Local Government TV

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Two Wolves

A group of anti-maskers rallied in Harrisburg yesterday to complain about how Governor Tom Wolf's edicts have threatened their freedoms. I'd agree that his restrictions on bars and restaurants are driven more by fear than data, but objections to a mask requirement are a bit over the top. It's a slight inconvenience but the science clearly proves they are effective in stopping droplets. This is the main way Covid-19 is spread. Here's my question. If these anti-maskers are so concerned about  limitations on their personal freedom, why aren't they equally outraged at Trump's use of federal law enforcement in Portland, and his threat to do so in other cities. He's basically trampling the Bill of Rights.

I have no objection to the use of federal law enforcement to protect federal building and monuments. But the use of militarized Border Patrol agents to club and tear as protesters and yank them off streets and into unmarked vehicles blocks away from these federal assets is alarming.

In my mind, what matters is precisely where protesters are being yanked off streets. If it is within a block or two of the federal courthouse, it is completely understandable to protect federal assets. The lack of identification and militarization is absurd. Also, even if close to a federal asset, it is illegal to arrest someone without probable cause. 

I speak with some personal knowledge of what can happen. As a student at Georgetown University during the Nixon regime, I was arrested while on my way to class and ended up spending some time at a stadium before being released with no charges. I was nowhere near any of the demonstrations, which I have always tended to avoid. I have always hated mobs.

The man behind this now, of course, is Donald Trump. But his chief minion happens to be another Wolf (Chad Wolf). He heads Homeland Security without confirmation, in violation of the Constitution.


  1. Is it OK to oppose both? Masks are useless and federal troops in those cities are very bad - except when protecting federal properties.

    I've seen three doctors in two weeks. One is a world renowned surgeon. All said masks might be effective for seasonal flu but not for CoViD. The surgeon said N95s aren't even effective. Like all political decisions, masks have been focus-grouped and come up positive with most voters. The reasons why are unimportant. Perception is reality. It's why Trump's handlers have pivoted on his mask wearing. Masks are stupid. Federal troops undercover in cities is a dangerous development.

  2. so Trump pisses on the constitution and all the so called Republicans say nothing, but they think they don't have to wear masks. I say let them not wear masks and Darwin will prevail

  3. 732 post must be referencing Vets as most MD’s support wearing masks. Oh well, the tRumpsters are now delighted that the Gestapo troops are moving forward as the Putin Playbook is marching on.

  4. What Trump is doing is dangerous, and calls into question the security of our election system.

    He is matching strategy with several determined mayors and governors who are totally on to him. I also suspect that concerned attorneys will organize in each affected city.

    I think our "very stable genius" is going to be very embarrassed.

  5. Can anyone who is critical of masks and help in cities with violence offer suggestions on their thoughts for containment of these two issues? Would any of us want to live in a city where you can't go out at night and sleep hearing what sounds like bombs going off all night? Easy to pass judgement on assistance when it's not outside your door every night. I know as a loved one is living in the middle of it for months fearful for the safety of family.

  6. Average, middle class Americans of ALL races, colors, and religions, have watched, since the beginning of the Clinton Monarchy, what Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan described as "defining deviancy down". The liberal, progressive movement, now championing the white trash anarchists destroying the foundations of the greatest nation in history, are slowly, but surely, awakening the silent majority. The highest visible symbol of the smelly Walmart shoppers, those who cling to their guns and bibles, is President Trump. The six-headed serpent is Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, AOC, and Ilhan Omar. The sleeping giant is now awake in Portland. Soon will stir in Chicago, Albuquerque, Minneapolis,New York City, and other cesspools of poor government. And it won't be pretty. But it is necessary. And long overdue.

  7. 8:15, if only we could limit the effects of their carelessness to them.

  8. "most MD’s (sic) support wearing masks."

    Perhaps. My GP and eye doctor don't. I've seen both in the last two weeks. My dentist wears one, but dentists have worn masks since AIDS in the early 80s. Even Faucci said they were largely symbolic at this point. The science is certainly not settled and I'm a strong believer in pro-choice regarding one's body. My decision to not wear one is between my doctor and me. Kindly get the hell out of my examining room and mind your own business.

    1. Kindly get the fuck out of my grocery store, asshole.

  9. The USBP is the armed and uniformed federal police that secure the borders of the United States by detecting and preventing illegal aliens, terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States, and prevent illegal trafficking of people and contraband. Another of your left leaning nontruths. USBP are not military

  10. This falls under home rule and if local municipalities are derelict in keeping public safety the feds should be walking past the lineless borders within the USA to step in and take control......
    Once buildings are destroyed local municipalities expect feds to pick up the tab as there insurers? Home rule is out the window because local law maker are allowing these atrosities to move forward.

  11. Refusing to wear a mask, because its uncomfortable, too hot, makes it hard to breath or worse because of your political beliefs makes you a World Class Pussy, not to mention Selfish Douche Bag.

