Local Government TV

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Masks Now Mandatory

Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine signed an order yesterday making it mandatory to wear masks in public (order here). Contrary to what some people may think, she does have this authority under the Disease Prevention and Control Act. Although Governor Tom Wolf said " masks must be worn whenever anyone leaves home," that's an exaggeration of what the Order actually says.

Here's when masks must be worn:

1) If you are outdoors and are unable to consistently maintain a distance of six feet from people who belong to another household.

2) In any indoor location in which the public is permitted.

3) waiting for or riding in public transportation or a taxi service.

4) When interacting with the public at work or preparing food.

5) When getting healthcare services.

So if you are walking outside, there is no reason for a mask unless you are uin an area where constant social contact is unavoidable.

There are exceptions:

1) Unable to wear a mask for health reasons, including mental health. This should include those who are philosophically opposed to masks.

2) Unable to communicate with someone who is hearing-impaired.

3) Under two years of age.

4) Unable to remove a mask without assistance.

If you think you meet one of these exceptions, all you have to do is say so. It is unnecessary to provide proof.

I prefer being asked as opposed to being told what to do. Having said that, I consider mandatory masks a minor inconvenience that makes others feel a little safer. It's a courtesy, much like holding the door open for someone. It's certainly no lockdown. Moreover, when I wear a mask, I touch my face less often and tend to be more conscious of hand washing and keeping others distant. B

I understand that, as Americans, we tend to be individualistic and resent authority. But look at the bright side. When I wear a mask, you don't see my ugly puss.


  1. Question:

    Does this mean restaurants and bars may not serve food or drink indoors?

  2. Another exception - the President of the United States is free to make an ass out of himself by not wearing a mask, setting a poor example for millions of his followers and leading to widespread non-compliance and an inability to ever get ahead of the virus.

  3. Philosophically Opposed?LOL Wear the damn mask you snowflakes!!

  4. What is the penalty for no masks and who is going to enforce this. I hope not the ABUSIVE POLICE WHO WILL LIKELY TARGET MINORITY CITIZENS.

  5. I am crazy!! not mask for me woooooo!!! yeah wooooooo!!!

  6. What our authoritarian, elitist leaders do is far more instructive than what they say amid this politically charged atmosphere. Wolf SAID mass gatherings were dangerous. What Wolf DID was run out and attend one, with no apologies. Levine SAID masks work. What Levine DID, was not leave mom in her LTCF with a mask on. Levine DID move her mom out, with no apologies. The best part was when Levine said mom was capable of making her own health decisions, while imposing ridiculous, deadly edicts on the rest of us, who are apparently not as capable as a 90-something year old who wasn't wise enough to raise more than the blithering moron she did.
    "Ex-puh-den-tial." Good grief.

  7. " masks must be worn whenever anyone leaves home. "

    She fails to address this, so I would go by the June 17 guidance that permits removal of masks while seated. https://www.governor.pa.gov/covid-19/restaurant-industry-guidance/

  8. "Philosophically Opposed?LOL Wear the damn mask you snowflakes!!"

    Her order specifically states that a person who claims to have a mental health issue can refuse to wear a mask and need show no documentation. Based on how virile this disease is, I'd conclude that a person who refuses to wear a mask within 6' of others is necessarily mentally ill.

    This does not mean a business must admit patrons who refuse to wear masks. They can refuse. They are private businesses and have rights, too.

  9. "What is the penalty for no masks and who is going to enforce this. I hope not the ABUSIVE POLICE WHO WILL LIKELY TARGET MINORITY CITIZENS."

    Technically, it's a summary offense. But the order is written in a way that, on its face, makes it unenforceable.

  10. So, in effect, it is a strong suggestion or recommendation.

  11. Yews. Since the order specifically states there is no need to provide documentation that you have an exception, it is unenforceable. But a business can always deny entry to a person who refuses to wear a mask. If you insist on entering, you could be validly cited for defiant trespass. In most instances, that is a summary. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=18&div=0&chpt=35&sctn=3&subsctn=0

  12. Wearing a mask is not political statement nor whether someone has certain rights. Rather it's an IQ test.

  13. LOL, bingo. It is a pain in the ass. So is putting on clothing. I'd love to walk around nude, except I always wear shoes.

