Local Government TV

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Updated: NorCo Council Votes 9-0 for $4 M in Grants to 396 Small Businesses

NorCo Council voted 9-9 last night to provide $4 million in grants to 396 small businesses negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Most were for $15,000. These were awarded on a first come, first served basis. As a result, some worthy businesses who applied late were left out. Executive Lamont McClure is hopeful that he might be able to open up a second round of funding with the $27.6 million in CARES money provided to the county.

Council member Kevin Lott said, "It's desperate out there," and hopes money can be on the street as soon as possible.

Blogger's Note: Originally published 8/6/2020 at 12:14 pm.


  1. Great job Chamber of Commerce, bet President Heckman will drag this meeting on for hours

  2. I see some multi million dollar companies on the list and same have already been given the PPP monies ($150k+ https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts) so I believe that those companies get on the bottom of the list and those that have not yet been awarded anything, get their fair share!

  3. Anon 240pm, since you obviously did research on this, how about making it easier for the rest of us and telling us who?

  4. I'm almost afraid to ask this because I serve alcoholic beverages but never had a kitchen to prepare food for over 60 years; so how did these companies apply for assistance? A mystery to us! Guess we didn't get the memo.

  5. It's no mystery. I wrote about this repeatedly and provided links to the applications several times. The Chamber also actively marketed this grant, even to the point of going door-to-door in the slate belt, If you missed out, do not lose hope bc I think there will be a second round.


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