Local Government TV

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Mike Pence: Lord of Flies!


Bullshit draws flies, so it's no surprise that at least one of them spent a good few minutes walking around on Mike Pence's perfectly coiffured hair during last night's Vice Presidential debate with Kamala Harris at The University of Utah's Kingsbury Hall. I think he eventually swallowed it. The Lord of Flies offered a pale imitation of Donald Trump's by repeatedly interrupting Harris and talking way beyond his allotted time. Harris ducked a question about packing the Supreme Court by asserting that Trump has been loading the courts with incompetent ideologues. Pence also evaded questions about pre-existing conditions and the Rose Garden superspreader, choosing instead to flail away at points made by Harris. 

I entered into this debate being less than thrilled with Kamala Harris. That changed last night. She was engaged and deftly copied Biden's tactic of looking directly into the camera to address the viewers. 

Moderator Susan Page was terrible. She allowed Pence to interrupt all too frequently and failed to insist he answer the questions posed. 

Harris delivered some great lines.

When Pence insisted that the  Trump administration's response has been effective, she countered with "You respond to the American people when you tell them the truth."   

Harris pointed out that both Trump and Pence were aware on January 28 of the severity of the pandemic, but failed to warn the public.

She later pointed out, "There was a time when our country believed in science.

She also effectively established that, while Trump claims he will have some still imaginary health coverage for pre-existing conditions, he is in  the Supreme Court right now trying to gut them.

"If you have a preexisting condition—heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer—they’re coming for you. If you love someone who has a preexisting condition, they’re coming for you. If you are under the age of 26 on your parents’ coverage, they’re coming for you.”    

On foreign policy, she noted that Trump "has betrayed our friends and has embraced dictators over the world." She later added, "He doesn't understand what it means to keep his word."

For his part, Pence drew flies. 


  1. You are the turd attracting flies with your inane comments O'Hare. Harris was a childish snot with her smirks, eye-rolling and nervous laughing. She was caught in like after lie and policy flip-flops. Pence was the only adult on that stage. And I guarantee that an impartial analysis of speaking time will show an unfair advantage for Kamala. So your interruption argument is pure deflection.

  2. This election is for VP because neither presidential candidate will see through the next four years. I really want to like Harris, but her condescending and smug attitude isn’t my cup of tea. Biden/Harris will definitely win, but neither of them makes me feel confident.

  3. You are crazy. Harris was mean, condescending and thin skinned. She was a very lecturing type of person. When you really like someone you overlook these obvious things. You lost your rational detachment and let your emotions once again rule your reaction. You really put miserable and phooey people on a pedestal.

  4. I really thought the worse person was the moderator. Questions were well written but she seemed completely unable to actually control the debate flow. Loved the fly.

  5. Who you voting for, Bernie?

  6. "They're coming after you."

    No matter which side wins, this statement is verifiably true of both. I saw MSNBC called the debate a draw. That doesn't sound like Harris had a very good night.

  7. Didn’t watch the VP debate last night, so I won’t dispute your glowing remarks about her performance. However, I did observe her often over the past few years.

    Here’s the point I would like your readers to consider. Should Joe Biden win the election, Kamala Harris will ultimately (and quickly) become the President. Joe Biden is just not up to the daily task of being President of the United States. Not physically, not mentally. He will require a great amount of support and coaching.

    Last night gave viewers an opportunity to evaluate a “DeFacto President.”

  8. Like the presidential debate I found myself screaming once again STFU a half a dozen times. What's with these two who can't stick with the rules they agree to. Pence spoke past his allotted time over and over again. Neither he nor Trump seem able to have self control.

    When they break rules right in front of our faces on worldwide LIVE TV imagine the ones they break when they aren't in full view.

  9. Frank Luntz focus group, asks for one word to describe Harris: "evasive...nervous...shifting blame...caring....snarky....too rehearsed....nervous....evasive....abrasive....unsteady....rigid....unpresidential"

    Frank Luntz focus group, asks for one word to describe Pence: "robot... presidential... even-keeled...presidential...bland...regressive....professional...pathetic....calm....typical politician....comfortable....no emotion"

  10. Totally agree. Next debate will be virtual while VP returns to his lair and delves into a critical issue: separation of pepper from flyshit.

  11. Trump/Pence tell everyone that Biden is going to raise everyone's taxes because of him stating clearly that he’ll eliminate the Trump Tax Cuts. (raised by eliminating the cuts). Then Biden’s team turns around and says Trump will take away your healthcare pre-existing condition by eliminating Obamacare, even though Trump has repeatedly stated publically that he will keep the pre-existing condition provision.
    I find these two arguments about your taxes and health insurance telling. And on both issues, one party is lying to you.

