Local Government TV

Monday, January 11, 2021

Dent: Instead of Chaos, GOP Should Represent Decency and Freedom

Congressman Charlie Dent is one of Trump's numerous casualties and is especially reviled by the more extreme elements within his own party. But in my view, he is perhaps the most effective leader I've ever covered. He warned us all about Trump and was ignored. Now, in an op-ed published in The Financial Times, he reminds Republicans that now is the time to reach across the aisle for the good of the nation.  

"Mr Trump cost the GOP the White House, the House of Representatives and now the Senate. Democrats control the levers of power by the slimmest of majorities. This represents an opportunity for the Republican party to not just block ill-considered Democratic policies but to engage in good faith bipartisan negotiations to reach agreements on cyber security, infrastructure, China and more. Incremental progress can be made in a closely-divided Congress."

"It is time to begin again if only to honour Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and the Bushes. These Republican leaders left a legacy of decency and a commitment to the advancement of freedom. Let’s not squander that inheritance. The US needs a healthy GOP more than ever. Time to get to work."

Democrats in the House might wish to impeach Trump again, and perhaps they should. But I'm more interested in seeing this nation restore its good name abroad while working with Republicans to make needed changes to our tax system, healthcare and improve our decaying infrastucture. 

I'm also very concerned that Biden's inauguration is secure and that the Republicans who wish to hang Pence or trample ore disrupt our communications satellites, as GOP Chair Lee Snover has suggested on Parler, are kept at bay. 


  1. The left fears Trump and his movement--they are trying to do everything possible to censor him . Pelosi is just throwing gas on the fire with her talk of a second impeachment.The left and the deep state are the real cause of the situation this country is in. Under no circumstances will BIDEN the fake corrupt and senile president heal this country. The truth is hard to take by the left, deep state and the rhinoes.

  2. This 'good person', Lee Snover should resign her position. The local republican party she leads is a reflection of her. They have forfeited their ability to claim anything resembling representation of American citizens.

  3. Sounds good, but Ike warned of a future filled with military industrial complex hawks with million dollar smiles - like Charlie Dent. If decency and freedom mean never ending wars and huge defense bills to support them, Charlie is the most decent and freedom loving guy we ever sent to Washington. It speaks to Trump's despicability that anyone is asking Charlie Dent to weigh in. We're beyond parody, at this point.

  4. " kept at bay."
    How about they resign and go away.
    People died and the foot soldiers will pay a price while leaders will try to weasel out of any responsibility.
    When the GOP cleans up their act then they can come to the table.
    Simply pretending that this is over and just forget it ever happened is not acceptable.

  5. “...he is perhaps the most effective leader I've ever covered.”

    The guy walked away from all of his constituents - those who voted for him and those who did not - and became another cable news talking head. That’s an “effective leader”?

  6. Received a crazy comment from "Doug Camaro," suggesting that Pence be executed. This is one of the names used by Tricia Mezzacappa.

  7. You should forward the "Doug Camaro" comment to the FBI. They will be able to trace it back to exactly where it came from. She's wishing she had been there.

  8. I will forward to Secret Service, along with my observation that Mezzacappa late last week purchased both a Glock and a shotgun at the Sarco gun store.

  9. Sorry, but Charlie lost any relevance or moral authority when he resigned to cash in on his office.

    He's what's wrong with Washington.

    I couldn't care less about what he thinks.

  10. @12:47 - technically they "fear" Trump for another week give or take. After that, he and his movement will simply be a non-stop and never ending fundraising boogeyman that will keep Republicans and MAGA in perpetual minority status in all but a few states for the next 2 decades.

    It may end up being divisive but I would expect a Biden led judiciary/FBI/IRS and intelligence community will unleash the MOTHER OF ALL KRAKEN WITCH HUNTS against Trump and his cronies. The Meal Team 6 Cosplay Militias and overzealous gun enthusiasts will have their livelihoods and lives made far more complicated after openly exposing themselves under Trump.

    The Republican party as we've known it over the past 50 years is breaking apart. Common sense/moderate Republicans (aka RINOS) will realize they have no home in the party and drift towards independent status or plausibly/maybe creating a 3rd party with some Blue Dog Dems.

