Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Can I Change My Mail-in Ballot?

Our Disinformer-in-Chief, Donald Trump, tweeted this morning that most states allow a voter to change his vote once it has been cast. That may be true in some states, but not in Pa.

NorCo Voting registrar Amy Cozze was asked whether a voter can change his mail-in ballot once it is mailed. Her answer: "Absolutely not, once the ballot has been turned in to the BOE [Board of Elections] it cannot be altered in any way or spoiled.
If you have received a mail-in ballot and have decided to vote in person, you can do that. But you must bring your ballot and the envelopes to your polling location.


  1. Trump's actions lately are what desperation looks like. He's going down and he knows it. I am truly worried though about what he might try to do in the 2 months before inauguration. You know for sure that he will have either no team to help Biden's transition or they will be unhelpful for sure. Fortunately Biden himself and his team will have enough experience to get them up and running. First job will be finding all the bullshit executive orders and undoing them.

  2. Trump claimed this question was a google. Trend. Another lie. Below is a link to google trends in the US. That question was NOT trending. I have since received a comment from one of Trump's liars, who listed something else as a google trend. That is another lie and I refuse to publish these lies.


  3. Mark my words. You heard it hear first. Clarence Thomas will announce his retirement after the election and then trump and moscow Mitch will ram through a young federalist African-American judge to the supreme court before Biden is sworn in.

  4. If your vote cannot be changed with this new covid-19 inspired early mail-in-voting, is there any rule that indicates your new covid-19 inspired mail-in-voting cannot be withdrawn?

    What if the candidate dies?
    What is the candidate withdraws?
    What if the candidate calls a full-lid 2 weeks out and refuses to speak to the press?
    What if there are revelations of serious crimes known to the FBI for 8 months, and only revealed in the last 2 weeks and the candidate refuses to withdraw?

  5. 12:00PM said...

    "Mark my words. You heard it hear first. Clarence Thomas will announce his retirement after the election and then trump and moscow Mitch will ram through a young federalist African-American judge to the supreme court before Biden is sworn in."

    Interesting...did you think of that? It's not the first time I read that.

    McCarthyite and Senior Succubus Joy Behar on the View uses the term "Moscow Mitch"; is that who you are parroting? Is the "View" where you developed your clairvoyance?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. 12:00 - that is valid. It would almost guarantee an expansion of the court. That said, much like RBG I think Clarence has a bit of an ego and may choose to stick around.

  8. i checked and deleted a comment i determined to be disinformation.

  9. That question was NOT trending until Trump told his followers to do it.

  10. 12:39, The voting reforms are the product of a Republican legislature who saw the wisdom pof mail-in voting before Trump began his usual nonsense. The main bill, Act 77, was adopted before Covid.

    Thanks to the idiocy of people like you and Donald Trump, you have suppressed your own turnout. Thanks.

  11. 1.06
    " uses the term "Moscow Mitch""
    "McConnell over the summer blocked two House-approved measures to protect elections, despite warnings that Russia intends to meddle in the 2020 race. One bill would have set aside $775 million for state election security and require paper ballot to avoid digital disruptions. Another would have required candidates, their family and campaign staff to tell federal authorities if they are offered help from a foreign government — something President Trump said he'd be ready to accept.

    Weeks before the 2016 election, McConnell refused to join a bipartisan statement warning about Russia's election interference after he had been briefed on it."

    Moscow Mitch it fits

  12. trump wants more folks to the polls so the long lines will deter voters.
    The republican consent decree has expired so it would not be a surprise that "chumps" would be willing to mess up orderly voting.
    Virginia had folks circling the voter parking area in vehicles waving banners and chanting with the intent of making it more difficult for folks to vote.

  13. I believe it is Minnesota, Connecticut, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin I believe are the only states that allow changing your vote.

    The premise that someone would want to change their vote to Donald J Trump is laughable. Trump's supporters could not care less about disinformation like this and anything else he spews forth. They are high on something, but it isn't facts. Strange phenomenon.

  14. Huge new (to me) Billboard 22 west at 512. 215000 dead 13 million jobs lost. In black and white. To the point, very effective. As Trump would say , that's wrong we lost 225000 . It's not electronic so it won't show the current total.

  15. That won't help Trump, who was playing down Covid again today. He claims all you need is one Kleenex.

  16. Hold on a minute if I vote absentee ballot because I’ll be out of town, but on election day I’m in town, I can go to my polling place and vote in person.

  17. Yes, you can, but you have to bring your MIBs and the envelopes. If u do not, you’ll have to vote provisionally to ensure your MIB was not cast.

  18. This country is going to pot, and not because of Trump. We're degenerating into a nation of idiots and lunatics. Trump's election was a result, not the cause, of this. Now with this mail-in crap, we can't know the results on the same day, like some third world country?

  19. Bernie, I sent my absentee ballot weeks ago. How do I know that it was received by the county elections office? With the mail system as screwed up as it is, I don't trust that it reached its destination.

  20. You should have received an email. You can track your ballot here: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/pages/ballottracking.aspx


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.