Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Pro-Trump Tricia Mezzacappa Brandished Knife at BLM Protesters in Emmaus

Last week, I took self-proclaimed visionary Joshua Siegel and Hasshan "F--- the police" Batts to task for their irresponsible and childish behavior during recent protests. They hurt, instead of helped, a movement to finally address systemic racism following the murder of George Floyd.  But they are by no means alone. Unfortunately, there is a small but determined group whose behavior is so disgusting they make Siegel and Batts look like choirboys. I refer to a Facebook group called Pro Trump Flag Rallies for Lehigh and Northampton County. One of their biggest idiots is criminal defendant Tricia Mezzacappa, who is well-known to this blog. At an August 1 rally in Emmaus by a group of high school and college students in support of black lives, she and a motley crew of armed counter-protesters disrupted the event. Though her pea-shooter has been taken away, Mezzacappa armed herself with a big-ass chrome colored knife and brandished it at high school kids.

What a nice person!

Organizers of the Black Lives Matter protest were so upset at being accosted by armed and Confederate flag-waving morons that they started an online petition calling for the ouster of Emmaus Police Chief Charles Palmer. They were unaware that Palmer had made sure in advance to insert some plainclothes officers at this event to prevent violence.

According to that petition, "At one point, a woman pulled out a knife and threatened one of our protesters repeatedly."

That woman is Mezzacappa.

No charges were filed against Mezzacappa after that incident, but she faces false report charges filed by Pennsylvania State Police. She told them that she shot at a black man who had pulled a gun on her. Police believe she lied to them in an obvious attempt to frame a black man. Her trial, which has been delayed as a result of the pandemic, is currently set for September 1.


  1. Like the self-centered buffoon in the White House, this will just give attention to MezzaWheresMyRAV4 that she craves. Sad to see this pathetic sack in the news again.

  2. They don't make women like Mezzacappa anymore, but to be on the safe side she should be spayed. A drunk racist could find her attractive.

  3. How could she not have been charged with a crime? There must have been witnesses. That mentally disturbed old hag gets away with more shit than a dung beetle.

  4. Mezzacappa is crazy racist terrorist. BLM is a crazy racist terrorist organization. I smell a marriage made in hell. Curious why you never mention the fuck-the-cops guys' presidential preferences. It would be instructive to note that those advocating violence and wanting to fuck-the-police are exclusively Biden supporters. No candidate is as bad as the worst assholes who support him/her. Actually, given her record of aggressive prosecution of minorities, I'd think the Harris pick would greatly please Mezzacrazy. Let's lock them darkies up for a few hits of weed, Trish and Kam!

  5. There is no mention in the fake news of the five year old white boy shot exicusion style in his front yard playing with his sister's by a adult male of color.

  6. A comment and a question:

    From the original post: "At an August 1 rally in Emmaus by a group of high school and college students in support of black lives, she and a motley crew of armed counter-protesters disrupted the event."

    I hate to let the facts get in the way of a good rant, but this rally was widely reported to be a Back the Blue rally of 150-200 people, that was counter-protested BY a much smaller group (50-100) of Black Lies Matter people.

    I wasn't there so I have no firsthand knowledge of the rally, but I did read the article in the Morning Call and elsewhere about the event.

    As far as the knife-pulling incident, can you be charged for carrying a concealed knife the same way you can be charged for carrying a concealed handgun (without a license)? I honestly don't know, and I'm curious if such a charge can be added in this case.

  7. Timebomb. Lock her up!, Lock her up!

  8. 7:54, It is pretty obvious you aren't much interested in facts. The Emmaus event was the second time that Black Lives Matter supporters wanted to demonstrate their support for black lives. It is unclear to me who was there first, but that should not matter. Both groups had an equal right to be where they were. What I find disgusting is the intimidation hurled at a group of mostly silent kids by racists who include Mezzacappa, whose history as such is well known. I also am outraged that she brandished this knife. If she used it to threaten others, that is a crime.

  9. I may not understand this correctly but it seems to me what we have here is a bunch of out-of-towners coming into Emmaus with their crap. Then wanting their police chief fired when things went somewhat sideways.. Seems like they all should keep their shit in their own back yard. Emmaus doesn't have a policing problem. At least not until these bunch of agitators came along. Am I misunderstanding this?

  10. Is there a female version of the word "Dotard"?

  11. wimp, tottering, faltering, floundering, trembling, coward, misfit, crybaby, baby, chicken, pushover, invertebrate, jellyfish, square, fogy, stick-in-the-mud, granny, fusspot, decrepit, infirm.

    take your pick

  12. 856....yes. It’s spelled PALIN

  13. Bernie O'Hare (8:26 am) said...

    7:54, It is pretty obvious you aren't much interested in facts. The Emmaus event was the second time that Black Lives Matter supporters wanted to demonstrate their support for black lives. It is unclear to me who was there first, but that should not matter...

