Local Government TV

Friday, July 31, 2020

Trump Floats Election Postponement

While three former U.S. Presidents helped lay civil rights icon John Lewis to rest on Thursday, the current one was playing on his phone again and suggested that November's election be delayed. He has so far failed to pick up any support from his own party for this latest exercise in fascism. In fact, at least one of his former supporters, conservative Steven G. Calabresi, hjas called this recent tweet "this latest tweet is fascistic and is itself grounds for the president’s immediate impeachment again by the House of Representatives and his removal from office by the Senate."

Calbresi has urged every Republican in Congress to make their opposition clear.
President Trump needs to be told by every Republican in Congress that he cannot postpone the federal election. Doing so would be illegal, unconstitutional and without precedent in American history. Anyone who says otherwise should never be elected to Congress again.


  1. All Trump cares about, 24/7, is his re-election. The obsession is what led to his impeachment. His plans are falling apart right before his eyes, and all he can do is say "people don't like me." No, we don't. We like leaders, and we don't like serial liars. People aren't falling for his bull shit "law and order" platform, or his ignoring what would make the pandemic go away faster - tracing, improved testing, wearing masks. He should been stressing and supporting these since early May. What a pathetic excuse for a president. He is going to get his ass kicked, which he has earned.

  2. I love this idea. Dems are running a racist dementia sufferer. This is unprecedented and must be stopped.

  3. Get real ! President Trump fully understands he cannot, and will not delay the November Election. The man is ‘trolling’ those who are working so hard to defeat him. That message, one that ended with several question marks, was intended to get a rise out of everyone causing them to focus on the importance of safeguarding this newer form of voting and counting. He’s right!

    Nationwide, with recent Primary Elections, particularly New York, and right here in Philadelphia, there are big cases of voting abuse. In New York, 20 percent of mailed-in ballots have been marked invalid. The results there are still not finalized after 5-6 weeks!

    This November Election will be extremely challenging to verify and certify. You might be convinced our own little region is prepared, but keeping control nationally is a completely different matter.

    12:09 - check yesterday’s news. New Republican Registrations in Pennsylvania are increasing 5 times more rapidly than any other party.

  4. This president can no longer control himself enough to even give an appearance of having respect for the Constitution. He will be the only president literally dragged from the oval office in January. Kicking, screaming, and crying as he claws at the rug with his little hands.

  5. The positive result of an election postponement may be a non politicization of the virus problem and a moratorium on rioting. While we have had absentee ballots for years, to accommodate the military, the sick or others who may not be home for the election, We have never allowed our ballots to be placed in the hands of multiple people between the voter and the actual counting.

    Placing ballots in jeopardy with mail in balloting is placing a lot of trust in those hands. With the political climate in the country, can you or anyone else guarantee that there will not be large scale tampering with ballots.

    We should all be interested the security of our votes. While the democrats believe mail-in voting will be to their advantage any fraud or tampering will be a crisis for the country.

  6. at 12:09AM Does you mother know you're up this late? Take a chill pill and get back under your bed. Marxism hasn't worked anywhere.

  7. 6:13, Incorrect. He may claim to just be trying to get a rise, but has made a habit of ignoring the law and Constitution. It is the moist anti-Democratic thing I've ever heard from a US President, and just MORE proof he is the worst ever. I hope my GOP friends are waking up. People like you are obviously mindless, but they are mostly reasonable people and cannot be anything but embarrassed by this disgrace to the office.

  8. I have concerns about ballot harvesting, but here in Pa, the circumstances have to be just right for that to happen. I disagree with those who say it is impossible. Wrong, it can and I think it did happen already, but I am sure it was limited to one precinct. What makes it really scary is that it is nearly impossible to prove. But it would be difficult to pull off in a widespread manner. Maybe one precinct in a local race. There are too many safeguards to keep this illegal practice at a minimum.

  9. "We have never allowed our ballots to be placed in the hands of multiple people between the voter and the actual counting."

