Local Government TV

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Whatever Happened to Wolf's Civilian Coronavirus Corps?

 After putting 2 million Pennsylvanians out of work with his shutdown, Governor Tom Wolf on May 8 boldly announced the formation of the Commonwealth Civilian Coronavirus Corps. He was going to form an army of contract tracers to mount a holy war against SARS-Cov-2. His cheerleaders likened it to FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps, which over its lifetime provided work during the depression. We still see their handiwork in our local parks, but I've seen no hint of Wolf's program anywhere. 


  1. We've got an app for that now. Plus at least 1300 tracers as of end of August. They were still looking to hire more. These are the folks that are helping school districts, for example, deal with confirmed cases and their contacts as schools opened. You really have it in for this guy even though he's thus far kept us from becoming a shitstorm of cases.

  2. He heard you were one of them and shut sown the program.
    smart guy!

  3. big ideas are wonderful while they are still ideas, implementing them is another matter. This is were common sense comes into play and sadly most elected officials don't have it.

  4. Our incompetent Governor Wolf has always tagged along behind New York Governor Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Murphy. The decisions matched nearly all the time. It’s been like the Three Stooges. I really do not believe Wolf is capable of leading anything without someone else above working the strings.

    Too bad we’ve found ourselves unprepared to deal with a fool like Wolf. The Legislature has not been able to control him because it always falls just 2-3 votes short of a 2/3 majority necessary to overrule.

    Before voting, check to see how your Incumbent State Senator or Representative voted to contain the damage Wolf brought to citizens. Did he/she break from their political party to help avoid these bad decisions by Wolf?

    If not, consider voting for someone new to that office.

  5. If they did nothing but clean the parks, the litter and debris, it would be wonderful.

  6. Well, we have an app! Apps solve everything! Let's thank the good folks at Globalmegacorp Apple for fixing Pa'a Covid problems!

  7. His CCC is nonexistent and always has been. He certainly is no FDR.

  8. Thank goodness he failed at promoting this idea and religion.

    Covid-19 is a religion and you're free to believed it's priests and the dogma they preach but,

    I would rather die than be forced to give a list of names of friends and family to be harassed by government psychopaths.

    Contact tracers are like those selling "The Watchtower" to which I say "I am not a member of the covid-19 church, now go sell crazy somewhere else."

  9. Paul Muschick (Morning Call) has an Opinion piece up today. In it, he finds fault with Democrat Legislators who cowered to Gov. Wolf when that were given a sure opportunity to take a stand against Woilf's heavy hand.

    The following local Legislators backed-out of their recent vote to override "His Majesty Tome Wolf . . . .

    Tina Davis (Bucks)
    Bob Freeman (Northampton)
    John Galloway (Bucks)
    Jeanne McNeill (Lehigh)
    Steve Samuelson (Northampton)
    Mike Schlossberg (Lehigh)
    Peter Schweyer (Lehigh)
    Wendy Ullman (Bucks)

    No one from this list will get my vote. You decide.

  10. Spotlight PA has an article in the Morning Call about how inept Wolf and his administration is specifically with regards to COVID reporting. The PADOH and their lack luster performance in enforcing Coroners to us a system they were supposed to be trained on 2 years ago. Again more bugling by a unqualified politician and his cronies. Yet this is all Trump's fault....

  11. He has marching orders to keep the economy of PA down. He doesn't really care about jobs unless they help him personally. Unfortunately he is well protected by the State Supreme court and many judges that will legislate from the bench and allow him to continue his reign of tyranny.


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