Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Dem Convention Night One: Most Interesting Things Said

The 11 speakers in the first night of the Democratic convention included Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama. I listened to them all. Below are the most meaningful things said by each:

Michelle Obama -

Bernie Sanders -

Catherine Cortez Masto -

Doug Jones -

Amy Klobuchar -

Andrew Cuomo -

Gretchen Whitmer -

James E. Clyburn -

Bennie Thompson -

Gwen Moore -

John Kasich -

Yep. It was a snoozefest. But they all have one trait Donald Trump lacks - decency.


  1. I tried to listen to a fair amount of it, and I must say: I got a year's worth of manure in a few hours.

  2. O'Hare wanted O'Connell or McClure to make a speech. Now that would be exciting.

  3. Not one is a true leader

  4. I’ll take 4 more years of Trump’s supposed ‘indecency’ and all the strength, stability, and financial gains Trump brings to my family’s future. I’ve seen more than enough from the current radical and militant Socialist Democrat operatives. Our nation is under attack. It’s all out in the open now.

  5. A memorable moment that we can tell our grandchildren about. Historically bad TV, almost unimaginably bad. A moment to remember if you can remember a single specific moment.
    And the network analysis was stellar, overflowing with wit and piercing insight.
    It was something to behold, like the Challenger disaster without the danger, drama, death or action.
    Never again will I call televised golf “slow”.
    Utterly unremarkable.
    Culturally insignificant.
    Monumentally vacuous.
    Indescribably mundane and incipiently hollow.
    A broadcast which defined an election and a moment in time.

  6. C'mon Bernie, communism's not so boring once you get use to it. Once the entire population of a city has Nothing then true equality will have been achieved.The streets in Atown looking like East Berlin before the wall came down. People walking around empty streets with hopeless looks on their faces. Once gloom and doom are inevitable you just make the best of it. The few vocal idiots on city council and hapless mayor are leading the way and maybe can set an example for South Whitehall where a few wackadoodles are already in place. Upper and Lower Macungie leaning left and looking ripe for the future. They just need a few folks with more experience and/or prison records to get some traction. Keep the faith!

  7. Decency???????? hahahahahahahaha
    Readers may have to start filling in the BLANKS.

  8. Let them debate. One candidate has answered nearly 2,000 live questions. One has answered < 200. We're talking Lincoln Douglas stuff. Let's do it for the comedy, at least. After all we've been through this year, we deserve this.

  9. Decency?

    Is it decent to spend the night trashing another human being? Or would the decent thing be to instead explain your vision for what your candidate would do, and to be honest about what you and your party stands for?

    Is it decent to ignore riots, looting and assaults in our major cities - because they're being committed by your supporters? Or is it decent to appeal to those committing the crimes to stop, regardless of the potential impact on your political fortunes?

    All I saw last night were the same hateful personal attacks that have come to define the modern democrat party. And I didn't hear a single speaker even mention the riots, much less appeal for an end to them.

    I guess we have different ideas of what decency is.

    1. Thank you. I agree. No decency there at all. Issues are what matters not attacks and ignoring what's happening. Nice comment thank you

  10. Way to cite specifics, 1:28! Can't you even borrow a lie or an insult from the Orange One?

  11. Michelle OBAMA was a great first lady and she again shows why the Obama Administration was such a class act. She is educated and quite articulate. Hard Act to follow.

  12. BO, why don't YOU tell us what would've been more interesting to hear?

  13. "Is it decent to spend the night trashing another human being? "

    Trump does that day and night and nonstop. It is a battle for the soul of this nation.. I am tired of Trump's ugliness, both internally and abroad. I am tired of his zombie supporters, who just back every stupid thing he does.

  14. "Let them debate. One candidate has answered nearly 2,000 live questions. One has answered < 200. We're talking Lincoln Douglas stuff. Let's do it for the comedy, at least"

    As I have said several times, Biden should refuse to debate him. He is ahead and has no obligation to get down in the gutter with a pig. I'd say no.

