Local Government TV

Friday, January 08, 2021

Moments Before Insurrection, Trump Family Celebrating


  1. Basically just more evidence that Donald Junior lacks intelligence and that the entire White House ecosystem is completely delusional with no grasp on the actual impact and consequences of their own words and actions. The entire collection of them are basically those kids in high school who were on the fringes of the popular crowd that would literally do anything the others said just so they could stick around.

  2. Seeing this video makes me physically �� �� sick.

  3. Did I see Lee Snover in the background? Disgraceful...

  4. These deplorables fly into Washington, stoke outrage, fill powder kegs, light the fuse and then tell a bunch of extreme fanatics with Neo-Nazi connections to descend upon the Capitol Building, before hoping back on their private jet with their Russian coke and horrible taste in music. Everyone who spoke at that KKK rally should be charged for inciting a riot.

  5. As a Dem, I'd like to see a Trump running in 2024.

  6. People out of work, record infection and death, economy in serious trouble, and these Trump assholes are having a party watching the circus idiots on the capitol lawn. Disgusting.

  7. Lehigh U. gave Donald Trump the Bill Cosby treatment today, rescinding the conman's honorary degree.

  8. Why did Jr, who looked completely wasted btw, say "we're just t-minus a couple of seconds away?" It's like they knew some fuse was lit and something imminent was going to happen. Hmmm.

  9. Fact check: This is about two hours before. Not “moments” before. And they are celebrating the rally, not the breach of the capitol. Also, Trump Jr. clearly coked up.

  10. Actually it was moments before the March to the capital.

  11. Based on the song playing, Laura Branigan’s platinum selling 1982 hit “Gloria,” the video was shot prior to Trump going on stage for his speech. People are misrepresenting this as a celebration of the violence.

  12. You are correct. Some are. But I think that, on it’s own, it is still disgusting, especially with the claims about fighting. But yes, some have misrepresented the video.

  13. “Have the courage to do the right thing, fight.”

  14. “Have the courage to do the right thing, fight.”

    That was said by Jr's wife. She'll be added to Trump's pardon list.

  15. @7:41....it’s not Donnie Jr’s wife but rather his FWB. Either way, I’m sure she’ll leave him now that he doesn’t have access to power anymore. It was just a mutually beneficial ‘relationship’ but it’ll be over soon.

  16. @ 12:54

    Why wait until 2024? He'll carpet bag a deep red state, easy pickings for a Senate seat win in 2022. He'll keep up the hype and might just able to use his go-to line "never before in the history of the United States..." when he takes a Senate seat, maybe even flips back the Senate, and, who knows, voted speaker by the ones who still support him? Cause a little chaos in the Senate while he's at it. All while swimming in unregulated campaign cash. This clown should never hold another elected office, not even dog catcher.

  17. It is time for all who are intelligent remove their TRUMP signs or flags from their property. This will enable the healing process that America desperately needs.

  18. When it comes to the ladies, Jr.'s no Mike Pence.

  19. Disgusting. What if some yahoo decides to shoot a Congressman? What have they started?

  20. I guess trumps bone spurs kept him from joining the march and jr what a coward. cant believe they are idolized by the tea party and half the republicans. no doubt we will witness the destruction of the trump brand and who will donate to the presidential library. What a loser

  21. Think of all the strategizing these corrupt sacks of shit did, and how they thought they could really steal an election from the lawful winner. Unfrigging believable. Half of the people in that room should be in prison if the truth were known, with Trump put in Jeff Epstein's old cell.


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