Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Downtown Bethlehem Ass'n Urges Wolf to Reverse Restaurant Restrictions

On July 15, Governor Tom Wolf and Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine both signed orders targeting bars, restaurants and mandating telework where possible. They took effect on July 16, leaving these businesses little time to adjust. In essence, the latest edicts ban bar service; prohibit the sale of alcohol unless food is also ordered; and limit occupancy to 25%, including staff. Indoor gatherings of more than 25 people and outdoor get-togethers of more than 250 people are barred.

The Downtown Bethlehem Association’s Board of Directors has released the following statement Regarding Governor Tom Wolf’s merchant restrictions starting 12:01a.m., July 16th

The merchants of the DBA (Downtown Bethlehem Association) have complied with every mandate handed down since the beginning of COVID-19 mitigation in Pennsylvania and are devastated by the recent restrictions hurting our employees, businesses and the economy at large.

We, restaurants specifically, committed to follow the safety standards provided by the PA Department of Health and the CDC (Center for Disease Control), and we did. We committed to ensuring the well-being of our employees and customers with our PPE usage and extra cleaning protocols, and we did.

We have signed the #VowoftheValley, a Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce initiative designed to provide clear recognition for the commitment made by businesses, large and small, to protect the health, safety and well-being of employees and customers. This means all federal, state, and local public health guidelines are vowed to be followed at any location with The Vow of The Valley designation.

Mandates with only hours notice create upheaval in our small businesses. We must be able to serve our customers or we will not be here to serve them in the future.

The Downtown Bethlehem Association Board of Directors urges a reversal in this mandate, at least in Lehigh and Northampton Counties, and for government officials to hold accountable those who are not compliant with mandated guidelines.


  1. Judgments must be made. Health comes first.

  2. I agree with the DBA -- the restrictions put in place since March are devastating to so many and it seems as though little thought was put into this one. Perhaps if Wolf or Levine owned a restaurant, they'd look the other way. Still thinking yellow is in our future (should check with Murray and Cuomo on that).

  3. 5:05, and if you had been directly affected by COVID-19, you'd think differently.

  4. Not all downtown restaurants are practicing social distancing & I have reported MamaNinas repeatedly for not doing so. Many people stroll the street (Main) without masks and literally touch people sitting at tables all along the street. THis is a worldwide pandemic and the sooner people take things seriously, the sooner we can get back to business as usual!

  5. You have reported a nonfranchise restaurant trying to stay alive, and repeatedly? What a good little Nazi you must be.

  6. So then, you're ok with them putting people's lives at stake by the lack of mandated social distancing for the sake of the almighty dollar?

  7. No, I oppose restrictions when they are imposed where they are not needed ansd believe social distancing has been observed.

  8. I do miss going to the social clubs to hang out with my buds, but it was nice seeing PA a deep green (the only one in the U.S.) on the Covid chart. Take out and out door dining may just have to be the new normal of our future.

  9. While Pennsylvania threatens restaurants, taverns, and social clubs with fines, closings and loss of licenses, I see no effort to refund, prorate, or suspend collections of fees and licenses for the time that the state has made these businesses plunge headfirst in to bankruptcy or permanent closure.

  10. Hey, forget enforcement. The virus will just go away, right?

  11. I dislike little Nazis who report mom 'n pop businesses. I detest informers far more than misguided souls who feel they need no mask.

  12. Wolf took thevNazi route of penalizing every restaurant in the state for the transgressions of few. The local police & PLCB knew who the bad actor late night bars are & they failed to enforce the prior restrictions. If Mama Nina or Molly’s were violators then cite them but don’t penalize Appolo or Edge or Hotel Bethlehem.

  13. Everytime I see the Chambers Tony he is being interviewed from his bunker. Why not at one of his memberships businesses

  14. So Bernie calls the folks reporting violators of safe distancing and masking requirements "little Nazis". A bit hyperbolic I'd say considering we're in the middle of a pandemic that could easily go south here in the valley with foolish behaviors like we've seen in the sun belt. The only person actually using fascist-like behavior is the idiot in the WH who has decided his base needs more juicing so let's send in the federal troops to handle local enforcement. THAT is who you should be calling out as a fascist if you want to be accurate Bernie.


  16. Huntress, I absolutely agree that sending feds to pick people up in the streets and shoved them in an unmarked van is fascist behavior. Do not make the mistake of assuming I defend that tactic bc I oppose it. I oppose all fascist behavior on state and federal level.

  17. All democrats are not necessarily fascists although it would be beneficial to their cause. Give them some time to get out of their closets.

  18. Now that Fearless Leader Trump is (sort of) pro-mask, how could it possibly be that anyone is left who resists them?


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