Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Biden Vaccine for the Trump Virus

We are currently in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the past four years, we have been suffering from another kind of epidemic as well. It started in 2016 and is highly contagious. While SARS-CoV-2 is primarily a respiratory virus, this epidemic affects the brain. It turns people into unthinking mankurts with a slavish devotion to one person. That person is Donald Trump. At last night's debate, however, some people might have finally come to their senses. As soon as it was over, my phone rang with a call from a Trump supporter who told me the President was "awful." He certainly was. Last night, Joe Biden proved that he is the Trump vaccine.

Before last night, Trump did his best to portray Biden as "Sleepy Joe," someone suffering from dementia and unable to string two sentences together without help. Biden destroyed that image. He was cogent despite numerous interruptions and withering barbs. I particularly liked his direct appeals to the audience at home.

Despite Trump's unceasing efforts to put on a shit show, it was he who was on the defensive. Biden's only lapse, and it was understandable, was when he told Trump to "shut up." Sleepy Joe was wide awake.

Given the unpresidential tenor of this circus, I believe Biden should decline to participate in future debates with a boor who is only interested in what he himself has to say.


  1. I agree but he Biden campaign has already announced that Biden will show up for the last two debates. My read is that Trump has a grudge against Wallace for the abysmal interview a month ago, and came in with a chip on his shoulder towards both Wallace and Biden, and could not conceal his contempt for either one. I believe some of his comments early on when Wallace attempted to regain control reflect this. It was a total shit show because of Trump's behavior. If you can't prevail over the opposition by being civil, create chaos. Trump is an arrogant, ignorant jackass, and we're going to vote his pathetic ass out of office.

  2. When asked to denounce the supremist groups , he told them to stand by.

  3. I was listening to the replay of it while driving home from work. Trump really came across as off the rails. The attacks on Biden's sons were far over the line and Biden handled that with class. People are really beginning to grasp Trump is the "Hater in Chief." How can you not condone violence?

  4. President Trump owned Biden like a pet fish.

  5. You could have wrote this last week.

    Tulsi Gabbard would have feed Trump his tie, the same way she feed Kamala Harris her record.

    Biden was weak in the primaries and was propped up by the Dino's boxing Bernie out.

    Now it's clear, Biden has been unmasked, he can't handle Trump outside the basement bunker in the un-nerfed arena without the media's help that was at the ready directly following the debate, and it too could also have been written last week.

  6. Can you imagine how different this election would be if it were between a different Republican candidate campaigning against the last vestiges of Clintonism (if she had won the EC) with what used to be Republican talking points versus what we do have, which is an emasculated GOP stuck giving up everything they ever claimed to stand for to defend a narcissistic gaslighting excuse for a human being.

    Two points of "possible" T success: 1.) a lot of people probably will tune out of future debates (though, I think that actually helps Biden) because they can't stomach another spectacle; and 2.) getting Biden to stake claim to the Center-Left, and separate himself from the more left wing of the party. However, even there, unlike 2016 I think more left voters realize what is at stake and will still vote.

  7. Rewatch it at the 48 minute mark. Biden clearly shits his pants. This is ridiculous.

  8. I disagree that future debates shouldn't be held. If they are like the one last night, they will only increase the lead Biden holds. Trump was disgraceful.
    Have the last two debates, but give the moderator the power to turn off Trump's microphone so the clown will shut up.
    One thing we did learn last night. Trump supports white supremacy groups.
    "Proud Boys stand back and stand by."
    For what, exactly?

  9. You summed it up quite well.

  10. There is really no reason for further debate. There are no undecided voters. Voting is underway.

  11. As someone already decided to vote for Trump, the debate was disappointing on many levels. Trump didn’t do anything to lose my vote, though. Some random thoughts . . .

    The debate format was really poor. I learned nothing of substance beyond what I already knew about the issues.
    Chris Wallace was terrible as a moderator.
    Joe Biden’s greatest success was in showing-up and doing an OK job.
    Trump arrived ready to rumble, as was a little too aggressive. His response about having to debate 2 people was accurate.
    Biden telling Trump to ‘Shut Up” will not help Biden.
    Trump needed to force out 2 very serious revelations that have yet to be covered by big media. Those being Biden’s direct participation in the ongoing coups attempt. He’ll be hit hard on these soon.