  15. What I keep hearing from Repubs is, "do you want the chaos to continue in your streets?" referring to the rioting and murder rates in our once great cities.
    My feeling is this... If we re-elect Trump, we'll see the continuation of the riots, if not more, just like we saw leading up to and following 45's inauguration.
    If we elect Biden, the chaos and rioting miraculously stop. The murder rates drop in our cities.
    Why? Not policy, but 'leaders' of our nations cities no longer fighting the leadership of the nation, and finally doing their job, rather than suffering from TDS.

    This nation is acting like a bunch of 5 year olds who don't get their way, until their parents finally had enough and just buy them the ice cream cone.

  16. BOH 9:23 "It is a battle for the soul of this nation."
    So you don't like Trump, right. So you support a Dem candidate that was neck deep in the spying of a political opponent while in leadership in the White House?
    How can anyone accept Biden as a candidate, when what he was involved in, was Nixon-esque at best, and treasonous at worst?
    We spent 3+ years hearing Schumer and Nadler, not to mention Schiff, tell us the clear cut Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, when in fact, it was the Obama White House (and Biden) who were corrupt.
    So please explain, what soul are we fighting for?

  17. "BO, why don't YOU tell us what would've been more interesting to hear?"

    Are you serious? That was terrible television. I think they could have put together a great story about everything that has gone wrong under Trump and the devastating impact it has had on us. It was a perfect opportunity to recreate a convention for TV You could create a pretty good documentary with cliffhangers so people tune in the next night. Not complicated. It was an opportunity missed. The speeches were horrible and boring.

  18. Seems like only 2012 when John Kasich spoke eloquently about Joe Biden's career-long lying habit. Is Biden a liar? Is Kasich a liar? Was Kasich lying about Biden lying or is Kasich lying now? I watched Yankees/Red Sox and a little hockey. I'd be lying if I said I knew. Do you remember how moved you were by Joe Lieberman's speech at the RNC? I didn't think so; neither do I.

  19. Conventions are over produced infomercials that are pure style over substance.

    I can't believe anyone bothers to watch them - you learn absolutely nothing from them. Trump's will be the exact same thing. Dumbasses saying dumb things to get their cheerleaders waving their pom poms.

    We are a nation of gullible morons that happily eat the slop they dish out.

  20. I for one did not care for many members of the opposing party being mean and saying nasty things about our President. I tuned in expecting to hear them talk about their party platform and goals if they were to be elected to office. I was shocked to see some members of the Republican party speaking in favor of Democrats, I believe that should be against the rules of party conventions, it just made Trump look bad.

  21. Everything that has gone wrong under Trump? Like record employment, stock market records, tax cuts for everyone, manufacturing jobs coming back to the US, troops coming out if Afghanistan and Iraq, ISIS defeated, energy independence, new treaty between Israel and the UAE? All during a Russia witch hunt, ridiculous impeachment and a pandemic, which was certainly not Trump's fault. What planet are you on, O'Hare?

  22. Excruciatingly dull.
    It matched the tenor of the Biden campaign to date.

  23. Trump answered more reporters questions before 10A yesterday than Biden has since he wrapped up the nomination. He can't sit in his basement and expect to win. Time to get in front of the camera before he is brought in front of Congress.
    And tonight we have Slick Willy, the face of #MeToo, to tell us about how terrible Trump is. When do we get to see Hillary? She should be a joy to watch.

    How many of these Dem speakers should be in jail, and they're telling us how bad Trump is? Who put this speaker dais together? They should be fired from the DNC.

  24. After 4 years of the explosive diarrhea that's been Trump's tenure in office - I will embrace Excruciatingly Dull. We all need 4 years of watching paint dry at this point.

    Bring on the Maoist, Socialist, Communist, Pinko Libtard Paradise or whatever you want to call it, don't fucking care it'll be better that whatever the fuck this has been. Those that don't like it can move to Russia or wherever they want.

