Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

NoCo Courthouse Takes Precautions Against Rebellion

Although I'm unaware of any plan to storm NorCo Courthouse by the boogaloos, everyone who enters the building is being searched all week, including employees. I've also noticed that parking has been banned along S 7th Street. 

I understand it's better to be safe than sorry, but a police state threatens democracy a lot more than Donald Trump. 

These unannounced security measures are temporary. My only concern is that temporary deprivations of freedom have a nasty habit of becoming permanent. 


  1. Was this instituted by Leader McClure or did he consult with the County Council?

  2. I see no reason to fear these measures will become permanent. Just like with COVID restrictions, better safe than sorry. Total nutjobs were empowered by our very soon to be former president, and having set off the charges he is now departing on our time and we have no idea what further "patriotic" violence they are plotting. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I would expect most if not all of the measures to go away within a week or two.

  3. I work at Gracedale but park closer to the 911 center. Yesterday morning, very early, it looked like they were hauling trailers of some type of barriers away from there. Did they end up down at the courthouse? If so, why?

  4. Your last sentence is the funniest understatement of your illustrious career. From the Patriot Act to Wolf's unscientific edicts, this is how the government you so often fawn over regularly acts. You only see authoritarianism on one side. Bless your little upset heart. And do as you're effing told.

  5. I’m always amazed at how the American people comply with government demands and seem indifferent with big companies like Amazon and Google tracking online activity and eavesdropping on conversations. Post-9/11, rights were sacrificed in the name of public safety and everyone was fine with it because, we were told, lives and liberty were in jeopardy. Fast forward 20 years and Americans fell in line and donned masks, stayed home, went without seeing family, etc. in the name of public safety. What will be the next thing sacrificed, without resistance, in the name of public safety?

  6. "Fast forward 20 years and Americans fell in line and donned masks, "

    I do not conflate mask wearing with the lockdown. Donning a mask or a temp check are minimal inconveniences, not a sacrifice of basic rights. Being forced to close a business is.

  7. And then there's the part about showing zee papers in order to enter buildings and airplanes and such. Give authoritarians and inch and they'll take miles and miles, as evidenced over the last 10 months.

  8. I look to the government to protect us from violence. The threat has been introduced by the Trump revolutionaries. Are you getting tired of "winning"?

  9. @10:54AM - Evil minded individuals have demonstrated that free and unfettered access to public buildings and airports/airplanes can have horrible consequences. I happily will relinquish the effort and freedom required of me to reach into my wallet to show some ID and go thru a metal detector to ensure the safety of myself and others.

    Complaining about that sort of infringement makes you seem like a real puss.

  10. "I work at Gracedale but park closer to the 911 center. Yesterday morning, very early, it looked like they were hauling trailers of some type of barriers away from there. Did they end up down at the courthouse? If so, why?"

    Looks like they were planted in all the handicapped spots to keep old farts and the disabled from storming the courthouse.

  11. "Was this instituted by Leader McClure or did he consult with the County Council?"

    This was no decision of Council. But I would think McClure has legal authority for this temporary measure, so long as it is temporary. It is an administrative search.

  12. Was that a Demon Democrat streaking in front of the narco courthouse only wearing a AR? This would amnd could cause blindness to any and all onlookers as well as possible infect them with covid too.

  13. "It is an administrative search."

    You mean an authoritarian ordered search. Of course the leader of council is a sheep so its OK.


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