Local Government TV

Monday, August 03, 2020

Allentown Needs Battsman

Banging on the windows and doors during Allentown City Council meetings is no longer good enough. Nor are peaceful and lawful protests. Ex-con Hasshan "Fuck the Police" Batts wants to be noticed, and is hoping to take things to the next level by recruiting people for arrest. As a former drug dealer, Batts is single-handedly responsible for destroying far more black lives than any cop. He's about to destroy more of them.

With his monumental ego, he sure likes to quote himself, and, of course, as a Doctor. Here are some of the recent hypocritical droppings he has spewed from Facebook:

"Truth is: “When things escalate it’s a test to see if and how the people will respond. The next step is non-violent direct action!”
-Dr. Batts"

"Truth is: “It’s time for the attorneys in Allentown that support Equity and Liberation to show who they are because the appropriate response to this foolishness they just did it to shut it down. Time to start getting arrested for non-violent direct action.”
-Dr. Batts

"Truth is: “Everyone wanna lead until the playbook calls for chaining yourself to city council chambers....”
-Dr. Batts

"Truth is: “The believers will support the bail fund....”
-Dr. Batts

"Truth is: “It’s time to remove the ego by adding the word community every time we wanna use the word leader....”
-Dr. Batts

"Truth is: “Social media is dangerous and can be a weapon of mass destruction. Be safe, be wise and be kind....”
-Dr. Batts

"Truth is: “We are living in challenging times and people are full of fear and uncertainty. Some of us are not showing up as our best selves in this moment and many of us are having moments where we are not showing up as our best selves. Be safe, be kind and be wise....”
-Dr. Batts

Batts goes on to state he wants some church to create a bail fund, receive donations and spring people as soon as they get arrested. He also wants up to four attorneys.

Pied pipers like Batts are examples of the very thing they protest.

With people like Batts, Allentown looks more and more like Gotham every day. It needs Battsman. Chief Grantiz, time to send out the Batt signal!


  1. After first cup of coffee, what has BOH written today tops the list!

  2. The City Without Limits On Its Idiocy. Where jobs and opportunities don't grow, political weeds like Batts and his hateful friends always flourish. Allentown has been lost for a long time.

  3. This Doctor Batts has got a job with a salary?
    Who pays the good doctor? Who does he work for?
    Who sits on his board of directors ? Who is chairman of the board?
    Follow the money.

  4. Here is their board list: http://promiseneighborhoodslv.org/about-us/the-partnership/

    Board Chair is Greg Edwards. Last Form 990 available on Guidestar was for the 12 months ended 6/30/2018, showed $283k in salaries paid. I don't know how they handle salaries and who is being paid through this entity.

  5. I asked. He told me to make an appointment to review the records. I will.

  6. Everyone needs to come to the defense of our brave council people CeCe and Josh. These courageous visionaries need and deserve our full support.
    The future is here.
    The people united can never be defeated.

  7. Battman has arrived.
    Dr. Batts is the people’s super-hero!
    CeCe for Mayor.
    Josh for County Executive.
    Tara for the United States House of Representatives.
    Power to the people!
    It’s a new dawn.

  8. Man that'll be interesting, can't wait to hear what you find out.

  9. Bernie, we would all like to think there is a law on PA's books suspending anyone from working with the public of any type once said person commits a institutional crime as Batts did? Having his young impressionable youth clients sell and do his drugs is a reprehensible crime to say the least.
    Why isn't the governor stepping in and ripping this grant grab process professed right from the organization that feeds these types of parasites that are getting from both directions.

  10. Enid Santiago is a real hero and she isn’t going away. Allentown is developing a new future and it looks bright.
    WE HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!

  11. Dr. Batts group is funded by volunteer donations from the community that he serves. It’s a grassroots organization.

  12. like the Bloods, lol? Most of his money comes from the public.

  13. Allentown City Councilperson Cynthia Moto is on Hassan Batts, Promise Neighborhood’s payroll.
    It’s a signed conflict of interest on a number of levels.
    What exactly is going on here?

  14. When do the herds of millennials arrive in Reilly’s new luxury apartment building?
    They should change the balance of power in center city.

  15. I do not believe Mota works for Batts any longer.

  16. Promise Neighborhoods needs to be investigated ... This is nothing but salary fraud and a waste of taxpayer money that he receives through his 501c3 organization .. He is doing the exact same thing as Bennett did in her charity ...

  17. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/display_990/464977927/07_2019_prefixes_45-46%2F464977927_201806_990_2019071116477293

  18. Anybody who leads chants with "Fuck the Police!" is a lowlife, especially if that person is an ex-con. Anybody who quotes himself and refers to himself as "Dr." in those quotes has narcissism issues.

  19. He can't be investigated. He's black.

  20. Quite clearly, Batts has his eyes on the $40 M paid for APD each year. He'd obviously like a taste. Before seeking an investigation, I will ask to look at his nonprofit's books. I've done that before with people like Karen Dolan.