    First of all, facts do matter. And it does make a difference whose rally it was.

    Not sure if you've ever been to Emmaus, but the Triangle is VERY small and 200-300 people would likely be on top of each other. I can't imagine that the Borough granted permits for both events in that close of proximity to each other, but if so, it was foolish and was asking for problems.

    Since BLM seems to try to provoke confrontation (as they have in other cities across the country), it makes a difference if they arrived there without permission. I'd say the same thing if the BLM group was there and the Back the Blue group crashed their rally. It's just that in every other report of the event I've read, it's been the exact opposite of the way you're presenting it.

    Overall, I'd have to agree that it was likely a bunch of out-of-towners (on both sides) bringing their crap to Emmaus.

    Sorry I don't see the Black Lies Matter organization in the same glowing light you do, but I find their pattern of provoking conflict and then looking for a reason to get police officers fired to be getting a little tiresome at this point.

  14. "mostly silent kids"

    "What I find disgusting" is using naive children as shields... reminds me of the well known pictures and videos of Creepy Joe Biden standing behind children.


  15. 9:27
    Do you get all your education from FOX's storage shed of irrelevant personalities?

  16. "At an August 1 rally in Emmaus by a group of high school and college students in support of black lives..."

    Excellent! If you can group up in August, you can go back to school in September.

  17. As LVCI said, most communities like Emmaus, DO NOT have police problems and I am sure 95% of its residents are very happy with their service.

    The small BLM rally in that town and any other across the Lehigh Valley 'burbs recently was more of a solidarity showing to the broader national issue of race relations and certainly not any direct rebuke of local policing. These are totally separate in tone and intent from what has occurred in Allentown, or any larger city.

    I would be very interested to hear the take of an Emmaus LEO on the protest and if he/she was offended by the students and equally enjoyed the support of a group of Caucasian adults waving rebel/Trump flags and assorted weaponry.

  18. 10:31, Facts DO Matter. I've been to Emmaus numerous times, including at the triangle. It is my understanding police were well aware both groups would be there. I'm not even sure Emmaus requires permits. I do not support divisive people,. That includes Hasshan Batts, Josh Siegel, Donald Trump, Tricia Mezzacappa and you. I believe BLM the organization is divisive. I believe the movement, however, is meaningful and overdue. If you dislike being called divisive, then stop using phrases like "black lies matter." Black lives matter. I don't know why it is so difficult for you top recognize this, and I note how you completely ignored someone who brandishes a knife at kids.

  19. "What I find disgusting" is using naive children as shields... "

    You are fuckin' nutz. This rally was organized by high school and college kids. Why on earth should anyone fell the need to have shields to be protected from idiots who arm themselves solely to intimidate? This is America, where people should be able to express themselves without being shot or stabbed.

  20. If saying, hearing, or seeing Black Lives Matter immediately causes you to get angry then deflect and point out the small % of nitwits that destroy property and totally ignore that the vast majority of the movement is in general peaceful you seriously need to reassess your life. Its even more pathetic when you take the time to type it all up on a message board. You are far too defensive about your own insecurities and are overtly trying to frame others as bad/evil in order to feel better about yourself.

  21. I actually feel bad for Tricia. She obviously needs some mental help, just look at her constable page on facebook.

  22. Black lives do matter. All of them.

    But as far as I'm concerned, the group is Black Lies Matter. That's what I was referring to, and why I capitalized all three letter (to show I was referring to the group). It's the way I differentiate between the group and the message.

    As you agree, the group is divisive (among other things). I won't give them the satisfaction of stealing a rightful message.

  23. We get it, she's went nutz again, this time at a Biden rally.

    "This rally was organized by high school and college kids"

    Get serious, it's practically part of the curriculum, an extra credit exercise to satisfy some politically motivated faculty member or professor of gender/race/women/trans study course.

    It's an election year Bernie.

    In the last week, the Rs gained a net 4,474 voters, while the Ds decreased by a net 198. It's happening again in PA, thanks to authoritarian edicts that have gone too far. He's helping Trump and won't even get a minor cabinet slot for his efforts.

  25. wonder how the "Back the blue" would deal with.
    "The New York Police Department provides a case study in how the criminal justice system rewards lying. One NYPD officer, David Grieco—commonly known as Bullethead—has been sued at least 32 times, costing the city $343,252, for civil rights violations, including excessive force and fabrication of evidence. Yet Grieco was promoted and prosecutors continued to call him to the stand long after a slew of his victims blew the whistle on his violent and lawless behavior. "

    more importantly
    "And Grieco’s name did not appear on Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez’s long-secret list of officers with known credibility problems."

    This tendency to lie pervades all police work, not just high-profile violence, and it has the power to ruin lives. Law enforcement officers lie so frequently—in affidavits, on post-incident paperwork, on the witness stand—that officers have coined a word for it: testilying.

