Local Government TV

Monday, September 28, 2020

Molovinsky Makes the Case For Molovinsky

Allentown blogger Michael Molovinsky has run for office before. He ran for Allentown Mayor as an Independent and ran against Julie Harhart as an independent. He's seeking the 183rd state house seat again, but this time it's as a write-in candidate.

Write-in candidates are almost always unsuccessful.But you never know. Here's Michael's argument on why voters in the 183rd should select him over Jason Ruff and Zach Mako.
While it has become fashionable for most candidates to refer to themselves as “Independent”, in truth they are either Democrats or Republicans, and on their respective party’s ticket. In reality, they are part of the party machines, which is why reform is an often used word in Pennsylvania that never happens.

I am a registered independent, and have fought against bad government for decades. I have published Molovinsky On Allentown for over 13 years, and have gone on the record against both corruption and waste.

Pennsylvania has the largest state house in the country, with dozens of commissions and patronage jobs. The citizens of the 183rd State House District deserve better representation, and an advocate who will really work for change.

If you want better government, you have an assignment: to write-in Molovinsky, on either your mail-in ballot or at your polling place.


  1. I appreciate the interest that Molovinsky has generated for Wehr's Dam and other historic structures that he wants to see saved. That said, I can't imagine anyone taking this "run" for office seriously.

    He states that "The citizens of the 183rd State House District deserve...an advocate who will really work for change" in his campaign announcement. I find it difficult to believe that he's going to be working hard in Harrisburg given that he's waited until a month and a half before the election to announce that he's running.

    He obviously hasn't put much thought into running, or he would have announced much earlier and tried tried to be written in by primary voters as the candidate for one or both of the major parties. While I doubt he would have won as a write-in during the primaries, it would have at least generated some name recognition and interest.

    It would also have given him time to knock on doors, or at least make phone calls (given the layout of the district and the Covid situation) to voters in the district. Does he plan on doing either during the next month before the election? Does he plan on sending out mailers to voters, trying to register those who might vote for him, or hold any campaign events to let voters know why he's running?

    Hopefully he is, but I don't think the calendar is in his favor.

    If he is actually serious about running for the office, he has an funny way of showing it.

  2. anonymous@6:45, interesting that Jason Ruff expressed the "same surprise" at my timing in a facebook dialogue. As I explained to "him" a couple days ago, I am neither new to the issues or many residents of the district, at least in the south western portion.

    The voters will now have three choices, instead of two. If I were to be elected, the voters could expect their best interests reflected in my voting, instead of a standard party position.

    Mr. Molovinsky Goes To Harrisburg is a designated facebook page for those interested in my candidacy.

  3. I nave read both Molovinsky's and this blog for quite a few years and thru both have found information not found in my local papers. Even if I don't always agree with this blog's opinions I would say it might lean slightly left of center. Although Molovinsky may be registered as an independent there might be one post that could be shown does not adhere to his far right leanings.

  4. Loves seeing his name of any ballot

  5. Mike's got my vote because he is Truley a watch dog, unless Scheller is in the same district race than I must take the right vote instead of a write in vote. Anyone except the thief that worked for the indicted thief for his theft of services to the public of Allentown pa that the water tax base will be suffering for years to come because of the water war farce! The fact is still we have not and will continue to be supplied with implantable water that is a few ppm away from unfit for human consumption!
    republican redd

  6. As I read Molovinsky's blog post today concerning Wehr's Dam in South Whitehall, it's clear there's a bit of flawed thinking between the problem he identifies and his proposed solution (of his running for state office).

    In the post, he correctly identifies numerous times that the SWT commissioners ignore what he calls the will of the people. But instead of holding them accountable, he blames Harrisburg for listening to local elected officials (the SWT commissioners).

    I would argue that his efforts would be better focused on running for SWT commissioner, and making the actions of the current group of commissioners (and the Wildlands group) ignoring the dam referendum THE premier issue in the coming municipal election.

    Instead, he is trying to use his efforts in what is largely a local issue as a qualification to become a state representative. Combined with an incredibly late announcement, this effort comes off as misdirected, self-serving, and not serious.

    I don't know if there are other, unstated personal reasons behind the urge to run for state office (I certainly know the pay and benefits are much better), but if his interest is truly in becoming an elected official AND solving many of the issues he writes about, I would think his time would be much better spent planning and running a REAL campaign for office in next year's SWT commissioner races.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.