    STFU - Put your mask on, go into the store, get what you need and get out and stop your ghey ass whining about "Your Freedom". Go home, sit on the couch and wait 6 more months until a vaccine is available.

  12. Not sure what Trump is expecting with these "Federals" going into cities. If Obama or a President Hillary did this I GUARANTEE you there would be armed GI Joe cosplay kidz celebrating their chance to begin their long awaited Boogaloo.

    My guess is he sees it as a win-win situation. They'll go in and the "violent protests" will stop and he does a victory lap over his triumphant Law & Order achievement or it exacerbates the situations and gives him lots of video footage to show rural America that our cities are filled with anarchists who won't be satisfied until a Socialist Utopia is established and 100's of dimwitted message board jockeys will agree with him.

    His only agenda at this point is continuous chaos and distraction.

  13. apples and oranges

    Mask should be compared to mask.

    If a paper or makeshift mask helps, then a full on gas mask would be better, and a SCUBA set up would be even better still.

    Why are we not being told that a SCUBA set-up is better than folded handkerchief?

    When Rep. Matt Gaetz wore a gas mask on House floor he was accused of mocking the mask recommendation when in fact wearing a gas mask is more effective, because they provided many times more protection than a folded bandanna, coffee filter, or paper mask.

    Why would a mask that works better be seen as to much protection or mocking?

    Why is the government not manufacturing and distributing gas masks to everyone like they are manufacturing ventilators for hospitals?

    You might argue a less effective mask is better than nothing, but that still leaves gas mask and scuba gear a better option if you can acquire one and we are not being told that or helped in any way to acquire the most effective masks, why?

    "...the use of militarized Border Patrol agents to club and tear as protesters and yank them off streets and into unmarked vehicles blocks away from these federal assets is alarming."
    So you have issues with Bush's Patriot Act and Obama's NDAA in an administration you disagree with, it's about time.

    The only comparison between the two issues you have conflated is that the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and mandatory mask wearing, were all implemented because the government cares about you and wants to protect you, so here we are left with the results of their cuddling.

  14. i have one simple question for you idiots out there..this includes you MASTER idiot o'hare... If a fart can go thru underwear and jeans and cushions..then what the fuck good is a mask going to do...i will take my chances and i cannot be forced to wear a mask!!!!!

  15. My doc told me to wear a mask. Granted, he's not famous or renowned, but I trust him and the scientific basis he relied on to tell me to do so.

    Trump is a lawless criminal, and any decent republican who hasn't already defected should realize that Democracy is at stake, not to mention truth and human decency and whatever is left of the middle class, and denounce trump for the corrupt idiot thug he is before it's too late.

  16. The problem is not Trump. And all Republicans have not left the party they are just being graciously quiet during this insanity. The people of this country are destroying their own country. Did you see what happened in Portland last night with an ex veteran carrying the American flag who has had to live night after night in the warzone? That's what should be discussed.

  17. I'm getting tired of seeing the assholes out and about in stores and gathering without masks. Not because they have a respiratory problem, but because the "government can't impose on my freedom."
    Selfish fucks who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.
    What should have been done from the beginning is to treat the situation like the seatbelt law. Wear a mask or get fined. The only way out of it is a doctor's note and the issuance of an exemption card.
    Nobody expects masks to end the pandemic. The point is to slow the infection rate so that hospitals aren't overwhelmed until a vaccine is developed.
    While the death rate is a relatively low percentage, consider what it would have been 100 years ago without our advanced understanding of viruses, respirators, and ventilators, which have saved thousands of lives during this current pandemic.

