Local Government TV

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Three Local State Rep Candidates Tagged For Failure to File Expense Reports

Three LV candidates for State Representative have been tagged by the Department of State for failure to file pre-election campaign finance reports. They are the following:

Pa Legislative District 131 - Kevin Branco

Pa Legislative District 133 - Mike Schlossberg

Pa. Legislative District 138 - Tara Zrinski

All three are Democrats, and Schlossberg is an incumbent. 

On  Tara Zrinski's Facebook page, she claims to have sent her report on October 22, and has attached the postmark. The pre-election reports were due October 23. Reports mailed the day before the due date are considered sufficient, but that's no satisfaction to those who want to see who is funding a campaign. The election is just days away. 

Ironically, Zrinski claims to be the anti-corruption candidate. If she were really interested in being transparent, that report would have been filed so people could actually see it.  


  1. Schlossberg is too busy getting awards from McClure, for suicide prevention. The one thing the best NC Executive ever can't seem to handle himself!
    Schlossberg is also too busy tearing down the State Hospital to sell to a crony. A wasted opportunity to build much needed low-income and affordable housing there.
    On a side note, the state hospital property was not photographed for historical reference.

  2. 12 hours ago you suggested Zrinski may be corrupt. "If she fails to let the people know who is funding her, as required by state law, she is herself corrupt"

    Now you post that if her submission is postmarked before the deadline it is sufficient. I guess this means she isn't corrupt for not submitting it. An apology might be nice. You know what they say about assuming.

  3. Don't knw about Branco. The Schloss is carpetbagger. Zirinski is a lazy narcissit.

    Apparently she is so busy with her campaign she couldn't even stay for her county meeting yesterday.

    1. @5:40
      Zrininski was not the only person to leave that budget meeting early. Many Council members did as well as administration. Even County Executive, Lamont McClure, left just before the discussion of mental health services. That says so much about him. Council VP, Lori Vargo-Heffner said it, Human Services should be at the beginning. I echo Council President Heckman's thoughts and thank those who did stay to the end.

  4. Imagine that. Democrats. Law abiding, upstanding Democrats. Hiden, Biden and family didn't take any money either.

  5. Somebody hates schloshberg, wonder what he did to you?

  6. Uhhh....O'Hare...may want to double check that. Schlossberg did file his report.

    A. Amount Brought Forward From Last Report
    B. Total Monetary Contributions And Receipts (From Schedule I)
    C. Total Funds Available (Sum Of Lines A and B)
    D. Total Expenditures (From Schedule III)
    E. Ending Cash Balance (Subtract Line D From Line C)
    F. Value Of In-Kind Contributions Received (From Schedule II)
    G. Unpaid Debts And Obligations (From Schedule IV)
    1620 POND RD, STE 200
    ALLENTOWN PA 18104-2255

  7. Regarding Zrinski, why isn't she filing on the state's online system? I thought state candidates were required to file there so that no matter what happens with the mail, the reports would be available to all the MINUTE they were filed. The only thing that would need to be mailed then would be the notarized cover page.

    In addition, because of the pandemic, candidates are able to e-mail the reports to the state. They are also able to submit "Unsworn Statements" attesting to the accuracy of the reports, eliminating the need for a notary.

    Also, no matter how she would file with the state (on paper or using the online system), she should be filing a "courtesy copy" of the report with the county election office. This is to prevent candidates from using the lag time from mail delivery and manual posting of the reports by the state as an excuse for not making their report public.

    Finally, instead of posting a postmarked receipt on her FaceBook page, she should have been posting a copy of her entire campaign report.

    By my count, she just failed the transparency test at least four different ways.

  8. "Somebody hates schloshberg, wonder what he did to you?"
    "Uhhh....O'Hare...may want to double check that. Schlossberg did file his report."

    I listed three LV candidates who failed to get their reports in timely because that is what DOS records showed. Not timely. He was listed by the DOS as did not file. In fact, I have a screen shot.

  9. "Now you post that if her submission is postmarked before the deadline it is sufficient. I guess this means she isn't corrupt for not submitting it. An apology might be nice. You know what they say about assuming."

