these deplorable acts as impetus to recommit to those most magnificent of promises made in Philadelphia in 1787."

“ 'We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.' ”


  1. Susan Wild spoke at 1AM on the House floor and did an excellent job. Several GOP House members spoke and moaned about the election. Very poor losers. Pennsylvania Republican politicians are absolutely nuts.

  2. Yesterday was so predictable, yet the only ones caught by surprise were the DOJ (which has police power in DC) and Homeland Security (whose director is overseas on a last-chance taxpayer-funded vacation).
    DC's Mayor asked for National Guard troops on Monday, yet they didn't show up until about 5 hours after the insurrection started.
    The Capitol Police stood on the Capitol steps without riot gear, shields or even batons.
    Was this a wink, wink, nod, nod type of arrangement?

  3. It comes down to this, you either stand with America or you stand with Trump. America should now deal with the seditious people who stormed her capital.

  4. I had believed Snover only had a toe in the water of the radical side to appease her crazy Republicans. After listening to her statements she is obviously swimming in the insanity pool.

  5. I want a new GOP too. One without lies. One based on truth and respect for all Americans. One without the likes of Snover.

  6. politicians on both sides have caused this country to go down hill from local to the executive branch on both sides -our system breeds these people-there is very little hope with all the money in politics and the type of people who becomes politicians.

  7. Anyone - ANYONE - who saw that display of violence and trespass yesterday and is not sickened and disgusted with what happened is NOT an American.

    Gloria - you do have a right to access that building, you can sign up for a tour! As far as the main point of the building and the business being conducted there, your access is via your locally and state elected representatives and senators. You run a local political party, you should understand this. Its simple really - come with ideas, plans and platforms that have a broad range of appeal and support that a majority of the people will vote for. If you don't get enough votes, don't complain about who is voting, fix your ideas!

  8. 18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection - Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

    Every last individual who entered that building should be locked up for a decade, with no parole.

  9. We need to impeach Trump now.

    Anyone who spouts lies and falsehoods are culpable in this insurrection.

    The 25th amendment must be used and stop the bullshit once and for all.

    Wake up people there was 4000 dead yesterday due to COVID and this President has done nothing to stop this virus. People we are the laughing stock of the world, because you allow the lies, falsehoods, disinformation, propaganda machine know as the Trump presidency get away with all of the norms of America.

    Shame on all of those who are culpable, you are the puppets of the 1% and are deplorable human beings.

  10. FOX News embarrassingly attempting to float that all those evil doers who entered the Capitol yesterday were actually just ANTIFA dressed up in MAGA hats. Sadly, grandpa and grandma will probably nod along in agreement.

  11. Last night, I read over and over that "there are no words"... NO, there are plenty of words:

    -Attempted coup.
    -Fascism in America.
    -White nationalists.
    -White privilege.

    Go on party leadership social media. They are calling themselves PATRIOTS. Patriots?!

    These people have gone off the deep end. This week alone, I have reaffirmed why I left the GOP when Trump was elected.

    The GOP has lost all moral and ethical agency to govern until proven otherwise. Just imagine if this had been a racial justice protest...

    And any local, county, state or national leadership that does not recognize what ACTUALLY occurred yesterday needs to step down or be removed (Looking squarely at Norco right now...)

    Our very form of governance is in the balance. There was no conspiracy, no steal- there is only a demagogue trying to rise to power and overturn a free and fair election.

    Supporters, establishment figures and party leaders and as good as conspirators right now.

  12. It's time for people like Gloria Snover to ACT. Stop talking. Stop posturing. Stop performing. LEAVE THE PARTY. Take your crazy elsewhere. Start your own Trump worshipping cult. Do it already. Talk is cheap.

  13. 6:54....right on. I”m proud to be 100% Old Republican as defined by Ms Snover. The kind that used to win elections instead of just primaries.

  14. I will not be publishing any anonymous comments that attempt to make light of yesterday's sedition. It was not a protest. It was not a riot. It was sedition against the lawful government of the United States, and it was incited by Donald Trump. If you want to joke about or make Antifa comparisons, like Dean Browning did on his Twitter account, identify yourself so we all know who you are. I have had enough nonsense.

  15. Now is the time to change our system or the country will die--our politicians are bad news--our media is bad news--our system did breed these people it must change or the country will collapse. The system is corrupt and the people know that it is corrupt. Term limits is a must=we can not have life time politicians- look what they did to the country--judges must have terms limits and so should the federal workers.Change is hard for some people but it must be done.

  16. Curious if folks are familiar with how the logical fallacy of "whataboutisms" came to prominence?

    It was the the Soviet Union. During the height of communism, western civilization mostly united in criticisms of the unthinkable atrocities being committed by the Soviets against its own people. In responding to this criticism Soviet state run propaganda would invoke American slavery, lynchings and racism. Soviet propagandists during the cold war were trained in the tactic. Any criticism of the Soviets was countered with 'What about...'

    Folks comparing Antifa to the insurrection at the Capitol yesterday are using the same playbook of communist propagandists.

    Related, having friends across the political spectrum exactly ZERO people I know supported, condoned or otherwise were "ok" with antifa looting and burning. ZERO.

  17. We know it wasn't ANTIFA because the stone cold morons who entered the buildings posted it all on social media!

    Half of Paler last night was saying it was a false flag ANTIFA operation while the other half was posting and bragging about being there.

    There is nothing wrong with being a Republican, there is A LOT wrong with defending and making excuses for Donald Trump. The two are no longer connected.

    Republicans no longer control the Senate because of Trump - that is a pure fact.

    These 2 weeks can't go fast enough. Wouldn't be totally shocked to see another impeachment AND a conviction this time just to nip any delusions of 2024 in the bud. Though to be honest another Trump run in 2024 would be music to Democrats ears at this point.