    Trump/MAGA will stick around, but only have limited influence in a small # of states and heavily gerrymandered districts. That will eventually wane itself out as those states and politicians will be shunned and passed over for meaningful committee appointments.

  11. A lot of people from both parties liked Dent and he may have had a future. But, the Republican Party was changing and Dent’s district included much more conservative voters. It was probably unlikely that he would have survived a challenge from the right wing. I hear your comments about Trump, but Dent had positioned himself as a never Trumper early on. I doubt that he would have survived. The Republican Party is changing into something else. Even Toomey who pushed against Arlen specter was in the process of losing ground in his bid for re election. Even though Trump will disappear, he was moving the Republican Party somewhat away from its conservative base. That may be hard to believe but Trump was not about fiscal responsibility, a cornerstone of the conservative movement.He also was anti war which angered the neo cons.

  12. While they are simply just rumors - that Trump initially reached out to Biden after the election to exchange a peaceful/cooperative transfer of power for a pardon or other agreement not to pursue any and all legal action against him, his family or businesses - it does sort of make his actions over the last few months make some sense. Trump is a desperate man doing desperate things that on the surface make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

  13. 12:47 is totally tone deaf. Trump has a loooong history as a cheater in many realms,: business, marriage, morality and most certainly politics.
    Listen, my friend and you shall hear
    Of Biden and Harris
    Who govern without fear.

    1. Well, you better fear their governing, unless you think you'll enjoy being a Brave New World epsilon semi-moron

    2. An epsilon was elected in 2015, you had no problem with that

  14. Can tell by the mug shots of those so far arrested how confident they are of their moment of glory. God bless the family of the cop who was killed. And for those cops whose job it was to protect the capital and chose to walk away from their duty or hang with the protestors taking pictures etc youll need the stimulas/unemployement checks. The police unions need to respond to this obvious difficult and in some cases unpatriotic situations. Its been quite obvious now and in the past that police need to be unbiased in their protection of the public. If they cant find that balance than they need to find another profession. Cant emagine that military guards would walk away from their posts because they have sympathy for the intruding cause.

  15. "While they are simply just rumors - that Trump initially reached out to Biden after the election to exchange a peaceful/cooperative transfer of power for a pardon "

    Please provide a link to this rumor. My understanding is that Biden was never contacted by Trump.

  16. " Charlie lost any relevance or moral authority when he resigned to cash in on his office.
    Don't blame him a bit. He could no longer take the cooks from inside his own party, from Lee Snover to Tom Carroll.

  17. The area was lucky to have Dent. At least there's a Dem there now.

  18. I agree, we were lucky to have Charlie Dent. He represented his constituents of both parties. Trumpers dismissed him as Republican In Name Only (RINO) but I suspect Dwight Eisenhower would get the same label. Charlie was far-sighted enough to see across the aisle. His seniority put him on some very significant committees that now have no representation from the Lehigh Valley. Our loss.

  19. @BO:12:53 - Not sure if I heard it on a podcast or saw it on Twitter, so I don't have a link to share, it was back in late November sometime. And it wasn't a direct ask from Trump to Biden, but apparently lower level officials reaching out to counterparts.

    The animosity and disdain between Biden and Trump really seems unprecedented.

  20. Dent has never demonstrated intellect nor the courage of his convictions even if he had any.
    Typical fair weather blowhard who took the money from CNN paymasters and followed the script.
    Toomey is a late bloomer and obviously more intelligent having been able to cloak his true convictions for two terms.
    Are there any true Americans remaining in the Lehigh Valley or will the entire political structure in Lehigh and Northampton Counties follow the leadership of the corrupt hierarchy in the City of Allentown.
    While residential real estate is booming in the LV just survey those migrating here from New York and New Jersey to determine why they have left those utopian kingdoms of Cuomo and Murphy. You can bet it ain't the weather. Of course with Wolf in command it is only a matter of time before the Valley will rise to the level of New York City, Newark, Camden, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, et al.

  21. @8:50 - stop tip toeing around your point. Just come out and say it aloud. You're afraid of minorities.


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