Local Government TV

Friday, November 27, 2020

Mezzacappa Facing Trial ... Again

West Easton Borough Constable Tricia Mezzacappa is scheduled to face a jury on Tuesday on charges that she lied to Pennsylvania State Police in an attempt to frame a black neighbor. She told troopers she had been forced to fire at him after he pulled a gun on her. Examination of her firearm, however, revealed it had not been fired. Moreover, none of her neighbors heard a gunshot and police were unable to locate a spent shell or bullet. 

Mezzacappa was previously scheduled to face the music in October, but failed to appear. President Judge Michael J Koury, Jr. issued a bench warrant, and Mezzacappa was picked up at or near Lehigh Valley Mall. After a night in the hoosegow, Judge Paula Roscioli released her on $1000 bail, conditioned on posting $100. Attorney Joseph P Maher, who currently is on sabbatical from the legal profession, posted bail for her at the request of a mutual friend.

Mezzacappa had been represented by prominent defense lawyer John Waldron, but Judge Steven Baratta granted Waldron's motion to withdraw after a hearing in which he stated there were "irreconcilable differences" with her. Mezzacappa was outside the courtroom during this hearing, but for some reason never came in to be heard. 

After this, Mezzacappa applied for a public defender, but was rejected on October 28. So she filed a motion asking Judge Baratta to appoint a lawyer for her. 

He declined, at least for now. "We cannot entertain [Mezzacappa's] motion to require the taxpayers of Northampton County to provide court funded counsel without any indicia that [she] qualifies for a taxpayer funded counsel, or, in the alternative, that there are factors at play which suggest that the interests of justice requires such an appointment."

At this point, Mezzacappa can be charged with failure to appear, a second degree misdemeanor, in addition to false reports.  

I doubt the court will permit her to go to trial without a lawyer. She probably belongs in a mental health treatment court, but that would require her to admit she has a problem. She instead seems to think everyone else is the problem. 


  1. From the looks of the West Easton Officer Krumpke Cupcake page, she spends her days trying to get a bus driver in trouble, by posting videos she gets from her incessant right to know requests, and alleging that he is engaging in inappropriate behavior. If she were still capable of obtaining and retaining a job, someone could do the same to her. It's a real shame that she ruined her own reputation.

  2. The judge should order a psychological exam to determine her fitness for trial. Her decade long public displays of anti-social behavior, conspiracy theories, and aggression are indicative of someone needing treatment rather than punishment. Past punishments seem to only further cement her belief that she is always the victim through no fault of her own. An exam might determine medication and monitoring are more appropriate in assisting her to become a productive citizen in society.

  3. She can represent herself

  4. Because she's dishonest, Mezzacappa uses several pseudonyms to post comments. I won't post them. Because he's dishonest, Bill Villa also uses numerous pseudonyms to post comments. I won't post them.

    1. C'mon, Bern. Post Mezzacappa's comments. Be a team player. I have to quarantine due to having contact with someone who tested positive. I could use her entertaining comments to help me cope.

  5. Night terrors for a week again, the last nightmare she was attacking the elderly in old folks homes across the area.

  6. A mental health evaluation and some meds should be Court order.This woman needs some help

  7. You doubt the Court will make her go to trial with out a lawyer? You would be wrong. I had to once and I'm still facing the consequences of being forced to do so years later.
    Having a mental health issue and being In Northampton County's court is nothing more than a way for them to find you guilty so they can make money, that's all they care about. They don't care about your rights, they don't care about unfair punishment. Did you not hear what John Cusick asked the Courts and Corrections budget meeting regarding projected income from the courts? He asked if there were less criminals due to there being less projected income from court costs. I can't believe anyone would count on court costs to balance the budget.

  8. The Wicked Witch of West Easton does provide laughs and proof of her disturbed mind as shown in her RTKs to West Easton. The one she sent to W.E. after she was muted for using foul language during a public meeting is straight out of a mental hospital.
    The response from West Easton was classic when she asked for a list of vulgar words from West Easton.
    "...records you requested in your second request do not exist in the possession, custody and control of West Easton Borough."
    They should have directed her to her own FB page.


  9. Guess its a good thing she dumped you,not before the unfortunate incident near the stairs and ejection from her castle on Ruby Ridge...

  10. That right to know request is absolutely hilarious. MezzaCrAZy appears to believe she can act in any manner she wishes at a public meeting. Directed profanity ("asshole") towards a member of council is CLEARLY inappropriate and merits being ejected. She apparently is too stupid to realize this. It's funny how she was triggered by the council president calmly thanking her for her nasty comments towards him, so that when he asked "is there anything else?" she couldn't control herself. Her rant is found here:

    Note how she refers to her crime as an "incident".

  11. If she is found guilty she will be forced into alcohol treatment instead of jail.

  12. There's no "if" here. If she goes to trial she will be found guilty. If she insists on a jury despite her obvious guilt, she will go to jail. It's bad enough she wasted the time of several state troopers who had to leave patrol of our highways to investigate her lies. Now she is wasting the time of judges, prosecutors and members of the public. She can get her alcohol treatment in the can. In addition, I'd suspect she'd be charged criminally for her previous failure to appear. It's too bad she can't be deported back to Jersey. We take their garbage, but should require this human refuse to live inside the Chrin landfill.

  13. Her black neighbor should immediately file a lawsuit against her when she is found guilty. His punitive damages award would be enough to force the sale of her house.

  14. She certainly slandered him with PSP and continued the defamation when they arrived. I am certain investigation among neighbors would reveal she defamed him to them as well. Her accusations of a serious crime (pointing gun at her head) are per se defamation and certainly justify an award of punitive damages even if actual damages are small.

  15. I also believe her online harassment of Matt Dees could also be tortious, but he'd have to check that out with a lawyer who can actually practice law, lol.

  16. Another three comments from Mezzacappa, submitted under assumed names, will not be published. Post under your own name, so your lies can be tracked back to you. You should be getting ready for your criminal case, not continuing the conduct that got you in trouble in the first place.

  17. One of the few bright sides of Bernie having to moderate comments due to an obsessed loon is that MezzaCRazY's comments are filtered before we see them. I have no interest in what she has to say about anything. As of tonight there is still no attorney shown for her.

  18. Believe me, she has tried under various assumed names. I will let her post but she has ID herself and be willing to accept the legal consequences of her numerous lies. When she is found guilty, I hope part of her sentence mandates that she enter into payment plans for (1) unpaid fine and court costs resulting from a harassment conviction she appealed to common pleas and then refused to pay: (2) fines assessed against her by the elections office, which she also refuses to pay.

  19. This is really Rich, she has posted on her constable website today, thanking the State Police for doing there job of cleaning up crime on Ridge Street.

  20. Sometimes irony has a way of being ironic.

  21. So, what happened yesterday? Another continuance?


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