Local Government TV

Saturday, August 15, 2020

RIP Robert Trump

Those who read this blog know I am highly critical of Donald Trump. I am nonetheless sorry to hear he unexpectedly lost his brother Robert.


  1. We'll never see eye to eye on anything, Mr. Ohare. but I thank and respect you for this post.
    God Bless America.

  2. It seems that the a President had a very special relationship with his brother. He loved and respected him, and I am sure he helped him anyway he could. I extend my prayers and condolences to my President.

  3. Loved him so much that he visited him on his dying hospital bed for all of 45 minutes. Off to his club in Jersey for a few rounds of golf. We all grieve differently I suppose. Oh and he managed to get in a few tweets too, not enough praise on Fox noise.

  4. I suppose the person closest to me is my own brother, who is nothing like me. He lives near me, too. We can go months without saying a word to each other. But he has my back and I have his. Don't be so quick to make assumptions about Trump's relationship with his brother, which was probably very deep. I don't like the guy, but am unwilling to demonize him and am sorry for his loss.

  5. Anonymous on August 16 @ 8:00 PM. Do you also attend public viewings and rate the mourners?
    Best to get rid of the your obsession with hate. Hopefully you weren't raised that way so it's something you can overcome. Work on it. God Bless.

  6. I lost a brother recently and it still hurts. I never think about his or my politics. I just think of how much I miss him.

  7. Did you see the things trump said about his brother? If not look it up.


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