Local Government TV

Friday, July 17, 2020

Led By Zrinski, NorCo Council Votes 6-3 Against Democracy

Northampton County Council member Tara Zrinski was elected to the public office she currently holds. She's also running for state representative, which is decided in a public election. But last night, she betrayed a fear of democracy. What's more, five members of County Council joined her. They voted to table a measure that would call on voters to approve a Home Rule Charter change prohibiting discrimination in county employment against someone on the basis of race, religion, age, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views or lawful activities. Council members John Cusick and Kerry Myers, who sponsored the resolution ,voted to let the public decide. They were joined by Council member Lori Vargo-Heffner. Zrinski persuaded Council members Kevin Lott, Bill McGee, Peg Ferraro, Tom Giovanni and Ron Heckman to table the matter.

The proposed Charter change would merely make the County Constitution consistent with existing policy and a recent Supreme Court ruling. Zrinski was fearful the measure would fail if the voters were to decide. "You putting it up for a referendum in an election and the possibility of it being No, could open a huge can of worms for people who are gay in our community," she said.

Amazingly, she distrusts the voter.

"I can't imagine people voting No or against this," responded Cusick. "I'll be voting for it when it's on the ballot ... . To me, it's incomprehensible that in 2021, when this is on the ballot, that people would not believe that these rights should be part of the Home Rule Charter of Northampton County."

Zrinski said that people in the gay community could be hurt, but Cusick disagreed. "I think we should put it up for a vote and stand up for them," he said. "I cannot imagine at this point in time that a majority of the people in this county are that bigoted that they would vote this down."

Noting that "Spring is a long time away," McGee said Council should table and get feedback from "stakeholders."

Kevin Lott noted that, even if it were voted down, the Supreme Court's ruling on discrimination would still take priority.

Kerry Myers told Zrinski people are "more willing to be respectful of their neighbor than you're willing to give them credit for."

Nothing Zrinski does surprises me. But I was shocked that five Council members joined her in asserting basically that they oppose democracy.


  1. Is there any harm in tabling this as far as timing? If Council had passed it, would it be able to be on the November ballot, or is it too late and the referendum would have to be on the primary ballot in spring? If it is too late to get on the general election, there is no harm in tabling.

  2. Your last paragraph was "dopes" instead of "does." I'm not being a dick by calling you out. She is a dope. Freudian slip?

  3. What does it matter if it is part of the Home Rule Charter when it is already law.

  4. "Kerry Myers told Zrinski people are "more willing to be respectful of their neighbor than you're willing to give them credit for.""

    I like Kerry Myers more each day as he transitions from firebrand to statesman. And would Peg Ferraro please go away? She's stealing a capable person's salary and getting dopier by the minute. It's time to hang up the Depends and let taxpayers finally spend some quality time without her.

  5. BTW, it's time for Kerry to replace sleepy seat filler Bob Freeman, whom nobody can prove is still alive. Bob's made a lifelong home in the citizen legislature and is really an embarrassment to democracy. He needs to step aside and stop stealing his salary as well.

  6. I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Ding dong is a true believer in Alinsky and his rules for radicals. The poor unwashed masses surely cannot make the right decision themselves. Thank God Zrinski is here with her cape on to save us from ourselves.

  7. Your take on this is wrong, Cusick is playing a game here, making laws for laws that already exist. TZ did the right thing

  8. You don't seem to like it when ;public bodies vote against your wishes, which happens often. Have you considered that the one with the problem is you? And you seem to have quite a vendetta against Zrinski. After all, there were five other votes.

  9. He is playing no game. He believes that the county policy should be enshrined in the county constitution. I have watched him for years, and he likes i's dotted and t's crossed. In wake of recent national events, now is precisely the time to push such a measure as well, which is why Kerry Myers supports it. No matter how you slice this, Zrinski does not trust the voter to do what is right. So apparently do the five Council members who voted to table.

  10. "s there any harm in tabling this as far as timing? If Council had passed it, would it be able to be on the November ballot, or is it too late and the referendum would have to be on the primary ballot in spring? If it is too late to get on the general election, there is no harm in tabling."

    I believe it's silly to have a gay parade of speakers concerning the wisdom of this measure. Myers and Cusick both already stated they had discussions with the community. The reality is that Zrinski distrusts democracy and five members of Council played into that fear. Thius should do wonders for the re-election campaigns.

  11. "What does it matter if it is part of the Home Rule Charter when it is already law."

    The composition of the Supreme Court could change and, with it, the law. If it is in the Charter and approved by the people, then it really is the law. Right now it is "policy" and that could change with a different exec.

  12. Just for the sake of demonstrating to the public that the county is in agreement with state and federal laws, it should be included in the charter.
    If the public were to vote it down - which I don't believe they would - this and future councils would be able to have the moral ground of reminding people they tried to include it.
    It's a BS excuse to say, "What if."

  13. Zrinski will get reality check from voters soon when they hand her her tail and deny her state rep job. She's lost now and not qualified and can't handle council job.

  14. "You don't seem to like it when ;public bodies vote against your wishes, which happens often. Have you considered that the one with the problem is you? And you seem to have quite a vendetta against Zrinski. After all, there were five other votes."

