Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

What Unites Democrats and Republicans? Greed

A few breadcrumbs are going to be distributed to small businesses in Northampton County, once local lawmakers get their act together. It will be an opportunity for those who've been hit hard. It will also be an opportunity for those who are connected. It's hard to avoid being a cynic when you see who benefited from the PPP (paycheck protection program). It shows the one thing that unites Democrats and Republicans - greed.

A lost of beneficiaries was released by the Small Business Administration yesterday. Recipients include the family business of Transportation Sec'y Elaine Chou and Agriculture Sec'y Sonny Perdue, Nancy Pelosi's husband, private equity chains and members of Congress. In the meantime, citizens who've been thrown out of work by the pandemic deal with unresponsive state agencies and wait for weeks to collect, if at all.

I am attempting to review the list to determine who benefited locally. If you can do so, please share in the comments.


  1. You can search here https://www.datawrapper.de/_/dfcPC/

  2. Before trashing local businesses that utilized PPP, it's important to bear in mind that it was reasonable for just about every small business to assume their viability would be negatively affected by the pandemic. The program allowed lots of businesses to keep payrolls at or close to pre-Covid levels and, in that regard, was a success. There's also still money available in the second round funding pool, so it's misleading to imply there were winners and losers with some businesses missing out. Local banks did a great job helping their customers through the program. The real tragedy was very small businesses that had banking relationship with the biggest national banks. They struggled to get applications through portal and timely processed. One more reason to not do business with organizations like Bank of America or Wells Fargo.

  3. When did we stop with the separation of church and state? When will churches and other religious institutions start paying property and donation taxes? The money grab is sickening to say the least!

  4. The best two recipients are the small government Ayn Rand Institute and Grover Norquist Group. Although, in their defense, a good monetarist rightly pursuing selfish interests should take every dime a silly government is willing to shed until said silly government comes to its senses. This is based upon an understanding that the money being bestowed by government was already confiscated from you via taxation, and/or will be, to pay for the new debt.

  5. -We should follow their medical directives, wear a mask it's polite, they care about us-

    Now you know why it's so important you wear a mask and believe in their fake virus... to justify their theft.

    You only need to scrub your hands and wear a mask if you've been in contact with a politician or near their machinery.

  6. No real surprises here..we knew the well connected would drink from the well as they pleased before anyone else tasted a drop! A pox on both their houses. This two party thing is killing us but how to derail it is the answer we need.

  7. Anon 121pm has it nailed. We need a 3rd party (at least). The current system has collapsed in a pool of ineptitude and vice.

  8. It's always gratifying to read here how all you old farts have the world totally figured out.

  9. The reason there is corruption is the voters keep asking for more free stuff, the politicians makes sure they get their cut of the free stuff. Get the government out of most of these things, cut the amount of money they have to suck off. That is the real solution, but the citizens are as corrupt as the politicians, believing they are entitled to other peoples money. How dies it go, "we get the government we deserve".

  10. And you, @4:30, sit back and do nothing but complain and offer nothing! Sitting in your rent-free basement jerking off to MILF'S of an older generation.

  11. Voters tend to be "against corruption" only when it can be used as ammo against someone they already oppose. And they tend to vote for candidates who run lots of ads, never wondering what compromises were made to obtain those political donations.

    Some poor bastard who runs on very little money doesn't have much of a chance. We somewhat get what we deserve.

  12. Bernie, funny how you censor so many comments that go against your narrative, yet you allow a totally worthless and obscene comment like anon 6;17. You are a real class act. That is the state of your credibility

  13. I pretty much just censor you, cupcake. That's what happens when you try to hihack a blog.

  14. Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said her husband, Paul Pelosi, is “a minor, passive investor in this company. He was not involved in or even aware of this PPP loan.


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