Local Government TV

Monday, August 10, 2020

Chris Casey Notes Irregularities in HB 22 Race

Blogger Chris Casey has picked up on what certainly seems like an irregularity in the HB22 race that pitted challenger Enid Santiago against incumbent Pete Schweyer. The Elections Board has already referred a Santiago complaint about an elections judge to DA Jim Martin. Casey reports that a voter who lives in that district was surprised to get a ballot in the mail, especially since that person has no Internet and has no recollection of requesting one. According to this voter, someone actually appeared at the residence in late May to ask if a ballot had been received. This voter also told Casey that the same thing happened to a neighbor who clammed up when Casey approached this person.

These voters reside in Overlook, a government-subsidized housing project where Enif=d Santiago is employed.

I called Santiago to ask what she knows, if anything, about these claims. I have yet to hear back from her, but when I do, I'll tell you what she knows.


  1. What's a little old school fraud among friends

  2. Just one more example of what is possible with mail in voting. It will become an escalating battle of who can milk the most ballots anyway they can. Our elections will now have the same credibility as the media, FBI, State Department. Can it ever be fixed?

  3. Mail in needs to be limited to a very few, select categories.
    I have dozens of articles across the country from just the past few months, if anyone disagrees there is fraud, corruption, mistakes..... and would like to see them. They are from numerous news sites, so no partisanship claims to be made.

  4. Enid Santiago is the Stacy Abrams of Allentown!

  5. 9:21, Then produce the links. My own research tells me there is little evidence of fraud. I am deeply concerned, however, about ballot harvesting. This is very difficult to prove. I am also concerned about politicians who drop off mail-in ballot applications. Should that be legal?


  6. Why is it that since reforms in the election process started by the insistence of politicians and other concerned citizens after the Florida incident in the Bush elections and reforms were ordered by the federal government, things have constantly become worse ....

    Now a Governor's race in Puerto Rico has voting problems


  7. We (household of three - only one of us received it) received an unsolicited mailing from the Center for Voter Information. It contains a PA Application for Mail In Ballot, already completed with all his demographic info. It is the same ballot available on the Lehigh County website. A return envelope is included, but it gets sent back to the organization, not to our local county board of elections. There's an letter from the Center For Voter Information encouraging him to vote. Convenient, since it's all completed except for signature and includes an addressed, postage paid envelope, but ... Do you know if this is a legal/legitimate effort?

  8. I have serious concerns about the legality of this.

  9. I personally think that Enid Santiago's obvious attempt to get legally registered minority women voters to the polls is admirable. Electioneering 101 is get your voters to the polls. She did that. Unfortunately, her enthusiasm may her drove her to be ignorant of the many rules and regulations around voting. When it comes to ballots that were placed in the Government Center drop box, that box was emptied hourly and ballots removed from it were time stamped and stored by precinct. So it is physically possible to see WHEN each ballot was put in the box. We will be able to see how many overall ballots from precincts in the 22nd statehouse district were in there as well. That data, compared to other districts in the county, could be very telling.

  10. Thanks for that confirmation. We will stick with stick with submitting the form to Lehigh County.

  11. Lot of cut and paste. Here are several dozen articles against mail in voting. Again. Only limited reasons for mail in. Example. Military,... Not space capsule launches.


  12. Part 2

  13. This would never have happened if King Allentown had made good on his word and ran against that nobody jabrone Petite Schwoyer. Where you at King?

  14. Care to understand why many Americans are concerned about the integrity of the next election? Start by reading a piece written by Kennith R. Timmerman. In the August 5 edition of Epoch Times, he summarizes findings outlined in his best-selling book “The Election Heist.”

    Our multi-faceted Election System is already vulnerable to meddling and fraud, without expanding to full scale, ballot-flooding, mail-in voting. Only a fool would claim cheating has not happened before. Just weeks ago, a Philadelphia election official plead guilty to massive fraud in that city.

    I have doubts about the validity of the November Election Results. Desperate underdogs, even foreign disruptors, will have a field day exploiting such a massive new vulnerability. I expect any result to be challenged, and with good reason. Certification of the Presidential winner could be delayed for weeks, if not months. If delayed long enough, the final decision could be left up to Congress, or the Courts. Not a comforting thought given all the corruption there.

    We are NOT ready to deal with what’s coming.

  15. To add to the above link for voter fraud data (you asked for it) see the July 27 piece from John Solomon found at his website, www.justthenews.com. The title, Yes, America there is voter fraud . . .

    Several recent examples provided. Now, can we put to rest the claim there has been no evidence of meaningful voter fraud?

  16. Bernie, I submitted a list of links to websites that show reasons why mail in will impact the presidential race but I don't see it, (Though I doubt you needed to post all the links) and don't see comment on it.

  17. Oh, I believe I sent 36, so you know its me. Like above stated. YOU ASKED.

  18. I did, but received no list. Please do so again.

  19. Never mind. Your list went into my spam folder. Will publish.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.