Local Government TV

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Easton PD Plagued by 16 Shootings Over 14 Weeks

Easton's Police Department has been busy this summer with 16 shootings over the past 14 weeks. It has also been hampered by neighbors who refuse to cooperate. "This is not gang-related, said DA Terry Houck at a news conference on Wednesday. He labeled the shooters as "thugs and punks" out to settle scores. "What is ultimately going to happen here is a child is going to be killed in the cross-fire," warned Houck.

The shootings in Easton are part of a trend seen this summer in many of the nation's cities.

What's the reason? Is it the hot summer? People cooped up in their homes, unable to work as a result of Covid-19? "If I knew the answer to that, I'd be a rich man," said Detective Ben Mastrofilippo. What he does know is that residents are unwilling to get involved.

Det. Mastrofilippo filed simple assault and recklessly endangering charges yesterday against Elaine Ennis Tiasha, age 30, over a West Ward shooting on August 17. Ironically, she is the person who was shot.

Tiasha was suspicious that another woman, only identified as N.S., was having a clandestine affair with her child's father. N.S. denied this, but Tiasha felt she had been disrespected and began to beat up the much smaller N.S. She was in fear for her life and retrieved a Ruger EC9S from her fanny pack. This weapon was legally purchased and N.S. had a concealed carry permit. Tiasha tried to grab for the gun, but was shot in the chest. This ended the assault. N/.S. immediately said, "Call 911!" and surrendered her handgun to police when they arrived.

The altercation occurred on the 900 block of Ferry Street, on the front porch of a home owned by N.S.' parents.

Although police obtained a 49-second video of the shooting (you can see it above), it did not come from a neighbor. It instead came from N.S.'s sister. It had been given to her anonymously.

"This needs to be a lesson," Houck said of the shooting. He surmised that Tiasha, who is both 80 pounds heavier and 6 inches taller than N.S., was looking for a fight. "This is why you don't do stuff like this."


  1. Another city going to Hell. Maybe Big Sal can walk around the neighborhood.

  2. Good old concealed carry, surprises bullies all the time... you go girl !! Your next round is on me ( pun intended )

  3. NS has the right idea, living in that dangerous neighborhood. She should receive a commendation.

  4. This victim showed a lot of restraint by not continuing to empty her gun and finishing off her assailant. Now the problem is will this women's relatives or friends seek revenge. Sadly this may not be the end to the matter.

  5. Hope the shootings end. Is there any common attributes that maybe the PD can look at?

  6. Another precious metal that is one of my personal favorites, LEAD! Invest in precious metals today as your life may depend on it being a currency.

  7. Welcome to Dodge City where guns are plenty and violence is the order of the day

  8. In this case the woman was fortunate it was videoed for proof. Although there is an argument that the government could easily abuse the technology: Cameras, cameras everywhere to help prevent and solve crimes. Video is the bane of lying criminals and lying police alike. Once you step out of the house you are in society and beholden to public scrutiny and laws.

  9. Guess Sal enjoys the NYC / Newark environment. Keep allowing more rentals in town that are run by scumbag landlords. You get what you allow. Not my old home town anymore. Pitiful the way Easton turned into.

  10. Black lives matter


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