  25. Biden didn't speak live at John Lewis' funeral and he won't speak live at DNC. But his wife will. I've said it before. Joe Biden has dementia and this campaign is elder abuse. He can't even recall how many times he's joked about clean n*gg**s and turban wearing 7-11 clerks. He doesn't recall being held back in both first and third grades. He doesn't remember his numerous plagiarism offenses. It's all ... just ... gone.

  26. Faultless Michelle recorded her astounding speech 6 days ago! Even before the VP was picked. How original was that? And yet the left-wing mainstream media was breathless for 18 minutes. Just like the tingle down their legs when her hubbie spoke. Bunch of suck-up groupies.

  27. I'm old enough to remember Michelle Obama's ringing praise of Harvey Weinstein back in 2014. Big Mike is a riot.

  28. Joe is a mess. His "c'mon man" retort reminds me of Clint Eastwood chasing kids off his lawn with his belt around the chest. The guy is unfit to lead the free world. This is an anti-Trump campaign more than a pro-Biden campaign.

  29. Biden didn't have a rich daddy to buy his way through school. Morons with money can be President. When will the My Pillow guy get a cabinet post?

  30. Blogger Bernie O'Hare said...
    "BO, why don't YOU tell us what would've been more interesting to hear?"

    Are you serious? That was terrible television. I think they could have put together a great story about everything that has gone wrong under Trump and the devastating impact it has had on us. It was a perfect opportunity to recreate a convention for TV You could create a pretty good documentary with cliffhangers so people tune in the next night. Not complicated. It was an opportunity missed. The speeches were horrible and boring.

    August 18, 2020 at 9:34 AM

    Yes, I'm serious. Do you really think that only you have the answer to these issues, and that answer should be so clear to the rest of us that there's no need to ask?

    There are many who believe that the Ds can get only so far simply bashing Trump, that they also need to talk in an affirmative fashion about their positions on such as health care and immigration, among others.

  31. Nice try, 12:01. You seem to be swallowing Trump's line without he slightest skepticism.

    With critics like you, all Biden will need to do during the debates is to stay awake.

  32. Like watching paint dry would be kind.

  33. Get serious!
    Any candidate that can’t handle a few debates can’t handle the job!!!

  34. Bill Clinton (yes, really) speaking tonight: "I have not come here to praise #metoo. I've come to bury it.

    I don't believe all women, including Michelle O when she lavishes praise on Harvey Weinstein. I just believe Bill. I wonder if Bill would be comfortable with a young Chelsea being forced to watch Harvey "feed" the office plants in order to keep her career? Sadly, he'd probably ask to watch. But hey, #metoo everyone!

  35. Absolutely, your taxes will go up under a Biden Presidency. He even states that! Upon his election, I expect your IRA and 401k will drop at least 20 percent in value.

    He states he will terminate the Trump Tax Cuts, reduce police funding, cut back Pennsylvania’s huge fracking industry. He participated in the Obama administration’s, formerly secret, actions to spy on, undermine, and help remove a sitting President.

    How can this candidate be appealing to enough voters to earn an honestly conducted election? Then, at what financial cost to you? How much are you prepared to lose, just so you can say “See, I told you so.”

  36. Let’s all pretend that the entire spectacle isn’t pathetic.

  37. Jesus, more Epstein-Clinton pics just released and Bill's getting a neck massage from a teenager who claims she was raped. But he's the Lion of the Democratic Party. OMG.

  38. The only thing progressive about Biden is his dementia.

  39. No, my taxes aren't going to go up when the Trump tax cut is repealed, because it only helped the very rich.

  40. The Shopping Channel is exciting by comparison.

  41. "But they all have one trait Donald Trump lacks - decency."

    Yes that may be true at times, but this list of democrats lack genuineness, authenticity, candidness, indisputability, potency, truth, authority, cogency, effectiveness and efficacy.

    Bunch a phonies

    Trump is embarrassing...
    But these people are frighteningly detach...

  42. Stop your pants wetting about the economy tanking. Trump or any other President has nothing to do with the economy or market performance.

    S&P 500 +/- Performance by President since 1980...

