Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Trump Files 6th Lawsuit in Pa Courts Over Election

President Donald Trump's campaign has just filed its sixth lawsuit (you can review the previous five here) challenging the results of the Presidential election. 

This latest volley alleges that Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar as well as Allegheny, Chester, Montgomery, Northampton, and Philadelphia counties’ boards of elections violated numerous election laws to ensure Joe Biden would win. The alleged violations include, among others, denial of poll watcher access to Trump Campaign watchers, mail-in ballot irregularities, cheating by election boards, and allowing some voters to cure their miscast ballots. The complaint claims that these violations of the law deprived legitimate voters of their right to vote by diluting the vote. The court is asked to enjoin the Secretary from certifying the results of the election.

The legal strategy appears to be one of firing an entire quiver of arrows in the vain hope that one finds its target. 

The problem with this scattergun approach is that it begins to be viewed as frivolous.  

You can read the complaint here.


  1. it is frivolous he should just quit and go away

  2. These lawsuits are a complete waste of money. The law firms filing them should be embarrassed to be associated with them and actually charging the Trump campaign (actually Republican donors) money for it.

  3. What a sore loser ! He needs to fade away and then be charged with Tax fraud.

  4. I have to say it again. This is what our country stands for. We have a process in place to assure fairness and that legal votes count. No matter who you supported this is a process that makes this country what it is. Some day it could be the candidate you support. Embrace the fact we live in this great country. If you expect us to unite. Civility is expected from everyone.

  5. Yes, you have the right to petition the government for the redress of grievances, and I have the right to say your petition is frivolous. This is what this country strands for.

  6. I hope it goes on and on. Mail in is dirty and needs fixing. This is the only way things get fixed vs pushed off to next time problems happen. The system works and lawyers stay in wing-tip shoes. God bless America. Hillary counseled to not concede and to fight to the last courtroom. We should listen to the woman who won the 2016 popular vote.

  7. Yes we have a process, laws and legal avenues to ensure that procedure and protocol have been duly followed and that all legal votes count and illegal ones do not.

    These lawsuits are basically long shot Hail Mary's that serve no practical purpose beyond dragging out the inevitable and providing a temporary false hope for Trump supporters that things will magically be changed.

    This is like having a terminally sick dog and forking thousands of dollars over to the vet to keep the pet alive for a few more weeks because you love it and don't want to face the pain and grief of the loss. Its cruel and selfish.

  8. On this very day (11/10/2016) Obama welcomed Trump and his wife into the White House and promised to make his transition as smooth as ;possible.

  9. There’s sufficient evidence out there for all to see. If you don’t see it, keep looking.

  10. Does the GOP really believe we're going to hold a new election?

  11. 12:43 PM. Great reference point. Do not expect any classy moves from Trump or his sycophants. In fact, if he had been as concerned about a response to Covid19 as he is with his own self preservation, we would be in great shape. His enablers are now going to impede the very transfer of power necessary to combat the disease. I hope DA Cy Vance Jr. and the NY Attorney General follow up on Tax evasion and Loan Application Fraud. This would blow out any Trumpian return in 2024 (which this maniac is already planning). As Mueller's misstep in not getting into obstruction proved, you can't go easy on him as he will just lionize himself and say it was a fake witch hunt. Trump- good riddance to bad trash.

  12. The whole Trump/Republican strategy here is batshit crazy. He needs to prove fraud/wholesale irregularities not only in Pennsylvania, but also some combination of Georgia, Nevada and Arizona for a shot at reelection.

    Again, this "Fight" if thats what you want to call it, surely pleases his base of voters (which we know based on popular vote is a minority in this country), but what moderate/independent looks at this and doesn't see it as a further decay and undermining of democracy in America.

    Romney, Sasse, Murkowski, and other non risk Senators have the leverage that they can just go to McConnell and tell him they're switching to Independents and remove any chance of McConnell keeping majority leader status. It'd be a self destructive act like diving on a hand grenade but sometimes sacrifice is needed...

  13. Who is paying for all these lawsuits? He ran much of his re-election campaign on the tax payers dime...

  14. Will they be putting governors to the guillotines after the hearings are proven fact. If there will be no heads rolling down the streets of America for this treasonous act, why waste the time of hearings?

  15. In all these lawsuits, there have been no allegations of fraud, to say nothing of proof. Rs certainly have the right to challenge these results, even if they are baseless. But it should be noted that what they say in court is not what Trump or his more rabid supporters contend.

  16. Who is paying for all these lawsuits? He ran much of his re-election campaign on the tax payers dime...
    His idiot donors are in large part. What isn't being told them is in the fine print of the donation to pay legal fees for the fight to steal the election, 50 percent of donations is being diverted to pay off his campaign debt.

  17. 7:32 - you can help your argument by showing evidence in proof. That’s the way we are instructed here to follow.

  18. Oral arguments on motion to dismiss case filed in Middle Dist. of PA set for next Tue., evidentiary hearing (if any) on Thu.

  19. Feel free to correct me. The Republicans can get stuff thrown out if they show cause. Yes or No? Would a vote for President be done by House and Senate with strict party lines and no deviation? Could this happen?

  20. Rs can get ballots tossed if not cast legally. In response to your question, the answer is No, Peter.


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