Local Government TV

Thursday, November 19, 2020

NorCo Elections Comm'n Finishes Review of Challenged Ballots

After three days of hearings, Northampton County's Elections Commission finished its review of 480 challenged ballots yesterday. It will meet again on Monday and vote on certifying the results. That is the county deadline for certifying results to the state. Certification by the state would be delayed only if 100 or more voters petition a state court by November 23 and allege that the election was illegally conducted.

Northampton County's Elections Commission is comprised of five members. They belong to the two parties with the highest number of votes in the most recent general election. The Republican members are  Maudenia Hornick and Frank L DeVito. Hornick, who happens to sister to county GOP boss Lee Snover, is the Chair. 

The Democratic contingent consists of Dr. Alan Brau, Daniel Lopresti and Gail W Preuninger. Dr. Brau is a physician and is undoubtedly deluged with Covid-19 cases. He was understandably unavailable, but all other members were present at yesterday's hearing, conducted in the courthouse cafeteria as the sun descended and darkness fell.

Attorney Rick Santee is certainly one of the Lehigh Valley's top litigators. He would be proud of his namesake and son, who has done an outstanding job providing legal assistance to the Commission in uncharted waters among two recent changes to state election law.  Ricky, as they called him, kept a lid on the fiery debates that sometimes erupted. 

Attorney Michael Snover, husband of GOP boss Lee Snover and brother-in-law of the Elections Chair, represented Republicans. He and his wife are largely responsible for the 480 challenges. He started things off by droning on for about 15 minutes about issues that are being decided at a higher level.   

Attorney Gary Asteak, who now is as much at ease behind the wheels of a tractor as he is in a courtroom, represented Democrats. He made clear that his party challenged no ballots, even GOP ballots that appeared to be facially defective. "We did not raise spurious arguments like the Republicans did," he noted. "We wanted every vote to count."     

Asteak was at times incensed at challenges brought against persons of color or with Spanish-sounding names, while Republican precincts went untouched. "We'd probably have to rent Cottingham Stadium to hear all the people you want to get rid of," he responded when Snover complained about inactive voters who still are registered and thus were able to vote. 

The Elections Commission pretty much took the same approach that was followed in Lehigh, where there was no rancor or binoculars. If a mistake on a ballot was the fault of an elections official, it was not held against the voter. If, however, a voter failed to sign his ballot twice, his vote was rejected. 

Gail Prueninger made an eloquent argument in favor of accepting a ballot so long as it was signed once, but it failed to sway her colleagues. 

Amazingly, Republicans even challenged the validity of some signatures, though they had no experts on hand. 

On Facebook, Lee Snover has implied that chicanery occurred during the count. On Parler, the new GOP social media platform, she has even passed along a story suggesting that Philly mob bosses threw the election to Biden, But her husband failed to produce any evidence of fraud or even improper conduct. The facts were against him. The law was against him. So what he did do was abuse his opponent. He attacked Voting Registrar Amy Cozze. Rick Santee stopped him. 

Just as the voters stopped Trump.   


  1. Glad to hear our local elections are said to be accurate. Nationally, however, the election is far from over. If you’ve been able to make your way past media censorship you will agree.

  2. He attacked Voting Registrar Amy Cozze

    He should have been forcibly removed from meeting and barred from courthouse for 6 months

  3. He did not physically attack her. He verbally attacked her. The Snovers have attacked the elections office all along. They should blame themselves. THeir own divisive behavior made a divisive candidate worse. They think this is W Va, but it is Pa.

  4. Verbally is sometimes harsher than physical, he should be removed from courthouse.
    Who has a job that allows people to abuse them and nothing is done?

  5. @5:05 - First off, I'm sorry that your guy lost the election. You had a good ride for a few years, now go dust yourself off, get back on the horse and good luck in 2022 and 2024!

    "Media" has reporting standards. Sources need to be credible. Evidence and allegations needs some form of proof or veracity. Otherwise its literally fiction - aka "Made up stories".

    Whatever you're reading/seeing is 99% conspiracy theory bullshit, otherwise journalists and reporters from major news outlets would be all over it like white on rice. "Media" is a business, newspapers, magazines, news networks compete with each other and "big bombshell scoops and investigations" are their moneymakers. If they're ignoring the crap you're alluding to, it means its "fake news" not censorship.

    If they report on clearly dumb and false information, nobody will believe them and stop listening, watching, reading their news reporting. They'll lose money. Capitalism works for all of us.

    Again my sincerest condolences on your loss.

  6. Bernie, you hit the nail on the head "Their own divisive behavior made a divisive candidate worse. They think this is W Va, but it is Pa."

    Lee takes pride that she isn't "The swamp". She takes pride in being an "outsider". If you don't meet her right wing litmus test, she has no need for you.

    Her politics might play well in her native state of North Carolina, but not here.

  7. Well, 12:09 - I just watched a live, 90 minute long press conference conducted by the Trump Team lawyers. It only solidified my belief this election WILL prove fraudulent after being backed-up by a mountain of credible evidence. The speakers categorized their statements as “Opening Remarks” intended for the American public. They named specific individuals and read sworn testimony from several, including current state election staff who came forward.

    I don’t know how this will all turn out. I do know, unfortunately, the media reporters will state, or hide, whatever their paymasters want. In fact, those who actually want to hear about the kind of evidence in place will have a difficult time finding video of today’s event due to censorship. It’s quite obvious you didn’t view the event. I suggest you and others seek it out. I would be surprised if YouTube makes it available, and so as not to upset our Blog host, will not name the smaller-sized network who ran the event uninterrupted.

  8. I watched the same news conference and am appalled. While Giuliano’s hair dye was disgustingly streaming down his face, I listened toJenna Evans defame several businesss while she claimed election official fraud on a state and local level. Since I was a local election official, she accused me of fraud. This is outrageous. They know they can’t win in court bc they have no proof so what they will attempt is getting GOP legislatures in states Biden won to appoint electors who will ignore the popular vote and vote trump. That is the real steal being planned.

  9. Sorry, accidentally deleted a comment responding to a conspiracy theorist.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.