    What I don't like is when a public body is unwilling to allow a simple and uncomplicated matter go before the voters. It betrays a distrust of the people. As far as Zrinski is concerned, she herself has a scanty record of voting before deciding to run for office herself. She is the sole Council member I know to be sanctioned for perjury. She is dishonest. She blatantly misrepresented what Bethlehem Township Comm'rs did concerning the PennEast pipeline, and lied about its location at a Council meeting. She fear-mongered, claiming falsely that it ran by a school, hospital and residences. She is late to or completely misses many committee meetings. She is rude at Council meetings, often interrupting others. She is one of the worst elected officials I've ever encountered. It's no vendetta. I have ample basis to view her with suspicion, just as she views the public with suspicion.

  15. Bernie, you just think you're always the smartest person in the room. I have new got you.

  16. Put it in front of the voters.County Council needs a overhaul Term limits People who are sanctioned for perjury have no business being in such a position and I agree with your last statement.What are the naysayers afraid of ??? That the voters may actually take charge and get rid of some of the embarassments to our County

    Myers and Cusick are both in touch with the Community

  17. Good morning. Here’s a death threat for all who refuse to kneel.

  18. "Bernie, you just think you're always the smartest person in the room. I have new got you."

    My points about Zrinski and this ridiculous action have nothing to do with my intelligence.

    1. Between 2000 and 2008, she was listed as an Independent, and only voted in one municipal race in 2003. In 2008, she became a Democrat, but skipped voting completely in the municipal races of 2009, 2011 and 2013. When John Brown was elected Executive, she failed to vote at all. When Gracedale was on the chopping block, she cast no vote.

    2. She was sanctioned for perjury in a custody dispute (See NorCo Docket 2007-9468, Court Order dated 12/16/08, Paragraph 14).

    3. She actually skipped out on a finance committee discussing county plans to borrow $26 million so she could attend a political rally for congressional candidate Susan Wild.

    4. She believes "white males can get away with anything, shrouded by privileged [sic] and protected by the entourage of patriarchy, the ultimate fraternity."

    And now we know she distrusts democracy. She may be a Democrat, but is no democrat.

  19. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECQctVTbSLc"

    That's no death threat. Don't be silly.

  20. Unfortunately Bernie she represents the faction of the Democratic party that is in charge of the party right now.

    It's a damn shame.

  21. Not to mention she sits on the LNAA LVIA Airport authority board. She's lost there too and knows little about aviation.

  22. Or
    It is a wedge issue designed to get swing voters to vote Republican.
    not to the same scale but similar to this blast from the past

  23. It is only a wedge issue in the minds of those who have a dim view of the people.

  24. Blue Badger, aka Bill Villa, Here's an idea. Post your claptrap on your own blog. It's the one no one reads.

  25. If I am not mistaken Ms Zirinski appears to be wearing a campaign advertisement at her council meetings. It looks as though her face mask has some sort of Zirinski for state house logo on it. Is it illegal to wear campaign paraphernalia at a council meeting if you are an elected official?

  26. I have not seen this, but if she is doing this, it is improper. Bonusgate defendants found out you may not use public resources for partisan politics. But any violation here appears to be de minimis.

  27. Why not make a rule that we treat all people like humans . To make this statements about race ,- is racism. If she ship out to of her political obligations to attend a WILD rally then she should have been docked that month’s salary. Show up of don’t get paid. They all took an oath.

  28. This Woman does not trust basic concepts central to democracy, she is part of the progressive Left..... She is in the purist sense a Faschist.
    She "knows" what is best for the common man, screw the ballot box ! Her every move and statements liken her to the movements of the 1920's and 30's. She is someone to fear. Someone who wants to take away our freedoms. She could give a shit less about gay rights or any individual rights. She is about raw power and self agrandissment. Both the far Left and far Right are a real danger to our way of life. Both Parties have lost their focus ( compliments of the Media establishment, whom I might add are employees of corporations.... Not elected representatives ) we are swimming in a politically proper universe afraid of uttering our thoughts or beliefs. She represents the worst of mankind...... "Think what I Think or you will be purged". Scary stuff ! She is a shining example of what is wrong with America today. Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, Gingrich, et al, are major demagogues. Zirinski is a pissant demagogue but still earns the sobriquet of Faschist. What the hell happened to the Democrat and Republican Parties of the past. Neither one of those Parties would tolerate her as a candidate let alone an elected official.

  29. Ms. Zirinski is no better or worse than seat fillers Freeman and Samuelson in Harrisburg. She is a voice for women and those oppressed by the patriarchy. She has a great deal of support amongst the oppresed minorities that want change, If she was not comfortable with this measure I am sur she was aware of something you are not aware of, so why not lay off of her! As an older white male you may have an ulterior motive.

  30. Zrinski is the kind of deeply disturbed personality all too often drawn to political office.

  31. She is just a puppet for you know who.

  32. The McClure absolutely discriminates! I know first hand. He needs to go.

  33. LGBT Equality is still a red meat issue and what is the point of putting Equality up for vote in an election in 2020? Anti-marriage equality is believed to have put Bush 2 in the WH. From my understanding, the recent Supreme Court ruling settled this matter. If Republicans don't have any other issues to get voter turn out at this time their heads are just too far up their asses.
    Being out gay seniors, my spouse and I have had front row seats to bias in this region and all the window dressing that accompanies the smoke being blown. To many LGBT citizens, these ordinances are window dressing.
    I am not defending Taz, I am defending Common Sense.

  34. Zirinski is a puppet. She is all about window dressing. She dies not have a sincere bone in her body. She screams about the male patriarchy controlling everything, yet she is controlled by a male leader telling her what to do and say. She follows orders because she thinks that will win her the state house. She is a sad example of an elected official. All sizzle and no meat. Even democrats are supporting he opponent


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.