  18. On October 24, 1787, James Madison wrote to Thomas Jefferson and expressed his fears, “in which the government is the mere instrument of the majority…” and added that, “ Wherever there is an interest and power to do wrong, wrong will generally be done, and not less readily by a powerful and interested party than by a powerful and interested prince.”
    Donald Trump brought vitality to Mr. Madison’s words by his recent actions when he invaded Portland, Oregon, and Washington D. C.
    I would respectfully submit that Mr. Trump has converted the Trump Administration, and the Republican Party, into the Trump Regime with the aid and acquiescence of the Republican members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, as well as Republican Governors, Republican state legislatures, and local officials.
    They have deliberately and willingly actively violated our Constitution, particularly at Article IV Section 4, Article VI the oath clause, the republican guarantee clause, the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure clause, the Tenth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment, the due process clause, at the very least, and I am sure several state crimes including kidnaping, assault, criminal trespass, and reckless wanton disregard and endangerment for life, among others.
    I particularly draw your attention to Article IV Section 4, which states in its entirety:
    "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (my emphasis) (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence."
    A similar action took place when, with the aid and assistance of federal actors, Mr. Trump trespassed onto the grounds of St. John’s Church in Washington. This violated Article I, Section 8 the last paragraph vesting the power of Congress with “…exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever…”
    There were no requests from any official in Oregon or Washington D.C. or Congress.
    The fact that Mr. Trump holds the office of President in our Constitutional Republic, does not entitle him to go anywhere he wants, whenever he wants; order federal actors to aid and abet his unlawful actions of invasion at his pleasure; and moreover, manifests a reckless disregard and endangerment of citizens and the federal actors, such as Secret Service, U.S. Marshals, or any other protective federal agency by needlessly exposing them to physical harm or the Coronavirus.
    It has been my experience of more than 45 years of medical/legal trial experience that those bad actors who beat and unlawfully detain protestors, according to the US Supreme Court, are subject to litigation individually and in their own persons for money damages by the civil authorities for damages to state government property, private personal property and the protestors who suffered harm and injury. While Mr. Trump may enjoy immunity those subordinate bad actors, including all subordinate government officials below Mr. Trump, do not enjoy such legal protection, and I don't believe they know it. In any event, the Statute of limitations for all of them expires on November 3, 2020.
    Tens of thousands of us are dying from a virus that has our country firmly in its grip and made us international pariahs; so if the Trump Regime Republicans want to get actively aggressive in the states, then he and his sycophants and toadies should stop lying to themselves and the American people about how well we are doing, and how we have a plentiful supply of protective gear, and get to work on stopping the spread of the virus. It is not as Mr. Trump says, “going to disappear”.

    Respectfully Submitted
    Karl V. Fluck, III
    Bethlehem, Pa.

  19. 100% of convicted mask-wearing bank robbers conclude that a mask is NOT effective in stopping capture, conviction, and detention in any red,yellow, or green Covid-19 area bank.

  20. Masks don't work. Faucci said so. You calling Faucci a liar? Yeah. He's been wrong on nearly everything from the beginning. But hey, let's wear masks until they tell us not to wear masks again. We are the world. We are the children. You've been focus group tested and you're getting what you want - for now. Fickle world. But capitalism and politics have always been a solid marriage thanks to your loyal support of whatever they tell you.

  21. Sometimes a post reveals one may be very well educated and just plain stupid at the same time.Just sayin.

  22. @6:15 very well written and referenced. Black lives matter, antifa and other Marxist organizations are certainly in agreement with you. Keep the Faith Komrad.

  23. Bernie, I was wondering if Dr Levine the dunking clown at Bloomsburg fair was wearing a mask while being dunked in the drink tank? This picture should be published in national style magazine with the printing on the mask saying i cant breathe.

  24. Latest Wolfe clarification now says if you got to a restaurant and have a drink and finish your dinner and would like another drink....like an after dinner drink....now you can't!!! No alcohol once dinner is over. This continues to hurt the restaurant business. In addition it's another power move by wait. A liberal. Imagine that


  25. "i have one simple question for you idiots out there..this includes you MASTER idiot o'hare... If a fart can go thru underwear and jeans and cushions..then what the fuck good is a mask going to do...i will take my chances and i cannot be forced to wear a mask!!!!!"

    Then stay home. Otherwise, I hope you get charged. Judges know how to handle the defiant ones, believe me.

  26. Hey Fluck. Trump and any president has not just the right, but the obligation to defend FEDERAL property in any state. You know that. Yet you use an assinine term like "invasion." The mob in Portland was, and is still ready to burn down the federal couthouse there. That is federal property that all taxpayers in the US paid for. The anarchist mob has already defaced the building with graffiti. Their goal is to torch it. And the weak ass left-wing mayor there will not intervene with local law enforcement. So federal authorities must go in. But you side with violent left-wing anarchists. Aren't you special.

  27. I will not post a comment attacking another commenter unless the attacker identifies himself.

  28. Let Portland burn.

  29. 8:55, Trump's certainly lighting the match. Enjoy the spectacle.

  30. As I understand it, Gov. Wolf's latest restrictions are based on (1) most of the recent rise in cases being among younger people and (2) younger people are congregating in bars and restaurant.

    Makes sense to me. If masks and social distancing were sufficient, we wouldn't be seeing increases in those age groups.

  31. Faucci had his mask pulled down while sitting durectly next to other fans, last night in DC. Its consistent with his statement that masks are largely symbolic. I hear what they say. I'm better instructed by what they do. Masks don't work. And I'm someone who actually thought they did.

  32. Faucci had his mask pulled down for like two minutes to re hydrate himself from a water bottle. He was sitting next to his wife and a close worker who did have his mask on and is tested regularly as he. Every seat around them was empty. It's another one of those meritless gotcha moments critics like yourself live for.

  33. I'm with Fauci. Wear a mask until he tells you they're useless again. His record indicates he will. The most important thing we can do as American citizens is strictly agree with and obey our rulers. Cowards disagree and disobey, right Gov. Wolf? A little disobedience would have saved thousands of elderly lives from Wolf's execution orders. At least he drives a Jeep. That makes it OK.


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