  18. I hope Snover's days of leading the local party are over. As a Democrat, I welcome the loyal opposition but that loyalty means "to country" not to a cult leader.

  19. We own the White House too. Try walking in there. Trump called for ten year sentences for vandalism of statues. What type of punishment should these thugs be looking at? If this were a BLM protest there would have been stacks of body bags. I mourn for my country.

  20. 9:49,
    You are spot on. There isn't much being said about the disparity. Maybe it will come later, but if the crowd at the capital were of color, bodies would still be on the steps this morning and police would have been swinging batons, firing rubber bullets at those on the streets, and using up their supply of tear gas.

  21. @949. I watched alot of BLM protests across the country. None of them had body bags required for the protesters.

  22. Someone's ass is going to be fired in the Capital Hill Police, probably quite a few asses really. I am sure there will be plenty of blame cast around, but shocking lack of foresight and planning knowing well in advance what the day's environment would be like.

    Lack of manpower, lack of equipment, lack of response are all inexcusable. I would also look hard at any individuals on the force who stopped to take selfies with the rioters or seemed to offer assistance or comfort to them.

  23. Capitol Hill Police Dept has over 2,000 employees and a budget of $460M.

    It was overrun in 2 hours by a bunch of Cosplay Fruits who were armed mostly with dorky flags.

    God do those gheylords love waving their flags around...

  24. Snover needs to resign her position in Bethlehem Township due to her ignorance.

  25. The violence has been brewing since Steve Scalise was shot. A Congressman was actually shot for being a Congressman. And nobody cared or wondered what it might portend. Shame on both sides. I'm sick of the violence and happy the media is suddenly sick of it, too, and demanding zero tolerance. They seemed to want to excuse it and explain it away all summer. Enough.

  26. I voted for Trump because I was hoping an outsider would bring about food change. I appreciated his hard-line approach regarding UN funding and his willingness to blame China for the pandemic, but I was continually disappointed by his behavior. With that said, the media is not innocent in all of this because it declared war on Trump before the 2016 election and ramped up its assault when their chosen candidate was humiliated. Perhaps, just perhaps, if the media would have been less doom and gloom from day one, people would have seen for them selves Trump was an overgrown toddler. Because of the media assault, his rabid supporters circled the wagons, which lead to the events of yesterday.

  27. 12:23 PM,
    You didn't see body bags because they didn't storm the Capitol. One reason is Trump had every law enforcement agency out in force when they marched because he thinks blacks can't control themselves. The other reason is the vast majority of BLM protesters have respect for the law. If they had done so, like the Trumpkin Bumpkins did, there would have been plenty of dead and wounded, followed by Trump holding a Bible on the steps to the Capitol.

  28. Trump's Benghazi...4 dead...just not an embassy, but the freakin' Capitol of the United States!

  29. I should feel sad for someone as delusional as Snover. Alas, I cannot. If she is willing to continue to incite sedition she should suffer the full consequences.
    What trash.

  30. Lee is a good person but is lost. If she went beyond the barriers she should be prosecuted. Maybe that will wake her up.

  31. As 9:49 AM stated, Trump signed executive order 13933 in June about the statues and monuments. It also lists vandalizing government property.

  32. Lee Snover is a good person? . Yet you demean and defile members of the county council. You are one messed up person and no friend of representative government.!

  33. 4:22...

    there was plenty of media available to justify his actions throughout the presidency. even media justifying what happened this week. he lived up to the reputation that was created for him. the media ended up being right. we had nightmares of the thousands of people dying (turned to be a pandemic) and violence in dc. guess what? they happened.

    unfortunately there was nothing...and still is nothing...to convince people how dangerous this man is. i'd be interested to hear how you think we can get through to people who you seem to think will quickly and easily see the truth. i told my 6 year old son that he lives in a country where 2+2 doesn't equal 4 any more. he should be proud of his parents who still think it does and will hold joe biden accountable for making it happen.

  34. There are plenty of good people out there Bernie, but unfortunately a lot of them are simply delusional or just too easily manipulated in their thinking that the election was fraudulent or unfair. They WANT to believe it. They want to believe it because they've allowed themselves to be completely infatuated by a man.

    I saw the little wave our flags for Trump rally in the vacant lot across from the CVS in Nazareth last weekend - they all seemed nice enough, smiling and waving at the cars driving up and down 191. Same flavor and variety of what we saw on Wednesday, just much much smaller. One guy was in the intersection with a sign that said Biden is a Socialist. These are the same people who complain that nobody ever gave Trump a chance and the media was mean and unfair to him. They've allowed themselves to be completely removed from reality.

  35. "Lee Snover is a good person? . Yet you demean and defile members of the county council. You are one messed up person and no friend of representative government."

    Lee's views are extreme and she appears to have been consumed by the Church of Donald Trump, but yes, she is a good-hearted person. I have always liked her and her sister Maude even though I am highly critical of them both. On a personal level, I like most members of Council, but am critical of them at times.

  36. And the Church of trump continues

    " But with the betrayal by Pence and Congress, the treason is now complete and nobody can say that Trump did not allow the process to finish before acting."

  37. Going forward the big loser will be the republican party. Cant imagine their primaries. Even today their fights lead to the takeover by the dems in Georgia of all places. Lets call it the erectile dysfunction of the republican party.

  38. Until gerrymandered states end, you will see Trumpian candidates winning more seats at federal and state levels. We now see where this leads. I hate invoking Naziism but that is the way they gained power in Germany over a weakened democratic republic. Their cult leader has just retained power in the RNC at their meeting on Friday even after they saw what their rhetoric has reaped. This is not over by a long shot.


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