Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

NorCo's Covid-19 Death Toll is At Least 344

If you count 64 NorCo residents who died in Lehigh, the death toll from Covid-19 stands at 344 as of November 12. I'd certainly like to see a more current date, but Lehigh County's coroner is unable to provide more timely updates. 

In municipalities with nursing homes, the count is pretty high. Upper Nazareth, where Gracedale is located, reports 84 deaths. Their average age is 83 in NorCo and 76 in Lehigh.  

According to Executive Lamont McClure, 20 county residents died in November alone. He, like other public officials, recommends social distancing, masks and handwashing. 

Interestingly, many slate belt communities have been spared. Upper Mount Bethel? Zip. Portland? Nada. East Bangor? Nothing. Lower Mount Bethel? Goose egg. 

Why is this? Some of you might say it's because many people who live there tend to spend more time outdoors. Personally, I think the virus is scared of the cRaZy bastards who live there. 


  1. I think that Slate Belt statistic should be looked into. The area is a Republican stronghold, and it appears to ME, that they are the ones who mostly resist mask wearing.

  2. .Ron Angle paid the virus off, or sued it!

  3. New studies show that the annual death toll is going to be flat for the year. In effect, there is not a rise in the overall deaths. The deaths reported for this year so far are down for heart disease, but of course up for corvid -19 which is new. Deaths from most common causes are now down which has not been the case for some years. Usually pretty flat. It appears that the classification for the elderly in poor health is primarily classed as covid. In the final figures it is likely there is no increase in the overall death rate for 2020.

    Is the overall death rate for lehigh or northampton up or down for the year?

  4. 6:40, When you mention new studies, I want to see a link. Also, much of your comment makes no sense to me. Sorry.

  5. So if I move to Bethel or one of the places you mention I will not get the Rona but will lose my sanity and be a bit crazy like them. Hummmmm, I can deal with crazy. I am moving, honey pack your bags.

  6. Ever read obits of Slate Belt folks? Those Italians live to like 116 on average. It's remarkable. They could probably dine on Ron Angle's Synagro shit and not feel any effects. It defies explanation. Sturdy people.

  7. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/11/27/johns-hopkins-study-saying-covid-19-has-relatively-no-effect-on-deaths-in-u-s-deleted-after-publication-n1178930,

    this is the link that relates john Hopkins study about death rates.the info is from Johns Hopkins. Again is the annual death rate in Northampton and Lehigh county up or flat.

  8. You said new studies (plural) indicate the death toll will be flat this year. I do not even know what that is supposed to mean. Now you cite a news story mentioning one study from Johns Hopkins that has been deleted bc it was being twisted to support inaccuracies about the impact of Covid-19. On the basis of your comments, you yourself are very unclear. Regardless what impact it has on the overall death rate, which we all know should be small or nonexistent, the fact remains that it is still a killer. And I would hypothesize that it does have an impact on the overall death rate in older populations.

  9. The idea is the while many elderly died of this disease, the majority of those were likely to to have died within a short time. Some were invalids, some on oxygen and there time was likely up within the year anyway. Not to minimize their death, but at the end of the year, covid -19 will not likely have made any difference in the annual death rate per million. Its not about minimizing anything. But we have to admit, we have never seen a daily case count or death toll in our history.

    Is this going to be the new normal with every disease that comes along, the annual flu or whatever we expect to see. Just as you mentioned the increase in suicides, are we going to see a daily suicide or attempted suicide count on the TV. every day.

  10. The death rate in older populations is were the annual death rate comes from. it is not the young, not accidents. It is just the natural result of old age. Some of these elderly's lives may have been shortened by a few months, but in the overall scheme of life it is insignificant. I admit it is a a calculation that does not account for emotions.

  11. Putting the death rate aside there is lots of information out there Covid-19 is unlike other viruses in-so-much as it can have permanent long lasting effects the others don't (both on young and old) . Does any one really want to chance that? This should be reason enough to fear getting it.

  12. try

    "The red line is the actual reported deaths for each week in 2020. Note the spike starting around Week 13 — mid-March. That’s Covid."
    "For the period from Week 12 to Week 44 — i.e. the week ending March 21, 2020 through the week ending October 31, 2020 — my calculation indicates 316,800 excess deaths. I did not include reported deaths in November because the data is evidently incomplete.

    This rebuts Dr. Briand’s claim that Covid has not increased the total number of deaths in the US. That claim is demonstrably incorrect."

  13. 1:25, You just keep going downhill.

  14. Ilive in the Slate Belt, and last week I got a call from LVHN! They proceeded to ask me my name and and my birthdate, and i said that was me. Then they told me I tested positive to Covid-19. I said to them, that can't be true, I never in my life took a Covid test! I do have my Health Insurance w/ Capital Blue/ LVHN. So I had to some waves for them to take it off my record. This shit is a big money game also! Can you imagine what the hell is going on around this country!


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