    Biden appeared to be going down a required talking point checklist, sometimes unrelated for the moment.
    Biden frequently responding with “That’s been discredited” was not at all convincing.
    Biden looking directly into the camera, ignoring Trump and conversing with the audience was a positive tactic.
    Trump’s biggest knockout punch was in bringing up Trump’s massive support from law and order groups.

    For the Biden team to refuse another debate would NOT be a good look.

    In the end, the whole thing didn’t do much to move the needle of support one way or another. Despite all the verbal fireworks on screen, I was pretty bored by the second half of the event. Everything from all three performers was much too predictable. If there is a next debate, I’ll probably skip it live, but watch recorded portions the following morning.

  12. For weeks we've had to listen to complaints of "the radical left", over and over. Trump, NorCo GOP, GOP operatives, over and over.

    Time to FLIP THE SCRIPT.

    "Stand back and stand by"- to the Proud Boys- a known racist and fascist group.

    Charlottesville Marchers are "very fine people".

    Gassing peaceful protestors is "law and order".

    Refusing to accept the election results.

    Support militias stating they will take up arms to support Trump.

    Refusing to publicly condemn white supremacy and nationalism.

    LOCALLY here- just this past week alone: a jacked up truck with a Trump flag and CONFEDERATE FLAG sailing in the back driving around Downtown Easton Saturday Night full of people, revving the engine and using iPhones to record all the people in the square enjoying dinner and supporting local business. Monday- ANOTHER Trump truck with big Trump stickers and a CONFEDERATE FLAG tearing down the Center Valley Parkway at rush hour.....

    FLIP THE SCRIPT... It's not the dog whistle radical left we have to fear in 2020. It's the radical right. Ladies and gentlemen- there are FASCISTS IN OUR MIDST. And any GOP reps, party leaders, operatives or otherwise, national, state and local are by association SUPPORTING THIS.

    It may not be Germany in the 1930's, but the writing is on the wall- the President is an authoritarian and there are countless fascists out of the closet now.

    FLIP THE SCRIPT- It's the RADICAL RIGHT we have to be concerned with right now.

  13. Total embarrassment for the whole world to see! Stand by proud boys?

  14. I thought Trump worst moments were discussing the virus. However, when Biden said ANTIFA is an idea? C'mon man, an idea is not throwing bricks and rocks LOL. I thought a good moment for Trump was when he ticked off all the police union endorsements and Biden had nothing but crickets. Biden would not answer the question about packing the supreme court and many of his answers seemed very scripted and rehearsed. The Supreme Court question will be dogging hime now. He claimed not to have an agreement with Sanders which is a lie, and he distanced himself from the Green New Deal which the Bernie Bros won't like. Biden didn't have any total stumbles so I guess he had a good night. Trump was his boorish self but seemed to command the debate and suck all the air out of the room, just like he always does.

    If you are a Trump supporter you're happy today, if you're a Biden supporter you can exhale. I don't think that circus changed anyone's mind though LOL.

  15. Elect a clown, expect a circus.

  16. Both men are national embarrassments. The results are in: we all lost.

  17. Trump's attack on democracy was in full flight: He destroyed any chance of American voters hearing any ideas (which was a necessary tactic because he has no ideas).
    Biden's calling him a "clown" was a redundant misstep.
    Tough call, but I think holding more debates is too dangerous, to allow Trump to further erode our democracy and incite bloodshed.

  18. Trump's attack on democracy was in full flight: He destroyed any chance of American voters hearing any ideas (which was a necessary tactic because he has no ideas).
    Biden's calling him a "clown" was a redundant misstep.
    Tough call, but I think holding more debates is too dangerous, to allow Trump to further erode our democracy and incite bloodshed.

  19. It would be nice to debate the real issues facing the future of this country. no specifics from Biden on anything, just Trump is bad. Trump attempting to fluster Biden into some misstep. Hopefully they will settle down and have something more substantive next time.

  20. In our democracy, Trump is the weakest link ...Goodbye!

  21. I agree that the moderator should have the power to turn off the mic when either candidate tries to interject or talk over the opponents answer but with the addition of plastic walls. It is the only way a certain man-child can be contained.
    For anyone who believed the garbage that the great Orange Buffoon was spewing, please look into fact checking.

