Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The People's Controller

Last time I heard from Lehigh County Controller Mark Pinsley, both he and Allentown City Council member Joshua "Dox the Mayor" Siegel were trying their best to foist not one, but two new taxes on the people of Lehigh County. Yep, in the middle of a pandemic, they were pimping hard for both a one per cent increase in our regressive sales tax as well as a 0.5% earned income tax. A $25 million slush fund would fund the "creative economy," whatever the hell that is, and of course, Allentown's coffers. These taxes would hurt the working poor, who already suffer the indignity of being represented by these elitrists. It is by far the most idiotic idea I've heard this year. Pinsley, who really wants to be County Exec, calls himself "the People's Controller." Siegel, who really wants to be Allentown's next Mayor, calls himself a "visionary." These opportunists should call themselves who they really are - Laurel and Hardy. I received an email from the People's Controller yesterday, telling me he and his family visited DC over the weekend, and "paid our respects to RBG." That's nice. Then he dunned me for money to state house candidates. He goes on to say he just contributed to state house candidate Tara Zrinski. "[S]he will keep us all safe," he says. 


Is she Robocop? 

These wackadoodles must have their own special club. But it's not the Democratic party I remember.


  1. Mark Pinsley who tried to raise 10K for a Commissioners race. The man that ran for a state seat before even being sworn in as a Commissioner. He is another Progressive. Him and Zrinski are made for each other. Here is one reason I do not vote straight Dem anymore.

  2. I can give an example of a couple of really ignorant Republicans in much higher positions than the county level. It's not the Republican Party I remember.

  3. Bernie, you sound like a Conservative. Come over and join us Republicans, before it's too late.

  4. Dead or alive, you're coming with me

  5. I am about 45% conservative, about 45% liberal and about 5% other. I am equally reviled by both of the local parties. I would register independent except that I'd be unable to vote in primaries.

    My ideology has nothing to do with my disdain for Pinsley. I dislike him, not bc he is a liberal Dem, but bc he is a phony. He ran for the State Senate before being sworn in as a Comm'r., then almost immediately ran for Controller and now is plotting a run against Phil Armstrong. People's controller my ass.

    And who does he want people to give $ to? Another opportunist and a liar running for state office after two years on a county council where she still has not learned to use her microphone.

  6. this is the new, revolutionary democrat party, not the progressive democrat party, and certainly not the democrat party of JFK and Harry Truman.

  7. A run against Armstrong?? That doesn't make sense. Why not another shot at Browne in 2022?

  8. You criticize Pinsley for running for another office after just winning one, what about Dipshit Seigel and his equally idiotic pal Me Me Gerlach? They both just got on to City Council this year,and are now both running for Mayor! That's after they have already been censured, yelled fuck the police, gave out old man O'Connell's phone number to an angry mob !

  9. People here in the Lehigh Valley are to blinded to realize the morons they elect to local office, yet complain about how terrible Trump is. Wake up people, local offices are vital to how your community runs. Allentown should be banned from voting ever since the re-elected Fed ED when he was being charged with federal crimes. Pathetic.

  10. It's "too," not "to." Try working on your grammar if you expect to be taken seriously.

  11. The local democrat party is now made up of all Pinsleys and Zrinskis. All the democrat elected officials are the new revolutionary front.

  12. @3:34 and all the local Republicans are now made up of Trumps, Tarsi's and Snovers. Party left me.

  13. " what about Dipshit Seigel and his equally idiotic pal Me Me Gerlach? "

    I've been critical of them, too.

  14. Please give me a Harry S Truman-Democratic candidate and I’ll vote for him or her. Integrity is everything to me . Trump is the go to gy because the Democratic Perty failed to come up with a credible candidate without any baggage.

  15. Did Siegal and Gerlach vote against funding for COVID 19 safety funding? It would be to help APD reduce exposure to the virus.

  16. Bernie, in response to your 7:36am post - what's your other 5%? It obviously isn't mathematician!

    Sorry - I couldn't resist! I'm actually kind of surprised you didn't get a bunch of responses from your online commenters telling you what that remaining 5% was!

  17. Pete at 8:00, please gibe me a real republican candidate like Ike instead of the clown in office now and I will vote for the Republicans.


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