    Except where there is ballot harvesting, the ballot is not in the hands of multiple people. Elections officials, postman and voter. That is it.

  10. We have all fallen for another Trumpism

    Trump owns the news cycle. Yesterday the news should have been the disastrous economy followed by John Lewis’ funeral. Instead Trump throws a tweet that gets every reporter upset and their panties all bunched up. The man is a genius in diversion and a stupid press fell for it again, The Trump tweet came sixteen minutes after poor economic performance was reported by the Commerce department. Worse quarter in US history. That should have been the lead story, not this crap.

  11. Provide a couple reasons why (mostly) in-person voting cannot work. Is it because masks and social distancing doesn’t really work? I see no difference between showing-up at the polling place and showing-up at Walmart. We really are not ready to handle this change. But, it’s probably too late to do anything about it. You could be correct, Northampton County might be fully prepared, but what about a nationwide Presidential Election?

    Oh, about Trump ignoring the law and the Constitution. How and when? Giving opinions doesn’t count.

  12. Trump is a Fraud! Over 150,000 American lives have been lost by his lies and denials. Not a single person in his so called administration has the skill sets to guide us through this worldwide pandemic. We need a change and fast!

  13. Genius? Only an idiot would trade attention on poor economic numbers for a focus on a president wanting to remain in power by ignoring the Constitution.
    He continues to prove himself unfit for office and why the majority of Americans don't trust him.

  14. In New York, 20 percent of mailed-in ballots have been marked invalid.
    That's a good thing. By disallowing fraudulent votes to be counted. it means the system is working.

    It's transparent why Trump hates mail-in voting. What he and others would like to do is to limit the number of polls in minority areas. Making them stand in line till they get frustrated and leave. Mail-in eliminates that problem. In other words he wants a rigged election. In other words an attempt at voter suppression in areas not favorable to him.

    Trump throws a tweet that gets every reporter
    He also notified reporters unexpectedly one hour he's be with the with family of the Fort Hood shooter at the exact tie Obama was expected to address the John Lewis church service. Prior to that there was nothing scheduled for the press pool. The White House says it was planned for weeks. If so why then why wasn't the press notified?

    1. So you are saying we are too lazy to stand in line for democracy?

  15. “We have never allowed our ballots to be placed in the hands of multiple people between the voter and the actual counting.”

    So all those absentee ballots my wife and I mailed in from around the U.S. and other parts of the world while in the military were teleported from our hands to the people counting them?

  16. Oh was there a funeral yesterday??.. I thought that was a political rally. Really!?!? You push politics at a funeral. Obama has no class, he never knew how t act, bow, curtsie, kneel when in the spotlight and still doesn’t. Worst president ever- Divider in Chief

  17. Once again his methods got us all talking about the real concern for this election. Fraud. He's smart and you all have fallen for it. And by the way impeachment started before he was even president. At least we are now talking about the issue.

  18. Perhaps he was signaling two can play at the mail in voter fraud game?

  19. First the government neglects the virus and then it closes polling places. So no, I don't want to stand in line for a couple of hours.

    It amazes me the depths to which Trump will sink. I'm glad to see that finally he's losing even more support.

  20. "Oh, about Trump ignoring the law and the Constitution. How and when? Giving opinions doesn’t count."

    You're joking right?? There are so many but how about this beauty...his foundation was shut down because it was a scam for personal gain. Or how about this one....Trump University pays out for fraud?

  21. So, LVCI, in the New York example, you see positive? That 20% of all votes submitted were fraudulent, caught or missed, can never be seen as satisfactory. That’s like being satisfied 4 out of 5 charges to your credit card are valid. No, that means more protection of your money is needed.

    Skip the racism bullshit, please.

  22. So you are saying we are too lazy to stand in line for democracy?
    Believe it or not some people have to work for a living. Many 12 hours a day. Still others on-call.