  22. I decided some time ago that I'm going to vote for Trump again in 2020, not because I like the man or his style, but because the alternative is far worse. It was always a given the Trump is going to be obnoxious in this type of setting, the only question was whether he would be quiet long enough to allow Biden to show voters just how far to the left he will lead the nation, either by choice or by debts he owes to the dominant far left wing of the party. Question answered - the disjointed nature of the debate and circus caused mainly by Trump served to give Biden cover and let him avoid answering certain questions (court packing) and stay vague about others (Green/Biden New Deal, Antifa, etc.). As usual, Trump was his own worst enemy when he started talking.

    For me, Election 2020 comes down to the hope that Trump's foolish statements, posturing, and occasional policy missteps will be offset by the large number of things he is accomplishing while in office that I agree with (which is what has happened, for me, over the last 3 1/2 years). The alternative is a Democratic Presidency and Government that I know will do very little (if anything) that I agree with, and will lead the country in a direction that I will fundamentally disagree with. It's a horrible choice between "I hope it works out" vs. "I know it won't work out", but it's also an easy choice.

    1. Thank you for this post. The left is the socialist party that specifically stated by Kamala that she opposes democracy. Forget the candidates as we saw last night who they both are and look at what you want to see for your children. Do you love this country. Or do you want to see it fundamentally changed. I for one love this country and will vote republican. The left has gone too far.

  23. "A hot mess, served in a dumpster fire, in the middle of a trainwreck" was the best description of what we saw, but "Shit show" summed it up nicely.

    Where to start...

    Debates in general do not move many needles and this won't either, but it will be talked about incessantly for awhile.

    Biden - ...did... OK I guess. The bar was set pretty low for him expectation wise and he made it thru 90 minutes without stepping on any landmines. I agree with Bernie that you could see he was trying to speak to the American people at times and I think that worked, especially for anyone possibly wavering and/or just exhausted with 4 years of drama. Overall he seemed a little low key at times, but that might simply be due the very direct contrast of what was happening to his right.

    Trump - Yet again, played to his base, which is just not enough. Clearly he was given notes to "Be aggressive" in the debate by his campaign team and apparently went all in with that direction. Such a baffling strategy for a campaign that NEEDS more college educated suburban AND women voters. The last 10 minutes on the election and white supremacy were a slow motion disaster. He was given a HUGE opportunity to be an American President there but again chose a different path. A simple, "I am confident the citizens of this country will make the correct choice in this election, blah, blah, blah..." would have been great, but nope, he full on mashed down on the panic button and shot gunned every minimally plausible excuse he could think of for why he may lose. Just an awful look. The whole Proud Boys thing, whether intentional or not is going to be hung around Trumps neck for the balance of the election season. He is openly courting racist/extremist groups. Technically he isn't advocating violence, but by the same turn, he technically isn't calling for peace and calm either. I don't see that playing well with US Military officials, and more importantly Wall Street, Corporate Interests and Big Money Donors don't make as much money during times of anarchy and may put the screws to McConnell and other Republicans to take the L and offer up Trump in sacrifice, then regroup again for 2022 and beyond.

    Moderator Chris Wallace - Guy is getting roasted for the job he did. Honestly, I don't know who, if anyone, could have managed that display last night. I think he was genuinely surprised at what was taking place before him.

  24. Shit show. Disgusted by both of them. As a country, we should be saddened.

  25. Republicans - the world won't end if Trump loses. You'll have a 6-3 conservative majority, at least for awhile and if/when Dems overreach, they'll hand you a big stick to beat them with in 2022 and set the table for another shot in 2024. Just sit this one out this year. Don't give Trump any reason to think he can drag this election out. We'll be better off for it in the short term.

  26. I agree with 10:15 on some of those points. It feels like some establishment R's will take the supreme court seat and hope Trump loses. They will gamble that a D senate of 51 49 will not be able to muscle through packing the Supreme Court or doing away with the electoral college given the Joe Manchins and Jon Testers of the world. D's will try and go too far and R's will have a good midterm in 2022.