  12. They both blatantly ignored tough questions with standard political patter. Neither made any spectacular blunders in anyway. Again as most debates go, I don't think this one swayed any voters, which I guess is ultimately a win for Biden/Harris. I am sure both sides will confidently brag that their candidate came out on top.

    Speaking time was practically even in the end, but it sure did seem like Pence tended to drag his points out beyond the allotted time which wasn't a good look, and of the two tended to speak over Harris more, but in no way approaching what Trump did the week prior.

    Again for incumbents with a record to defend, Pence had a heavier load to lift to make any points, while Harris just needed to come across as competent and relatable. Polls are very bleak for Trump/Pence at the moment, with very few undecideds left to pull. Pence, like Trump kept sticking to their main talking points that thrill the die hard Republicans and Rally Crowds, but hold limited appeal for anyone outside that sphere.

    Harris avoided the court packing question, which can be politically understandable (though I do think there is an honest way to answer that question). Pence avoiding the peaceful transfer of power answer doesn't help their cause in anyway.

    Obviously and probably unfortunately, this debate will simply be remembered for the fly on Pence's hair more than anything else.

  13. "Who you voting for, Bernie?"

    Are you kidding me? I think it should be clear who I am voting for, and I already voted. And guess what? Thanks to your hero, I voted straight Democrat for the first time in decades.

  14. I'm relieved that Biden and Harris have changed their positions and no longer support nonsensical ideas like the economically devastating Green New Deal and bans on fracking. It's a remarkable turnaround from just weeks ago when they both made strong and unequivocal statements in support in support of these costly, ineffective, and job killing initiatives. It's good to see the plastic straw environmentalist nuts get pushed down the bench and stopped from making the party look like idiots.

  15. Um, Frank Luntz is a Republican shill. I would trust that fly more readily than Luntz. My story was written without the aid of some of the talking heads or MSNBC. It is my own assessment, not what others tell me. I had a dim view of Harris going in, and have a positive view now. It is true that she started going over her allotted time, but only because Pence was doing it from the onset. It was a matter of self defense. You can rely on what Frank Luntz tells you to think. I prefer to think for myself.

  16. Democrats didn’t want Harris In the primary, after last night there is no mystery why. Her childish face expressions was a scene never seen before in a debate for Vice President. This is the worst democratic ticket ever in United States history, if they win we are doomed.

  17. Next debate is to be virtual and Trump is already saying he won't do it. Sorry to hear that. I was looking forward to seeing Trump having to interact with a non-media member that also isn't a member of the MAGA crowd.

  18. Biden is a virtual candidate. About as genuine as a three dollar bill.

  19. Glad to hear that you have become one of the mindless Dems who vote straight ticket, Bernie. Democracy has a bright future with grudge-ridden stooges like you.

  20. You know when the other side is focusing on a fly, that their candidate lost the debate.

    Harris did poorly, and she came across as even less likable than Hillary Clinton.

    I realize that BO has to regurgitate democrat talking points, but for anyone who watched it, they saw a bloodbath in Pence's favor.

  21. It amazes me that Harris could sit in front of a national audience and lie once again about the Presidents comments about Charlottesville. She continues the lie and if Americans do a simple google search, they'll see that he did not call bad people "good".
    If she can look the camera in the eye and lie to you about that, what else did she lie about?
    Do your research, but at least she earned Bernie's vote.

  22. A virtual debate of any kind is too misleading. Either one of the participants can use a pre-written teleprompter screen to guide them. When a President sits at the same table from any adversarial foreign leader, he/she doesn’t get to react to every point with a scripted answer. Our television news talent reads from a teleprompter to take pressure off their natural ability to communicate off-the-cuff.

    NO virtual, computer-generated, national leaders, please. This is not PlayStation 2020.

  23. Harris spoke 3 minutes and 30 seconds more than Pence ... But Pence time includes the tome he spoke to the conclusion of his thoughts on a question while the moderator was trying to halt him ... Pence clearly was the most dominant candidate in the debate ... Apparently Harris was upset to a point she told Pence not to lecture her .. Which I translate as shut up, man ... If there was a virtual debate ... Who would hold the mute button and would Trump be muted before he would complete a comment... Other than this may the American People with their combined but ununified vote select the right person for the next 4 years to lead us ... I pray to God the right person is in the contes.t

  24. Bernie has a positive view for a woman who as DA of San Fransisco did more harm than good. She put more people in jail for non-violent drug crimes, she purposely withheld evidence in capital cases. Came after single parents for Truancy issues. The list goes on and on. Give me a break she's no hero, shes a crooked cop.

