Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lehigh County: Phil Armstrong to Release No-Tax Budget Tomorrow

Despite a pandemic that has caused most local governments to bleed money, Lehigh County Exec Phil Armstrong has just announced there will be no tax hike when he releases his 2021 Budget tomorrow.

I love his weekly updates, which you can see above.


  1. Cut spending,like everyone has to do. Just not the police. cut out all the bureaucrat free loaders.

  2. I like this guy, and I'm looking forward to flu season and getting back to cancer, heart disease, stroke and the everyday democide around the world.

    But with a unmasked visible smile bigger than his and with a gentle tone to match, I say he can take those masks and shove it.


    Pay attention to manufacture product warnings.

  3. Upgrading equipment for the mail in ballots is very a positive move. Good job.

  4. Maybe one day Northampton County can be as great as Lehigh.

  5. Why doesn't Northampton County get their budget released sooner like Lehigh County. I like there timeframe better.

  6. NorCo releases its budget in accordance with its HRC, as LC does with its budget. I agree that sooner is better. That way if there is a tax hike, everyone knows well in advance of the election.

  7. With citizens and businesses circling the drain, it's no time to brag about a zero tax increase. To increase taxes would be heartless and irresponsible.


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