    I stand by what I wrote. She has effectively prevented voters from seeing who supports her or how she spends her $ until after the election. She could have filed online, but failed. She refused to post a copy on scribd or google drive. She claims to be anti-corruption while waiting until the last possible second to let the public see that she is funded mostly by groups and people completely outside her district and state.

  10. I have never seen so many TV ads for local state rep races. Branco has an ad on every two seconds. Where is all the money coming from?? That's the question we should be asking. It's no coincidence that Branco and Zrinski waited until the last possible second to submit their reports. Someone is spending a lot of "dark money" to try to get the state house to flip. Hopefully people will see Zrinski for what she is, a socialist who wants to turn PA into CA, NY and NJ. No thanks!

  11. What about the write-in candidate in the 183rd District, Michael Molovinsky? Did he file a campaign finance report? I believe you're supposed to, even if you didn't raise anything.

    Even if he's not required to as a write-in candidate, you'd think he'd still actually file for the sake of transparency.

    He's constantly carping about his candidacy not being taken seriously by the Morning Call and other media outlets, yet does nothing to indicate that he's actually serious about running.

    In addition, he won't post comments on his blog that he doesn't agree with. That's his choice since it's his blog, but speaks volumes about his willingness to listen to those he wants to represent.

  12. Write-in candidates, whether they are Michael Molovinsky or Enid Santiago, must abide by state campaign finance laws. If they receive or spend $250 or more, a report is required. My guess is that Michael has not spent any money.

  13. Bernie O'Hare (9:36 am) said:

    "Write-in candidates, whether they are Michael Molovinsky or Enid Santiago, must abide by state campaign finance laws. If they receive or spend $250 or more, a report is required. My guess is that Michael has not spent any money."

    But isn't there another version of the report they must file, even if they received/spent less than $250 (including zero)?

    I don't think that no activity absolves you of the responsibility to file that report. Otherwise, voters wouldn't know if candidates simply aren't raising/spending money or if the candidates are just ignoring filing/campaign finance laws.

  14. BTW, did Santiago file a report?

    I'd assume that she's been raising and spending money

  15. "But isn't there another version of the report they must file, even if they received/spent less than $250 (including zero)?

    Candidates who spend less than $250 typically file an affidavit to that effect, but it is not really required.

  16. Just checked the PA Campaign Finance website, FAQ's. Per the website:

    When may a statement be filed in lieu of a campaign finance report?

    If the aggregate amount of receipts, expenditures, or liabilities incurred by a political committee or candidate does not exceed $250 during a reporting period, then the candidate or treasurer of a political committee shall file a sworn statement with the appropriate supervisor (state or county) on the Department’s form. See § 1626(a).

    The Department's form is a DSEB-503, Campaign Finance Statement (as opposed to the Campaign Finance Report for amounts over $250). Judging from the FAQ response (which says "shall" file) it's not optional.

    Thus I would say that both Molovinsky and Santiago are in violation of campaign finance laws if they didn't file the reports on time.

  17. That provision applies to "local" candidates, not candidates for state office. My understanding, which may be incorrect, is that the filing requirement for a state rep candidate only exists if there are contributions or expenditures of $250 or more. No mandatory or precatory language requiring an affidavit.

  18. I am not going to continue publishing comments belaboring this issue, which is about declared candidates for statewide office. The section of the election code you mention specifically states it applies to "local" candidates. Come up with a statute or a case.

  19. I find it equally exhausting as it is apt of an individual whose entire blog is called a “rambling” that you are focusing upon the semantics of filing deadlines and nitpicking their satisfaction based on your personal jaded views. 

    On your comment regarding Tara Zrinski: "If she fails to let the people know who is funding her, as required by state law, she is herself corrupt"

    And yet her filings have been submitted AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW. If the candidate is operating her campaign under the instruction of the Department of State and Bureau of Campaign Finance, how is she failing to "let the people know who is funding her, as required by state law"?

    If she is operating based on guideline, are you inferring that the guidelines set by STATE LAW are corrupt?

    Where is the discourse centered around Ann Flood? She has repeatedly filed her reports via paper as well, but that is not an issue for you. There seems to be little issue with that or the fact that she is deducting personal cell phone costs each month from her campaign funds as “operating expenditures”. There is still no Cycle 3 report available online for constituents to review.