  25. Pence believes women are men's handmaidens, so it's OK to ignore the moderator or interrupt Harris. As for the fly, Pence's religious fanatic supporters can recognize a sign of the pestilence Trump has brought upon us.

  26. I dont think Frank Luntz said any of those things. They were said by voters who included regular people and Katie Couric and Joe Torre of all diverse people. You can watch the Zoom replay. Those weren't his words. Although I'm sure you'd feel better if they were and you could simply dismiss them. Not the case.

  27. Thanks to your hero, I voted straight Democrat for the first time in decades.

    I did the same and can't remember a past election where I hadn't crossed the party line.

    As to the debate, Pence gave a good, calm presentation, but seemed intent on going past his allotted time, putting Harris in the position of playing catch-up by having to ask for time to respond to Pence's lies.

    Striking to me was Pence's not answering the questions posed to him, which is actually a skill. Don't answer the question asked, answer the question not asked. Pence was just a calmer version of Trump and stating lies calmly doesn't make them truthful. He would spend his two minutes rebutting Harris on a previous question and then go over his time talking about things not related to the new question asked.

    Harris, though she did well, could have done better in my opinion, but certainly held the Trump-Pence administration to account for their blunders in office. It's a shame she had to spend much of her time repeating herself to Pence. Pence tried to tell everyone taxes would increase for everyone twice and Harris had to twice correct him that it was only on those making $400K or more.

    I did notice Harris never answered the question about packing SCOTUS, but more frightening was Pence's refusal to answer the question about accepting the election results.

    I give a slight edge to Harris overall, but not by much, and Pence's need to land a knock-out punch never happened. If it is judged a draw by viewers, then Trump has lost the election and Harris did what she needed to get done.

  28. I disagree with Pence on almost everything, but I am impressed with his loyalty however misplaced others might see it.

    Pence has been driving the "white Bronco" for Trump for almost 4 years now and last night he obliterated the worst Democrat contender of my lifetime in any capacity.

    Both parties were successful at once again boxing Bernie out and with the Covid_19 media Hoax, Bernie's most popular issue, Healthcare for All, which had 70% support just 7 months ago, now is not even mentioned. Healthcare itself isn't mention outside the context of Corona's false narrative.

    If the Fly starts a write in campaign it has my vote, otherwise because of the Kamala Harris pick specifically, I'll be voting Trump.

  29. And the White House was worried about Biden wearing a bug!

  30. 9:46 I think the worst thing for a prosecutor can do is put people away for non-violent drug offenses, then turn around and "relate to the people" and tell them how she smoke pot while listening to 2Pac. But again, she earned Bernie's vote.

  31. Wow! You have to be kidding Bernie! Other than the beginning where Harris was effective with the handling of the China Virus she was thrashed. On the economy she had no answer for the fact that all our manufacturing jobs that were lost were not coming back, like Obama said, even if you had a magic wand. On foreign policy, Pence reminded America what happened under Obama/Biden, ISIS the JV team, Russia taking the Crimea, Syria, the terrible Iran deal, Al Baghdaddi and Solemeini gone, making NATO pay their fair share. She clearly had little grasp of foreign policy and basically conceded that part of the debate. Her grasp of foreign policy was hey we just need to be honest and nice and everything will be fine LOL. She flat out refused to answer the question about packing the court, pivoting to an old democrat ploy, when you have no argument or no answer, play the race card. I thought she was condescending and acted childish with all the faces she kept making. Time and again Pence circled back around and destroyed her. She did not impress me at all, and there is a reason she was out of the primary very quickly. Those that didn't watch the democrat primary debates, you have your answer now.

    You like to call Trump an authoritarian, a fascist. There is nothing more authoritarian than packing the supreme court so you can get decisions favorable to your politics. People may not like the nomination of ACB, but the rules allow it, the Constitution allows it. The Democrats plan to remake the third branch of government so it's favorable for them which is unconscionable. That is what authoritarian looks like, changing the rules of government to favor one side.

  32. Watch a few minutes of Tulsi Gabbard's vivisection of Harris in one of the Democratic debates. It's compelling and devastating. From CNN ...