    1. I have done both most of my life as a nurse. I voted

  23. During primary season, I received quite a few calls and texts telling me that mail-in voting was an option. Whenever I responded with “I’m going to my polling place,” the person (whether on the phone or in a text) continues to push the mail-in option. With the general election looming, I am getting the calls and texts again. I’m a registered Democrat and it seems the party is making a push for the use of mail-in ballots. Republican friends (super voters) aren’t getting these calls. I’d like to think that it is above board, but I’m beginning to have my doubts.

  24. Trump keeps the Demo's running in circles. If he says the sky was blue today, they would find somthing wrong with his statement and run with it. I disagree with mail in voting. If you are out of your voting district or disabled, ok with mail in voting. However, if you are too lazy to go to your voting place, you don't deserve to vote.

  25. So you are saying we are too lazy to stand in line for democracy?

    As you are too brainwashed to stand against tyranny.

  26. There was a stack of blank mail in ballots laying on the first floor of the building I live in and it seems to be a Democrat run city? Someone obviously made copies and put the there and I wish I would have taken a picture of the stack of documents.

  27. What does it say about you when a person with a different point if view has to be labeled brainwashed? There is the problem right now. We should be able to have intelligent conversation without bashing the other or labeling as brainwashed. But that's what's happening. If you don't agree you're an idiot..... people can't say how they feel because they are immediately attacked if they have different beliefs. Unless of course you are a democrat

  28. Trump is right again the cheating and fraud in this election is going to be the all time worse

  29. Can't stand La Grande Orange. But he's got you discussing this and not that. It's like he's training seals. He wins again. Can we get back to the virus? Not while we're discussing this and not that.

  30. He saw the poll numbers!
    If anyone thinks it’s about safety or fraud, they need to get their eyes and ears checked! He has moved on from the virus, it will disappear!
    The USA people have voted during the Depression, during both World Wars and times of civil unrest!
    Nice try! It’s a GO for Voting to send him back to Florida or Jail!

  31. Seek out the WRDW-TV Special Report on mail-in voting. An experiment was conducted recently in Philadelphia. Final summary is not good.

  32. 11:53 call it like it looks

  33. 11:53 Look up the meaning of Tyranny Your way off base

  34. My perspective is not molded by the political party I am registered with ... Nor by the political party that is in the majority in Carbon County ... In deciding on an issue I want to know all viewpoints to see where there is consensus on certain issues and also see where there are differences ,, I do this to get to the Truth....So, I read in FACEBOOK that President Trump was criticized for not attending the Funeral of John Lewis ... But I know he would have been criticized if he had attended the Funeral from the same ones that criticized him for not going ... Indeed in honoring John Lewis to get the whole story one had to remember Lewis's past efforts and what good they dis in creating a more perfect Union.. And indeed this would lead to certain discussions on what Lewis did feel on the current issues .. And that is OK ... But as some have mentioned some of these comments were made to be political ... Naturally given the fact that Lewis was a Democrat some political comments were expected ... But some might have been blatantly political to counter some statements made in a non-funeral settings by opponents... I ask would these comments been made if Trump was present ... Perhaps yes ... Would these comments been made to egg on the President to make a spur of the moment statement in anger or frustration at an inappropriate time or place to shock his base and independent thinkers ... Perhaps yes ... That being the political atmosphere of the nation during this crazy season of the current political campaign and in the crazy season of our continued madness from our Covid 19 experience ...

  35. Poll numbers are ambiguous. . “ Most Trump support will not report “ So - if gun sales is related to the voting issue during riots , I say , 40% of the firearms sales were to 1st. Time house hounds that probably voted in the past to “get my gun” away from me . The FBI reporting 6.7 gun background checked from May1 - June 30 . From what I gather sales were up 35% and 40% were new firearms households. I’m seeing them at our range, I say if this somehow relates to voting, Polls are off . Right now as I report here , Ammo is in short supply. Do your own annalists . — so I assist them on safety first ,than marksmanship. Usually woman are better than men in shooting early. The ladies are really fantastic.