  14. Oh, so now "philosophy" should be considered to be a disability? That's nonsense. Either wear a mask or stay away from people.

  15. The sheeple will follow the dummied down leaders off the cliff into the gate of HELL!
    Glad I have an illness that prevents me from breathing with a covering over mouth and nose.

  16. BOH: "LOL, bingo. It is a pain in the ass. So is putting on clothing. I'd love to walk around nude, except I always wear shoes."

    Bern: I can say on good authority that nobody wants to see you naked, and that includes your doctor and your girlfriend(s). I don't even like thinking of the visual. Yikes!

  17. @8:17
    Wearing a mask is not political statement nor whether someone has certain rights. Rather it's an IQ test.

    That is absolutely the best comment I have read anywhere about the whole mask debate! I’m going to steal that line if you don’t mind.

  18. If you think those who are considerate of other people's health as "sheeple" then you have an illness beyond the one you claim.

  19. "Bern: I can say on good authority that nobody wants to see you naked, and that includes your doctor and your girlfriend(s). I don't even like thinking of the visual. Yikes!"

    How about if I put on a mask?

  20. Blogger Bernie O'Hare said...
    LOL, bingo. It is a pain in the ass. So is putting on clothing. I'd love to walk around nude, except I always wear shoes.

    July 2, 2020 at 8:24 AM

    I'm sure the ticket on that one would have to go to Small Claims Court. You're clearly trying to compensate...

  21. We can thank the "reopen now without mentioning safety" crowd for this, as I believe they tend to be the same people who think they're too good to wear a mask. It's all just self-indulgence, and it's dangerous. If only we could confine the risk to those people!

  22. Oh, so BO's not married? That figures.

  23. Do we also have to chop off our junk too or is that still optional?

  24. "We can thank the "reopen now without mentioning safety" crowd for this, as I believe they tend to be the same people who think they're too good to wear a mask. It's all just self-indulgence, and it's dangerous. If only we could confine the risk to those people!"

    I disagree. I supported the re-open efforts. I think the complete lockdown was overkill, and it was. Especially since nursing homes were ignored. But I and anyone with half a brain supports the wisdom of wearing a mask. It is also the polite thing to do.

  25. BALONEY! Fauci told us all mask's don't help anyone ,then the Surgeon General told us all the same thing ! Many doc's disagree with the use of mask's ! As far as i'm concerned they would like to herd us like sheep! NAH not doing it! THERE ARE FAR TO MANY DIFFERING VIEWS ON MASK'S ! If i entered a hospital that's different ! i wore one in the hairdresser yesterday i had hair all around my mouth and nose because hair fell thru that was fun! i've had it with the MASKS!

  26. It’s unclear to me how this is any different than what was in place previously. Maybe it is just re-marketing.

  27. "Do we also have to chop off our junk too or is that still optional?"

    Be honest. Is yours even visible? Mine cannot be seen from 3' away.

    1. Yeah me too. The older I get the more my turtle retreats to his shell. Is this a regression or a correction? But I will always wear my mask. I'm nothing if not polite.

  28. Bernie O'Hare said:
    "I disagree. I supported the re-open efforts. I think the complete lockdown was overkill, and it was. Especially since nursing homes were ignored. But I and anyone with half a brain supports the wisdom of wearing a mask. It is also the polite thing to do."

    It's not all about you, but, now that you bring yourself into the discussion, let's talk. Yes, you did support reopening. But, like many, seldom did you add that we should open up carefully. That always was my own objection to calls for opening up, that it was much more about reopening than about doing so cautiously.

    And although you never said that people shouldn't wear a mask (and I didn't say that you did), I clearly recall occasions on which you complained about being "told" to wear a mask rather than "asked".

    So many parts of the country reopened incautiously (or never shut down at all) and the virus is gaining. And many still refuse to wear a mask.

    You're part of the problem, whether you admit it or not.