  33. At the CNN democrat primary debate, Harris flat out said she would ban fracking. Biden, during a democrat primary debate, said he would "do away with all of it" referring to fossil fuels. Lying comes so easy to these people. Remember Warner Wolf the sports guy, all you have to do is "go to the video" it's all there. No, they don't support the green new deal, yet it's on the website, and Harris voted for it in the Senate LOL. Trump is unpresidential, and he is probably going to lose, but if the Dems run her in 4 years they will lose badly. She's not presidential material either. Tulsi destroyed her, and she would have been a much better running mate for Joe than this fraud Harris.

  34. 9:46, KH doesn't sound like much of a left-wing radical either.

    Let your party know!

  35. @9:37 "It amazes me that Harris could sit in front of a national audience and lie once again about the Presidents comments about Charlottesville. She continues the lie and if Americans do a simple google search, they'll see that he did not call bad people "good"."

    Here is the full transcript from the "Both Sides" comment;

    It's a long back and forth between the President and the press, and yes, the comment has been over simplified or more accurately generalized. Bottom line though the whole thing is/was a self inflicted wound for Trump. There was just no point or advantage in his entire line of argument that day and should have just shut his mouth.

    Politically its just safe to assume that the majority of people in this country do not like and have unfavorable views of, roaches, dog crap and Neo-Nazi/White Supremacists - that's not rocket science. For God's sake, just take the easy lay up, simply condemn the violence that occurred and stick to that line over and over until they get bored with the answer. Attempting to rationalize the event and spread blame around just took him into deeper and deeper waters that he really had no point or purpose being in.

    This whole thing took place only 7 months into his Presidency, that all began with the moronic slap fight over how big/little his inauguration crowd was and from that point on was just one continuous and contentious battle over everything and anything which Trump himself seemed to encourage and invite at a lot of points. Like most Presidents, he's done some good, he's done some bad, but his ability and desire to have non stop drama is what will be the reason he gets kicked to the curb next month.

  36. I must have watched a different debate. Pence was a royal pain and ducked a number of questions. He interrupted and could not or would not respect time limits. He sounded like a baby Trump when he had a chance to shine. If Trump can`t serve he will be out of that League. God bless us if TRump wins again.....

  37. Every day now you expand the belief that you are suffering terminal TDS. "Oh look! A fly". I guess that hanging out on Pence's hair was not as much fun as exploring Obama's lip. Grow up you stupid child.

  38. 7:24AM
    "Like the presidential debate I found myself screaming once again STFU a half a dozen times."

    " Neither he nor Trump seem able to have self control."

    A perfect example of Psychological Projection,
    an impotent frustrated person struts and frets across the living room floor pointing at the tv pointless screaming obscenities, only to conclude that Trump has no self control.

    Tripping over their own ego, Trump literally serves as their confessional.
    Couch conversations about Trump should be an approved diagnostic tool for psychologist.

  39. October 8, 2020 at 1:32 PM Anonymous said...A perfect example of Psychological Projection..
    Yeah I'm nuts sorta like one of the 60,000 stadium fans screaming at a football game when times were normal.

    Couch conversations about Trump should be an approved diagnostic tool for psychologist.
    Yeah maybe I should of tweeted about 100x's in less then 24 hours like Trump does when he is tripping watching TV 10 hours a day. Not very presidential of me.

  40. Through all the noise, positions on two important issues were clearly revealed and Harris gets credit for being mostly forthright. A Biden administration will seek to add four justices to SCOTUS to take a liberal 7-6 advantage. A Biden administration will immediately repeal the Trump tax cuts, thus reducing your take home pay, immediately. It's either crazy or courageous, but at least it was clear to inform your decision. Strangely, I think the uncivilized nature of these affairs has led to a more frank discussion vs the traditional canned answers.

  41. The Democrats know they can’t win a “normal” election with their two candidates. I believe they are planning to win back the White House by taking advantage of all the confusion, mistakes, delays, and yes, ballot fraud that is coming due to the expanded and uncontrollable mail voting process.

    Their plan, I believe, is to take the final decision out of the hands of the average citizenry. They will count on the Courts to decide, or some special vote in the Congress. This election will be so messy, so contested, this HAS to be the plan.

  42. Fly on shit... nuf said!

  43. @2:51 - I don't make over $400K per year so I am good with getting rid of the tax cut. I don't think Biden/Harris could actually pull off expanding the Supreme Court, as it would be difficult to get moderate/at risk Dem Senators to go along with it. That said, while I am sure you'll disagree, if you don't think McConnell played shenanigans with sitting on a nominee for over a year, then cramming one in this late in the campaign (sitting President/Senate Majority be damned) and just expect the Democrats to shrug their shoulders about it, you are delusionally naïve.

