Local Government TV

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Trump: Worst President This Country Has Ever Had (Part 3)

Trump ally Roger Stone was sentenced to begin a 40-month prison sentence on July 14 after being convicted by a jury of seven counts of obstruction, witness tampering and making false statements to Congress. He has appealed the guilty verdict, but has exhausted all excuses under which he could delay his reporting date. But President Donald Trump, in yet another abuse of his office, is springing the crook.

So much for "law and order."

Noah Bookbinder, himself a former federal prosecutor who now is the Executive Director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), has released this statement:

“Roger Stone is appropriately a convicted felon and belongs in prison. This is one more example of President Trump at his most corrupt and another attack on our democracy. The president whose administration had peaceful protesters for racial justice pepper sprayed in the name of ‘law and order’ has repeatedly stepped in to make sure his cronies don’t see the consequences of their actions. The message is clear: In Trump’s America, justice doesn’t apply to rich white men who help the president.”

Sen. Pat Toomey (R. Pa.) on commutation: "While I understand the frustration with the badly flawed Russia-collusion investigation, in my view, commuting Roger Stone’s sentence is a mistak. ... He was duly convicted of lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstruction a congressional investigation conducted by a Republican-led committee.”

Sen. Mitt Romney (R. Utah): “Unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president.”

Previous stories:

Trump: Worst President This Country Has Ever Had

Trump: Worst President This Country Has Ever Had (Part 2)

(Originally published 7/10/20 at 10:08 PM)


  1. Senator Susan Collins must be concerned, very concerned about this. She said Trump should have learned a lesson. The GOP has given Trump major oral favors for 3-1/2 years, and now they are all bent over forward and he's gonna give to them Bubba style. Like they deserve.

  2. Trump is simply fulfilling his part of the deal with Stone. "Remain silent and I'll pardon you."
    Trump no longer cares about trying to keep up appearances. He realizes he isn't going to be re-elected and will do as much damage as possible before he leaves office. The worst of it will come between November and the day Biden is sworn in.

  3. 4:14 Biden, are you kidding me?

  4. "Trumps day is coming, but the real sad news? We are left with the realization that his cult members are here...exposed.


    This was posted by VOR, but on the wrong story.

  5. Bernie- My only conclusion is that you have not been following the case too closely. I thought you were once a lawyer. I guess even those skills have left you. You are so blinded by your hate. So sad!

  6. Here's an idea. Instead of attacking me, make a case. If Stone is blameless, why did a jury convict? If so pure, why not argue his case on appeal? This is corruption, pure and simple, from our phony "law and order" president.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. How did Stone get here to START with?
    Why didn't Michael Flynn get his case dropped yet and HOW did he get to the START of his case?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Try again, but this time, without the irrelevant racist references.

  11. "How did Stone get here to START with?
    Why didn't Michael Flynn get his case dropped yet and HOW did he get to the START of his case?"

    If Trump's AG dropped the Flynn case, why not the Stone case? This is corruption, pure and simple. Trump is taking care of a crony.

    As WaPo observes,

    "There is no doubt about Mr. Stone’s guilt. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he tried to play intermediary between WikiLeaks, which had become a front for the Kremlin, and the Trump campaign, which reaped the benefits of WikiLeaks’s publication of stolen Democratic emails. A jury concluded that Mr. Stone obstructed Congress, lied to investigators and tampered with a witness in the investigations that followed the 2016 race — “covering up for the president,” as the judge in his case noted.

    Though Attorney General William P. Barr moved to reduce Mr. Stone’s sentencing recommendation after conviction, even he called the case against Mr. Stone a “righteous” prosecution."


  12. 9:10, Try again, but this time, try to actually address the point. I realize that being forced to address the actual topic makes your head hurt, but I am sick of the unthinking responses. I am not interested in tribalism.

  13. It's very difficult to have respect for Trump supporters when they tolerate this kind of crap. Corruption is corruption.

  14. Bernie, you have had an impressive morning versus the Trumpian nabobs. You and Mitt Romney have won the day and it’s only half gone.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Damn Right! Trump is so corrupt he would probably vacate your disbarment order, right?

  17. Even if you're a Trump supporter, admit it when he does something that's wrong. But that doesn't happen much.

  18. 12:36, In other words, you are incapable of defending Trump's corruption and have to resort to personal attacks. I see.

  19. @8:33,
    Like one former Trump voter said, "I'd vote for a tuna fish sandwich before I'd vote for Donald Trump again."
    If a tuna fish sandwich were on the ballot it would be a close race now that Trump is showing how unfit he is for office.