    Additionally, there has in fact been a county copy of Zrinski’s report that has been filed. That, based on the guidelines you seem to be nitpicking, is something that is not required for the expected operation of campaign finance and yet this has been completed. How would she be able to do this if she was in fact late or failed to file?


    1. Her campaign finances have been filed in an appropriate media form (paper) by the guidelines set by law.
    2. Her campaign finances have been filed on schedule by guidelines set by law.
    3. Whether a report is filed online and supported with the use of Unsworn Statement Affidavits, OR sent via mail on paper, both are acceptable modes of filing by the guidelines set by law. You do not have to file both.
    4. A choice to file by mail does not mean that she has “failed”. The only thing that she seems to have failed at is living up to your misguided version of reality, which exists through an extremely derogatory, misogynistic, and jaded lens. You mistake her passion and commitment toward improving and providing safeguards for our future and quickly discount them by calling her “unhinged”, “crazy”, or a “lunatic”.

    You feed off vitriol and contempt in the face of a strong, competent, passionate, and independent woman of youth and vigor. Your voting patterns in your previous posts indicate that previously show that you are not a voice of reason that can be trusted, as you are the one who is in fact, an unhinged lunatic. Tara Zrinski is our future and we stand with her.

  20. 1) She has touted herself as the anti-corruption candidate.

    2) Her expense report was filed in a manner that prevents the public from seeing it until after the election.

    3) She refused to post it on google drive or on scribd.

    She is a phony who used a bullhorn to tell people to drop off their ballots instead of using the mail, but failed to follow her own screamed advice. She demonstrates a complete lack of transparency. That is why she deserves particular attention. She has been sanctioned for perjury and lied about what BT officials did concerning PennEast. She is an erratic and loose cannon who should not be on Council, to say nothing of the state house.

  21. @1:18, Obviously you are on Team Tara, and that is fine. But, you miss the point. Tara is outside a post office screaming how we should use it and she didn't. Second, she is campaigning on "Not taking a dollar of PAC money", how do we know? Third, for someone that runs as an environmentalist, she mailed a 50 pound box full of paper.

  22. @1:18 "Tara Zrinski is our future and we stand with her" LOL - I love this site, so much fun. Which campaign staffer are you????

  23. @1:18 "Tara Zrinski is our future and we stand with her" LOL - I love this site, so much fun. Which campaign staffer are you????

  24. Hey 1:18PM, Tara is that you? At least have the guts to put your name on the post! You must be hanging around with that nut Mezza. You waited until the last minute because you and Branco are getting tons of outside money! There is no way you raised enough money to put ads on CNBC!

    1. Yo, ANONYMOUS 3:42! At least have the guts to put YOUR name on YOUR post, you hypocrite, you! Jeez Louise!

  25. 1:18PM is definitely that nut Zrinski. Bernie must be getting under her skin LOL!

  26. The only thing under its skin is UGLY just like the pig lady of West Easton. Bernie still hasnt had any bacon for breakfast yet!

  27. Bernie O'Hare is a misogynist patriarch that fears the Feminine Mystique that is Tara Zirisnki. I agree with her fakebook posts lamenting the attacks of the patriarchy on this child of mother earth. Money and financial statements are a vestige of the Male power structure. It will be swept away with the clarity of the feminine perspective. Her female power will translate into a win for all the creatures of the planet. She channels the powers of Wicca and the energy of the environment.

    You can run Bernie but you cannot hide. You will not even be of use for stud service in the new world order


  28. Additionally, there has in fact been a county copy of Zrinski’s report that has been filed. That, based on the guidelines you seem to be nitpicking, is something that is not required for the expected operation of campaign finance and yet this has been completed. How would she be able to do this if she was in fact late or failed to file? ”

    1) this is required by state law. A copy must be filed in the county of residence of the candidate. You apparently do not know the law.
    2) campaign finance reports in the elections office are impossible to examine bc the office is too busy. It should have been online.

  29. She's following the law, just like Mitch McConnell.

  30. "Tara, Tara... look at her go..."

    Idina Menzel, Geico commercial 2020


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