    Biden seemed to fade as the night went on, stumbling over his words. He kept it together but at times barely. I don't see him running again in 2024 so we'll have another free for all I guess.

  27. It hurts my heart that these two men are the best America has to offer. We need a Teddy Roosevelt, but with Biden or Trump, we are ending up with a buffoon.

  28. Democrats, particularly Sanders supporters, sit this one out.

    You had the primary stolen from you by the Democrat establishment (again), and Biden can barely keep himself from admitting how he's going to screw you if he does get elected.

    Think maybe he'll step down early and you'll be in charge? Think again - the establishment will remain in control.

    Sit it out and run hard in 2024 to take control with your agenda - not one that will be watered-down by the Establishment lackey's you'd (at best) be sharing power with under Biden.

  29. Great to see Sleepy Joe leaving the basement and heading out on the train tour.

    I guess the stagecoach had already left the station.

  30. September 30, 2020 at 3:07 PM Anonymous said... Democrats, particularly Sanders supporters, sit this one out.

    What a coincidence that almost coincides with an article I read this morning. It said Putin's crew is flooding social media with trolls urging blacks to boycott this election because Democrats will stab you in the back. The article further went on to say this was pretty much the same tactic Putin used for himself to get elected. I even heard one caller on cSpan last night (from Allentown) use the same expression.

    No one should ever "sit out" any election... PERIOD !

  31. I don’t think it’s any great secret that Democrat candidates are always coddled by the overwhelming liberal American media.

    Couple that with the fact that Biden has been hiding and been allowed to duck the media for 4 months, I found last night refreshing.

    We all knew what Trump was going to do, and I enjoyed watching an obviously confused and stumbling, feeble Biden get savaged. On stage, there was no one to carry his water for him, unlike the Wednesday morning slobber fest that took place this morning on his behalf in the media.

    I do however commend Biden for not using the word “malarkey”. He’s come a long way in at least that respect.

    Still on the fence on which way to vote? Consider which direction Biden signaled his party’s future with the radical Kamala Harris pick.

  32. Trey Gowdy for President 2024!

  33. "Democrats, particularly Sanders supporters, sit this one out."

    Bullshit! Vote Trump!

    You are welcomed with open arms, we love you and your caring hearts, you after all are right, nobody should have to go without medical care in this great country, we need you to temper our outrage at the lying Media, and the established career criminals that run our politics.

    Let Trump be the enemy of your enemy, you don't need to call him a friend, most Republicans certainly don't. Nobody should go without medical care, despite the political obfuscation, on this we all agree.

  34. I think Biden was way to kind to the sweaty ORange One and should have pressed him more about what a horrible business man he has been all his life as shown by the exposed tax statements. The man-baby really started throwing a tantrum when he was told to smarten up because his dismal grades have always been a soft spot (which is why he threatens the schools with lawsuits if they expose what a dumbaz he was/is).
    Having followed the news and the facts of what has been going on for the last 4 years it's always amazing to hear the Orange One's cult give the reason their voting for him is for all of his accomplishments. What accomplishments? Just what ever fake crap he makes up to make him sound good? The only real accomplishment was pushing thru a 2 Trillion tax cut for the mega-wealthy which will either be made up with future higher taxes or the elimination of Social Security and Medicare or both.
    Joe might not have been my first choice but at least he's not a complete sleazebag with no brains or motivation except his next bucket of chicken, golf game, or sex act. Make no doubt about it, he imagines banging the U.S. citizenry out of every dollar he can graft out of them while he's humping our country's flag. A vote for Trump is a vote to turn our country into another India with the massive amount of tragically poor and the minutely disgustingly rich.

  35. I'm taking heart in the abysmal TV ratings, which were half of 2016's. It shows that those of us who were disgusted (I lasted just 12 minutes because I didn't want to lose my dinner), are not alone. I think even the venerable Jim Lehrer would have walked out. This should also serve as a stark reminder that our executive branch has been ceded way too much power by Congress. Presidents shouldn't be in charge of much. These two shouldn't be in charge of anything.

  36. Trump should really stop holding back....

    Trump should go "full Snowden" as the democrats "go postal" with their kill switch politics.

  37. 10:26 am has got it Right with the age old statement of, give The People More Bread And Circuses?

    We're has Barnum and Baleys circus when it's needed?