  26. as to cutting the police budget

    "Twenty SPD employees out-earned police chief Carmen Best ($289,420). The five highest paid included Ron Morgan Willis (patrol officer - $414,543); William Edward Jr (sergeant - $360,277); Steven Kim (officer - $332,274); Eric Zerr (sergeant - $331,413); and Brian Miles (sergeant - $328,338)."

    And a job needing some improvement
    " Other high earners included assistant chief of collaborative policing Adrian Diaz ($241,802), who seeks to foster positive relationships between the department and the community"

    seems to me at those wages you should be able to stand some rude remarks

  27. or this has more details
    "For example, SPD’s top earner was patrol officer Ron Morgan Willis, hired in 1995. He made $128,716 in base pay last year while racking up $214,544 in overtime pay, $33,628 in retroactive base pay and $37,656 in retroactive overtime pay. In total, he grossed $414,543 in 2019.

    Willis is a patrol officer who also serves as an “adjunct trainer,” working with SPD’s training unit “on an overtime basis,” according to Kelsey Nyland, a spokesperson for Mayor Jenny Durkan.
    SPD has added training sessions in recent years to comply with a 2012 court agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice that required Seattle to curb excessive force and biased policing. But the city hasn’t added more officers to its training unit, Nyland said. Instead, SPD has relied on officers working overtime “to staff these shifts,” she said."

  28. It appears the last three posts are an attempt to highjack the blog by an anti police activist.

    First off, this blog is about the Lehigh Valley, not NY or Seattle. They complain about the police salaries in Seattle, well, who signed those lucrative contracts with the police union there? That's right, the same liberal democrats who are now dismantling the department and allowing anarchists to run their city.

    If you're so concerned about NYC or Seattle's police department, perhaps you should go bring your activism there and join your brethren. Their actions have made those city's crime rates skyrocket, those cities unlivable and people are fleeing those cities, as well as others with the same crap going on, in droves. The people these activists proclaim to be helping are being hurt the most by their actions. Take philadelphia for example, already 260 murders and 1200 shootings so far this year. Keep banging on the cops and there will be nothing left of these cities.

    I spoke with a local realtor yesterday who told me the Nazareth/Palmer/Forks area real estate market is on fire! multiple bids on houses are common as people flee NY and NJ if they can afford too. So thanks, keep your activism up! My home value has increased by 10% since March I love it!

  29. Anon 816am, remember one thing about relocations from NYC to the Valley - they bring their problems with them. I'd rather they stay in their shithole than make our area a shithole.

  30. 8:16,
    You sound very happy in the potential for profit on your investment.

  31. 8.16
    "anti police activist."--not at all--i want the good cops to either mentor or remove the bad cops from the ranks.
    "First off, this blog is about the Lehigh Valley, not NY or Seattle"--so there are no problematic cops in the Lehigh Valley?--How truly lucky everyone must be.
    " Take philadelphia for example, already 260 murders and 1200 shootings so far this year. Keep banging on the cops and there will be nothing left of these cities."
    Thank God no one got killed or shot a year ago when the police were not so snow-flaky as there were no protests.
    Unless the police will only do their job(getting paid beau-coup bucks) as long as the public agrees that the police can just do what they want with no accountability?
    Sorry that dog don't hunt.

  32. 8.16
    "keep your activism up! My home value has increased by 10% since March I love it!"
    Well i'm sure the families of the dead from police misconduct will take comfort in your good fortune

  33. another fine example
    "Bodycam shows that though Ryans was kneeling on the ground with his hands in the air, the K9 officer still ordered his dog to attack.
    The dog, Tuco, latched on to Ryans’ left leg, the footage shows. Even as another officer sat on top of Ryans and puts the man in handcuffs, the K9 officer continued to instruct his dog to “hit” — and Tuco responds by biting and tearing at Ryans’ leg.

    “Why are you doing this?” Ryans yelled, according to the video. “Why are you biting me?”

    “Good boy,” the officer said to his dog, as Ryans screamed in pain."

  34. This is the type of stories folks should be seeing.

    "Officer Erika Urrea, a 14-year veteran in the police department of Lodi,"
    Great job officer.

  35. So let me get this straight there Mr. Activist. 850,000 police officers making over 10 million arrests last year. Yes, George Floyd was a despicable incident, and yes, we can have a conversation about policing and how to do it better.

