Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Pa.'s Latest Election Results Give Biden 68,904 Vote Lead

Based on the latest (and still unofficial) state results, Democrat Joe Biden leads in the Presidential race with 3,425,190 (49.93%) votes to Donald Trump's 3,356,286 (48.92%). This lead of 68,904 votes includes the tally of 70,587 provisional ballots, with more to come. Review of provisional ballots can be laborious, especially when there are challenges. 

In Lehigh County, Biden soared past Trump with 95,889 votes (53.19%) to the President's 82,287 (45.64%). This 13,602-vote lead will change once provisional ballots are added to the mix. 

In Northampton County, Biden's lead is much smaller. He has 84,847 votes (49.74%) to Trump's 83,732 (49.09%). This 1,115-vote lead includes 1,537 provisional ballots. More of those will be reviewed today and tomorrow, and on Monday, the Elections Board will meet to vote on certification. 

In addition to ten legal actions in state court, a federal action appears to be on life support, and will likely be dismissed this week.   


  1. So Trump has now had 2 weeks and "500 lawyers" to find verified instances of fraud. And the result has been what? 2 confirmed cases in Pennsylvania. Both trump supporters who tried to vote for dead relatives and got caught. Bravo!

  2. I'm glad. First time in my life as a life long Republican I PROUDLY VOTED for Joe Biden, the Democrat!

  3. It's even worse: now Giuliani wants to enter his appearance. Maybe he'll bring his scary face to court.

  4. Trump has lost in PA, will go closer to 80,000.
    He has lost the Popular Vote which may reach 6,000,000!
    Time for responsible GOP Congressional leaders to tell him its over!
    Trump is what learned in elementary school, which is called A SORE LOSER!

  5. @ 9:08 AM. Your honesty and forthrightness are commendable. You may be a decent person but just not bright and that's OK. Be thankful you live in a Free Country.

  6. Bernie ,did not post my comments today or did I not get the crossings done properly?

  7. I asked about contracted for voting machines .

  8. We are In trouble ,voter fraud. And people elected to a White House are going to be unqualified to handle Chinese , Iran and Russian issues. This Republic is is danger.


  9. Peter the only place where widespread voter fraud has occurred is in your and Donald Trump’s imagination.

  10. Peter - honest question - where are you getting your news/information on massive wide spread voter fraud? Just because you want it to be true doesn't make it true. Just because reality doesn't conform to your wants and wishes doesn't make it any less of a reality. Stop believing everything you see in your Facebook feed there's a good chance that your circle of friends and family are dumber than you.

    Secondly - Not a huge Biden fan myself, but your OPINION is that a guy who has served for nearly a half century in the US Senate as well as 8 years as Vice President is unqualified to handle China, Iran and Russia?!? Really? You feel Trump's background and experience as a real estate developer has given him a more street smart/nuanced education in Global Politics and International Relations? Seriously I would love to hear your defense on this statement.

    4 years ago Trump was elected. Despite cries and howls from Democrats the world didn't end. Just because Trump is leaving, the world won't end either.

  11. Bluster is not the same as leadership. Trump will not be missed.

  12. Here is reality...

    The entire world was watching this election play out over the past 12 months.

    Federal, state and local officials (both Democrat and Republican) were well aware in advance that the election would be closely scrutinized and prepared for it. There were no major blind spots, dark areas or viable working room for any forces to manipulate the election in a material way.

    150,000,000 Americans voted in 50 states and their 3,141 counties.

    There was no widespread fraud or cheating.

    They were prepared for it in advance. It's been 2 weeks since its happened and there is nothing out there to indicate something illegal happened in a significant way to have overturned the result.

    People are clinging to a fantasy now because they're in denial and bargaining phases of grief.

  13. Psst... Over here... You! Yeah you... C'meer...

    Here's the truth on how Democrats engineered a Biden victory over Trump.

    First they ran a crap candidate against him in 2016.

    Next they let Trump attempt to be President for the next 4 years. Trump said and did dumb stuff, surrounded himself with family and generally dumb people in his administration, got rid of anyone who said "No" to him, didn't act with the entire countries interest at heart, too often pandered to racist groups, golfed a lot and then his second year in office started and it was a lot of the same.

    Then he was impeached.

    Then he shit the bed on a pandemic.

    Instead of being a President, he continuously whined and complained about everyone being mean and unfair to him, which projected a fragile weakness on his character.

    In general, more people didn't like him than actually liked him including members of his own party.

    Then the Democrats ran a bland, vanilla, boring candidate.

    At that point it really gets crazy, the Democrats conspired with Republicans (of all people!) to hold a not quite secret vote on who would be more popular as a President and the bland, vanilla, boring guy beat Trump!

    Crazy, crAzY, stuff I tell you.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.