Local Government TV

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Siegel: "F--- the Police" a Cultural Reference

Several cops have witnessed Allentown City Council member Josh Siegel participating in chants of "Fuck the Police." When Council President confronted Siegel about it at last night's City Council meeting, Siegel denied it. He claims he shouted "Defund," not "F---," the police. "You can believe whatever you want, it is my word against yours," said Siegel. He added that Hendricks "should recognize where the phrase came from" before criticizing it.

"Do you even understand what it means? he asked Hendricks. "You should at least try to understand. ... It's a cultural reference. It's not a general critique against the Allentown Police Department. F--- the police is a general critique against police brutality and excessive force. When someone says 'F--- the police," they're saying 'F--- the general concept of police brutality and excessive force.' 

I see.

F--- Josh Siegel.

This is a cultural reference to hypocrites and liars who hold public office. 

Hendricks had a pretty good retort.

"An adult mans up to what he's done," Hendricks told Siegel. "You have trouble doing that."

"The place to hold me accountable is at the ballot box," Siegel said at one point.

Count on it, Josh. 

"Be more cognizant of what you're doing and where you stand," he lectured his fellow Council members.


  1. Sadly Hendricks has the spine of a wet tee shirt.

  2. Josh Siegel is finished in this city.

  3. Where did this idiot come from, anyway?

  4. Allentown has poor leaders for many years

  5. New heard of this guy before your coverage, Bernie. But, do say his behavior reminds me of all the crap coming out of the mouths of ANTIFA and BLM rioters. Same mindset, without the all black uniform and mask to cover the face.

    This is the new America we might be looking at very soon. I like the old one much better.

  6. He's setting up Black Allentonians for increased misery. That's what progressive whites do to Black citizens. History repeats and repeats and repeats.

  7. Siegel is a beast out in the SWJ scene we in the movement are taking ownership of that acronym much like the blacks did with a certain slur ending in *%gga.

    Silence is violence Josh is loudly speaking truth to power and racist geriatric boomers like Bernie are not allies more like dinosaurs trying to eliminate newly arrived mammals who are of a higher evolutionary level.

    Saying Fck the police is nothing to be ashamed of look no further than that little dweeb warrior wannabe Jon Roselle who blew Joey Santos brains out for walking towards him at a brisk pace!

  8. So now the argument changes to how something is said.
    Police officers do not like hearing f--the police.
    Some of those police snowflakes had their feelings hurt.
    Have those police officers stated that there is work to be done removing racism and correcting or ousting those "bad apple" cops?
    not a chance.
    Instead as a group the police want to keep on doing what they were doing and it annoys them that you dare question how they treat people.
    When a bad cop gets caught they rally around and protect that cop even when they know the cop was wrong.
    Gee when people are marching in the street over police actions you might think there is a problem somewhere.
    too bad the cops seem to think they are immune to any criticism and by god they will get a politician to remind everyone that the police are sensitive folks.

  9. I would say 3/4 of your readers back Siegel. Allentown residents will support him. Hendricks gets the boot.
    Back the Blue!

  10. I don't see Siegel making it out of the Democrat primary next time around. This time voters will know who he is and what he stands for.

  11. Following that exchange I thought councilperson Candida Affa's remarks had impact as well. She asked Siegel if he was a member of the NAACP. She is. She also seemed to imply she didn't need him to mansplain things to her especially regarding his inexperience.

    Overall I'd have to say Siegel hasn't endeared himself to the others. A problem if he ever expects to have their support in future matters. Seems he doesn't respect their many years of life experiences in the city. Too rambunctious for my tastes. He needs to work with them not talk down to them if he expects to get anywhere.

  12. Bernie, you're missing the bigger picture. Siegel is the puppet and Ce Ce Gerlach is the puppeteer. She is the real snake, using Siegel to do her bidding and then setting him up as the fall guy. She is ultimately going to make that city a welfare state.

  13. Resident of AllentownAugust 6, 2020 at 8:54 AM

    Although I very rarely agree with the bombastic B.S. of the Right Wing loons that permeate the Blogspheres, I have to agree that there is little hope of the voters of Allentown to make a reasonable choice for city council or mayor after seeing them vote for Pawlowski, a blatant self-serving criminal.

  14. Too bad Joe Hoffman didn’t win the seat that little boy Josh won. Unfortunately Joe was backed by a bunch of incompetent people around him. Maybe next time....

  15. If this Siegel, Wild, or anyone else would like a better understanding of Black Lives Matter (it’s radical element) a stunning description can be had by viewing a C-Span2, 5:36 minute video of and exchange between Senate Judicial Sub-Committee on the Constitution Chairman Ted Cruz and Senator Mazzie Horono. Stunning revelations, although Horono wasn’t at all pleased. She stormed out of the room.

    I’m pretty sure anyone who utters “F*UCK the Police” is supportive of radical groups affiliated with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and others. who have elements Inside intended to bring down this nation.

  16. Affa kinda,sorta,more or less,almost took a firm stand with the SJW new kid on City Council.
    Damn shame she never showed any willingness to stand up to Pawlowski.
    She’s another clown in the car.
    Here’s some obvious free advice, if you’re still in that declining cesspool of a town get yourself and your loved ones out as soon as you possibly can.

  17. Seems most of America and its allies were AntiFa (anti-fascists) during World War II. Now it's used as a slur and a bogeyman. Sad.
    Just as sad are people who feel they must scream profanities to get their message noticed. MLK saw non-violent protest can still be provocative and accomplish more without cursing and destruction.

  18. Look at all these racist showing themselves.... good work!

  19. I was unaware that criticism of Siegel is racist.

  20. Saying Fck the police is nothing to be ashamed of...

    It is not only shameful, it disrespects every police officer, most of which attempt to be fair and are not eager to bash heads, or kill any person, including those of color.

    Anyone who yells, "F--- the police," or speaks of disbanding police departments does not convince the vast majority of moderates to support BLM hardliners who are doing more harm than good with radical beliefs.

    There needs to be a separation of moderates who recognize there is systemic racism and a need for equality, from the BLM organization founders, who think chaos and destruction is going to be accepted.

    Siegel will come to regret aligning himself with the fringe element who are undoubtedly using him as a pawn to stay newsworthy.

  21. @10:42AM
    It must be said,you are an absolute moron.

  22. "Seems most of America and its allies were AntiFa (anti-fascists) during World War II. Now it's used as a slur and a bogeyman. Sad."

    Yeah, kind of like the term "Democratic Republic."

    The WWII antifascists you refer to never tried to burn down Federal Buildings.

    It's not what you call yourself, it's what you do.

  23. Siegel is the fringe element.

  24. We can explain it to you boomers but we can't understand it for you.

  25. And hot clouds shall roll back and the trumpets sound and Fed Ed will reappear as the stone against the door is rolled back and he will proclaim he is here to save Allentown and he And lady Macbeth shall sit in the throne in city hall and all will pay homage!

  26. I don't think it's so much a cultural reference as an actual preference. Many are aroused by cosplay with uniforms and handcuffs and submission. The social nets are full of these groups. It's 2020. People don't lose their jobs for being furries and/or verrrry naughty boys. Lay off, Bernie.

  27. "We can explain it to you boomers but we can't understand it for you."

    I have the same frustrations when I tutor Millennials on basic algebra and geometry.

  28. "We can explain it to you boomers but we can't understand it for you."

    It's funny how those who slam everyone as prejudiced have such a difficult time practicing tolerance themselves.


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