  44. I like Harris’s attitude. But as a middle-aged white guy I realize I am in the minority on that. White dudes don’t like women who aren’t submissive. The comments section here supports that. This election is a referendum on Trump. Do I love Biden? No. Not even sure that I like him. But the alternative is worse. Sad result of the two-party system.

    1. It's not about biden or trump. It's about what the party does or does not do for our country and people. Stop and look at what the democrats want. If you want socialism vote for biden if you want our great country as it is vote for trump

  45. Kamala the reason your uncle in jail for 20 for weed. And she says she smoked it. That's low.

  46. Only chumps need "submissive women".

  47. 4:21 - Don’t be fooled by that $400,000 claim. Biden, on several occasions, stated he will eliminate the Trump Tax Plan. That Trump Plan reduced the tax rate on EVERY tax bracket. that means everyone with taxable income, even small amounts will pay more if Trump’s plan is taken away. Everyone!

    To make matters worse, all monthly pension payments, including Social Security, will have more taxes taken out of every check. Your employer provided pension, your own 401(k), your own IRA, etc. in addition, the Trump plan doubled the Standard Deduction of taxes, so those who do not itemize their tax forms will pay substantially more.

    Finally, if the individual or company who rents to you the home where you live begins to required to pay more taxes, that too, will be passed down to you in the form of higher monthly rent.

    Over just one Biden 4 year term, you could lose more than $10,000. Some will lose $20,000 and more.

  48. 7.07
    And what did trump replace all that money with?
    Try massive debt for the nation.
    The grandkids are really going to be pissed when they get to pay for someone else's tax break.

  49. 7:07,
    Don't be fooled by Trump's Plan. If you had taken a closer look at the bill of goods he sold you, you would have seen the increase in take home pay was good for a year. Take home pay steadily decreases each year following the first and you end up paying more in taxes, with corporations reaping the benefits of his tax cut.
    Trump is also on record as wanting to cut SS and Medicare. He wants to end medical coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. Harris was truthful when she said that he is trying to kill ACA through SCOTUS and he has offered no replacement plan. Wake up. Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself.

  50. Chris E said...
    "I like Harris’s attitude. But as middle-aged white guy I realize I am in the minority on that. White dudes don’t like women who aren’t submissive."

    You may have a valid point, idiotic and racist, but at least somewhat insightful in that it does help explain the reason for the Harris pick by "white dude" Biden I had not considered.

    Harris was by far the weakest female candidate who ran in the Democratic Primary, the most submissive of the litter.

    Tulsi Gabbard arguably the strongest woman running, ate her lunch at the first debate defending "white dude" Biden.

  51. The less than great Kamala was a condescending and arrogant b. She was smirking and playing the race and gender card while avoiding the real questions. She must be a skilled lawyer.

  52. Was that really just a fly?


    "scientists have developed a tiny, insect-sized drone that can stop, take a break, then take off again."

    Dirty tricks? Who knows?

    All the covid-19 precautions for a tiny, tiny, virus, multiple plexiglass walls, twice the social distancing recommendations, masked audience, a Harris approved climate controlled indoor safe space swiftly evaded by a fly, that now, after having a full 2 minutes of screen time in contact with Pence, needs to be contact traced.

  53. Biden-Harris = babykillers. That's all I need to know

  54. Can't believe Biden Harris could be elected. Harris appears to be worst than Hillary. Please please research Harris. If this is the best the Democrats could field, we are in deep, deep trouble.

  55. 10:11 -

    Gee, I don’t know. Maybe just look up the Instruction Booklet for preparing your taxes before the Trump Plan, then compare with this year’s Instructions. Pay close attention on the Tax Tables at the back of each, booklet. If every rate of taxation, as broken down according to taxable amount, from, say, $16,000 through the bracket that references incomes over $400,000, is now increased by Biden’s stated plans, that pretty much touches everyone, doesn’t it?

    Our Tax Code is very complex and difficult for many to understand. That’s obvious from the recent disinformation campaign to smear Trump’s legal and proper returns. Many fell for that, possibly even you.

  56. The best the Dems had to offer was Bernie, but he's off the table. So now our choice is the painted orange loon who is trying to start an illegal racist revolt with his cult or a centrist. Guess I'll stick with the Constitution and a UNITED States.

  57. Illegal racist revolt with his cult? I’d need to hear more on this!

  58. More like Lord of Lies !

  59. Anonymous said:"Our Tax Code is very complex and difficult for many to understand. That’s obvious from the recent disinformation campaign to smear Trump’s legal and proper returns. Many fell for that, possibly even you" So, your saying because the tax is difficult for some especially the rich its ok to be a tax cheat?? People like you are the problem.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.