Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I Love Jill!

I was so disgusted after Dem Convention Night 1 that I resolved to skip the rest. But I routinely listen to C-Span radio, and caught a lot of Dem Convention Night 2. It was much better. I really loved the profile of Dr. Jill Biden, an exceptional woman from Willow Grove. She repaired a broken family and her husband and she not want to repair a broken country.


  1. I hope she stresses to her husband him every single day to be careful not to say anything stupid, insensitive or racist during his speech and to please, please do not stand closely behind Harris, sniff her hair or touch her body on national TV. If she can manage this alone, it will be a huge help to the Biden campaign.

  2. I'd be careful with the fantasy. Her ex is about to publish a book that details her cheating on him to run around with Biden. The guy had been warned by friends that she was spending too much time with him. What seems too good to be true, often is. That's why it's best to stick to issues and avoid cults of personality. I'm voting Biden - despite her.

  3. Sad, but true 7:32. What a nightmare!

  4. Her husband? I thought Joe Biden was Joe Biden's husband.


  5. 8:00 am, I find it hilarious that a Trump supporter would warn anyone about a cult of personality. I might give some credence to what Biden's ex has to say, except that he waited until the first day of the Dem convention to make it. I would add that Biden has denied this allegation, and her spokesperson has stated her relationship with Biden did not begin until after her divorce. https://www.distractify.com/p/jill-biden-affair

  6. The Orange one is ahead in the ex stats.

  7. Hey, after Night 1 you said that the Ds should've spent more time bashing Trump. Now you're all squishy about Jill Biden's personal touch.

    Having a hard time keeping it all straight?

  8. I would prefer to hear from Joe for once, not Jill. she is not running for President.

  9. "Hey, after Night 1 you said that the Ds should've spent more time bashing Trump. Now you're all squishy about Jill Biden's personal touch.

    Having a hard time keeping it all straight?"

    Night 2 was a fairly effective indictment of Trump. In fact, Jill Biden and her obvious decency is an indictment of Trump.

    You seem to be the person having a hard time.

  10. "I would prefer to hear from Joe for once, not Jill. she is not running for President"

    Um, it is part of the ritual that the candidate's spouse make a speech, just like Melania Trump did four years ago when she accidentally plagiarized Michelle Obama. Remember?

  11. Per the ritual of the convention, the headliner - aka the party nominee, makes their big speech on the final evening, so you'll get to hear from Joe and most MAGAs will absolutely hate it, most Dems will absolutely love it and most independents will be satisfied if he limits the bumbles and gaffs in the goofy territory.

    Biden will then resume his low profile, prepare for the debates and allow Trump to keep making the same mistake of doing nothing but firing up his base, knowing that his base is not enough to win him the election. Congrats on locking down the rural, male Caucasian, limited education demographic Mr President! He should (and probably will) sue his campaign team for malpractice and theft of services. "But look at all the hats and flags were selling!" Dummies.

  12. It’s hardly a “cult of personality” when it comes to Biden. It’s the Blue No Matter Who cult.
    Put his wife up front.
    It’s tremendously reassuring to know that Biden’s wife supports her declining husband.
    What a pathetic moment in American history.
    It’s all very sad.

  13. Melania Trump and Michelle Obama speech writers utilizing the same language was reassuring.
    Who said that the two corrupt corporate parties don’t share common ground?

  14. I can’t wait to hear from Hunter.

  15. I love Jill, too. I met her in 2012, and found that she is as warm, gracious, and unpretentious as she appears to be. She's the real deal.

  16. Is Trump a buffoon?
    Well of course he is.
    Put that aside.
    Pretending that this underwhelming poorly scripted spectacle is anything other than sad is a heroic exercise in pathos.

  17. What a joke.
    The Shopping Channel does more stimulating productions.

  18. "I was so disgusted after Dem Convention Night 1 that I resolved to skip the rest. But I routinely listen to C-Span radio, and caught a lot of Dem Convention Night 2. It was much better."

    Totally agree...if you don't focus directly at or closely scrutinized this mob all you'll see is a pretty blonde woman or as in night 1, an ethnic woman with good hair.

    The rest are a disgusting ensemble of race baiting pedo/rapist, has-beens, war criminals, world class liars, turncoats and sellouts, completely uninspiring to anyone that doesn't have amnesia.

    I look forward to Melania comically and with a smirk, re-reading one of the prepared speeches written for the "good hair" folk, followed up by saying, "Be Best Melania out" and then drop the mic exit stage left wearing the "I don't care" jacket.

  19. Hooray Bernie! A woman you love! 😅👏🏼

  20. Jill does not love you! Ask Trish, your style is less than romantic. Maybe Lamont is more your speed.

  21. Who is the star of tonight's TDS Telethon? How much moolah have they raised for the Hunter Biden Defense Fund?

  22. Jill did a great job with Hunter! He's very wealthy. Who doesn't want that for their kids? Don't be jealous because your kid fixes cars or something unimportant.

  23. It’s Doctor Jill to you, Bub.

  24. Jill seems like a gracious woman; however, anyone spending a lot of time with Joe off camera can't be playing with a full deck. This has the appearance of a great psycho thriller to follow. Stay tuned.

  25. I'm looking forward to the GOP convention. Racist comments, Trump grabbing women by the short and curlies, promises of a wall to keep out those dirty Mexicans, disparaging POWs, dog whistles for white supremacists, and lots of hate.
    The TV ratings will be much higher and that's what is important.

  26. Would love to see both Parties show positive actual data relative to their platforms to improve the lives of American citizens. Not this work to do this or work to do that with showing actual data.


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