  29. Anonymous said...
    BALONEY! Fauci told us all mask's don't help anyone ,then the Surgeon General told us all the same thing ! Many doc's disagree with the use of mask's ! As far as i'm concerned they would like to herd us like sheep! NAH not doing it! THERE ARE FAR TO MANY DIFFERING VIEWS ON MASK'S ! If i entered a hospital that's different ! i wore one in the hairdresser yesterday i had hair all around my mouth and nose because hair fell thru that was fun! i've had it with the MASKS!
    July 2, 2020 at 10:16 AM

    This is nothing more than a tantrum. He or she should stay the hell away from the rest of us or face punishment. Certainly entry to public buildings should be denied.

  30. "i wore one in the hairdresser yesterday i had hair all around my mouth and nose because hair fell thru that was fun! i've had it with the MASKS!"

    You can refuse to wear one, but remember that your hairdresser can decline to serve you.

  31. 10;30, My position during the lockdown is that business should be able to operate so long as they can adhere to CDC guidelines. I made that clear. There was no need for a lockdown, and most people who opposed the lockdown agreed with following CDC guidelines. I wrote that oin several occasions.

    As far as masks are concerned, I prefer being asked to being told what to do. I said so then and say so now. But I consider it a minor inconvenience and the courteous thing to do.

    If anyone is part of the problem, it is intolerant people like yourself who are unwilling to think and just embrace a position for partisan reasons. You are too willing to look for enemies and people to blame. You are a Ken or a Karen.

  32. "The older I get the more my turtle retreats to his shell. Is this a regression or a correction? But I will always wear my mask. I'm nothing if not polite."

    Lol, exactly!

  33. Jeez, people think of others!
    Not political, like someone else, measure of your IQ!
    Other countries have partly knocked it out with a cohesive approach, including social distancing and masks!
    We have no leadership at the top on this, so mix of different states doing it differently! And num nut, does nothing to lead and then criticizes! yikes
    Some states opened too early, now all states will pay for their mistakes!

  34. Where are pro-choice Pennsylvanians? I'm pro-choice. Let's get back to choice. Anti-choicers claim a woman's abortion is a threat to us all. It's none of their business. Same with masks. My body, my choice. If my doctor says wear one or not, that's between me and my doctor and anti-choicers have no right to invade that privacy.

  35. Remember, there's no correlation between popularity and fact.

  36. July 2, 2020 at 11:41 AM Anonymous said... My body, my choice. If my doctor says wear one or not, that's between me and my doctor...

    No actually it's between you, your doctor and far more importantly the corona virus itself. Irregardless what you or you doctor thinks Covid 19 will make the final decision with or without your consent. If you dislike masks you're really going to hate a ventilator if you end up on one.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Where are pro-choice Pennsylvanians? I'm pro-choice. Let's get back to choice. Anti-choicers claim a woman's abortion is a threat to us all. It's none of their business. Same with masks. My body, my choice. If my doctor says wear one or not, that's between me and my doctor and anti-choicers have no right to invade that privacy.
    July 2, 2020 at 11:41 AM

    What if I choose to be in public but not subject to the threat of you breathing virus germs on me? Or, put another way: I choose that you stay home if you won't wear a mask when near others.

  38. Saw a man remove his mask to sneeze (into his elbow) today. Guess he didn’t want to inhale his own germs.

  39. This is for the troll known as ken or Karen, who tried to respond to my condemnation of him. I have no intention of debating you as you are a troll. You should stop trying to hijack the blogs of other people. It proves you care about no one but yourself, so you are a hypocrite when you slam those who oppose masks as selfish. OK, cupcake?

  40. 1) Unable to wear a mask for health reasons, including mental health. This should include those who are philosophically opposed to masks.

    Outside of immediate recovery from nose/mouth surgery, stitches/open wounds, what sort of medical issues would make wearing a mask in public such a burden?

    If you can't wear a mask, either philosophically or "medically" you are just a weak and soft human being. "It's uncomfortable and hot! "I can't get enough fresh air!" Your grandfather would slap the shit out of you if he were still around you delicate little porcelain figurine.