    But he certainly can be investigated. Black lives matter. There is such a thing as systemic racism and white privilege. I am getting better, but am guilty of it throughout my 69 years. But that's no reason to tolerate bullying and prejudice from someone who is black. When Batts used his megaphone to shout "F--- the Police," I lost what little respect I had for this two-time loser. Now this "reformed" drug dealer wants to destroy a few more black lives.

  21. Bernie, your 12:08 pm comment was spot on now there needs to be made a connection to local cartels. The Dominican connection with Moto seems to be a viable prospect filter through the church just another non profit profiting from the drug addicted to there wares peddled as promised neighborhoods. Shit this is the same thing as the indicted mayor now serving time in camp fed.

  22. 3.39
    The police are big boys and girls,so f the police should just roll off.
    The dude you cite is full of crap and a opportunist.
    So why would crowds chant f the police?.
    "This culture within FPD influences officer activities in all areas of policing, beyond just
    ticketing. Officers expect and demand compliance even when they lack legal authority. They
    are inclined to interpret the exercise of free-speech rights as unlawful disobedience, innocent
    movements as physical threats, indications of mental or physical illness as belligerence. Police
    supervisors and leadership do too little to ensure that officers act in accordance with law and
    policy, and rarely respond meaningfully to civilian complaints of officer misconduct. "
    " For example, in the summer of 2012, a
    32-year-old African-American man sat in his car cooling off after playing basketball in a
    Ferguson public park. An officer pulled up behind the man’s car, blocking him in, and
    demanded the man’s Social Security number and identification. Without any cause, the officer
    accused the man of being a pedophile, referring to the presence of children in the park, and
    ordered the man out of his car for a pat-down, although the officer had no reason to believe the
    man was armed. The officer also asked to search the man’s car. The man objected, citing his
    constitutional rights. In response, the officer arrested the man, reportedly at gunpoint, charging
    him with eight violations of Ferguson’s municipal code. One charge, Making a False
    Declaration, was for initially providing the short form of his first name (e.g., “Mike” instead of
    “Michael”), and an address which, although legitimate, was different from the one on his driver’s
    license. Another charge was for not wearing a seat belt, even though he was seated in a parked
    car. The officer also charged the man both with having an expired operator’s license, and with
    having no operator’s license in his possession. The man told us that, because of these charges,
    he lost his job as a contractor with the federal government that he had held for year"
    Somehow i thunk that guy would have a dim view of the folks in blue.
    So the question is whether any of the police in Allentown have the same attitudes?

  23. Amazing you cite an incident from 2012 in Ferguson to justify the action of an ex con.

  24. 6.24
    i said"The dude you cite is full of crap and a opportunist."
    his actions are deplorable.i have no use nor defend his actions.
    My point was to give an example of why someone would have a problem with police.
    the guy in the park is the example.
    quite recently another black guy(gee what are the odds)almost (it misfired) got tasered after he told the cops that he would not consent to having his car searched. later he was executed for jogging

  25. Maybe the good Dr was the one that supplied this Floyd guy with the small buggies of white substance thrown in the video as well as the fake twenty-dollar bill he was trying to pass. Seems the local churches on the run are backing this demon in our city, oximoron god and demon in the same denomonation.

  26. You’re the real low life Bernie. Another pathetic old white man trying to make Dr. Batts and other BLM activists look bad because the narrative is shifting away from the old racist institutions that have created the privilege white men like you have to spread such horrid rumors and accusations. Have you ever spoken to him or listened to any of his lectures? Dr. Batts is an asset to this community and has done more for it than you ever have and ever will. Hiding behind your pathetic little blog (as if blogs are really a thing anymore except for aging white boomers such as yourself to pompously pontificate your idiotic hatred through). Dr. Batts and his organization have been working tirelessly to provide services to the community, especially during the COVID-19 shutdown, LITERALLY out in the streets delivering diapers and food to Allentown’s most vulnerable. What the fuck have you done for your community? You’re just another scared, intimidated white racist who needs to attack anyone who dares make a dent in the status quo. Do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up. No one cares for your bigoted idiocy and small dick energy.

  27. I've spoken to him, listened to his spiel when he tried to get appointed mayor, have done research on his criminal past and have listened to one of his "lectures." He is a narcissist and a felon. I do not believe he has reformed bc he still displays thuggish behavior when things don't go his way. He is a phony. I'd like to see his financial records. Yeah, he has gang members giving out diapers. That's just wonderful. Geez. I'm not The Morning Call.

  28. "as if blogs are really a thing anymore except for aging white boomers such as yourself to pompously pontificate your idiotic hatred through"

    Who's the racist here, lol? By the by, blogs really are still a thing and I reach a lot of people, and speaking of pompous pontification, I do not quote myself or call myself Dr.


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