  20. You often resort to personal attacks yourself.

  21. Bernie, I see our current POTUS as PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW in comparison to his counterparts on the other side!

  22. "You often resort to personal attacks yourself."

    I do, especially to assholes like you who deserve it. Moreover, I ID myself while you are an anonymous coward. Cowardice appears to be another trait you share with Trump.

  23. Susan Rosenberg a current board member of BLM...was pardoned by Bill Clinton on his last day in office.

    Rosenberg was active in the far-left revolutionary terrorist "May 19th Communist Organization", which engaged in bombings of buildings and provided support to the Black Liberation Army.

    Where-as Rodger Stone is a clownish political buffoon with funny glasses.

    Trump may be in fact the worst president, but in light of previous presidential pardons suggesting Trump is so because of an executive grant of clemency for Stone is not convincing.

  24. "Bernie, I see our current POTUS as PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW in comparison to his counterparts on the other side"

    This is no defense of his own corruption. Get that through your head, and for the last time, I will reject tribal comments like yours. Learn to think, if you can.

  25. In my lifetime, I have seen corrupt presidents on both sides! But this tops anything in our history!
    Mafia like tendencies, plus power to pardon other corrupt politicians and criminal friends! Wake up America!

  26. Finally after 3 1/2 years, Toomey and Romney now on the same page. Along with the leadership and support of Govs. Cuomo, Murphy and Wolf, the election of Biden appears inevitable. Come November we can all follow the instructions given to students of the 50's during the air raid drills. Simply remain at your desk, put your head between your legs and kiss yerass goodbye.
    "Che Rules!"

  27. And bunker boy tweets this morning that his favorite person Golfed more than him and easily proved to be a bold faced lie!

  28. Trump commuted Stone's sentence in order to protect TRUMP from legal problems, specifically that he conspired to steal the election. It doesn't get any worse than that.

  29. I don't agree with the commutation, but I think Stone should have gotten a new trial in light of the jury foreman lying about her bias. Anti Trump posts all over social media really isn't what I would call a fair trial jury, and maybe that's why they convicted. Some of the comments the Judge made also concerns me. I also didn't agree with Clinton pardoning Mark Rich, and Obama commuted an unrepentant terrorists sentence in Oscar Lopez Riveria! Perhaps we need to revisit the power of presidents to pardon and commute sentences for people.

  30. Trump lost my vote. So now Pat Toomey is a RINO? This from a guy who was a New York liberal most of his entire adult life? ye 2020

  31. I wonder if the Chamber of Commerce is pouring millions into the Trump campaign like they did four years ago.

  32. Comments that engage in tribalism will not be published.

  33. This is indefensible. I can not understand how anyone can still support Trump. The corruption, the incompetency, the pure greed...he truly acts as if he's above the law.

    He is responsible for the deaths of over 130K (and counting) Americans, but please do carry on voting based on fear and bigotry.

  34. Strangely, and as bad as they are, this administration is miles above the last one in the ethics department. The Chicago team rewrote the book. The NYC team is a bunch of pikers in comparison.

  35. Unfortunately Bernie, tribes are going to tribe and see what they want to see on this issue - its either pure unadulterated corruption or Trump righting a wrong for a friend with little room for interpreting anything in between.

    Trump basically knows he can do no wrong in the eyes of his supporters and risked little Congressional Republican push back which seems to have played out that way. I am a little surprised by Toomey's mild "mistake" comment, but maybe because his reelection isn't imminent and he's seeing poll #'s, he's given himself a small fig leaf to appeal to moderates/independents in 2022.

    All anyone has to do is a cursory bit of research on Roger Stone - he knows where all of the Trump bodies are buried and cannot be controlled by Trump or relied upon to "Go down with the ship". Trump HAD to do this for his own self preservation purposes.

  36. Honest legal question - based on current trajectory here in mid-July, that Trump will lose in November.

    We know the State of New York will go after Trump. Does he try to fight it - risking a likely conviction/incarceration or go for an extended visit to a non extradition country, but loses a chance for a national broadcasting position he clearly wants?

    Do Biden/Democrats risk further political division and investigate any # of potential angles and go after Trump, Barr, Pompeo, and others?

  37. Fairly certain previous POTUSs commuted a lot more sentences.

  38. True, b but only Trump has done so ion matters where he himself has an interest. In fact, that's just about the only time he has commuted or pardoned. He is corrupt.

  39. "Equal justice under law".

    Yeah, right.



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