    We have become a gigantic nation of pussies. Generations gave their lives when it was needed. Now people piss an moan about having to stay home on their couches and God forbid wear a mask to the store for 18 months. To paraphrase Tom Brokaw this is The Gayest Generation.

  41. "Or, put another way: I choose that you stay home if you won't wear a mask when near others."

    Same kind who wear pussy hats and march for choice and control of one's body. Choice for me, but not for thee. New hypocrites are being minted every second these days. Can we get back to roughing up dads for pushing kids on deadly swings? Those deaths were stunning, right? Do you get why you have no credibility? No. Sheep can't do that.

  42. @1:43pm: Honestly, that might have been me. I do, do that. Serious question though...should one sneeze into his//her own mask? I cough into mine, but if I have to sneeze, I pull it it down look away from anybody/everybody (even walk away if need be) and sneeze into my armpit. Is this not acceptable?

    Next question. I take my children to the Community pool. We are (were) required to wear masks when not in the water. Do we now have to wear masks in the water?


  43. When the government cares enough to provide Universal Healthcare to all citizens I'll start considering their health advice and directives.

    Until then, all covid-19 related talk is just a Pro-Trump advertisement to me.

  44. This had to be one of your best blogs.Save this on BO

  45. Bernie, call it what it is SHIM= ken and karan.

  46. Its not a perfect answer as we hear the limits to regular masks but it does help mitigate the chances of spreading this horrible virus and I can't understand why anyone would not want to do that! As a nurse who has heard the stories of loved ones dying I can't comprehend the idea that so many just don't care. Did you hear of the 51 year old that just died going to one family gathering. On his death bed he asked us all to take this seriously. Or did you hear of the pregnant woman on a ventilator and they can't save her but are trying to save her baby? If you haven't lost a loved one you are lucky. This world has become a place where we only seem to care about ourselves. No consequences to our actions. Your inaction of not following distance and mask rules will kill someone. And it appears you don't care. How sad

  47. I’m not an expert in anything,self addmitted. But , Dr Gallo is the director of the University of Maryland school of medicine e’s institute. Of human Virology. . And Co founder of Global Virus Network. He says - An old vaccine that has been used for years - a tablet for polio ,low cost and administered to billions of people with no Sid effects. This OPV would help hold over us until later date. This was original to a Russian discovery. Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine . I was once a Chemical Officer in the U.S.Army.

  48. A pregnant woman must tolerate headaches, nausea, fatigue, bloating and other symptoms for 9 months. It hasn't been 4 months and people are bitching about wearing a mask. I believe we will have a vaccine by the end of the year. If so, you may only have to wear a mask for the length of a pregnancy. Put things in perspective. A small price to pay for slowing the spread and keeping people safe. A 21 year old Penn State student from Allentown just died from COVID19. This is not a game.

  49. Regardless of who wins the election on November 3, come November 4 the mask will be history.
    Bet on it!

  50. Its not a perfect answer as we hear the limits to Universal Healthcare but it does help mitigate illnesses and the chances of spreading horrible viruses and I can't understand why anyone would not want to do that! As a nurse who has heard the stories of loved ones dying I can't comprehend the idea that so many just don't care. Did you hear of the 51 year old that just died going to one family gathering. On his death bed he asked us all to take this seriously. Or did you hear of the pregnant woman on a ventilator and they can't save her but are trying to save her baby? If you haven't lost a loved one you are lucky. This world has become a place where we only seem to care about ourselves. No consequences to our actions. Your inaction of not providing Universal Healthcare will kill someone. And it appears you don't care. How sad

    @5:55PM I provided the pre-Super Tuesday version when 74% of people cared about full spectrum healthcare.

  51. I felt the lockdowns went too far, especially because there was no rhyme or reason to some of the rules of who could open and who couldn't. Having said that, i'm with BO on this one, it's not that big a deal to throw a mask on to go into a store or wherever. If it makes people safer than why not? I too feel it's a common courtesy. Sure they're a pain in the ass, but having nothing open is an even bigger pain in the ass!

  52. That mask IQ test statement has been a meme on Facebook for about 2 months.Of course it's circulating on the left science believing sites. That's why it seems so fresh to the right wing science denier side.


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