Local Government TV

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Independence Day and MLK

Today, a bunch of tea party members and Northampton County Republicans will drape themselves in the flag to read the Declaration of Independence. This is their proof that they're patriots. Here are the words that Dr. Martin Luther King added in an independence day speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1962.
In a sense we've come to our nation's Capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check; a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds.”
It's time to honor that bad check


  1. Will there be a cross burning as part of their fireworks display?

  2. Race hustlers gonna hustle. And you're a pretty good one, Bern. Happy Independence Day. Try not to throw your guilty woke white ass off a bridge today. There are hotlines that troubled self flagellates can call. Hope it works out. Boy did Malcolm X see unhelpful racist idiots like you coming:

    “The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.”

  3. I had a dream that a majority white nation elected a black man twice by landslides. And then we realized that race was not really the issue. Using race for political purposes is the issue. Democrats have been on the wrong side of race issues since the founding of the nation, from Southern slavery to founding the KKK to Jim Crow to filibustering two civil rights bills to funding the shocking abortion extermination that takes black lives at a rate eight times higher than non-blacks. And Woodrow Wilson and Robert Byrd are still heroes. The irony in this post is delicious.

  4. Nice try 5:32 but you don't get to cherry-pick the parts you want, to try and create a division, like your Fuhrer Trump. You forgot to include this part:

    After making a religious pilgrimage to Mecca in April 1964, he began, in his own words, to “reappraise the ‘white man.’” From that point forward, Malcolm moved away from black separatism and wholesale denunciations of whites, and instead embraced a more humanistic approach to fighting oppression.

  5. “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

    ― Jesse Jackson

  6. 16 presidents visited South Dakota, half of them visited Mount Rushmore, guess how many were demonstrated against.

  7. Maybe Lee Snover can find a BLM counter protest on way home??? Happy 4th All!!!

  8. This is all an indication that leftists, liberals, etc., really consider Blacks inferior, they believe that they cannot succeed without help from a government program.

    The promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness indicates the rest is up to the individual. there is no guarantee of success, just the right to pursue success.

    if you have been taught for decades that everything that goes wrong in your life is the result of racism, success is impossible.

    Recent immigrants from Africa, look at American Blacks as an oddity. do a survey, ask them, they are grateful to be here and love the opportunity that they have.

    We all struggle in some way in our life, we have to get back up over and over in different ways. We are all our worst enemies. If people keep blaming others it means they feel they cannot succeed without the good will of others.

    Blacks are in effect telling America they cannot succeed on their own. That need perpetual help.

    We no longer have slavery today in this country. Only the self imposed limits imposed on peoples minds.

  9. Speaking of checks, does anyone really believe that reparations even in the trillions of dollars will make blacks successful.

  10. LOL 7:35. You try to say you're against division, but then call Trump the Fuhrer. Not a big fan of Trump, but who is dividing who? Seems to me that if you are in public life you are bullied into saying certain things or you will be fired and run out of town these days. Any deviance from the marxist mobs guidelines of what is or isn't racist, and you and your family are done. Freedom of speech? LOL it's dead!

  11. Bernie, many commenters on your site lately should just go out and stick a stick of Dynamite up there ass and let the blasting cap do the rest.
    A wonderful 4th to all as a celebration of FREEDOM many have fought and died for in the name of Americanism. Black, white, purple with pink pocadots with a rainbow running through it!

  12. Hey 12:24, maybe you should read up on how the GI Bill was denied to millions of black WWII veterans....

  13. "black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are". Are what?
    Anyone read the National News today?

  14. LOL 12:35. Obviously, you are upset that freedom of speech is very much alive and the country is expressing that freedom when they tell you that your racist friend's opinions won't be tolerated, even if the president promotes that same racist hate speech.

  15. They should recite Frederick Douglass' "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"

  16. The Tea Party with a flag. Might I remind you that shortly after Trump was elected president the local Tea Party gathered in front of Bethlehem City Hall to celebrate the Trump victory and the local REpublican party is trying hard to get Trump reelected. It appears that Bernie is now playing the race card just like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Easton Mayor Sal Panto. When Sharpton and Jackson need money for their "cause" they threaten to label businessmen "racist" if they do not contribute. AS for Mayor Panto, if he can't get citizens to support his proposed zoning changes to benefit Lafayette College he labels his distractors "racist".
    O'Hare-Jackson-Sharpton and Panto" Four peas in a pod.

  17. I have been walking around with a flag tied to my lower member like a flagpole for weeks waiting for this great holiday. Tonight I will be waving my flag on it's flagpole from atop of George's head after the POTUS speaks.

  18. 1.08 , We also read that the Egyptians made the sons of Israel make bricks, get over it.

  19. WE all have work to do regardless of our color. Talk to African American's in a sincere manner about their history. Sadly O'Hare publishes his boy King McClure's white man press release on his black lives summit speech but old BO has not even mentioned Mr.Kerry Meyers' Racial Unity Summit he held. Of course Mt. Meyers was not looking for a big press release. Mr. Meyers as the only African-American COUNTY elected official may have more insight that O'Hare's boy.

  20. He does, but I am unable to write about a racial unity summit unless I know about it. If thi8s is the event attended by the DA at Shiloh, I got two hours notice.

  21. "It appears that Bernie is now playing the race card just like ...'

    Um, I didn't call you racist, though many of you are. I basically called you phonies.

  22. " does anyone really believe that reparations even in the trillions of dollars will make blacks successful."

    Perfect example of systemic racism.

  23. As someone who spews such nasty vitriol at people on his hate blog, you are not one to preach to us on systematic anything. Get help yourself!

  24. I like the idea of separate national anthems. Pretty soon, we can do separate lunch counters and water fountains, too. I love where this is going, don't you? A country divided .... And imagine the cost of reparations if we weren't heading of black babies at a rate 8x that of breeding whites. The more we knock off, the lower the eventual bill. Keep aborting for the sake of white people! An ounce of abortion is worth a ton of cash down the road.

  25. 8:24, good idea! Let's have all the racists stay together in a padded room.

  26. Kerry Meyers doesn't like white folks. A few years ago he complained that the Easton High football team coaching staff was "lilly white". I wonder what would happen if I complained that a business or sports operation had too many blacks? Mr Meyers would have protesters marching in the streets.

  27. You have mentioned this several times and I have addressed it several times. As I have pointed out several times, Kerry Meyers was absolutely right at the time he made his criticism. In fact, there are far too many minority coaches in the LV. Toomey Anderson did a survey of basketball coaches from the LV several years ago, and that was his observation as well. In fact, I have written about this. It's called systemic racism. Next time you make this complaint, I will decline to publish it.


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