    4 years 8 years
    Reagan 38.7% 129.6%
    HW Bush 47.5% n/a
    Clinton 79.2% 211.3%
    W Bush -13.5% -39.5%
    Obama 81.4% 175.9%
    Trump 43.5% (3 yr 7 mon)

    By those #'s we should never elect a Republican as President ever again if you care so much about the stock market.

    If anything the markets will probably like the stability of a Biden Administration and we'll see the market soar in 2021.

  43. The Democrats clearly used Mon. night to build a larger coalition. Hence, Sanders and Kasich.


  44. Michelle threatened this great nation as a whole by saying it can and will get worse if sleepy Joe isn't elected! This is High Treason what the democrats are inducing into america today because they are behind the paid agitators. The Virginia governor and her cronies are now listed on indictments.

  45. Bernie your a class act calling the President a pig. Do not necessarily like Trump but would never disrespect the office like you.

  46. For those who appear not to understand how finance really works, the Trump tax cuts are saving EVERYONE who has any income subject to Federal Taxation! That includes regular paycheck wages, withdrawals from your IRAS, pensions from your job, and even Social Security checks.

    The percentage amount deducted for every tax bracket was reduced from the rate before Trump. Not only that, the Trump tax cuts are written to last 8 more years. So, if you realized a gain of $2000 per year since the Trump tax cuts began, if Biden takes away the Trump tax cuts as he stated he will if elected, you stand to lose about $16,000. The Trump tax cuts also doubled you Standard Deduction, meaning most people now have even more money to keep than before the Trump tax cuts!

    I wouldn’t be willing to let go that big amount of money from my pocket just to get Biden (or his replacement) elected. Maybe you think it’s worth it. Why, I’ll never understand.

  47. "Bernie your a class act calling the President a pig. Do not necessarily like Trump but would never disrespect the office like you."

    I don't disrespect the office. He does. I disrespect him.

  48. 3:42 PM

    History shows stock market performance for Dem presidents outperforms only when there's a split or Republican congress.

    Since 1933

    All Rep: 13%
    All Dem: 9%
    Dem Pres, split Congress: 14%
    Dem Pres, Rep Congress: 13%
    Rep Pres, split Congress: 6%
    Rep Pres, Dem Congress: 5%

    Source: RBC Capital Markets, as quoted in Sept Kilplingers.

    Can you imagine if it's a Dem sweep with THIS Democratic party?

  49. The stock market no longer has any relationship to reality. I would make no assumptions bc I'd be proved wrong, as you shall be.

  50. Yes, the stock market is behaving unlike anything before. But, the rapid growth we see now is clearly due to confidence in Trump’s policies that relate to growth. Part of this due to reductions in onerous regulations and red tape, low borrowing rates, and lower energy prices. Don’t forget individual investors like what they are seeing on their equity investments. Individual investors, of course, want this to continue on. Most, I believe, will be weary of ‘changing horses,’ and paying higher taxes on their gains.

    A Biden win, a new philosophy, etc. will no doubt panic millions of investors who will then dump stocks. Depending on one’s age, there might not be time to make-up a big drop in their portfolio balance before needing to take regular payouts. I’ve already moved more to the sidelines and will lay low for a couple months. Current year gain is already very satisfying even if it goes no higher.

  51. Again it makes no difference - as the RBC stats show, 5-14% is a pretty ball park level of expectation for a typical investor. Neither party is good or bad for the economy, so tying your political preference to stock market performance of your favorite is just personal bias confirmation.

    Certain sectors may do well under certain administrations, but in the end, the federal spigot still flows at a similar rate into the market just in different ways with different hogs at the the troughs.

    Smart investors will either pivot, diversify their portfolios and ultimately just be patient and continue to reap the rewards, but by all means panic sell because your guy lost, there will always be buyers waiting to scoop up value.

  52. This blog is indecent as is the author. Can you imagine calling the President of the United States “a pig”?

  53. If the shoe fits ... . What do you call a man who bragged about grabbing women "by the p----y"?

  54. What women said they in fact, were grabbed?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.