  38. I'm loving it.
    Trumpsters trying to spin a shit show from their ass clown who couldn't stay focused on a question, proved he had no plan, is a liar, and a racist who not only supports Proud Boys, but gives them orders. "Stand back and stand down."
    Such a softball to simply answer he doesn't support white supremacists and racists, and he couldn't do it.
    He was too afraid of losing his base of support. The "man" is a disgusting, juvenile, uneducated, wanna-be dictator.
    His followers are so desperate they're asking for Bernie voters to join them.

  39. 5:50PM

    In the spirit of your comment, I give you the ring master in chief.


    It still holds up.

  40. Now that time has passed to analyze videos of the debate, most convincing evidence of Biden using very high-tech, covert electronic devices attached to his person while onstage can be found on the internet. I’ll just leave it here for those who might be interested in investigating on their own. Has to do with contact lenses.

  41. This was Trump as he is!
    He is a bully, a con-man, and disgusting, vile, human being!
    Watch the Documentary called “unfit”, it characterizes him to a tee!
    He’s a Malignant Narcissist! This is a diagnosis held by others , probably like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin!
    He has no capacity for compassion, it is always about him! No other person in his reality!
    Wake up America, and Vote for Biden!
    Save our Democracy!

  42. Anon 7:39pm (9/30) - compare Trump's non-statement on white supremacy vs Biden's refusal to admit Antifa even exists. It's a source of shame for both, and a sad reflection on our times, that neither will stand up to the radical elements in their support for fear of alienating their base. Neither one is better than the other on this issue.

  43. @5:54AM Now that time has passed to analyze videos of the debate, most convincing evidence of Biden using very high-tech, covert electronic devices attached to his person while onstage can be found on the internet. I’ll just leave it here for those who might be interested in investigating on their own. Has to do with contact lenses.

    Spent all night Zaprudering the debate footage, then did a deep search of the interwebs and found what I wanted to hear. There is video at the end of the debate, and you can catch a reflection off of the monitor Chris Wallace used behind the candidates. If you pause it and look closely, there is a huge, dark stain on the back of Trumps pants. Lots of people are speculating that he soiled himself and likely blew out his adult diapers. 'Cause if its on the internet - You Know It Is True!

  44. I'm so tired of the extremist wings on both sides dominating the conversation. Too many Biden supporters treat Trump supporters like they all are knuckle-dragging member of the KKK who are totally blind to Trump's faults, while too many Trump supporters look at every Biden supporter as a rioting member of Antifa. Right now, Trump (who is actually far from a right-winger in many ways) has an unhealthy personal dominance over the Republican Party and the far left as a whole has an unhealthy group dominance over the Democratic Party. The vast majority of the country has no support for Donald Trump's personality and character traits, and very little overall support for the likely far left policies the Democrats would bring with them if they held power, but are being forced to choose between the two. Even worse, whoever wins this sleazefest will claim a "mandate" to do what they want. They'll either be more obnoxious (in the case of Trump), or move further to the left (in the case of Biden and the Democrats).

    I'm tempted to skip voting, or to waste my vote on a third party candidate, but the sad truth is that one of these men will be our next President and these decisions are just cop outs until a real alternative emerges. I'm voting Trump, as I hold my nose and cross my fingers that it all works out!

  45. 85% of this country is either Center Right or Center Left with a ton of crossover issues. Key word there is Center. Unfortunately both sides make it a zero sum game and the "they're wrong/we're right" messaging blinds far too many into thinking they're Patriots and the other team is out to destroy America.

    Sadly people love to hear and talk about politics, hence you have multiple 24/7 news operations that simply eject non-stop partisan opinion to entertain the masses and make money hand over fist in the process...

    Honestly look around the world and back thru history and look where people breathlessly followed leaders, chanting names and slogans, waving flags, etc., how many of those countries/leaders stack up well? Zieg Heil, Ayatollah, Death to America... Sadly we're not much different now.

  46. I'm voting for Biden. The current program is glitching out and we need a reboot. I happily look forward to complaining about Biden and the Democrat over reach by next June, so I'm going into it eyes wide open. Another 4 years of Trump is just not worth the effort and energy this country will waste over it. Call it a failed experiment.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.