Local Government TV

Friday, September 04, 2020

DiLuzio Out in Bethlehem

From Mayor Bob Donchez: Today I accepted the retirement letter of Bethlehem Chief of Police Mark DiLuzio.

His retirement is a result of the consequences of his recent re-posting of an offensive Facebook post.

The United States is in the midst of a national discourse on important issues of systemic racism, police conduct and social injustice. The City has been actively engaged with citizens and groups to deal with these numerous and complex issues. Chief DiLuzio has been an important representative of the City in this effort.

The credibility and effectiveness of leadership in government is always paramount. These are times when those qualities are critical to managing the numerous challenges we are facing.

Chief DiLuzio has accepted that his standing in the community has been compromised. This has happened at a time when the citizens of Bethlehem justly expect the effectiveness of their Chief of Police to be beyond reproach.

I, and many who know him, will not allow it to outweigh our appreciation for the Chief’s dedication and service to the City of Bethlehem for the over 30 years.

Deputy Chief Scott Meixell will immediately assume the duties of interim Chief of Police.


  1. Anyone who knows Mark understands this injustice.

  2. Best thing that could have happened..Diluzio poen his mouth one to many times...bye bye jerk!

  3. I found none of it offensive in the least. Sometimes the truth hurts I guess.

  4. Can't call the tooth fairy a fairy anymore without offending someone, yikes!

  5. I don't know what was posted so perhaps I should refrain. ...however one mistake and 30 years of service deleted. What has happened to this country.

  6. Yes, this may be a time for different leadership! He made the right decision to leave, after reposting the FB post at a time when, our country needs to be pulled together, not further driven apart!
    When u are in the public eye, more now that ever, you need to display neutrality in your political beliefs, and he did not!
    He, per the Mayor, has served his city and job well, but Bethlehem now could use a New Leader in this turbulent times!
    People need to support good police, of which there are many, and either get rid of ones that can’t put their prejudices out of the way they do the job! More training, and more support for the police! People can actually support the Police, and Support Black Lives Matter protestors, minus the fringe groups on both sides!

  7. Nothing good comes from posting opinions on Facebook in today's cancel culture. Why anyone in public employment, let alone a top police official, would post on there, blows the mind. I would have thought he'd be smart enough to understand this, but I guess not.

    1. Facebook = Faceplant. Amazed at the stupid ass posts otherwise seemingly smart folks put up or share or repost on FB. These folks are responsible for canceling out themselves.

  8. I looked for but did not see the racist statement Sulsona made. But according to DiLuzio himself, there was an offensive comment. So he acknowledges pouring gasoline in a fire of racial tensions. As a police chief, he needed to be above anything promoting more divisiveness. I do not consider him a racist and, to be truthful, he is probably less prejudiced than I. Unfortunately, his resignation was necessary. Bethlehem police must be above suspicion. Mark knows this.

  9. He can come to Allentown were some cops have two faces. The one while representing the police force, and the other when they are representing the local drug cartels that are allowed to operate with in the city limits!

  10. We are human. We aren't perfect. Good luck finding perfection in everyone in high places. We need to preach some tolerance and understanding and forgiveness. If not there will be no one remaining except the radicals. The message needs to change from all of this hatred. It won't get better until we all remember we are human. Those who throw stones......

  11. He is one of those Trumpers that reposts and likes the crazy right wing nonsense. It caught up with him.

  12. The most disturbing point is that the keen eye of a chief of police missed the message. He wont suffer long. Huge pension and probably the chief in some small municipality. Middle 6 figures.

  13. People in the public arena are foolish to have social media accounts. I am more outraged by the Facebook post made by Judge Morganelli regarding the police in the George Floyd incident. Morganelli, who deleted his post, should have been publicly reprimanded for that post.

  14. When is Nuria stepping down. Wife is just like him. Can't have that in a PD.

  15. He's an idiot. Always was. Not a fan at all. With that said, I know he's not a racist.
    Has his dislikes of shitbags, but not a racist. Shitbags come in all colors and shapes and sizes... But glad to see him gone.

  16. Then why does that bum Detective Andre Stevens still have a job after his racist statement "white America". He needs to go to.

  17. I agree, Detective Stevens is a racist against white Americans!!!!!!

  18. He took his ball and went home.....quitter

  19. Maybe we would do better if we 2 police forces Black officers to respond to calls concerning blacks, and white officers responding to white calls. Hopefully we eliminate the racism factor.

  20. “Anonymous said...
    Nothing good comes from posting opinions on Facebook in today's cancel culture......”

    The Chief’s biggest mistake was having a private FB page. Yes, there’s a First Amendment; yes, people should be able to express private opinions; yada, yada, yada. But in 2020 - more than ever - common sense should tell you that when you serve in a position such as his, save the private social media urge for your retirement years to connect to friends and family.

  21. People in the know realize Chief DiLuzio didn't just get shown the door at BPD headquarters, but now will not be able to be named Sheriff in Lamont McClures traveling clown circus when Sheriff Johnson retires. Very unfortunate FB Post, proving how imbecilic it is to post anything when you are a public servant.

  22. Every one in the public eye had best delete their social pages and keep their opinions to themselves. You are being watched for any comments you make and you will be attached by either side for it. First Amendment for those in the public eye is dead.

  23. Guess freedom of speech is only for those who want to tear down our society and for the select few. ???

  24. Good for Diluzio that he stepped down rather than deal with the disrespect for police by BLM & LV Standup supporters. Bethlehem should not need to defend its police against these Marxist with its anarchist agenda.

    The ultra liberal City Council members Reynolds, Van Wirt, Crampsie Smith & Negron stack the deck against rational discussion. If I were DiLuzio, I would not have waited til this week to resign but resigned on July 7th when these anarchists consumed the City Council meeting & the Council pandering to them.

  25. In his position you can't keep liking an sending on those stupid right-wing memmes. He is not alone a former district judge and some others do the same thing. Diluzio did it a lot.

    If he is hired by McClure that would be a step to far. McClure may do if he is re-elected.

  26. I disagree Patriot 2 - Chief Diluzio was at an NAACP dinner that I attended in Bethlehem. Bernie came in too. I agree withBernie ,the Chief is not any bigot. The people who are after him were not there that I know of . I’m a white man that identifies as a Occidental. I’m also a Republican, veteran of foreign war., a conservative. That have absolute admiration of Ms.Lee. She is in my mind an icon of the Lehigh Valley. .

  27. He should've let Sunblest Holdings, LLC speak for and deal with the liability and consequences of his recent re-posting of an offensive Facebook post.

    If he resigned because he traded on inside city information regarding real estate and parking we would expect charges of impropriety or possibly claw-backs, but that might expose common practices that inflate the cost of government.

    Retiring because of backlash from him exercising his First Amendment rights indicates his commitment to his oath and the Constitution and puts us all on notice.

  28. Peter-I didn’t say DiLuzio was a bigot which he isn’t but simply congratulated him on stepping down vs going thru the City Council gauntlet from the 4 BLM marxists on council. Esther Lee is in fact a class act as you pointed out & Mark is a good person that served Bethlehem well. Good luck to him in his next position.

  29. Do a survey of BPD officers who worked with him and see what their thoughts are of him.


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