Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Former GOP Congressional Candidate Dean Browning Finally Admits He's Black ... and Gay

I'm so proud of former GOP Congressional candidate Dean Browning. He has finally come out and admitted what I've long suspected - he's black ... and gay. Good for him! With a name like Browning, it's little wonder. 

Former LV Congressional candidate Dean Browning tweeted the comment you see yesterday. It sat undisturbed for a few hours, and then the twitterverse exploded. Reporters began calling him, too, some from as far away as England.

Most of the twitterati believe Browning uses sock puppets to buttress the arguments he makes under his own name, and that he forgot to log out of his own name while posting under a fake account. 

Not so, said Browning. He deleted the tweet you see and then posted this explanation: "Regarding the tweet that is going viral from my account — I was quoting a message that I received earlier this week from a follower. Sorry if context was not clear. Trump received record minority votes & record LGBTQ votes. Many people won’t say it vocally, but do in private."

I believed Dean. I teased him a bit, but figured he just forgot to use quotation marks. 

But then he doubled down and tweeted a video from Dan Purdy, a gay black guy who said he sent Dean that message. Dan Purdy's real name is William Holte, a landscaper related in some way to Godmother of Soul Patti LaBelle. Twitter has since suspended this account, probably because it is fake. It seems very convenient. 

So I no longer know what the hell to believe. 

Then I started looking at some of Dean's tweets. I always knew he was conservative, but he's far more extreme than I thought. A review of some of his tweets, gathered at Snopes, is very disturbing.

Browning represents the extreme fringes of the GOP.  I honestly have no idea what happened to the Browning I once knew. 

Blogger's Note: Though I've linked to Dean's extreme tweets, I have removed them because they interfered with my left sidebar. 


  1. There is a simple explanation for all of this. Browsing is CUKoKO FOR COOCO PUFFS, CUXUKOO FOR COCCO PUFFS!!!!

  2. Seriously. He wasn't always this crazy

  3. So is this part of the new Democrat campaign to attack Trump supporters. Some better consider carefully were they are going.

  4. While Dean's complexion and demeanor might be described as white than sour cream his third leg certainly qualifies him for honorary brother status it's a third leg of epic proportions.

  5. Bernie

    What is this? Did Browning actually write this or is it one of your spirited entries?

  6. Roverfan sees nothing wrong with what Dean did.

  7. I remember being a gay black man too and it wasn't working well under oboma either. When I tried dating the ex president the secret service approached me and told me I was a terrorist from Zimbabwe, seeing as I am an American citizen I was repulsed by there accusation. I had told them I just wanted to be sandwich meat between Barry and micheal.

  8. "R0verfan sees nothing wrong with what Dean did."

    Yes, It is no different than the sock puppets that Sal Panto was using. I've been doing this since 2006. As a blogger, I'd never create a fake identity to buttress arguments bc (1) I have a special obligation to be honest with my readers and (2) I'd eventually get caught, just like Panto was caught and like Dean may have been caught.

    What disturbs me about Dean is the extremism his tweets betray. For years, he was a right-leaning centrist, but has embraced the far right. Whether he's done so as an opportunist or because he really is that nutty is very unclear to me. Those views might be ok in his native Kentucky, but are completely out of place in Pa.

  9. "So is this part of the new Democrat campaign to attack Trump supporters. "

    Dean appears to have done this himself. Even if you accept his explanation, and I wonder, I am repulsed by the ugliness he betrays in other tweets that even embrace QAnon conspiracy theories and defends Proud Boys. The Dean I knew for years was a right-leaning centrist, very much like Dent and Toomey. The Dean in these tweets is more akin to Tricia Mezzacappa. So I now have questions about his overall honesty. He appears to have shifted when he decided to betray Charlie Dent and go the Simmons route.

  10. Now the Lee Snover endorsement makes sense!!!

  11. Anyone catch the Lehigh County Commissioners meeting last night? During Courtesy of the floor, a speaker brought up this point about the incident on Twitter. That was right after Browning spoke. I believe he's in charge of helping find Republican candidates to fill the open seat for the party.

  12. Dean has displayed remarkable bravery in coming out, it will not sit well with some of his more vocal cheerleaders like the constable in West Easton who dislikes both groups.

    Bring back the stache Dean it was always the best ride at the Green Door!

  13. Dean Browning trending on reddit.

  14. If I were a black gay man not only would I be president, I'd create a three dollar bill with my picture on it

  15. Dean is versatile for what it's worth I know a lot of you closet cases out there were dying to know...

  16. Seriously, I love the defense. I'm not a racist homophobe. I'm just a Moron.

  17. If Dean would move to Northampton County and consider being a cross dresser Matt Muncy would like him to run for office as a county democrat.

    A black gay cross dresser is a NorCo dem dram candidate. Move over Tara Zrinski!

  18. Light in his loafers ???????

  19. This is a case of Trump Detachment Syndrome. Many others are going to be afflicted with this disease in the coming weeks as the reality that their Icon is in fact a loser and has been wholesale rejected by the rest of the country. Thoughts and prayers to all those affected and infected.

  20. Dean is seriously mentally Ill, he needs rehab, he's a very sick individual who needs help finding reality.

  21. Just read his story in the MC today. This guy sounds like his idol Trump. He is areal smart-ass and blames everyone but himself. He sounds like a real goof. Thank God he was not successful in his bid for office. We have enough weirdos without adding more.

  22. Apparently you don't know your heroes and villains as well as you claim!


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