    What is not acceptable is destroying property, assaulting police, destroying peoples livelihoods with looting and rioting, inner cities that are war zones because the police are not allowed to do their job, defunding the police, abolishing the police, using cops as punching bags or shining lasers into their eyes causing permanent damage, none of it acceptable, and is, in fact, cowardly mob conduct. The cities that have surrendered to the mob, Portland, Seattle, NYC, LA and Philadelphia, they are going to pay a huge price in economic damage and high crime rates which only will hurt the people you profess to want to help. Here are some stats to think about when people throw out statements like " the slaughter of black and brown people" which is such hyperbolic nonsense:

    There are 800 to 850 thousand cops in this country.
    Every 24 hour period there are approximately 1 million interactions with the public.
    There were 10 million arrests in the country 2018.
    There were 1004 fatal encounters with police.
    41 of those involved so called "unarmed" people, (If you have hands and feet you're armed by the way). If you try to grab a cops gun, they have the right to use deadly force. If a 6ft 2 inch man is strangling a 5ft 5 inch female police officer she can use deadly force. As we saw here with the officer at Dorney Park, it's a tough call when you're dealing with someone on drugs who has been pumping iron in state prison for most of his life.

    Of those 1004 people killed by police, 235 were black.
    Of the 41 unarmed, 9 were black.

    89 officers were killed, 60,000 were assaulted while on duty in 2018.

    Every encounter that ends fatally with police starts by someone resisting arrest. Don't resist arrest. Eric Garner, and even the disgraceful George Floyd incident, which was despicable, was a result of him refusing to get in the police car.

    Michael Browns case was a legitimate use of force, it was investigated by a grand jury, a black presidents attorney general, who is also a black man, and more recently by another black district attorney in the county it happened in. Anyone that mentions Michael Brown loses all credibility if you want to talk about excessive use of force by police.

    Can we do things better policing, yes, absolutely! Defunding them, no. The first thing that gets cut is training, that will cause more incidents like George Floyd. The Philly president of BLM and other chapters want to fully abolish the police. Thats just complete nonsense!

  36. @5:24, those stories happen every day, but it doesn't fit the media's narrative. Today the cops are criminals and the criminals are victims. Personal responsibility for ones actions, nope, it's always someone else's fault!

  37. "A Tacoma, Wash., police K9 died in the line of duty early Thursday morning due to injuries suffered during the pursuit of an armed homicide suspect, who also was wounded in the shootout, police said."

    Lots of stories like these also, the media pretty much ignores them. This happened early this morning.

  38. 7.17
    "yes, we can have a conversation about policing and how to do it better."
    When is that going to happen?.folks are still waiting for the discussion about Sandy Hook.
    " none of it acceptable, and is, in fact, cowardly mob conduct."--And unmarked vehicles and unmarked snatch squads are the true American way?
    BTW most folks concerned about protests just happen to forget about the boogaloo boys.
    even the most vocal anti-BLM news group Fox never mentioned the boogaloo tie in when covering the incident.guess white guys hunting police does not fit the narrative.
    "Every encounter that ends fatally with police starts by someone resisting arrest."
    guess you missed the dog incident in Utah--see above.
    the body cams footage is there for all to see.
    Or the California case of a cop fondling the breasts of a dead woman caught on body cam.
    So how much jail time will those guys get?
    "Michael Browns case was a legitimate use of force, it was investigated by a grand jury, a black presidents attorney general,"
    Read the DOJ report on Fergueson and get back to me with the myth of police being paragons of virtue.
    the grand jury had testimony from a woman who was not even there and the FBI warned the DA about it but he had her testify.
    Garner deserved to die for selling loose cigs?
    The cop violated policy yet still works as a cop--nothing like justice there.
    Floyd was good police work? if you think that was ok well lots of people disagree.
    Shall we discuss a woman shot in her bed?
    no medical aid as she bled out?
    eight minutes worth.
    Where are the good cops or police union leaders condemning those acts?
    When cops get caught bare handed lying why is losing a vacation day considered a fit punishment?
    When a suspect was sodomized with a toilet plunger ala"giuliani time"?
    How much did that cost the taxpayers if decency is off the table?
    Look up how much good ole sheriff arpaio cost the taxpayers with his activities.
    Seems to me that looking at just taxpayer paid court settlements (forget humanity) those rogue agents need to be curtailed.

  39. 7.17
    "So let me get this straight there Mr. Activist. 850,000 police officers making over 10 million arrests last year. "
    for starters you cite FBI numbers (granted they are about all that is available)
    Not every police department reports to the FBI.
    The average cop only makes ten arrests a year?
    Either the police do not see much crime or it is pretty clear that quite a lot of arrests are not making it to the FBI.
    "89 officers were killed, 60,000 were assaulted while on duty in 2018."
    that might be 2019 stat and 41 officers died in traffic accidents.
    60k assaulted probably right cause assault is a favorite charge the police like to add to encounters.
    That being said not all folks play nice with the police.
    The boogaloo boys for one.
    you do not hear too much about them as they are mostly white boys hence not newsworthy.
    In Ferguson the cops charged assault and property damage when blood from the beat downs they gave out got on the police uniforms.
    after all cleaning those uniforms has a cost.


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