Local Government TV

Friday, December 11, 2020

Hyman Will Support O'Connell For Mayor

For the past several years, Allentown businessman Nat Hyman and Mayor Ray O'Connell have been political rivals. But they're now allied against Mayoral candidate Ce-Ce Gerlach. Hyman is prepared to give his full-throated support if Ray can be coaxed into seeking re-election. O'Connell will make that decision today. 

In contrast to what The Morning Call has written, their objection to Gerlach has nothing to do with her progressive views. In fact, Hyman and O'Connell are themselves progressive.  Their problem with this unemployed opportunist is that she would ruin Allentown. Here's what Hyman said, just a few short days ago. 

I have spent several hours with Ms. Gerlach and it is all too apparent that she has neither the intellectual capacity, nor the experience, education or ability to run a $110,000,000 city with 800 employees. More importantly, I do not believe she has the moral or ethical fiber to be Mayor of this City. Remember, this is the same woman who said “f*** the police” and then LIED about it. She rejected $110,000 in free money from the federal government for our police, purely to make a political statement. She filmed a poor soul committing suicide, posted it on Facebook for her own political aspirations before his family even knew about it and then LIED about it. She apologized to some rioters, not having the life experience to understand that, in so doing, she exposed our City to litigation which could very well cost our taxpayers money. She was only a few months into her term on City Council before deciding to run for Mayor, betraying the trust of those who voted for her. She presided over a School Board that repeatedly ran the school district into financial devastation, and she will do the same thing to this City. And, unbeknownst to most, she is presently looking for a job (in addition to Mayor) on linkedin.com and LYING on her resume! On it, she implies that she has a BA degree in business administration from Muhlenberg College. That is a LIE! She only took a few courses there in 2017. I urge you to go on that page, although, given her past history, she probably removed it or revised it upon reading this article (I took a screen shot of it for posterity).  If she were to do that in any company, she would be fired immediately. She should be fired from City Council for it.

None of this has anything to do with being a progressive. It also has nothing to do with her sex or race. It has everything to do with her dishonesty, poor judgment, divisiveness and poor financial knowledge. . 


  1. Finally someone who put the interest of the city ahead of their own personal ambitions! Mr. Hyman is to be commended. This is a good example to all of Allentown's politicians that it's not about you, it's about the people. I applaud you Mr. Hyman!

  2. Ray is a nice guy but ineffective at best. Allentown's hope was Hyman.

  3. As a long time City resident, I'll actively support O'Connell as well even though I don't personally think he's a great candidate or a very effective mayor. I fully understand the magnitude of the Gerlach situation and I truly believe she will run the City into the ground even worse than Afflerbach did.

  4. Wish it had been Mr. Hyman.

  5. Roughly 47% of the country thinks an incompetent psychopathic narcissist and opportunist should remain as president, so why not CeCe for mayor?

  6. The citizens of Allentown have been warned of Ms.Gerlach's intellect

  7. I've already processed my party registration change. I believe O'Connell can win the primary, but it will take a lot of hard work with a well funded and professionally managed campaign. I sure hope that the county or state Democrats do not get involved in supporting a terrible candidate (Gerlach) against a fairly popular incumbent Mayor.

  8. I agree that it is important that the vote not be divided between too many candidates. However, I think Matt Tuerk or Leonard Lightner should be considered as a coalition candidate.
    Both Mr. Tuerk and Mr. Lightner have many years of professional experience in community and economic development, which is a big part of the Mayor's job.

  9. Allentown missed their shot. They should have voted Hyman in when he ran the one time against FedEd! Historic loss for the city.

  10. Anyone who questions Mr. Hyman's ability should drive down American Parkway . He single handily turned that whole area around.

  11. "Roughly 47% of the country thinks an incompetent psychopathic narcissist and opportunist should remain as president, so why not CeCe for mayor?"

    Different situation. Trump has the business acumen and was quite successful by most significant measures, despite what one thinks of his personality, comportment or moral standing. Hope this helps.

  12. "I agree that it is important that the vote not be divided between too many candidates. However, I think Matt Tuerk or Leonard Lightner should be considered as a coalition candidate.
    Both Mr. Tuerk and Mr. Lightner have many years of professional experience in community and economic development, which is a big part of the Mayor's job."

    Both good guys who the poll respondents have never heard of, a united coalition of Hyman and O'Connell will have their hands full beating Gerlach.

  13. Yeah and the indicted mayor was also a economic development efficinoto before he became a federal prison occupant.

  14. "Trump has the business acumen and was quite successful by most significant measures"

    Yeah. Just ask him. He'll tell you. So, it must be true.

  15. Ray: I'm running.

    Nat: I'm supporting Ray.

    CeCe: F*ck the police! Remember to hit "like" on my Facebook suicide post! I graduated from Harvard and Yale and MIT at the same time!

  16. Yes, I agree with the premise that if roughly 53% of Americans voted for an incompetent, feeble-minded, lecherous, nepotistic, self-serving, lifelong political hack who also lied about his academic achievements, someone like Ce-Ce could also be elected.


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