  36. I fully agree with Anon 6:13 . This president does stuff to get Dems attention and give them something to do. They fall for it.

  37. But what Trump says to get attention only alienates 60-70 per cent of the electorate. That's not exactly outsmarting the opposition. And now a majority of voters say they won't even consider voting for him. Yes, very s-m-o-o-o-o-o-o-t-h.

  38. 6.12
    Or folks are getting guns to deal with trumpkins when they try to contest the election with guns.

  39. It’s like this . . . .

    We are not adequately prepared for this kind of national election. All at a time when tensions are so high.

    When it does happen, we will have a new and different crisis trying to sort everything out.

  40. 7:26,
    He apparently got the Rs attention. McConnell is telling his fellow Rs up for re-election to distance themselves from Trump to save their campaigns. Even McConnell and Graham are finally seeing that Trump has lost his mind.

  41. Sorry, 12:25. Both McConnell and Graham are under the spell of Chinese funding. Graham also involved with the same Ukraine regime that worked with Biden. Political secrets abound and Trump in office frightens career politicians over discovery. Read-up!

    Despite what you hear, Trump’s approval statistics are strong. His performance has resulted in a rapid growth of new Republican Voter Registrations across Pennsylvania. No doubt, still strong with Independents like myself.

  42. Biden lawn signs stolen in Palmer Township..three in all and one from the lawn of an 80 year old Korean War veteran. Cowardly bastards! Trumpism cult is just plain criminal!

    1. Been happening for years with both parties. Not good however stealing a sign...versus physical attacks and threatening livelihood and business if you hang a trump sign or wear a trump hat. So that's ok ???

  43. ". Both McConnell and Graham are under the spell of Chinese funding"


    "Trump keeps the Demo's running in circles. If he says the sky was blue today, they would find somthing wrong with his statement and run with it."

    He didn't say the sky was blue. He threatend our democracy.

  44. Bernie, both left and right are thieves and cut throats in fancy linens! The truth of the matter is just which side sells the American public down the river into slavery for supposed debt accumulated by certain generations that only care about themselves?
    Sad sad state of affairs that America the greatest nation in the world has fallen into a 3rd world and spiraling even lower because of dislike for current office holder. He will soon be out of office in 2028 so hopefully those still rolling on the floors jizz frothing from there mouths have gotten back to there feet by than!

  45. “ our folks are getting guns to deal with Trumpkins. — bullshit - Pay attention now - anybody that makes that statement cannot understand ,that 6.7 Million people had reviews by the FBI. In 60 days. 40 % of those were households never had a firearm before in it. Their watching Antifa and BLM . So — I will refrain from adjitives now. Listen to me - any new firearms owner that thinks he’s going to go after anybody that has experience would be out gunned . Don’t be stupid. There is a difference between ignorance and stupid. My issue is ,is there’re a relationship between new gun owners based on 40% of 6.7 million in 60 days and how they will vote? I’m not a expert in anything except I have proven that I could hit a human size targe at 600 yds with no optics for years,numerous times. Don’t be stupid. Be civil.

  46. 624
    "Pay attention now"
    odd how you had 5.7 million checks in nov-dec 2015.
    BLM was not an issue.
    Antifa--kindly name the major leaders of that group that has white supremacists soiling their depends?
    So the number of checks has no direct correlation to the current protests.
    most apt is 60 percent as gun folks are looking to make their arsenal larger--good for them.
    I have all the guns i need
    Glad your accomplishments in life is hitting targets at 600 yds.
    I prefer the rule of law over the rule of the gun.

  47. I’d just like to say, if you are an average American who generally watches one favorite daily news program, or reads just their usual morning news paper, you’ve got a lot of catching-up to do. About all any of us can do is “parrot” what some reporter tells us. That’s no longer good enough!

    Our nation is in crisis, big time. Please, get fully informed from a wide variety of sources. Places you’ve never gone, etc. Only then, might you understand what we are facing.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.